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30th Aug 2007, 10:01
In the UK is there a policy for priority for clearances on push, taxi, flight planning, airways joining, CTA join, Approach etc given in the standard MAYDAY, PAN, Medical, Mercy, Public Transport, Military, Charter, GEeneral Aviation etc?

Its getting annoying arriving at an approach frequency and getting told too slow down, hold or vectored to Timbuktoo whilst a citation or c172 is poncing in the area.

30th Aug 2007, 10:08
emergency traffic always gets priority. there are other categories aswell that take prioit over standard flights. it sounds to me like you are not in on eof these though, so just wait your turn. what makes your flight more important than a 172?

30th Aug 2007, 10:08
annoying that your not the only aircraft in the sky eh?

30th Aug 2007, 11:38
Air France to ATC: "What iz zee reason for ze delay?"
ATC: "Aeroplanes"
AFR: "Pardon?"
ATC: "No aeroplanes, no delay."

Chilli Monster
30th Aug 2007, 11:48
annoying that your not the only aircraft in the sky eh?

Happens on the ground too. Aircraft remote holding:

"Ground, request further taxy, understand we can be airborne at 18"

"Well, you could, but the other 3 behind you are all on earlier slots, hold position, you're still number 4 in the sequence"

Must be great not having to worry about what goes on outside their own little aluminium world ;)

Max Angle
30th Aug 2007, 16:27
annoying that your not the only aircraft in the sky eh?Very, life would be much easier plus no need for ATC!
Must be great not having to worry about what goes on outside their own little aluminium worldWell that's just life I am afraid, the only thing we are interested in that situation is getting airborne ASAP, why should we worry about when the other aircraft get to go?

30th Aug 2007, 20:03
<<Air France to ATC: "What iz zee reason for ze delay?"
ATC: "Aeroplanes">>
That was always my response 30 years ago!!

If Virga flies big jets there obviously is no reason why he should be delayed for a clockwork mouse...

<<why should we worry about when the other aircraft get to go?>>

But pilots DO - they jolly well DO; "Why is Speedbird going ahead of us?", etc, etc.

30th Aug 2007, 20:33
Heard by me years ago "........, Bigjet 123, why are we being vectored number two to that private aircraft ahead?" (there was an aircraft using a registration on frequency)

Came the answer "Bigjet 123, be advised that "private" aircraft is a company Trident 12 miles ahead"

As for priorities on the ground, the ANO has something to say about that, as I had occasion to remind a pilot who complained when I told him to give way to an aircraft being towed.

30th Aug 2007, 21:36
Handling Agent,
"Hello Manch ATC, why has xxx123 not taken off yet? he pushed 20 mins ago."
Me..."It's because we are an Intenational Airport"
H.A. "Pardon"
Me...He's no 10 in the queue....:ok:
H.A. Ooohh...click...brrrrrrrrrr

31st Aug 2007, 00:45

because my dear chap, an IFR flight has equal priority to every other IFR flight unless it is an emergency or higher flight status.

Damned annoying, what what?:rolleyes::ugh::D

surf bum
31st Aug 2007, 14:08
Not just IFR flights

Table from Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 (CAP493)

A Aircraft in emergency (e.g. engine fault, fuel shortage, seriously ill
passenger). Aircraft which have declared a 'Police Emergency'.
Ambulance/Medical aircraft when the safety of life is involved.

B Flights operating for search and rescue or other humanitarian
reasons. Post accident flight checks. Other flights, including Open
Skies Flights, authorised by the CAA.

C Royal flights, Flights carrying visiting Heads of State which have been notified by NOTAM/Temporary Supplement.

D Flights notified by the CAA carrying Heads of Government or very senior government ministers.

E Flight check aircraft engaged on, or in transit to, time or weather critical calibration flights.Other flights authorised by the CAA.

i) Flights which have filed a flight plan in the normal way and conforming with normal routing procedures.
ii) Initial instrument flight tests conducted by the CAA Flight Examining Unit. (RTF callsign EXAM)

Z Training, non-standard and other flights.

So if yon puddle jumper has "filed a flight plan in the normal way " or even booked out (it still counts!!) he has the same "rights" as your multiseat megajet!!

However, at mixed traffic aerodromes, we do try to arrange things so that the least delay possible is caused to all. (Or the most if you annoy us).

Surfs up and its friday

Surf Bum

1st Sep 2007, 09:48
Its getting annoying arriving at an approach frequency and getting told too slow down, hold or vectored to Timbuktoo whilst a citation or c172 is poncing in the area.
Unless the Citation or C172 is a survey, test or training flight and so Category 'Z' or you're in an emergency, the flight priorities are "first come first served" although ATC will endeavour to reduce the overall traffic delay sometimes by changing the order of play.
Those are the rules by which we - in civil ATC at least - have to operate. That's not to say that every air traffic controller agrees with them, though... ;)