View Full Version : Security Clearance!

12th Jul 2007, 18:56
Hi there, a couple of years ago I made a very silly mistake of drinking and driving. Yes, I did get caught and have a DUI!! I was just wondering if this well definitely mean that I will not get through the security clearance that is required once you pass the 3rd stage of application to get into the ATC College in Bournemouth? Please could someone offer some advice as I have been pulling my hair out (not literally!) over the last few days worrying about it.

12th Jul 2007, 19:14
As far as I'm aware each case is judged on it's merits and, provided the "blip" is declared and of course not terrorism-related, you might be ok, although DUI is obviously very serious in light of the responsibility you'd have as an ATCO.

When I joined the company the check was a simple CTC procedure - done by MoD staff, which involves amongst other things checking your name and details against the nationally held terrorist database. I think now, in addition to this, there are the new checks relating to the new security acts that go a little further.

Some criminal convictions preclude any form of airside access - I'm not sure of which etc so I hope someone else comes along who is rather more help :ok:

Have you already applied and reached the third stage I wonder?

Or are you asking before you put in any sort of application?

12th Jul 2007, 21:01
It will show up on the CTC check, as any similar conviction would.

It will have absolutely no bearing on your future career unless you have been stupid enough not to reveal the information when required to do so, at an earlier time.

arctic radar
12th Jul 2007, 23:21
I was in exactly the same position when I applied. I was worried that my DR10, which I collected in a moment of teenage madness, might ruin my chances. I declared it on my application but it was never mentioned at any interviews. I seem to remember that it came up again when I went to Gatwick for my Class 1 medical but there was never a problem. Honesty is the best policy. All the best.

13th Jul 2007, 10:50
The question is really for yourself...have you got a problem or was it a one-off error of judgement? Would you like some "error of judgement" waivers to help you whilst controlling?
Seriously.....be honest....it was a silly mistake....case over!
Remember that the controller limits are a fraction of the drink&drive limits; however I am not aware of a single controller anywhere that has ever been tested, nor am I aware of any realistic mechanism or procedure to implement such testing outside office hours.

13th Jul 2007, 11:57
I know of one. Thankfully negative.

13th Jul 2007, 13:40
nor am I aware of any realistic mechanism or procedure to implement such testing outside office hoursIn the UK the mechanism is that a copper comes along and asks you to blow into a tube. :)

ATSIN No 40 covered the topic - sadly no longer available and I don't think the useful info it contained is published anywhere else.

13th Jul 2007, 13:46
"ATSIN No 40 covered the topic - sadly no longer available and I don't think the useful info it contained is published anywhere else."

ATSIN 40 could be supplied by PM!

13th Jul 2007, 14:36
AFAIK once you have a DUI then any other type of conviction no matter how minor, will be referenced in the DUI Db. So although you might have a minor problem at a later time, do not assume that the 5 year rule will clear the deck completely. Though the civil limitation period might expire after 5 years, there will still be a reference provided by the DUI. However, only offences committed after the first DUI would be referenced. So now you have a DUI be careful and try to be a good boy from here on in. <VBG>

Best Wishes

13th Jul 2007, 17:19
NATS Drugs & Alchol policy does include testing outside office hours anywhere in the UK and there is a contract in place with a comapny that does the testing on NATS behalf.

13th Jul 2007, 19:26
Thank you all so much for your replies! That has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.

Ceannairceach - Yes, I applied last year in September and got to the final and 3rd stage where I failed on the interview. The feedback I got back suggested that I should visit a site (Control Tower or the like) to get a better understanding of what an ATCO does. Which I have done recently. That clarified it for me! I definitely want to be an ATCO!

055166k - No, it was just one of those, as 'arctic radar' put it, silly "moments of teenage madness" which will NEVER happen again! These days I rarely drink, maybe once every two weeks if the rugby is on...and special occasions of course! But if there ever was a rule that came in banning me from ever drinking again, just so I could be an ATCO, hehe, I would never touch a drop again!

Once again thanks to everyone! Hopefully I'll see you on shift in the future! :)