View Full Version : XL Airways

16th Jul 2007, 22:24
Does anyone have any information regarding the current situation in XL Airways regarding the usual T's and C's, morale, rostering etc. on the 73 fleet?:O

Feel free to PM me.:ok:

17th Jul 2007, 10:34
I have the same question but onto their 767 fleet.

Many thanks

21st Jul 2007, 22:15
The 757/767 fleet is rapidly going down the pan and crew morale with it. There are two airlines within XL. The original good ol' boys from Sabre(genuflect genuflect)and the cowboy lowlife from Air Atlanta Icelandic and Europe(ie the 757,767 and 747 fleets). There has been little attempt at integration since the two were merged. XL management are a cadre of Sabre/Excel Originals. As far as they are concerned they are the truth and the light and all others are worthless. The 757s and 767s are believed to be going within the next year to 18 months, I say 'believed' because the whole place is run on rumour as the management don't believe in communication and the little that does escape from the CEO's pen seems to emanate from one who is almost childishly illiterate.) Most 757 767 crew members wouldn't know who their bosses were or what they looked like. The future is so stark, most people are in the process of Zooming off. The whole tone of the place is encapsulated by the CEO's request at last year's End of Season Party in a Crawley club. Having failed to gain the attention of all present,he yelled 'Shut the F**k up'. One to avoid.

22nd Jul 2007, 11:12
Sorry, please disregard all I said previously.I have obviously been deluded.XL is indeed a well led,integrated friendly bunch and crew morale on the 747,757,767 fleets couldn't be higher.I was obviously confused by forgetting that trainers are managers.I'd recommend you apply for the 757/767 fleet.If successful,you will be asked immediately to choose between the 737(probably part time to begin with),A320s (based somewhere in Europe for a year) or redundancy!

22nd Jul 2007, 17:38

Sounds like you "doth protest to much!" Where there is smoke theres' fire. Most of the Guys I have spoken to have no illusion that it is not a career airline.

I am amazed that the shower is still in business.

22nd Jul 2007, 18:33
This is nothing...wait until the 330 is crewed, then you will see some bitching!

Lou Stulewater
22nd Jul 2007, 22:11
Just presenting another perception. AAE wasnt a career airline either but that doesnt stop people constantly making out they were.As for being in business..well they are so whos right the bitchers or the non bitchers


exactly just bitching. Same sh1t everywhere.

Daft Wader
23rd Jul 2007, 14:00
Abra you could always take the well trodden path from XL to Zoom / Flyglobespan and then there you will discover the other little known path that leads right back.......

May the farce be with you

Daft Wader


23rd Jul 2007, 14:56
Lou Stoolwater, Daft Won*ker its pretty clear you guys are either management, or management stoolies:} either way, you clearly don't wish to open your eyes to the current perception from your crop of 75/76 crews.
Goodluck living in fairyland:ok:
Londonmet, I would avoid X'hell if I was you.

Daft Wader
23rd Jul 2007, 15:35
Just because a gentleman is light on his loafers doesnt make him a stoolie...:suspect:

Abra , 757man - ipulator take a chill pill.

If times are changing it doesnt necessarily mean bad news,I hope there are plans to keep everyone in the picture with future developments.

Daft Wader

23rd Jul 2007, 16:07
Just because a gentleman is light on his loafers doesn't make him a stoolie...

I would suggest you are missing the point:hmm:, but then, I suppose that was your point:8

Stoolwater, I love going to work, I get well paid (most likely better than you:ok:) and I don't have to head off to Brize or Basra or etc etc...
I also have a healthy skepticism when it comes to gentlemen such as yourself who appear (outwardly) to follow so closely behind certain management types that you would require surgical removal should the aforementioned management type suddenly come to a halt.

So guys, my chill pill is certainly not required, and my views are manifestly accurate.

Enjoy fairyland

A and C
23rd Jul 2007, 18:45
Each of the airlines that I have worked for has someone like you who is never happy and just can't wait to rubbish the whole program, the truth is that XL is far from perfect but I have worked for far worse so as "Old Bill" would say "if you knows of a better shell hole then go and hide in it!"

Inccidently in the last company the guy who was always unhappy and could not wait to tell you how bad the company was went by the name of Jolly !

23rd Jul 2007, 19:04
"if you knows of a better shell hole then go and hide in it!"

Very very sage advice.

How are the company going to decide who crews the 330?
Who will stay, who will go?
Why state there will be no redundancies, when this was an option offered?
Why state that the company policy is to promote from within, then employ non-rated DEC's?
What about the cadets who were promised so much, and are about to be binned?

Answers to these and other questions on the back of your fairy-cakes boys:ok:

Knee Trembler
23rd Jul 2007, 19:29
So what's the deal with the cadets being binned?

I have been reading this thread with interest as I was a contractor on the 737 for a year and had a reasonably good time. Having worked for big and small airlines I can say there are a lot worse places to be (although equally there are some better!).

In the end though, I left because of the attitude of management to promotion and the FOs in general. Quite why certain people feel the need to hire unrated DECs when there are more than a few qualified FOs around still puzzles me. At my last OPC I was graded "Suitable for Command" and then told in the same breath that this didn't mean I was going to be a captain!

So I left (and became a captain elsewhere), but found it a shame as I thought XL was basically an OK airline.

Would love to hear the truth from someone with less extreme views than some of the contributors.


Iva harden
23rd Jul 2007, 21:42
How are the company going to decide who crews the 330?

The answer will be.......... whoever it decides, your new chief pilot will sort it out, I believe he is Airbus rated, I expect he will be top of the list, he usually makes sure he is first in line for everything.............looks after No. 1 very well:ok:

A and C
24th Jul 2007, 07:39
From my seat at the front of the 738 I see a lot of FO's and not all are suitable for command this may be because of lack of hours or other reasons, I also see a number of FO's who when they get the hours will make captain.

It is the ones who are always telling you that they should be a captain that are the ones who are the I doubt are suitable!

So if the company is short of suitable the only option is DEC's.

I would guess that you have not talked face to face with the pilot managenent, you will find them a lot more approachable than you seem to think, insted I think that you are listening to a few of the wise guys who can see a good practical joke at your expence.

Knee Trembler
24th Jul 2007, 11:33
I think a lot of the problems within 'modern' companies (i.e. new startups) is that the trend seems to be away from seniority lists.

I started out life with a traditional operator (Air Uk) and there you worked your way up to the required experience (in those days 4000hrs) and waited for a command assessment. The system was transparent and and fair and everyone knew where they stood.

Although I have benefited from the meritocracy at my present employer, I do feel sympathy for those who have not and yet appear to be perfectly capable of doing the job. Often they are just too quiet, based away from management or, sadly, sometimes just female.


24th Jul 2007, 21:23
I can assure you I am not management and also think non rated DEC is bollocks
Well I suggest you listen to a bit of A and C's advice...
you will find them a lot more approachable than you seem to think,
then post the answer in here, and prove my point:ok:
Now I'm so confused . You say your probably better paid than me yet you have intimate knowledge of XL.So that means that you do work for xl and therefore I can assure you you don't get more than me, or that you are concerning yourself with issues that are non of your business.

Or option 3 which you haven't considered, in which case I will let you make your own assumptions.

You then say..i have not flown with anyone who has been binnedwhich proves nothing, perhaps ask a second question of the approachable management.
Finally Your approach smacks of agitation for agitation sake and as I said is in line with the people at work who only see conspiracy
I will happily admit to playing the devils advocate, but I don't see a conspiracy, merely a false and misleading picture painted by yourself Mr Stoolwater...
As I said, ask the questions

25th Jul 2007, 09:06
Aren't they some Frenchies qualified and flying on the 330's XL France yet?:confused:

25th Jul 2007, 15:43
I still stand by my original answer to your question. If I seem to moan it’s because XL could be a truly excellent airline to work for, but for the moment at least, it is not.
You ask what morale is like. On the 757,767 and no doubt the 747,it is very low. The airline is going through a period of fleet change and people are concerned about their futures. With sound good management, and by management I do not include trainers or even fleet managers, as they have little to say in steering company policy, this should be a time of open discussion of what might be. It should include regular senior management communications laying down ideas of how things might proceed. XL do not conduct business like this. They prefer to keep their plans close to their chests. They are happy to allow rumours to fly, making their crews even more uncertain and unhappy. As I said before, with the CEO we have at the moment, I’m not sure he could express himself well enough to get the message across anyway!
Our situation has not been helped by the AAE/XL merger. Not one manager from AAE was retained and apart from a new CP from outside the company, the majority of senior Flt Ops and department managers are Sabre/Excel. The fleets never really integrated. I had no great love of AAE, it was a necessary stop gap to break away from AAI. I am told it was also a great improvement on that company. Joining Excel/XL should have been a greater improvement still. But it wasn’t. Even the Head of Training, who is now on the 757/767 fleet has remarked at how distant he feels from XL now he is on his new fleet! All this leaves most of the 757/767 and 747 fleet feeling very exposed. Many are leaving. I can think of 18 who are about to hand in their resignations or are in the process of resigning from the 757/767s. Another 4 are rumoured to be going. Two are Training captains. They have not been moaning minnies, just people who see the writing on the wall. The TCX/MYT redundancies might be XL’s saviour, particularly if some of those applicants are experienced A330 crew.
In the vacuum of no or incoherent management communications, rumours abound. Recent examples include the cancellation of the cadet programme, taking on three DECs two of which are not rated, no internal command upgrades for the next 4 years and so on. Management’s silence in the face of these rumours almost makes you feel they are happy for them to exist. Perhaps the mathematics of resignation are more advantageous to those of redundancy.
The one thing that makes me hang on is the people I work with, as opposed to those I work for! And who knows, the last rat to leave becomes the Captain doesn’t he?
Reading the ramblings of Lou Stulewater rather reminded me of the latest company report by our CEO..could they possibly be the same person I wonder or did they just go to the same school??

25th Jul 2007, 21:19
Nah..after reading that, Lou.....school...?I don't think so!

26th Jul 2007, 10:30
Just picked up on this thread.

I can see the basis of all the points made by both abra and Lou Stulewater, I just hope they don't end up with married rosters any time soon.:hmm:

IMHO: The Company is obviously in a state of serious flux. Just one quick look around home base will show you that it's by no means the worst case in the Industry, past or present.

With regard to the earlier discussion of Command prospects: I can only guess at the posters' current Ranks, but I would personally rather fly with guys and girls who offer constructive critiscism when neccessary but see the overall gameplan. This gameplan is clearest to me when I look at the name listed next to my Bank Balance's biggest monthly Credit.

I have a great deal of professional respect for many of the leavers and can understand their motivation to depart.

What does bother me, as previously stated by others, is the fact that the gameplan in terms of fleets, commands etc appears to be anything but transparent. I appreciate that it may be as it is due to a number of semi-controllable external factors.

However, to quote an unknown Sergeant as his shellshocked Officer marched his Parade towards a sheer cliff:

"Please say something, Sir, even if it's only 'Goodbye' ".:\

313 (aka 250)

Daft Wader
26th Jul 2007, 12:33
to quote Abra " Not one manager from AAE was retained "

Surely both the B767/757 Fleet Manager and his deputy were ex AAE ?

Daft Wader

27th Jul 2007, 19:16
What sort of spurs can we expect to get with the new uniform, if we survive that long? ones with wings on like greek gods! you need them for a 330 you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Philip III
28th Jul 2007, 10:11
Hi there, just about to join your co. thru Storm but contract is not what was given to me in interview. Suggestions?

28th Jul 2007, 19:25
thru Storm but contract is not what was given to me in interview.Been there, done that. Walked away.....

Bet you the response when you asked the company was 'but you'll be taking home more this way compared to being employed'.

Just don't forget to pay tax when you are employed through the Isle of Man or wherever. One day the tax man will find out and you'll pay double.

6th Aug 2007, 06:24
I say you chaps, all this banter about the people running the airline not talking to the pilots, not asking their opinions, and treating them like chaps who were hired just to fly aircraft backwards and forwards... oh hang on - you were hired to fly the aircraft backwards and forwards. And jolly well you do it too, one of the most efficient flying bus driver fleets in Europe. You can all be jolly proud of that. But as for running the company - well now that is the job of bean counters, desk jockeys, numpties and crewing assistants. And with the new broom sweeping through on the top floor the future looks like somewhere that may end up being just a tad more successful.
So what say we bury our gripes, work a little bit harder (and lets be honest - most of us could), link arms and sing the company song...
Cue trumpets...

saddest aviator
9th Aug 2007, 10:10
Sadly I'm of the humble opinion that XL is ultimately doomed. While part of the Avion Group they never made money, the costs of the ACMI arrangement meant that they involved themselves in a debt for equity swap to pay AAI'S bill 40 % first year then 40% next The Avion Group then sold back to XL in a management buy out a dead duck that is a long wayfrom making a profit. The writing is on the wall guys. XL have had a torrid year to date with horrendously unreliable 75 and 76's probably caused by inadequate maintenance in put. This obviously cannot go on. Next Feb the company might not even exist. The stats do not point in a particularly favourable direction.:sad:

A and C
13th Aug 2007, 06:49
A very negative post above!

All I see is full aircraft running with delays normaly the result of external factors. With the apauling summer that the UK has been having filling aircraft is not a problem so we just have to trust the sales people have got the price right.

Despite the profits of doom I expect to see XL around for a good few years yet because I am assured that I am near the top of the Airbus list! ( off to Toulouse tomorrow to check the place out )

13th Aug 2007, 15:20
LST next week, Barcelona for line trg in september.

Hey that sounds like fun....I wonder if Vueling will make you speak spanish?
If not, mayby your polish is up to standard? :}

A and C
13th Aug 2007, 22:51
The whole of Europe speaks MTV english ;)

13th Aug 2007, 23:13
So the 'Bus courses have already been allocated? Is there something we should have been told i ask myself?

aka Mushroom:suspect:

14th Aug 2007, 06:07
How many busses are XL planning to operate? And which types, and when?

Daft Wader
14th Aug 2007, 13:19
"If not, mayby your polish is up to standard? "

Maybe the Berlitz guide you might need is Hungary.....

you had better Wizz off down the road and get one.

Daft Wader

16th Aug 2007, 15:03
Firstly, I have to admit that i'm not a pilot, but I do work for XL. So, I can't comment on the various posts regarding promotions to L/H seat/A330 fleet and the fairness of it (or not).
However, I can comment with a substantial degree of accuracy on the plans of the company and their rationale behind them.
As a company, we have to review our operation and ensure that resources we have are the correct ones to enable the company to move forward profitably, so ensuring all our livelyhoods.
As we all know the B757/767 fleet has had more than it's fair share of problems. These aircraft are all over 20 years old now, and the time is coming for them to be moved to new pastures.
The reason that nothing has yet been said with regard to the future of the
B757/767 fleets is that at the moment, nothing is set in stone. These discussions are very complex and take a long time, but, take it from me, some of them would involve wet leases to some fairly exotic locations.
Also bear in mind, that by this time next year we will have taken delivery of brand new 2x B737-900's with 4x A330-200's following by spring 2009.
As far a business goes, we simply have to become a more efficient company. Third party tour operators who can commit to supporting us are dwindling in number. Five years ago, there were around 200 who could commit to allocated seat blocks, now there are probably only 50.
In addition, the publics perception that, dynamic packaging gets them a better deal (not necessarily true) means that more and more book on t'internet and we therefore have to change as the market changes.
Nobody likes uncertainty when it comes to jobs/wages etc, but things are not as bad as some on this thread seem to believe.

23rd Aug 2007, 10:53
''Care to revisit that remark in light of the recent letter from the Hatchet Man???''

What letters? and what fleet?:eek:

The Yank
23rd Aug 2007, 15:34
Lets just say XL will not be hiring anybody soon!

23rd Aug 2007, 17:21
40 perm cabin crew being laid off, dont know about flight deck but imagine there will be cutbacks everywhere. Have they even got any routes for the new bus' fleet?

24th Aug 2007, 14:35
Where are the 330's coming from??

Wellington Bomber
24th Aug 2007, 15:53
Being crewed by the French, If they are part of the same group then

William Whizz
25th Aug 2007, 10:12
40 perm cabin crew being laid off

That is you making a rumour! Something is happening but no numbers has been given yet!!

25th Aug 2007, 20:57
This came from a base manager, dont shoot the messenger. And just because you dont know doesn't mean its not happening, or are you the oracle?
"Apparently", as i've just been corrected, its 40 at Gatwick, 40 at Manchester aswell as some others at other bases. and isn't just cabin crew. The 40 will be spread across the board (pilots and even management). Listen if you want ignore if you want. No skin off my nose but like i said, dont shot the messenger. All will be revealed in time and you can abuse me then if i'm wrong, as i'm sure you will.
Oh and some of the pilots are being sent to Polski for a year to train on the Bus.

Rumour control signing off.

27th Aug 2007, 00:09
78 pilots to go according to union.:(:(

Billy The Squid
27th Aug 2007, 08:37
I am not a pilot either, but i do work for XL.
There is a degree of uncertainty at the moment because the company is going through a change, that was bound to happen.
What we need to avoid is the temptation to post any unsubstantiated bits of information that may have come via the usual sources (such as Galley FM or RumourControl), as that does not benefit anybody.

28th Aug 2007, 10:01
LIMA OR ALPHA JUNK - '2 A330s from Star Airlines in France who I believe are part of their group. '
This is not correct. The new A330's are coming from Airbus, 2 at the end of 2008 and 2 early 2009. XL France will continue to operate their 2 A330's in the French market.

Plane Dumb
28th Aug 2007, 12:32
What I dislike is that the ChiefOperatingOfficer (publisher of 'fit for future') was spotted racing in the Le Mans 24 hr race sponsored by XL (logos on the car & overalls), something that has personally benefitted 1 person that costs £££. This was all kept quiet at the time.
Then 2 months later he announces swathing 20% cuts. Sorry, but in my opinion this stinks.

A and C
28th Aug 2007, 16:49
I dont know too much about the Le Mans race but the sponsorship of West Ham FC is bringing the XL.com brand to a wider public.

The last airline I worked for had a flight to a destination also served by Easy Jet, the tickets were £ 5 cheaper and the flight departed at about the same time usualy half full when Easy Jet would be overbooked. Why ? it was because of the companys lack of publicity.

Getting the company name on a race car or a football shirt is very cost effective publicity that reaches a large section of the public, it only takes a small number of the people who see the XL logo to book flights to make this form of publicity very cost effective.

So lets look past the standard British envy trait and find out if this support of sports teams is putting bums on airline seats, if it is then it is money well spent.

Plane Dumb
29th Aug 2007, 09:53
I'm totally in agreement re the West Ham sponsorship; good publicity for the ££ spent.
However, apart from once, the company has previously turned down serious motor racing sponsorship . Then a new COO who has been with the company a few months gets a drive paid for at Le Mans? Then no announcement on company website.... Even the Go Carting team gets a mention this month.

I stand by my earlier statement.

29th Aug 2007, 10:10
What puts "bums on seats" is timely departures, a cheap meal, and baggage all on the same day and at the right place. All achieved in shiney kit that doesnt break. People want their two week escape in the MED from the realities of working class life to be seamless. We should be able to achieve that and relieve them of their annual savings if we do the above. Not rocket science, not harvard school of fancy logos, or any other fancy "innovations". How they buy tickets and grub may have changed but their expectations havent.basic values using modern technology.

Less constant changing to rectify/mask repetitive misjudgement and one professional leader putting things straight.

Fancy management speak and cuting innovations doesnt cut the mustard when the results are what we have now.

Hopefully the new COO can get a grip and the damage limited for the future, swanning around le mans in XL colours not withstanding:ok:

Chidken Sangwich
29th Aug 2007, 13:03
I have refrained from posting on here for ages due to the amount of un-factual tripe that is written, but Plane Dumb's comments have wound me up...

The new COO as you put it OWNS the Le Mans team, hence why XL branding was on the car FREE OF CHARGE...!

"Get the facts man" as they say!:rolleyes:

29th Aug 2007, 14:15
Chidken Sangwich has it right, XL on the COO's overall's, now CEO by the way, didnt cost XL a bean.

Oh and while we are at it, the 4 A330's are nothing to do with XL France (fka Star Airlines), they are brand new from two seperate lessors.


Daft Wader
29th Aug 2007, 19:43
Evening all

I believe Mr Owen is / was a director of sports management company CSS Stellar , hence his involvement in Le Mans, and no doubt many other sporting events. They used to and may still have connections with Sachin Tendulkar and Johnny Herbert.

Maybe some of my more "Petrol Headed " Colleagues maybe more in the know.

Seems fair for him to be at a sporting event to me

May the farce continue to be with you

Daft Wader


6th Sep 2007, 06:21
As I suggested in my previous posts,XL have more than a few change-over problems.The latest rumour is of a much reduced flying programme next year and this coming winter.The two 757s are going within the next month and three of the 767s(one -300 and the two -200s) are to follow.It will effectively close Manchester as a 757/767 pilot base.All the 747s are to go soon too.The offer to crew of flying A320s 'somewhere in Europe' has been withdrawn and 'the few' who came from the 737 fleet to the 757/767 are being returned in October(what a money saving exercise that proved to be!)Our Le Mans racing CEO has asked for 20% cuts in all departments and BALPA reps talk of redundances.
I won't go on or I'll have Mr Stoolwater telling me(for the last time) that I'm a moaner and how morale is really high and his command a matter of weeks away.I still wonder that no change has been made to the dead beat senior management.JS must have spheres of gold!

8th Sep 2007, 08:33
I just received the joint XL and BALPA statement in the post this morning. I'm 737 fleet, but wondered how secure my position is. Obviously the pilot reduction is coming from the withdrawal of 767/757 and 747, but it does state in the letter that those affected on those fleet types will be asked to state a non-binding preference for type, base or future. What does this mean? Does it imply that if a 75/76 driver who came from the 737 and has more seniority than other current crews on the 737 fleet, then he/she is in and the less senior is out the door? Any informed views would be appreciated.

8th Sep 2007, 10:39
Are you asking if say any of the guys who went on the 767 this year if they now are now in a weaker posisition than they were when flying the 737. If so, I can tell you that every one who went on the 767 in december has been told they will be back on the 737 mid october, how ever if there is a need to put them back on the 767, say due to people leaving, the company can do so. as for the senority of these guys, you are where you are on the list I guess, its all about time with the company, But I dont see any reason that the 737 guys need to worry, I belive james and the guys in the office have done a hell of a job to get the numbers down to the level there are at now. lets hope they can get it down to no pilots, I do feel very sorry for the engineers.

8th Sep 2007, 10:44
I think that is right Pointy.

8th Sep 2007, 19:55
Ok thanks guys. Much appreciated.

9th Sep 2007, 03:53
Sorry for being late to the conversation, but let me get this straight. XL will be replacing the 767s and the 743s with A330s in the near term? How soon are the 330s expected on the line?

As for the 743s, I thought they would be perfect for the UK-Florida runs. Where else do they currently fly beyond Sanford and when are they expected to leave the fleet?

9th Sep 2007, 07:46

Most of the answers to your questions are found in this thread.:hmm:

Post #64 By Abra (this page, few posts ahead of your own) has a bit of info in it.

Previous page states the first 2 A330's will arrive at the end of 2008 and the other 2 A330's arrive early 2009

Can't find a straight answer to your question regarding retirement of the 747's. However i have heard they are going to be retired at the end of this year. Standing by to be corrected.

Hopefully this helps.:ok:

10th Sep 2007, 08:22
I heard a romour the other day, that only 3 A330 were coming to the uk, and that was 1 new one and 2 from france, the other new one's had been sold on via iceland to Thai Airways. Also I understand that XL germany and France will be all flying to the same SOP's soon and that the french A320 guys were going on to the 737 this winter, if this is true, and we are trying to safe money, I would be very surprised if when the A330 comes if the french and germans did not fly it, as after all we need to safe money and well I could not think of an easier way than use your crew who can already fly it.

10th Sep 2007, 12:39
I am surprised more XL drivers are not moving on to other faster-growing operators like Ryanair, Easy or other IT operators that are hiring like Monarch. Why stay at XL if there is so much uncertainty and potential for crew unrest????? What are some good reasons to stay and put up with this? can understand why senior people would not want to forfeit their numbers and relative pay but the junior people should reconsider - no?

11th Sep 2007, 13:39
And what's all this about a number of 73s going to Thailand for the winter?

22nd Sep 2007, 21:02
Just heard on the vine that a decision will be made next week regarding our preferences which will no doubt affect ALL our futures...:D
Lets hope we are lucky enough to get what we bid for ...... GOOD LUCK Guys and Gals.

29th Sep 2007, 16:51
good luck you will bl##dy well need it. I just heard over the past few days that the selection to stay on your type will be done by. BASE,SIMS,SICK,AND TIME WITH THE COMPANY. for what thats worth. so if your MAN based you have had it, they recon may be 4 cpt/fo up there the rest have to move for what!!!!! no chance on the 330, and at your own cost, oh and I bet if you have a 737 rating you know exactly where you will be going. how ever if you have just finished your line training on the 767, I would not be surprised if you dont get sent down the road you will be doing longhaul and earning loads over the winter while the other 767 cpt/fo's get stuffed on the 737,so lets see how senority works at this point in time, after all the other guys who had been here for years got shafted, so may be take a year out and DONT BE DAFT ENOUGH TO BELIVE YOU WILL COME BACK ON THE 330 if you do take a year off. there is only 1 pilot who will get the 330 as a dead cert and we all know his name. still we can all do multi sector short haul soon just like ryanair and easy, oh but for less money. hmmmm. well guys I do hope it go's well for all us on the shrinking fleets and we dont get shafted but just in case im of to by some KY JELLY to help ease the process.:mad:

30th Sep 2007, 10:50
Mate, can I suggest you take a more relaxed attitude (like most of us have adjusted ourselves to take) and "ride out the storm". We're all in the same boat so lets just wait and see what happens. At the end of the day, what other option is there?

30th Sep 2007, 11:00
Good post, that's what happened with the guys at Manx/Ba CitiExpress/BA Connect. Loads of posts from scare mongerers, and nothing could be done about the changes. Now FlyBe have taken over, stability is beginning to return and lifestyles returning to normal. If you can not alter a situation, there is no point getting stressed about it!

4th Oct 2007, 16:27
Does anyone have T&Cs as CPT 767 with XL UK?
What's up with the airline?
Seems that French XL is making money with the 330's and that management has been rewarded for his good work down there.
Nevertheless I have eared that French pilots want more recognition and especially more money and better T&Cs.
Does anybody think it's time to share the lead with the Frenchies overhere?
That's only for information as some good friends from the inside are still trying to think there is a future for this "Airline" in cruel aviation world...
At least for the leverager's in charge of their own money or should I say the money of the fellow employees.:ugh:
What was the real personnal fortune of your chairman PW when he get the business for his own?
All the best to you in any cases.

31st Oct 2007, 10:16
Any news from XL these days?:oh:

Daft Wader
8th Nov 2007, 20:44
Believe that 1 x XLF A330 will operate ex MAN this Summer . This will be crewed by XLF together with the first batch of XL's own A330 pilots.

First 2 "G-" A330's to be delievered Nov & Dec 2008.

Then 2 more Mar & Apr 2009

May the Farce be with you

Daft Wader

10th Nov 2007, 08:13
What about the "consultation period"?

14th Nov 2007, 09:19
I believe the 3rd dec is the end of the consultation period. other things on the go, I hear the 767 flt manager is doing his 737 conversion at this time, hmmmm thought he was A330 bound. :ok:

14th Nov 2007, 14:47

"You sure about that ? I understand that two are coming from Star with French crews " :ugh:

Yes im sure but if its hard to understand lets go over it once again...

1 x A330 November 2008 delivery
1 x A330 December 2008 delivery
1 x A330 March 2009 delivery
1 x A330 April 2009 delivery

There is also a wet lease from XL France for Summer 2008 season but thats leading into, not replacing, the 4 new aircraft.

20th Nov 2007, 13:10
Are you for real? :ugh:

Anybody heard anything more on the consolidation period? :ok:

20th Nov 2007, 23:34

Sorry dude thought you was talking about 76.
Yes I think they are recruiting on 73, Heard they were short and think some 76 guy's will be joining the 73 fleet in the new year, numbers still to be finalised I believe.