View Full Version : Tiger Airways- Melbourne

10th Jul 2007, 05:12
I see that Tiger has released fares to QLD destinations for late November all from MEL which I know is to be there base. I was told by some JQ crew that Tiger interviewed a month or so ago in Melbourne for crew. Can anyone confirm what the situation with Tiger is with regard to crew & positions!! that is only really 4 months from now. Does anyone know when they will start interviewing & how many aussie crew they will need? Any info will be appreciated.

10th Jul 2007, 07:37
Hi Gloria

Yes they have been interviewing for cabin crew. Last week and this week.
Numbers at present is about 35 positions. I believe they will be looking for more later in the year.

Crew will be on AWA's, all day flying, no overnights. Similar pay structure to Virgin.

Training is very soon.

12th Jul 2007, 05:21
I heard that Tiger recently had interviews in Melbourne. Does anyone know what the package is that they are offering? ie Pay, conditions etc

17th Jul 2007, 08:03
I heard that the pay was a little better than Jetstar but not as good as Virgin and without any overnights :confused:

Can anyone confirm this?

max autobrakes
17th Jul 2007, 12:15
Better pay than JetStar! That wouldn't be hard to do! :bored:

18th Jul 2007, 05:55
heard at work that they r definetely interviewing and 3 of the guys have already been offered positions, and one of them as a cabin manager and the other 2 were told that they can expect to be cabin managers by dec.
apparently they have only interviewed people with past or current experience in the airline industry. the interview was pretty straight forward, direct to a panel interview, what only confirms that, at this stage, they r looking for people that had/have the experience
training will start in august, it goes for 2 weeks and out online in sep.
the funny thing is that nobody knows anything about the pay conditions.
what they know for sure is that there wont be any overnights, they get 6 weeks off p/year and they also get staff travel concession with tigers big sister - Singapore Airlines.
Will keep my ears open if i hear anything else that might be of help.
for now good luck to u all.

18th Jul 2007, 23:24
training will start in august, it goes for 2 weeks and out online in sep

2 weeks?

Surely not... even if you are talking about experienced crew, it takes a lot longer than 2 weeks for the initial training of candidates in a companies policies & procedures, then all the EP drills, procedures etc etc etc - am I the only one who see's an issue here? 2 weeks maybe as a return to work course or similar, but surely not for initial training

19th Jul 2007, 01:50
2 weeks training is correct, EP's will run for about 6 days. All initial crew will have had previous A320 experience so can't see that this will be a problem. I am curious about staff concessions on SIA though, is that true as that would be a sweetner for some.
Training schools penned in for late August, they are trying to be in the air for Sept. now more likely Oct.
The people I have met are really nice & confident in the product as well!!!

21st Jul 2007, 08:39
YES sinala1 .
2 weeks
I was told that by someone that has been offered the job.

7th Aug 2007, 00:39
Still no word on Tiger's start-up!! It has all gone rather quite. Anybody with the inside word on where things are at?? I believe they have selected initial crew but nothing else past that. I noticed that they are busy with remodelling terminal 4 @ MEL airport.

25th Aug 2007, 07:54
There seems to be a buzz at the moment about Tiger

So many questions and so many people saying things that just have not been confirmed in the press.

Anyone heard anything?

Rumour has it Tiger is going to make a loss for the next couple of years until they expand and eat up so many routes, offer cheap fares, a good product and then...bang!

Newspapers and Tiger's web site show it will start with 5 aircraft, however heard that they are already planning 10

Salaries to be higher than Virgin and Jetstar, but they would have to be as news has it that no staff travel will be offered other than their own airline. Why would anybody move from Virgin where the salary will be less but overnights/allowances make up for much more and staff travel awesome. Jetstar employees even get to travel on other airlines I heard. Wow!
Do you really think people will move across? Think unless they offer Singapore Airlines benefits they can forget getting good crew. Singapore only owns 49% of Tiger so doubt it. One friend heard contracts will allow RYANAIR staff travel. Weird, why RYANAIR?

Has anybody seen their uniform? Web-site shows a girl with a yellow t-shirt that is it

Interesting times ahead I guess

26th Aug 2007, 01:23

It is a low cost airline, so the staff travel perks are going to be a lot less than the full services carriers.

I would not read too much into the rumours that you hear.

26th Aug 2007, 04:27
I can see your point, but as far as I'm aware travel benefits have nothing to do with being full service or low cost airline. Virgin was once a low cost airline, yet it's travel benefits were always quite good.

Your right about rumours though. Some service to be true others get tossed to the side. Interesting to read them. More often than not the rumours are all garbage but sometimes you can spot someone that always comes up with the goods. In the know, so to say:p

28th Aug 2007, 17:40
Well said! I think the same.

I have the facts branson's bitch, you will last at Tiger as long as the airline lasts.

Who is your CEO in Australia by the way? Tiger has approached 4 well know airline execs and all said NO

Tiger will not last it is Singapore's springboard to The USA

Best conditions you have experienced? Which airlines did you work for before? Moorabbin Express :)

Sit at home wait for your stand by 1 hour call in time and then NOT get paid for it.

Hope you don't get sick darling. Catch a cold 2-3 days off. Mmmmmm
30% of your sick leave taken in one hit, ohhhh and then you will not receive any DTA so if you calculated a rough yearly salary think again.

4 crew operation not ruled by an EBA you will be calling in sick by the week not by the day. 6 sector days, yep 6 sectors. 3 are bad enough, 4 is terrible. 4 plus pax is a nightmare. You guys are going to be doing 6 that is 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 Let's say full flights when are you going to have time to eat?
Car park...oh did I forget to mention that decent airlines pay for their employers to park their cars....you will have to pay outof your own pocket

6 weeks annual leave the norm..now what will you be getting?

Staff travel the norm..now what will you be getting? Or as per the contract "may" get staff travel

overnights..now what will you be getting?

annual leave loading..forget it, overtime.. forget it..

Uniform? Do you actually know what you will be wearing yet?

It's a joke, unfair conditions

only casuals will take it up and crew that can't get into the big 4.

Good luck though:D

branson's bitch
29th Aug 2007, 07:40
Why are you so negative about it?
I am not 19 and have worked for more than a couple of airlines and lasted more than 3/4 months. so you are wrong.
I have been in the top 4 currently work for the top one ... and have worked overseas.
You say your 'friend' has the contract.... have you actually got it in your hands NO.
I have... i am stating what i have read.. and to me it looks considerable better and fairer than what i have been on before.
YES .. virgin... Qantas.... ansett..... and an overseas carrier..

No time to eat? Please... show me a flight attendant that does not get a chance to eat and i'll show you a skinny flight attendant.. It's a paid service .. which i have done before.. this is not a premium service.. so let's calculate this...... flight to Perth... 3.40 hours... If you can't squeeze in a half hour meal break.. you 1. can't organise crew.. or 2 don't have a clue what you are doing.... Also this is not going to be a syd return airline .. this is not city flyer.. can you please tell me what sectors we will be able to fit in ... for a 1,2,3,4,5,6 flight day! (by the way i put that in for you seemings you find it easier to count out the numerical detail! )

Sick Pay AT LAST ... some of us don't even get a day sick pay, so for me ten days is a blessing.... Also , i don't get this flight attendant mentality.. of getting sick all the time... i have had one bad flu in 4 years... note... take on some vitamins.... eat some fresh food.. and look after yourself...

As for this paying for car park thing... was that added for effect because that is bull****.

yes there is 6 weeks annual leave... and thank god because at the moment alot of us have none.

Uniform BIG FRIGEN DEAL it's a U>N>I>F>O>R>M it's not my identity, nor is it a fashion statement.. It's something i wear to work.....:ugh:

Overnights? No none... i knew that before i said yes.. fine with that. i mean min rest at a overnight is what most get these days.. and i have more of a life than to spend than in a hotel room.

So how about you say goodluck to the people who take it on ... stop with the negative ****... Give it a chance... ask people in 6 months . If you have a right to bitch then... go for gold... at the moment you just sound like one of those bitter flight attendants that have been around way to long and are still dreaming about the good ole days.. they have gone.... Hence the new laws that john howard has put in place..
Hey maybe i'll see you at Tiger ;)

Mr Seatback 2
29th Aug 2007, 08:09
Branson's bitch...

Based on what people have said here, and you yourself, would you please enlighten me as to the following:

Regarding Tiger's AWA:
"I have... i am stating what i have read.. and to me it looks considerable better and fairer than what i have been on before.
YES .. virgin... Qantas.... ansett..... and an overseas carrier.. "

If half of what is stated on here is fact (regarding Tiger's conditions), then I am at a loss how you come up with that conclusion. As far as the domestic airlines are concerned in Australia, Qantas has the best terms and conditions of employment (as did Ansett). Virgin & Jetstar share the next step down from QF.

If Tiger (notice how I'm using IF here) is proposing 1 hr callout, only 10 days sick leave, 6 sectors is the case...then how do you arrive at the conclusion that these conditions are considerably better and fairer than the other airlines?? If anything - considerably LESS than the established airlines, and newer low cost airlines.

As for your comments on sick pay:
"Sick Pay AT LAST ... some of us don't even get a day sick pay, so for me ten days is a blessing.... Also , i don't get this flight attendant mentality.. of getting sick all the time... i have had one bad flu in 4 years... note... take on some vitamins.... eat some fresh food.. and look after yourself..."

For someone that's flown before, I find this statement disturbing and very odd. Ten days is at best a minimum for the kind of flying that we perform (or indeed - ANY flying). Naturally, if you're a casual, sick days are non existent, which is funny in a strange kind of way, given that most of the casuals I know work way more hours than the full time crew!

Flight attendant 'mentality' of getting sick? Gee - I don't know. Could have something to do with the fact you're locked in a metal tube, with recycled air for hours on end, with 170 of your closest friends who insist on flying sick themselves because they paid $1 for their airfare, and they're not giving it up!

I've taken about 15 days sick leave over the past 12 months, primarily because I cannot fly with blocked ears (no one should of course). If I worked on the ground, in an office, it would be a very different story. But given the vagaries of our odd work environment, we have higher sick leave for a very good reason. Congrats to you if you're able to avoid respiratory illnesses. Beware the time when you may need to take more than 10 days off, of course. Never say never in this game.

Re: sectors of flying (I nearly fell off my seat at the thought of 6, I must add)...
"No time to eat? Please... show me a flight attendant that does not get a chance to eat and i'll show you a skinny flight attendant.. It's a paid service .. which i have done before.. this is not a premium service.. so let's calculate this...... flight to Perth... 3.40 hours... If you can't squeeze in a half hour meal break.. you 1. can't organise crew.. or 2 don't have a clue what you are doing.... Also this is not going to be a syd return airline .. this is not city flyer.. can you please tell me what sectors we will be able to fit in ... for a 1,2,3,4,5,6 flight day! (by the way i put that in for you seemings you find it easier to count out the numerical detail! )"

It's not cityflyer...yet. For all the long sectors that exist now, short sectors will be around the corner in due time. I've done 2 hr flights with JQ and none of the crew have stopped - and that's with a paid service. Nothing to do with management, and everything to do with the nature of people in general. Daily duty hours limitations will be the key...and six sectors can be fitted in with remarkable ease, especially with our fave word 'delays'.

MEL-PER-MEL, followed by a BNE return maybe? What protections exist for crew to pick up additional sectors if something goes u/s? Curious, more than anything.

And, then of course, this golden statement:

"Hence the new laws that john howard has put in place."

Yes...what fantastic laws they are. With Tiger, and recently Jetstar International, putting their crew onto AWA's, their conditions of employment are LESS than those of sister carriers (ie. Jetstar Domestic). Less sick leave, lower salaries, less overtime, etc.

If you look at QF and MAM, we have casuals in this industry who clamber like refugees for the chance of full time employment. Sad, but very true.

Yeah - brave new world. So much for moving forward, when you have crew moving backward.

Good luck to those who take up the opportunity. You might just need it.

29th Aug 2007, 08:33
well the tiger roar is certainly going on isn't it.

Bransons bitch I am with you. You have a realistic approach to all this. Unfortunately many flight attendants are just constant whiners and whingers. Lets just take it back a step, back to the real world! 9-5 mon-fri same old boring desk job, and probably earning about $30000-$38000. Not something I would want to be doing!

Unfortunately this industry is full of know it alls, and people who compare salaries and working conditions. If you are not working for Tiger, why do you care so much about the conditions? There is nothing you can do to stop it, and i can tell you that the rest of you will be on similar very soon. Tiger have implemented these, Virgin and JQ will follow! Nature of the industry.

Onlyemirates, why don't you go back and continue to 'recruit' (as you put it) for EK.

Mrseatback your comments are concerns are appreciated, however you are not talking to teenagers. Everyone here is an adult, and can make their own decision about who/where/what/when. No one has a gun put to their head to sign an AWA. Leave them be! You won't be working there, so what is it to you!

Oh thats right I completely forgot, typical insecure flight attendants need to know everyone else's business! Silly me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29th Aug 2007, 10:51
hey.. when tiger were first talking about starting up they said they'd have 2 bases. Melbournes obviously one.. does anyone know where the 2nd would be? obviously will wait till they've got their feet on the ground but would like to know if anyone does. cheers

29th Aug 2007, 12:32
Galley hag says it all, took the words straight out my mouth love:D:D:D
Well said!


Tiger seems to have a lot of roar but no grunt
They keep on saying what they are going to do but I really think Tiger will just cut their losses and simply be another OZJET. They are much better off using the 5 A/c they have allocated for Oz to other Asian routes.

There is certainly room in Australia for another budget airline but Tiger is all promises and no facts.

If Tiger was serious about the Oz market they would have simply offered pretty much the same conditions as the other low cost carrier and maybe added a perk here and there. What they have done is try to come into the market with less than fare conditions, so chat rooms have got ahold of their style already and cutting up like mince meat.

I would expect Tiger to fold pretty much within 6 months of start up ( unless their main objective is to get into the pacific route ) whereby they could sustain a loss for say a few years, and just run the airline and treat the employees like ****. Do you really want to be a part of that?

If a low cost carrier came into Australia with good conditions and treated employees well they would laugh all the way to the bank

29th Aug 2007, 22:54
Lets just take it back a step, back to the real world! 9-5 mon-fri same old boring desk job, and probably earning about $30000-$38000. Not something I would want to be doing!

Actually, according to http://content.mycareer.com.au/salary-centre/?ads=0&s_cid=215859, the Australian National Average Salary is $75,012. Personally I think that figure is a little inflated, given it takes in quite a lot of the higher salaries that have come about as a result of the mining/resources boom in different parts of the country, however you can see from the figures there that a salary of $30K to $38K is at the absolute minumum you would expect - and I daresay are most unlikely to come across.

30th Aug 2007, 13:11
Having not seen the conditions offered by Tiger I won't make comment about those wishing to work with them. However I do believe as cabin crew we need to work hard together to ensure conditions are not further erroded in this industry. Unfortunately there will never be a 'cabin crew shortage' like there is a pilot shortage at the moment, which would give us some leverage and bargaining power. There will always be thousands of young willing participants to work for whatever conditions are offered by airlines in order to become a flight attendant and management are very aware of this. Whenever Virgin's next EBA proposal comes out, hopefully crew will disect it thouroughly and make an informed decision.

30th Aug 2007, 23:53
Does anyone actually know what Tiger are offering in terms of annual wage , allowances , duty hours (and duty hour limitations), roster choice , days off , overtime penalties , sick leave, long service leave etc etc.?
I have a family member who works on the ground in customer services for V.B and he says that they are offering very similar conditions and wages as what he gets with V.B.
I also believe that quite a few ex AN groundstaff are involved with recruitment.
I have also heard that a lot of ex AN cabin crew are being sought, due to previous A320 experience. ( will only require the 2 weeks training).
If this is the case Tiger will have to offer something decent.
For all the wannabes out there be warned - although a seemingly good wage is initially attractive ,if it means enduring very harsh working conditions the novelty of the job will fast wear off. Look hard and long at what is offerred before you leap.

31st Aug 2007, 02:22
Just let all the new crew that will start with Tiger enjoy their moment in the sun....

If it works out for them then fantastic... If it doesn't, well it doesn't make them bad people.

JQ, QF and DJ will change the conditions and you have 2 choices. Go with it or resist it. If you go with it you will have a better quality of life.

Good luck Tiger cubs:8

31st Aug 2007, 05:52
have got an interview next week with tiger airways.
just wanted to ask the usual: what to expect and all that jazz.
since u have already got the contract what kinda of money are we talking about ?
many thks
on your contract have u also got a starting date ? and where will the training be held ?

31st Aug 2007, 18:10
Training will be at Qantas training facility MEL

Salary ( VERY LOW ) but with other perks becomes ok if you don't call in sick

sick leave a terrible 10 days

Early October training

Most crew MAM casual who want full time, ex-Ansett who have not worked for awhile or want to get back into flying a few from Virgin that are fed up with overnights and 1 from JQ of what I've heard. Why would anybody want to go from MAM when QF is about to get the new Airbus and 787 A/C with huge expansion. Many of MAM will turn into full timers with career progression.

Also heard that Bindi Irwin has been approached for Tiger's advertising campaign

Another thing I have heard is that Tiger will throw it in on the Australian domestic market, pulling out of everything and only keeping Perth Darwin and Melbourne flights and then looking to get A/C for trans-pac before V-Australia get a start.

Anyone else heard anything like this?

31st Aug 2007, 23:45
so onlyemirates, are you taking the the position? Or will you be staying in your current job on the ground?

branson's bitch
31st Aug 2007, 23:52
Thankyou:) For those with positve words....

1st Sep 2007, 12:23
Your welcome:\

I'm curious to know why Tiger is interviewing again so close to training date. I guess so many people rejected their offers. Wonder why?:ugh:

1st Sep 2007, 23:34
Ok Guys

Enough with all the banter its going around in circles and getting a little boring, for those starting with Tiger goodluck, i'm sure you will have a blast, for those not supporting it, don't apply I guess it's as easy as that. We will all soon find out what it's like when those working for Tiger report back to us.

Anyhow on a more positive note I found a photo of the TIGER uniform in Asia. Looks cute. Not sure if they will use the same in OZ, but chances are they will maintain the same across the network. It's designed by GIORDANO I like the sash around the waiste, nice touch. Here it is:


4th Sep 2007, 02:33

How did the interview go??. Can you provide details of what they are offering??

I know that they are offering comparable conditions for ground staff , I am assuming this will apply to Cabin crew as well?

Despite what the doomsday theorists are saying here I think Tiger will be here for a long while. Their owners have deep pockets , long memories and an axe to grind with Q.F.

Interesting times ahead.

4th Sep 2007, 07:02
leanne7..Did they tell you if it is permanent or is it a fixed term contract?

4th Sep 2007, 07:29
Its a full time position.

6th Sep 2007, 09:15
6 sector days???... !!!! Yer ive just worked 3 in a row - im an aussie working in NZ.. 6 sector days are normal here. So is no super, 4 weeks annual leave, **** pay, few overnights and all the rest some of you seem to think is so rare and such an outrage!

Ive had aircraft go U/S in many a destination foriegn to where we normally overnight, never had an issue getting a nice hotel room to rest in or any hassle getting transport there. The nice people at crewing also advised the hotel to give us a "paid for" dinner and breakfast too.

Good on you Leane, and all the best to the rest of you taking a chance. To the others, good on you for having your opinions and for trying to fight for better conditions, but dont rain on anyones parade, be thankful we have jobs oppotunities at all! :ok:

6th Sep 2007, 09:22
Your concerns are most welcome.

Luckily we still live in a democracy, that being said, its all about choice, isn't it? (this is not a free plug for Jetstar!)

What may not be advantageous for some, who are under the mis-fortunate guidance that everything is handed to one on a silver platter, maybe advantageous to others. These people understand that companies need to run on profit. (look what happened to Ansett) Companies are there to provide you with employment, a decent wage, and a safe working environment. The rest is up to the employees attitude.

Whats your attitude like at work? Do you feel you are owed a wage, or do you work for one?

Times are changing, and in my view for the better. Maybe the people accepting these conditions, really want to do the job. They are not there for the money, bands, seniority, or to stay for 30 years. For a lot of people its about life experience.

7th Sep 2007, 07:54
Out of curiosity, does anyone who has recieved a copy of the AWA care to post basic info (eg Duty hour/sector limitations per day, how far those hours can be extended due to disruption, pay, sign on & off time, DTA/allowances etc) so that constructive debate can actually take place?

9th Sep 2007, 00:09
Can I politely suggest that this argument re 6 six sectors days etc is a waste of everyone's time until T & C's like daily/monthly duty hour limitations, provisions for extension of duty time by mutual agreeement/disruption etc, sign on & off time etc are known and shared with everyone?

I recall reading somewhere a suggestion that there was going to be a daily limit of 14 hours. Whether or not this is fact I don't know - but I can tell you now, you can quite easily fit in a 6 sector MEL-SYD duty in 14 hours - including an hour sign on, 1/2 hour turnarounds, and 45 min sign off. Until the facts are known and shared, there is quite simply no point debating it.

And also don't forget, whats on the schedule now isnt necessarily what will be on the schedule in 6 or 12 months time...

QF skywalker
11th Sep 2007, 03:14
Leane7 - Tiger are starting with five ( 5 ) aircraft.

15th Sep 2007, 02:49
Wonder what the last couple of routes will be for Tiger

Melbourne-Canberra perhaps

Both airlines making a killing on that market

Perth-Broome seasonal but doubt it. Tiger's cost structure would be much less than DJ's

What airports are out there that the A320 can comfortably land in that is regional. If Tiger gets in quick, they can beat DJ before they get their new Brazilian jets.

15th Sep 2007, 05:53
Its not only a case of which airports will adequately handle an A320, but also which markets are able to be stimulated by the delivery of a genuine no-frills product - and which ports could support an 180 seat A320. I daresay a lot of the regional ports would be better served and their markets better stimulated if their flights have the ability to connect onwards with the same airline, or at least on a codeshare agreement of some form.

I am not in any way implying that I don't want Tiger to succeed, but it will be interesting to see how long a real no frills airline can survive on its own in Australia. DJ has evolved significantly since launch (not only due to the sad demise of Ansett) - the market shares DJ has on some sectors has risen and the mix of business/leisure travellers has changed to a lot more Suits coming onboard as a direct result of a lot of the changes that have been implemented as part of the New World Carrier strategy. Evolution has been a major key in DJ's success - it will be interesting to watch the effect Tiger has on the markets it enters.

15th Sep 2007, 09:57
;)Earlier this week, i just thought that i would check the destinations page on Tigerairways.com.au, and i did and they just added their new route XIAMen (where ever the hell that is) to their links, and i saw under australia that it said "NEW! Canberra", and i was just hanging around on the net for a few hours awaiting the decision and the fares, but it didn't happen, and 2 days later it was removed, so what happend was they accedently added the canberra route along with the Xiamen link, a techo mistake, Anway at least another confirmed route is CANBERRA!!,
also if you figure it out with their sced youl learn that only 3/10 aircraft are currently being used, god helps us how many more to go

opinions on prices wonders please (canberra), and other routes that could be possible

15th Sep 2007, 13:51
If this mistake is true pretty bad on behalf of Tiger to reveal their new routes,
I bet you the moment they announce new route to Canberra, DJ and QF will pounce. How stupid Tiger!
I do think they would make heaps of money on that route, a good choice

3 out of 10 A/C

yes your calculations of 3 are about right, Tiger only starting with 5 A/C, nothing has been confirmed for more

Still think it is wishful thinking, where will they get the A320's from?

16th Sep 2007, 04:15
Somehow I don't think fares would be $19.95 or $29.95 Milocole. If they offered fares below taxes and charges they would last much less than the year I have given it. JQ and DJ can do that because they have very deep pockets. Tiger has empty pockets at the moment as it has only been given $10 million for start up. This is virtually nothing! I'm told that Tiger is on such a budget that they don't even do 3-4 stage interviews for Crew as it costs too much time and too much time is too much money. Also told that their office is a shoe box that looks like something out of a movie scene in The Bronx. $10 million for a new airline in a new country is pocket money. Sources have told me that Tiger are very worried as they have spent just on $120,000 in advertisement already and hardly any seats sold. $120,000 of $10 mil:\
I really hope you guys don't lose your joba nd know what you are up for.
Word gets around so quick and yes it can be rumours, but I have also heard that Tiger had all of these wonderful plans in the new terminal at MEL, but have dumped it all and doing it VERY BASIC
Can anybody give me any resonable debate as to why they think Tiger will do well?

16th Sep 2007, 04:57
Can anybody give me any resonable debate as to why they think Tiger will do well?
Singapore Airlines want the Pacific routes, they have been trying for years to get on them however they are protected by the Australian Government. A way around that is to set up a domestic airline in Australia (in this case Tiger), get it up & running, sell 51% of it to Australian investors so its then technically an Australian airline - that then gives Tiger the right to apply to fly to the USA from Australia. I daresay the domestic operations are nothing but a facade for the long term aspirations of Singapore Airlines to get a slice of the Pacific Pie - even if it does mean they can only have a 49% stake in the operating airline.

16th Sep 2007, 08:54
Im 100% interested in supporting this company and dont want to come accross as a negative nancy but milocole, your points are just a load of ramble. Please check they make sense before you post so we can understand what you are trying to say.

I would hope an aircraft would arrive a couple of months early for the purpose of training crew and familiarity for the crew/ engineers, and dont think it would be sitting "rusting" in that period.

Some of what you say concerns me :rolleyes:

16th Sep 2007, 08:59
Sebby you took the words right out of my mouth..... the AOC process takes time - proving flights, evac demo's, crew training, practice flights for outports to get used to handling the aircraft etc etc.

16th Sep 2007, 15:22
Sinala I'm with you 100%. Can't agree more. Think that is what is happening because I just can't see Tiger working at all. Think they don't care if they lose their money just to get entry on the Pac routes, only thing is, once the Pac route opens up everybody will be doing it so don't think it will be so lucrative for the airlines. Soon DJ will be doing it and then another and another. Singapore is such a clever and tight operation, why would they put their name up for ridicule with one of the worst budget airlines. Think in the long term you might see an upgraded Tiger. Business Class and all and they could do the Pac route and have Melbourne, Darwin and Perth as their bases forwarding pax onto their International arm. Just can't see domestic working for them on what they plan and what I've heard. Were contracts sent out on re-used toilet paper? ok now kidding:p

17th Sep 2007, 04:26
Tiger releases sale but flight to get a "real" ticket. All very much a gimmick, but hey all the airlines do that when starting up. I searched all of the destinations to take a holiday. Nothing just one seat to Launceston. Typical!

17th Sep 2007, 12:56

I remember when JQ was announcing international flights there was a short window on their website where all their international destinations were revealed (by accident) and a few people got a glimpse.

18th Sep 2007, 02:15
i did, we had a 2hour breif 1st. OMG felt like 200, and we got allocated certain routes , i have newcasle, laun ceston, canberra. They havn't released those routes yet ?????????? i start on the 29th December with only 1 flight sector(Laun) then a flexible 38 hour roster.

18th Sep 2007, 07:13
Stop fighting for the "sale" fares everybody

All Tiger Airways sale tickets ( that's all of 10 ):) are sold

What are you going to be doing between end of course and first flight. Easy, you will be calling those 10 people to refund their money, because Tiger not going anywhere:D

Have a look. So called big sale and flights are still EMPTY. Tiger is getting worried, although they did not spend anything on this campaign, was just withe first A320 coming to MEL.

Have you guys gone to the zoo to pick up your uniforms yet?

18th Sep 2007, 08:55
Does everyone think that tiger will get reg approval, if they dont they better transfer us to dj, jq,qf or my holiday if up the gurgular. How long does everyone think they last, im given them to MARCH08

18th Sep 2007, 11:43
I think the kind of uninformed slander & speculation thats being spouted here is demonstrative of a diminished level of maturity and/or knowledge of this industry and its practices, requirements, systems and processes.

Perhaps those with concrete facts regarding Tiger care to comment on the process of the acquisition of an AOC and predicted launch date?

27th Sep 2007, 22:43
Leanne7, Milocole or what ever the name is, does not work for Tiger airways, and it amazes me that anyone would believe that an airline would issue rosters on the first day of training....... Not to mention that we start flying in November, not December and the rosters are set, not flexible...... If anyone would actually like to know the facts about Tiger, please feel free to ask. Onlyemirates, you are a FOOL! your views are uneducated and uninformed.

28th Sep 2007, 06:58
I must say its with some surprise that I have read a few of the comments in this thread. I have taken up a position with Tiger, and it's not because I am desperate to become a Flight Attendant (I've been one, with one of the so-called "Big 3"), nor because I really need the job, but because I think it's a great, and exciting, opportunity. As a Flight Attendant, you generally don't have a chance to contribute much more than your personality and smile. You are given a book, told how to do things (i.e pour coffee) and then you turn up to work, do your job and go home. Maybe for some thats enough. But I'm excited by the fact that I will be able to contribute so much more given that this is a new operation and management appear genuinely interested in utilizing the full range of skills and experiences that people have. I didn't even ask about staff travel when I was going through the employment process. Who cares? Who on earth does this job for cheap standby tickets anyway? And as for conditions, well to expect Tiger (or any other airline for that matter) to mirror the spoon-fed, pampered conditions at Qantas, is unrealistic at best. Those days are over. I am really hoping that everyone who makes the decision to go to Tiger will give it their all, and will be there because they really truly want to. The ones that don't should go fly for QF, where you can get away with that sort of attitude. Whether Tiger lasts for 6 months or 6 years, I'm recognizing this opportunity for the great one that it is and am going to give it my all. Because at the end of the day, you will get out of it what you put in.

28th Sep 2007, 06:58
As far as I know TT crew max working hours are 14
IF this is true, then the 6 sector days that were being spoken about earlier in this thread are a real possibility...

1st Oct 2007, 07:36
hiya evaflyer,
re the spoonfed pampered conditions at qantas,
you are so right that they are over.
the only way in is MAM and after 5 years, in the perth base,
you may have a slight chance of permanent employment.
the only other way in is via a regional with career progression.
still can't figure out why anyone would work for an airline
without staff travel, saved me heaps over the years.
go tiger!!

3rd Oct 2007, 08:01
Well done to those successful with Tiger!
I started with a start up Airline and it is very exciting so enjoy the journey.Are your rest periods similar to QF , i have heard that they are 12 hours minimum rest , is this just at home base?:D

21st Oct 2007, 19:48
This is Australia, not EUROPE with unlimited passengers!!!!
Lets see how many airlines have Gone Under!! Do we know an airline called Compass Mark 1 & II
Another airline Ansett & Impulse Airlines & Eastwest and the list goes on....
So I agree, these cheap flights maybe 2 per flight, I looked and well it seems they are no cheaper than the other 3....
Suppose we SH.T in their back yard so they have come over here to SH>T in ours!! (Jetstar Asia).
The only Loser is the poor employee's who lose thier jobs >>>>>
A Long Time flyer.....:ugh::ugh::ugh:

21st Oct 2007, 21:19
Can someone confirm that Tiger have just handed back all of their Sydney slots to SACL?

21st Oct 2007, 22:00
Can someone confirm that Tiger have just handed back all of their Sydney slots to SACL?
Until March they have... Its confirmed here: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,22608871-23349,00.htmlTIGER Airways has shunned Sydney Airport in its initial expansion and handed back slots it had been allocated for the northern winter season.

Tiger Australia corporate affairs head Matthew Hobbs confirmed that Tiger had returned slots at Sydney for the end of October to March.

This did not mean the airline had no intention of flying to Sydney or NSW, he said.

"We will go NSW at some point but at the moment we've got to get our airline up and running," he said. "That's not one of the first sets of routes."

4th Nov 2007, 20:53
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone knows when the next intake of CC for Tiger will be?... I know they will be looking for people very soon. The word was, the first intake was mainly for exprienced CC, and once they start flying, they will start a major intake of new CCs....

Any current Tiger CC know any of this?!?!?!:oh:

15th Dec 2007, 03:50
After almost a month in the skies, I haven't heard much regarding Tiger , its success, its crew etc! I heard the other day that its OOL flights are very full. Are current crew happy with their positions at present and what is it's expansion plans for 2008. I appreciate any feedback.

16th Dec 2007, 05:38
The crew are on a base of $52,000 per year, no overnights just yet and most days are 4sectors. Its certainly alot better than that TeamJetstar new workplace agreement.

16th Dec 2007, 11:53
They are just ferals

A beautiful observation right there, ehehehe xD

18th Dec 2007, 01:53
I will try and word this as delicately as possible for fear of disciplinary action from "management". But TigerCrew, you put it nicely, and in a very understated way!
The downsides...hmmm.....how about not receiving our roster for the 20th Dec onwards - apparently meant to be out lunchtime today but still waiting (maybe that was lunchtime on Singapore time??) Or Logisitics calling you persistently at 8.30am to draft you for an 11am sign on when you signed off at 2am? (Now there's a new understanding of minimum rest!!) Or calling you 17 times on your day off? Or turning up for your sign on to find that they changed your duty and you're now signing on 4 hours later? No crew rest on Darwin/Perth back of the clock's - if the flight's full then you can just sit in the galley and pray you don't have a car accident on your way home, especially of its the 2nd or third one in a row that you have done in as many days. These are not gripes - they're actual occurrences, and the list goes on. Given that many of the crew have applied for V Australia, JQ, DJ and QF, I wouldn't recommend jumping ship from these guys anytime soon.

On the plus side? We have a job. The majority of crew are great. The team leaders are lovely. The service is easy. Thats it. Hopefully all the other issues will improve - and mighty quickly. It's a sad state of affairs given that prior to a pre flight briefing there is generally a pre briefing whingeing session - and unfortunately it's 100% justified at this point in time. :confused:

18th Dec 2007, 02:58
I thought everyone would be really positive working for a new airline. Is it really that bad?

I bet on the plus side, your aircraft dont get as filthy as ours after a MEL-OOL sector. Pringles crumbled everywhere, chewing gum in the seat pockets...

18th Dec 2007, 03:09
Believe me, Crewbus, we were all extremely excited about this opportunity. I still am, but positivity wears thin when you clock up 72 hours in 9 days. At the moment, yes it is that bad.

As for a/c getting filthy, ours are a positive bomb site after a OOL sector. We have even had seats graffitied (I guess that happens when you offer $10 fares...) Chips everywhere. No vacuums (but one kindly crew member apparently furnished each a/c with a dustpan and broom, bless.) And god forbid a pax chucks - all you have to clean it with are chux. :ugh:

18th Dec 2007, 05:32
You can tell when cheap fares are released.

Do you think people treat QF/Jetstar aircraft the same?

Or is it just Tiger and Virgin.

A320 galleybitch
18th Dec 2007, 23:42
Chewing gum, baby wipes, soggy tissues, wax strips with hair, empty pad wrappers, apple cores, crushed biscuit and chips on the floor, muffin crumbs all over the place............the list goes on!!!!!!!!!

JQ pax are just as bad as the rest. Double gloves are a necessity. And unfortunate for our pax, we do not clear the **** off the floor. In a way its called educating the public - if you dont want to sit in ****, then dont leave it for the next pax!!!!!

20th Dec 2007, 00:48
god it sounds awful - but it does sound quite simmilar to how it was at the start of JQ - however we still alwyas had contract cleaning to call for vomit etc on the ground at major ports.
things will pan out and the people who bought $10 will soon realise that they cant trash the aircraft so much. At JQ now its not bad anymore at all - A320 Galley Bitch you are right on some sectors its awful but in the last few years things have become much more civilised and not as dirty anymore. Passengers learn and after the excitement of treating it as a 'cheap fare' they start behaving normally.
Our cabins at the moment are not that bad - out of sydney anyway - some certain flights encourage messiness amongst pax but in general - the food we sell was designed to cause as little mess as possible - aside from the pringles and muffins we dont really sell any other foods that cause a big mess.
its sad though if they dont provide you with garbage bags and soap - thats purely striking material right there - i mean - its UNSAFE and what if you all end up with Hepatitis because the company dont provide you with somewhere for rubbish and to wash your hands? thats disgraceful.

20th Dec 2007, 02:35
If you are not supplied with cleaning gear, DON'T clean.
Management will quickly learn their mistake and things might
improve a bit for you, the workers. :}

nesboy 1976
20th Dec 2007, 08:16
Unfortunately the passenger will judge the c/c if the cabin hasn't been cleaned.
Me personally, like most of you out there aswell would much rather work in a clean cabin, however what are the company thinking about not supplying cleaning materials!!!
I think as a department you need to work as a collective and make the senior management realise that if it continues the staff will vote with their feet!

Just my oppinion.


21st Dec 2007, 02:39
just remember to report EVERYTHING - if you have a shortage of stuff on a shift - fill in the paperwork and report it everytime - even if that means that Head Office are recieiving 100 reports a day - then at least they will understand.
Another option is to just simply stop cleaning all together... dont collect rubbish - let it pile up. If you dont have gloves - dont clean. Sure - you will face abuse by the pax but it has been done before (at JQ we did it quite often in the early days) and it did work when photos and complaints were flooding in to head office.All you have to do is explain to the pax that you hate the mess as much as they do but the airline have failed to provide cleaning materials so sadly the crew are unable to clean the aircraft for that flight. If all crew did this for just one week surely by the end of the evening each day it would look so horrendous that management would realise that something had to be done. Sadly - providing your own cleaning products only sends the message to management that you dont mind and its not essential that they organise their own supplies.

A320 galleybitch
22nd Dec 2007, 06:53
I agree with ShesGreatintheGalley. U guys are making your own beds. A message needs to be sent across to your management team. Be it through the reporting process, complaints from angry pax due to filth or reports from the media. Stand up for yourselves.

What is management going to say when 1 of you contract a disease? They are going to say why didnty you use the cleaning equipment provided, or why didnt you report to us that the cleaning equipment wasnt supplied. Management will never take responsibility for an example such as this, so take a stand and get things fixed before something does go wrong!!

propella pussy
26th Dec 2007, 06:58
Enough is enough I say. How many reports do you have to write? Managment will pass the buck on this one for sure if some one is injured. Time for the media! Unfortunately it's has come to that point. I wish you all well.:ugh:

7th Jan 2008, 07:59
I still am, but positivity wears thin when you clock up 72 hours in 9 days. At the moment, yes it is that bad.Currently, crew at VB can be rostered duties up to 9h 45m (12 hours including delays) and I have wound up working 40h on 4 day trips only to come back for another two day trip with over 9h days - that's a 1.5* a normal working week in 6 days. There is no fatigue management and long days without breaks and minimum rest is the unfortunate reality crew are facing at most airlines :sad:

In regards to the 'feral' pax, I often wonder whether cultural factors are to blame as I flew Tiger numerous times within Asia during January 2006 and never encountered an aircraft as dirty as the ones I see everyday at VB. Based on my observations at VB and the stories I've read about the state of Tiger and Jetstar aircraft within Australia, there seems to be an inherent lack of respect for cleanliness and other people's property amongst Australian pax :=

11th Jan 2008, 05:47
its all the cashed up bogans australia has:}

11th Jan 2008, 12:23
Tigercrew - your rosters sound terrible.. do you actually have any work rules in place??

I wonder whether Singapore Airline rosters are similar or whether the Singapore-based Tiger crew are rostered the same amount of hours. Can anyone enlighten us?

Hopeful CC
13th Jan 2008, 05:32

If anyone else applied for Tiger Airways last year and experienced something along these lines..

APPLY and then recieve thank you we will be in touch ONLY if you meet our selections standards

RECIEVE further correspondance by email saying you have met our standards and we would like to interview you, we will be in touch with exact date in D, time and whereabouts..

THEN never hear another thing from them!!!

Does anyone know what this is about? Seems quite bizarre..

14th Jan 2008, 03:08
VB Girl, I second Tiger Crew....a 9hr20 day for us is a short one....the majority of duties I was allocated on my roster are 10 hours/ 10hrs15/ 10hrs55, and the one I'm most looking forward to....11 hrs20, followed by 10hrs55 the next day!!! But the best part is, after I get back in from the 10hr55 duty, which is a DRW return thru the night (and we operate both sectors) I'm on standby minimum rest! Which means that 10 hours after sign off they can call me in!!:eek:

The worst thing is though that most of my roster is standby - not so handy when it comes to having an actual life.

I'm just looking forward to when we start flying NZ...they'll probably pair up a AKL return with a quick HBA return straight after.......:hmm:

Hopeful CC
14th Jan 2008, 07:04
Thanks Tiger Crew,

Its all good, I dont want to work with them, Im just about to start ground school for JQi - but thought it was weird them telling me I had an interview but then never hearing anything!!

Oh well.. thanks again!!

14th Jan 2008, 11:11
Who knows why you did not get contacted. But it does not matter now right cause you are with JQ?

Anyways on another note to the other crew, the complaining is very 2007 guys. Things are much better than day one.

All i can suggest is a resignation perhaps? If it is that bad it is time to go!

Why do you hang around and punish yourselves?

Hopeful CC
14th Jan 2008, 13:06
Take is easy (ms)tiger..

As I mentioned in the previous reply, I am not worried as I work for another company.. I was simply wondering if anyone else had experienced the same thing.
This is something that Im quite entitled to do!!

As for having a go at other members in here that are unhappy.. Well how about this..
TRY dismounting the high horse you are currently residing on..
They ALL have the right to jump on here and voice their opinions - who are you to tell them to resign?

Correct me if Im wrong, but are you new at this? Are you a brand new tiger member??

Some of these people have had a crap load more experience than you have, and you dont have the right to act all high and mighty on their arses.

Take it for what it is, THEIR say..

15th Jan 2008, 08:19

i've just applied for cabin crew position at tiger in melbourne & wonder if anyone out there can provide some info with regard to the application process?

- when will they contact you if i stand a chance? and how? via email? phone?
- what is the process in the interview?
- hows the training like?
- pay & incentive? does our immediate family get cheap tix?
- hows the working hrs per week? stops to melb? whats mininum rest as i read
some of you kept mentioning it.
- do they care about age, marital status etc?

any questions answered here would be much appreciated! just want to know more so im more prepared hahahaa... :O

16th Jan 2008, 02:39

Minimum rest is 10 hours. If you do a duty over 11 hours it is increased to 12 hours rest I think. You can expect to work anywhere from 6 hour days (though these are few and far between) but more commonly days are averaging 10-12 hours. There is no limit to the amount of hours you can work in a week - you just can't work more than 140 duty hours in a rolling 28 day roster. 8 days off a month. Working about 40-50 hours over 4 or 5 days is quite normal. No overnights, except for the darwin and perth back of the clock flights, which means you fly all night and return in the morning. I've got no authority to comment on the interview process, pay or training. Age and marital status should never really come into question with any job, so that shouldn't be a concern for you if you are fit enough and have the right skills that they are looking for! Tiger will be recruiting like mad for some months to come I imagine, so just apply and give it a go.

On a different note, I guess we hang around and "punish ourselves" because when we are onboard we are working with likeminded people who all enjoy doing what they do and it makes for a nice day. And maybe we're all hoping that one day soon Management will acknowledge the way the crew feel and actually do something about it. Or just honour the words that Managment delivered to us during training. Even honouring certain parts of the AWA which we signed in good faith would be a great start (after all, it is a legal and binding document which you can't simply change the terms of by saying "oops, we didn't word that section properly..."). Communication from Management would be a great first step in breaking down the "us and them" culture that seemed to sprout after day one of flying. It's a pretty basic notion that if staff are happy, passengers will be too. I remember being taught in the good ol' days that when a passenger complains, if you just listen to them and acknowledge how they feel, thats the first step in sorting the situation out. If you bite back, they'll only get even more worked up. I'm sure you would remember being taught that too Ms Tiger, and it's no different to when it comes to listening to crew!

Its a pretty basic HR principle that company culture and staff morale comes from the top down - it's certainly not built by suggesting to crew to resign. But hey, thats your call.

6th Feb 2008, 05:49
Hi All,

I have an up coming interview with Tiger Airways for Oz Cabin crew. I was wondering if any one can help me with the following
- What does the interview process involve (i.e. group, panel etc)
- What's involved in the group of interview process
- What are Tiger Airways like to work for (any existing crew please answer
- Any one know how many sectors you fly, domestic or international
- Do you do a combination as Oz Cabin Crew
- Are there any o'nighter
- Obviously last but not least, dare I ask, the pay, conditions, benefits

My interview is next week so any help you can all supply would be greatly appreciated

Thank you all for your feedback