View Full Version : How to report?

low n' slow
11th Aug 2007, 12:31
Here's one for all of you ATCO's.
I've been puzzled sometimes by the radar service provided in Bergen, Norway. On quite a few occasions I've been vectored on to the ILS (or so their ATC claims) with a final intercept of 80 degrees. This is to me an unacceptable sercive. It's not vectored and it's not a full procedure. But is it something to report? It's not directly dangerous, in most cases we manage to pick the LOC, but on more than one occasion, we've had to go missed because of the steep intercept (unable to get established). Trying to catch it from that heading requires us to really slow down and also "steal a couple of degrees on the heading" which isn't the way to do it if you like to go by the book. It's unacceptable and I'd like to comunicate this to the ATCO in question, but I don't want to do it on frequency. Which report should I file or do you have any other suggestions?

Also, into Molde, we are in contact with Bodö for quite some time. Then we go over to Kvernberget TWR for a very short period. We would like to get the inbound clearance from Bodö to enable us to prepare for the approach and to set everything up before we head down. The terrain is quite high there so we don't want to be fiddling about with briefings and nav set ups when closing in on rising terrain. It's allways the same and the result is allways quite a high workload late in the approach. When asking Bodö for an inbound clearance the reply is quite often "you'll get it from KVB TWR in about 10 minutes...". How shall I report this? It's not an immediate safety matter, but we'd like to communicate this to them in a professional manner. How would you do it?


11th Aug 2007, 17:48
May I suggest that the very best option would be to make contact with the relevant ATC units and discuss the matter? I do not believe that the question regarding intercept headings justifies a "report" but it would surely be worth talking to the Watch Supervisor/ manager and asking why they use such steep closing headings. This way the message would get to the controller(s) concerned whereas it may not reach them on here.

Best regards..

11th Aug 2007, 18:21
I can't understand why someone vectors a/c into final HDG with 80 degrees angle. My opinion is that it is wrong and unsafe especially if it is high terrain area . This is big mistake and it should be reported officially. Remember that ATC managers react only when papers are presented to them. If only one ATCO doing this is not big problem but if it is systematic way of working that is exactly safety matter. If it is safety related matter ( Why our people working on wrong way) then you should write report and in some serious country it could solve problem. Otherwise it will become standard procedure.

12th Aug 2007, 08:11
low n' slow,

Not certain from your post what you fly, but you sound as though you work for some sort of outfit. Suggest you get on to your Ops department/Safety manager/Chief Pilot, and get them to take up the matter with the various authorities at Bergen and Bodo. Always better to have a company behind you in these matters - it makes people take notice.

low n' slow
12th Aug 2007, 10:42
Thanks all!
From what I've notcied the Bodö/Molde inbound clearance is something that seems to have been put into the system. It's how they've allways done it and it seems it's how they're going to continue as well.

The Bergen thing, I've allways recognised the controllers voice and from experience I know what he's going to do. It seems it's one specific controller that does this and the others seem to go with 30-40 degree intercepts.

I'll get in touch with our chief pilot and see what he thinks about it (although he seems to be overloaded at the moment), perhaps he can contact the relevant units and have a chat.

Again, thanks/ LnS