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View Full Version : A319 spoliers and Speed on APP

3rd Sep 2007, 18:39
I recall some old wise pilot once showed me that on the bus if you use the spolers with Config 1 or 2 in final app the Autothrust will setle down at about 140 kts for a while no matter what the VREF is and the wind is (it will actually setle down at around such speed and it will not follow the bug, not to be confused with Gsmini).
I know it's like that and I am aware of it (I can see it happening all the time somebody that doesn't know it uses the spoiler in the above mentioned circunsatances) but I cannot find any ref on the FCOM (just to give one when trying to explain the scenario to other collegues)!
Any help?
Cheers Speevy

Hand Solo
3rd Sep 2007, 23:14
Given that you really shouldn't be at 140kts in Conf 1 or 2 on approach I'm assuming you mean the phenomena where if you use speedbrake on the approach the speed settles above Vapp for a while. There won't be any reference in the FCOM because it's a defect. We encountered it when we introduced the 319 several years ago after many years experience with the 320. It can be fixed by a software mod.

4th Sep 2007, 02:00
That's exactly what I meant.
Cheers Speevy