View Full Version : £200 Golden Handshake for NATS Applicants!!!

19th Jun 2007, 19:12
Ok, not strictly true, but here's the deal:

I am a current trainee (therefore utterly skint) and the company is offering a 'finders fee' to current employees who recommend people to successfully join the September 2007 intake at the college.

The company will pay me £500 (before tax) for every 'friend' I recommend, payable in my October paycheck (provided I haven't failed by then).

If you are in the early stages of application, or are just about to apply, please PM me your details - i will forward them to HR and register you as my friend. You will successfully pass the application process and start here at college in September (we hope). I will receive what's left of £500 after tax and insurance in October and forward your share to you ASAP.

This is not a con. This is no joke. If you are applying, or thinking of applying - trust me when I say: an extra £200 for doing next to nothing will, when you're one month in to training, be an absolute godsend!

Questions? Post them here for all to see!

Interested? You should be. PM me ASAP!

Cheers, Yourself.

19th Jun 2007, 20:46
I hope you are more successful than ther guys running recruitment and selection as they appear to be struggling again. What else needs to be done to attract the right people?:ugh:

19th Jun 2007, 21:37
Are you feckin serious?

If it was applied to past courses, NATS probably owe me at least 3500 pounds. :ugh:

19th Jun 2007, 22:32
Can we all get in on the act then? My PM box is open :}

19th Jun 2007, 22:53
Is this a wind up ? :cool:

It has to be, unless the Nats recruitment people are former Tupperware or Amway employees :)

Do you also have to go and sell kitchenware and cleaning equipment when you're at the college ?

19th Jun 2007, 23:01
Can we all get in on the act then?No we can't. I saw it first, it's mine, mine, mine!

Besides, you earn more than me now: Location: LTCC - I'm still living in poverty. My need is greater than yours.

Are you feckin serious?

Is this a wind up ?Not at all! This is my best opportunity to scrape my earnings for the year above the minimum wage.

A bit of an arse about face way of doing it as far as i'm concerned, maybe if NATS added the £500 onto the trainee salary they wouldn't be struggling to find people to fill the September course; who knows?!

But if this is what I need to do to get more cash out of the company - so be it!

19th Jun 2007, 23:07

Buddy, with lateral thinking like that, I'd bet on you staying the course. Look forward to working with you if you get posted by the sea!

19th Jun 2007, 23:08
I would still call what I'm on poverty :ugh:

19th Jun 2007, 23:17
A bit of an arse about face way of doing it as far as i'm concerned, maybe if NATS added the £500 onto the trainee salary they wouldn't be struggling to find people to fill the September course; who knows?!

That would be common sense and perhaps goes against the company policies.

20th Jun 2007, 14:21
Going Now,

Buy one controller, get one free. This offer must end Saturday :} :} :}

20th Jun 2007, 15:32
Who the **** wants to work for NATS?
No guarantee of Airport or Area training, no guarantee of where you want to be based, good salary perhaps but this is always negated by having to live in very high cost housing areas, unit management driven by statistics, employers driven by who knows what?

20th Jun 2007, 15:36
Sounds like any ATS provider round the world mate.

20th Jun 2007, 16:09
I do have to wonder what your beef with NATS is, niknak. You're starting to sound like a broken record!

As Jer says, you could say the same about any provider.
Why join up as Mil ATC? Why risk paying for your own licence?

20th Jun 2007, 19:10
G-OFUK, Top marks for Initiative. :D I have a similiar idea going elsewhere!

How ironic though that any extra applicants generated by NATS bung, will be (prob) offset by all those who see this thread and realise that the pay is so crap, that trainee's have to find any way to make ends meet, and not bother applying! And those that do get through will probably have just cost NATS an extra £500 if they were already applying anyway!

21st Jun 2007, 06:55
As someone who spent some years working abroad, then a year working non-State, then 31 years with the "State" I would say that Mr Niknak doesn't have a clue what he's talking about!

I was never "management" (apart from occasional rostered duties as Twr/Apc Supervisor at Heathrow) and can honestly say I never experienced any problems from management. All of my Watch Supervisors and Watch Managers were great guys. I simply went to work, did my job to the best of my ability and ignored any nonsense going on around me and my 31 years at Heathrow and TC were the happiest working days of my life. Oh yes - after just 31 years in State employment I have a pension which is the envy of anyone I know, including some ex-aircrew.

I accept that all is not well with the training situation and the business of dishing out enticements strikes me as ultra-unprofessional.... but that's how it goes. Do you job according to MATS, enjoy a huge salary and more time off than you know what to do with....

21st Jun 2007, 07:09
I accept that all is not well with the training situation and the business of dishing out enticements strikes me as ultra-unprofessional.... but that's how it goes.
NATS have been offering enticements on the engineering side for years now. Has just been awarded some gong for its external recruitment advert.

As ex-military I find NATS a breath of fresh air as an employer. Pay is vastly superior, promotion is based on ability and effort with no time element, I get treated as an adult. Some of yea olde managers were useless but they're being edged out/retired so things are on the up.


21st Jun 2007, 10:03

I too am ex mil, and although I despair at the man management skills of a lot of our 'management' (to be fair, they do not get good enough training), I too think that NATS is a world apart from mil days. Niknak may have a genuine cause for complaint, but that is probably brought about by not having experienced real life!!

When you apply to join NATS, you kow exactly what thew score is.... if you are not happy with what could happen to you then don't join, if you are not aware of what could happen to you, then you don't deserve to be in a job that requires free thinking and an ability to work both as an individual and as a team (and that applies to all workers in NATS).


Good luck with your enterprise - it's a good way of massaging the system to both your benefit and to any applicant and good luck with the course - you sound like you will fit in well!!

21st Jun 2007, 10:15
I despair at the man management skills of a lot of our 'management' (to be fair, they do not get good enough training)
Well the training is improving however, IMHO, you cannot train man management skills. You either have them, and they can be sharpened, or you don't and no amount of training will equip you. Thats one area where the military have scored highly over NATS, promotion is based on being a rounded person, not just on being good at your day job. Having said that I have seen much more focus on man management, particularly training and I'm conscious that the company are much more willing to sack those not performing. One of the 'benefits' of employing managerial grades on personal contracts as opposed to being in the negotiated grades.


21st Jun 2007, 23:46
As a current student at the college, i find it really insulting that management can dangle this £500 'carrot' in front of our faces to effectively do their recruiting for them and yet they can't pay their existing trainees more.
"Just try and get as many people in as fast as we can, try and get the students to get their friends to apply, lets offer them money, they'll respond to that"
Worst part is i'll probably try and find somebody to apply cos im so skint

22nd Jun 2007, 20:22
So what fixes the mgt gap? I agree with BDiONU mgt is nature and not nurture. NATS mgt are no different from the rest of the world in that there are good and bad mgrs wherever you go

23rd Jun 2007, 09:40
It's typical of what NATS is doing everywhere, they've realised that if they dangle that carrot on the stick in the form of a bung of anything around the £500 (after tax) then they can get just about anything voted through with the recommendation of (NO) Prospect and their "working together".

Right now it's lets change your redundancy T's & C's, you go out and do our recruiting for us.

Next it's Luncheon Vouchers, AAVA's, Pensions.

Before you know it we'll all have a couple of grand extra in our pockets but No LV's, bog standard overtime rates and an pension scheme that will be the envy of no-one.

24th Jun 2007, 13:48
I have a better idea.:}

I recommend your list, you recommend mine. If we all do it together we all get £500 each every time we pick a winner:ok:.