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View Full Version : Flying P2....

22nd Jun 2007, 21:10
Just wondering.... if you were offered a flight as "acting P2" pilot, what would the roles of flight involve? I.e radio work?? I’m thinking of this as in a situation whereby the pilot is volunteering to fly P2 for a aerial photography flying company.

I was just curious if anyone has done this before and if so, how much hands on flying did you get?

Another question - P2 cannot be logged as time towards your CPL right??

Thanks guys.


22nd Jun 2007, 21:17
This has been done before. In short, there is no P2 unless the CAA have deemed the aircraft as needing 2 crew ie the bigger stuff. In that case you need to be type rated on type. Aerial photography? you will need a CPL to fly in that role anyway. If you are being offered this, you cannot (legally) be anything other than a passenger (unless you are the photographer hiring the aircraft), in which case it becomes a public transport flight. Cans of worms!

If you are being offered this and they want some money from you, walk away.

22nd Jun 2007, 23:38
Nothing should be expected of you as you are not PIC.

23rd Jun 2007, 04:34
Even though I know people are sceptical about this entire thing, i feel that it would be silly to knock it back. It's a chance to fly with other more experienced pilots which will in turn improve my knowledge of flying for the better

I dont mind flying as a volenteer, even if it is for free.... flying is what I love to do and any experience which may save my life in the future is one worth putting in the graft for

If anyone has has this experience please get in touch to tell me how worth while you thought it was.



Curtis E Carr
23rd Jun 2007, 05:04

I do not think that anyone is suggesting that any time in the air is not useful. You are complicating the issue by specifically mentioning the term "P2" which has a legal definition. Best steer clear of that

Enjoy your flying.

23rd Jun 2007, 07:56

Sorry for being negative, but I have seen others (and been myself) ripped off by people offering flights at a cheap rate for what amounts to nothing that can go in the log book. I know exactly what you are trying to acheive, having had those exact same thoughts myself. I am not sure how much experience you would gain from the trip - it all depends on the attitude and professionalism of the pilot. I would have thought that at your stage, you are better sharing flights with more experienced PPLs and then once you have the CPL, go for the trips with the aerial photographer.

I am not being sceptical about this - the rules are very plain. You are crossing the line into professional aviation here. None of what you might do on such a flight is logable.

23rd Jun 2007, 09:42
Ive gained lots of experience from flying in the RHS with other more experienced PPL's. It is an oppourtunity if the commander is happy to do the Radio or Nav etc, as long as the commander is happy for you to do that and he is at all times PIC especially on a Commercial flight of any description. If the chance is there go for it, biut dont expect too much from it and certainly dont pay anything for the flight(s).

23rd Jun 2007, 21:06
I have flown many times from the right hand seat with two of my mates who have tens of thousands of hours between them.

I have definatley learnt more from them than I would ever learn from a school, obviously some good things and some bad things. However unless I have agreed before the flight then I have not logged the hours as everyone else has stated it is not a mutlicrew aircraft.

The most valuable things I have learnt from them is bad weather flying and short rough strip operation with unlikely bush planes.

My advise to you is take the right hand seat option as often as you can get it, and learn from it. Forget about the hours, they will come in time.