View Full Version : From what i have heard it was a RUNWAY INCURSION

16th Jul 2007, 11:21
Ok now did anybody see or hear about at Cardiff the MyTreavel going around because a Firetruck had entered the runway (going back to base). I heard it was ATC's fault and he/she should have held him there *A/C having priority on final over anything* and then the other story stating that the Airbus was too fast (i highly doubt that it is the case).

(please be nice when replying to this, im only the baby of PPRUNE) hehe

Thanks for any info that can be given


16th Jul 2007, 12:43
You could always ring Cardiff ATC and ask.........................

16th Jul 2007, 12:52
I sent a My Travel A320 round last week at 1.5 miles to cross an Aerodrome Fire Service Vehicle (Priority Crossing Requested)......

Any questions???

16th Jul 2007, 13:21
*A/C having priority on final over anything*

I see from your profile that you're doing your PPL training at the moment.

Next time you're flying, ask your instructor if he agrees with that statement.

16th Jul 2007, 15:08
It's hardly an incursion if ATC both cleared the vehicle to cross and the a/c to go around

16th Jul 2007, 15:08
I wouldn't worry too much with AWYRCYMRY 's questions about Cardiff he has been chased off to spotters corner many times from the airports forum

16th Jul 2007, 18:22
Perhaps you should share where "you heard it was ATC's fault" is from.