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View Full Version : Textbook covering CRM

25th Jul 2007, 09:48
I have an interview coming up. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good book regarding flight deck CRM so that, if asked, I can talk "knowledgably" about the subject at interview.

I initially thought of stuff like The Naked Pilot, but it seems more to do with human factors rather than CRM. I'm after the sort of thing you might have to study to qualify as a CRM instructor. Overkill for a job interview maybe, but there's nothing like being prepared.

25th Jul 2007, 21:33
Get on the CAA website and download the pdf of CAP 737. Read and digest and you will not go far wrong. It is over 200 pages but an easy read.

25th Jul 2007, 23:07
Introduction to Pilot Decision Making (www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/systemsafety/pubs/pdm/module1.htm)

The Decision-making Process (www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/systemsafety/pubs/pdm/module2.htm)

Human Performance Factors (www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/systemsafety/pubs/pdm/module3.htm)

Human Error (www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/systemsafety/pubs/pdm/module4.htm)

Risk Management (www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/systemsafety/pubs/pdm/module5.htm)

27th Jul 2007, 09:38
Cheers, just the stuff I was after.