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View Full Version : SVFR viz - helicopters

22nd Jul 2007, 08:45
What is the limit on viz for a svfr transit in the London TMA for a helicopter?
I'm getting conflicting opinions at the moment and hoped that someone here could clarify the situation for my own mind.

22nd Jul 2007, 09:15
Don't think you really mean the London TMA. There are limits from transitting the London Control Zone and for crossing Heathrow and these are detailed in the AIP.

22nd Jul 2007, 09:31
Sorry you're right I meant the London Control Zone. I am aware that svfr is only available in a control zone.
I have been to the AIP ENR 1-2-1 but couldn't find any reference to svfr limit for transits or the heliroutes there. Am I looking in the correct section?
OK HD have found it in AD specific section.... 1km viz, 2km if landing at, taking off from or crossing LHR.

22nd Jul 2007, 10:24
You need to go to the Heathrow specific text data (http://www.ais.org.uk/aes/pubs/aip/pdf/aerodromes/302LL01.PDF) and scroll down to around EGLL AD 2.22 section 8 or thereabouts.

22nd Jul 2007, 10:28
Had just located it but thanks anyway Roffa.

28th Jul 2007, 18:14
others are correct here to issue of fly svfr in london control zone you have to have 1000m horizontal and the cloud ceiling needs to above 600ft agl--rgds

28th Jul 2007, 18:47

Assuming you're talking about helicopters, and specifically helicopters on the heli-routes as you mention 1km viz, what's your reference for the cloud ceiling requirement?