View Full Version : King Air Endorsement[B200] in Australia

12th Jun 2007, 11:12
Like to know where i could do a B200 endorsement in australia preferably in sydney basin., if there is any or somewhere in australia.


Howard Hughes
12th Jun 2007, 12:31
Call Hawker Pacific, if they can't do it, they can put you on to who can!
There is also a B200 at Orange which might be a chance!:ok:

12th Jun 2007, 20:39
Thanks mate...

13th Jun 2007, 04:49
Clamback at Bankstown??

13th Jun 2007, 12:46
Do they give intial endorsement for someone with jus 35 hrs in multis...???

13th Jun 2007, 16:30
You want a King Air endorsement with just 35hrs multi?????? :bored:

Better familiarise yourself with closing the door from the outside, because you're gonna be hanging off a 200ft rope attached to the tailplane!

Why are you wanting an endorsement on a B200 with only 35hrs multi? :confused:


Jay Bo
14th Jun 2007, 01:50
C&H dont have a king air anymore

14th Jun 2007, 02:09
morno the B200 job advertised on AFAP would probably have something to do with it.. It has only a 500h tt + mecir requirement...:confused::confused::confused:

14th Jun 2007, 08:13

its for my friend. he has a job offer in india in king air.

14th Jun 2007, 12:43
I know I have a short attention span BUT... your first post mavrick was a request from quote "where i could do a B200...:ugh:

14th Jun 2007, 14:33
wat happened to the King Air at C&H??

thought they bought it brand new!?!:sad:

15th Jun 2007, 01:16
I they would have you believe otherwise, but C & H didn't own MYO and didn't own N___ whatever it was. They were both owned by an american-born lady in the Upper Hunter Valley who entrusted C&H with their operation. Her mother owns the island Magnum was filmed on, aparrently - not just Johnathon's house but the whole island.

Word is that the new KingAir had some sort of uncommanded flight upset while operating on autopilot with the owner or her kids on board and "we are not amused". :hmm:

15th Jun 2007, 12:15
Auto upset - interesting. I wonder if it had Proline 21.

16th Jun 2007, 01:42
The C&H Kingair went back to the States about two weeks ago.The owner,according to the FAA Register,is Winderadeen Corp. Wilmington. Delaware.

18th Jun 2007, 14:08
damn...was gonna save up to get the endorsement through C & H...:ouch:

22nd Jun 2007, 11:47
I know the ol saying is that if you have to ask you can't afford it, just wondering what an average kingair endorsement would cost?


24th Jun 2007, 04:46
You want a King Air endorsement with just 35hrs multi??????

Better familiarise yourself with closing the door from the outside, because you're gonna be hanging off a 200ft rope attached to the tailplane!


what a load of crap! you need to stop listening to bitter old flight instructors. They're easier to fly than a piston twin.

Why are you wanting an endorsement on a B200 with only 35hrs multi?

maybe because in many parts of the world thats the typical experience you have when you get your first job on a kingair???

how about a congratulations for the guy, he's done a lot better than most in australian GA to be getting a go on a kero burner so early in his career. Good things come to those prepared to move I guess! :ok:

Dick Smith
25th Jun 2007, 03:28
Megle2, you state:

Auto upset - interesting. I wonder if it had Proline 21. Yes, it definitely did have a Proline 21, and the aircraft at one stage was descending at nearly 16,000 feet per minute to the ground before the pilot brought it under control. It appears that the Proline 21 equipment blanked out for a few seconds before the upset happened.

Do you have any information on this or details of any similar incident?

25th Jun 2007, 04:00
Forgive me for giving an educated opinion Turbolager, :hmm:.

Put it this way. For safety's sake, I'd rather have a pilot with some good multi time poling me around in a King Air, before I'd trust a pilot with 35hrs multi, :bored:


25th Jun 2007, 08:56
We have had very good service from our Proline 21 avionics.
However I am always very interested in others experience.

Would be helpful if whoever was flying it came forward with some info.
There are a lot of us using Proline.

Maybe worth its own forum rather than hidden in B200 endorsements.