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View Full Version : Aus CPL to Canadian CPL and IR

28th Aug 2007, 15:11
hey guys
a bit of history is needed to elucidate on my situation a bit. i am few hours away from getting my Australian CPL and was hoping to do my ME Instrument Rating here. However, the gods are laughing, it seems.

Due to the fact that my girlfriend is from Toronto and works for Air Canada (also based in Toronto), I have been forced to think about moving closer to her and finishing up my IR.

Can you guys please help me to understand the process thats involved with me converting my CASA CPL- Canadian and also recommend few flight schools in/around Toronto who can assist and train for an Instrument Rating after? Anyone "been there done that?"

Sorry if this topic has already been covered but the search result didnt come up with anything. Maybe the fact that its 00:40 local time has something to do with it :bored:

Thanks again!

1st Sep 2007, 04:43
I'd just e-mail a school and see what they say. Most established ones are probably pretty experienced with converting licenses. I'm not from that area so I really can't direct you to anyone in particular. Pro IFR in Vancouver is a good bet though just to contact for info - even if you aren't planning on training with them you can still get their spiel.

BTW - TO is a tough spot for first jobs if you're thinking about working here afterwards... plan on going north/west...

1st Sep 2007, 05:50
thanks altiplano
much appreciate your reply. i have been waiting for someone to reply but ALAS! :\

anyway, i dont intend to find a job in canada after Instrument Rating. I was going to do it here in Aus but the situation made me decide to go to Toronto to be with the missus.

I just needed to know the process thats involved in regards to converting the Aus CPL to Canadian one and if someone has already done it, then please explain the process. Is there a particular school you found to be friendly that helped you with the conversion etc etc.

Thanks again alti

1st Sep 2007, 22:11
Hello mate,

I converted my aus cpl to a canadian one a few years ago and didn't find it too stressful. I think the only thing that took the time was the medical.. apparently you can do that here in aus before you go... that might save some time.

I found it a lot easier than the aus cpl... only 1 exam, get a letter from the cfi and take it to an exam centre... you can do it there and then, not like the ridiculous booking system we have here. You will have your results straight away. It's not open book, but at least it means they don't test around the edges.

Buy the canadian aips and have a good read... the rules aren't too dissimilar to here.

Flying wise the flying school will need to do a few flights with you to familiarise.. i think i only did 2 or 3 before my cpl test. The test was a piece of cake.. did it in a 172P (no requirement for csu), took about 1.5hrs, got going on a nav, given a short diversion, some VOR intercepts (very big on vors over there) some steep turns, stalls, a spin, and back for a few circuits.

Oh, for the record, I did mine at the Brampton Flying Club, cos it was close to where I was staying. There are a few floating around, have a search and see what you can find!

Good luck!

2nd Sep 2007, 06:30
mate thanks heaps for your reply. time to check out the flight school u mentioned online.

do overseas drivers need to convert their driving license into canadian one or a foreigner is allowed to drive (foreigners in aussie can drive as long as they can prove they are visitors with overseas license) with their local license of origin?

i heard living cost is a pain in toronto (Compared to Adelaide!!!!!!), gotta find a way round it seems.

Thanks again

3rd Sep 2007, 06:03
not sure mate... when i went over I got an international licence... it's valid for as long as your aussie one is valid... can't remember where to get it... i didnt go to the MVR, thename escapes me at the moment. If u in adelaide, it was just around the corner from modbury triangle...

3rd Sep 2007, 06:24
RAA, u mean?

3rd Sep 2007, 06:42
thats the one... take in a passport photo.

Good luck, have some good flying! I never got back to use the licence!

Make sure you sort out work permits etc before you get over there... from memory you can't do it whilst in country.