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View Full Version : China ATC phraseology?

28th Jul 2007, 08:41
I've been flying in and out of China lately and I hear ATC using the term "non standard" during climb and descent clearances. What are they talking about? I see alternate altitudes for transition altitude for high or low hPa but this hasn't been the case when ATC uses the phrase "non standard" Anyone have a clear answer?

28th Jul 2007, 08:56
east odd, west even.....that is standard.

anything contrary to that is "non-standard".

hope that helps

28th Jul 2007, 09:04

I thought the same thing when I first started around these parts but what they are saying is...

"ON STANDARD" as apart from 'non standard' referencing hemisphrical levels.

As sometimes they may want you on STD rather than local QNH earlier or later than TX level depending on traffic.

Hope this helps

Boat - exciting and new!!!

28th Jul 2007, 18:16
east odd, west even.....that is standard.

Not quite that simple in their neck of the woods mate. Still operating non-RVSM hemispherical metric levels there, like 9,600 10,200 11,400 metres. Supposed to be going Metric RVSM in November.