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View Full Version : Transponder Landing Systems (TLS)

19th Jun 2007, 17:14
Is there anyone out there really using this system manufacured by ANPC, since the FAA has pulled all prior certification(s) and seems to be a very unsafe system.

I have it on very good authority that neither USMC or USAF will ever procure this system, and is not a safe system that should be used for landing aircraft.


19th Jun 2007, 19:28
It was trialled at my airfield in the UK. Initial problem of signal weakness was quickly overcome and it was accurate BUT it could only handle one aircraft at a time (it worked on identifying the 3-dimensional position of the aircraft from its transponder reply then transmitting a guidance signal which somehow was the same as ILS guidance beams) PLUS the UK CAA said they would need 5 YEARS to evaluate it before approving it for instrument approaches!!

20th Jun 2007, 16:16
Thanks for the info...

That is pretty much what I am hearing across the board...seems that are alot of concerns about the safety issues surrounding the useability of the system.

21st Jun 2007, 19:12
There was a proposal that the US D of D would sponsor the installation at my airfield, but of course they lost interest when the CAA stepped in with their pronouncement.

21st Jun 2007, 20:43
Chevvron, I looked into the TLS last year for this place. Have all the bumph etc, and it looked like a pretty good system. The attraction for us was the ability to programme a curved or dog-legged approach into it. Haven't got all the paperwork here, but I'm sure it was installed in one or two places in Australia. Think there was an air-transportable tactical system trialled too and as I recall, it has a limited use as an approach type radar. The RAF did look at it, but with the forthcoming introduction of JSF etc, they seem to be looking more at GPS based approach aids.
