View Full Version : How does one generate an ATZ? Please help

20th Jun 2007, 16:02
This is a simple request for help, to allow me to progress an issue rapidly; I hope that my request will be met with more sympathy than I have have sometimes seen displayed in the Military Aircrew forum where I usually lurk!

Here at RAF Boulmer, we have two Sea Kings on permanent SAR standby.
Over the summer in particular, but on any fair-weather day (and sometimes on not-so-fair-weather days), there is a large number of GA aircraft which fly past/over/round and round Boulmer, which pose a real threat both to themselves and to us, whether during our routine flights, or launching as we do at a moment's notice on a SAROp. Although we have a 2nm radius, 2000' agl HPZ which is marked on military flying maps, on civvy maps we are only shown as an 'H'; we also have both VHF and UHF frequencies which are manned 0800-2300 local. Unfortunately the GA aircraft in question neither call us before coming through nor avoid the airfield at all; please believe me when I state that several aircraft (all microlights) have been through our overhead below 150'! Even though most aircraft are at about 500' (not a good height over Northumberland during the week, with all those jets around), this still poses a hazard to us.

On the occasions when we've noted the registration, we've tracked down the owner/operator and voiced our concerns; this spring, in anticipation of the longer days and better weather, we sent posters to the three closest flying clubs (Newcastle, Eshott and Milfield) to attempt to raise awareness of our presence among the local GA community. Neither of these measures has made any difference, and already this season we are plagued by low-flying GA several times a day (either people flying from further afield, or local aviators who ignored the posters - I know that the posters were put up at two and maybe three of the three airfields mentioned).

We are understandably concerned that one day our luck will run out and that we may collect a Cessna or similar as we go about our business, and the next step that I can see is to create an ATZ around Boulmer that everyone else has to avoid. My question is: how does one go about creating an ATZ? Any pointers would be most welcome - from our point of view, the sooner we can establish it the better!

Many thanks in advance for any replies


20th Jun 2007, 16:12
Try contacting Mark Smailes at DAP ORA5, his extension is 6545 at CAA House
[Policy and planning for ATZ establishment
in accordance with, and for the purposes of,
Rule 39 of the Rules Of the Air Regulations.]

PPRuNe Radar
20th Jun 2007, 16:56
You could maybe raise it with your Group HQ. The ATZ proposal and donkey work, including consultation with other airspace users, would have to be staffed by MoD, with the application going through DAP once all that has been carried out.

It's a long tortuous road, but might be a bit quicker coming to fruition since it's a Government 'aerodrome'.

20th Jun 2007, 17:39
You don't say what level of ATS is provided on your UHF/VHF frequencies; you might enhance your chances if you can provide at least FISO rather than A/G

London Mil
21st Jun 2007, 05:19
Chevvron, military airfield rules differ and there may be no need for FISO. As PP Radar says, try your Group HQ first. If they haven't got a clue, get hold of SO1 ATC (T) within HQ Air ATC (Ext 5704). They will need various bits of paper (justification) and, if your case is viable, will then do the donkey work with Mark Smailes at DAP.

21st Jun 2007, 11:13
Many thanks for the information, that gives me plenty to get started. Wish me luck!