View Full Version : AIPs

8th Jun 2007, 17:07
Hi guys,

A couple of questions regarding AIPs if I may :)

1) Why are there differences between countries? I was under the impression that it was standardised. To an extent it is: GEN, ENR, and AD. However, different countries seem to approach things differently.

For example, the UK AIP has all the AD as one "per aerodrome", whereas the French AIP separates the AD into separate sections - VACs, IACs, ARR/DEP, and AIMs. (The exception being Overseas French AIPs where all the AD is compiled into one).

Spain and Italy equally do things slightly differently...

Also, some AIPs seem to have Precision Approach Charts as part of the package, whereas others don't (the CAA makes PATCs available as a separate download).

Doesn't this inconsistency make it hard to update the AIPs if you operate in different areas on a regular basis?

2) What is the difference between AIP Amendments and AIP AIRAC Amendments? The Italian AIP makes a distinction between them...

3) Am I correct in thinking that "Non-AIRAC" charts are not updated as part of the cycle, so could be out of date?

4) Are Amendments made available 1 cycle in advance (current Amendments come into force July 5th for example).

5) Finally(!), am I right when I say that US ENR charts are not available for download? I can't seem to find an AIP website for the US AIP - although I have found TPs.

Many thanks for any help!



8th Jun 2007, 22:04
1 - Differences exist because different countries have different issues and either need (or their bureaucrats perceive that they need) different rules or procedures to deal with those issues. Such issues could include traffic volumes, terrain, political issues with surrounding countries, availability of ATS, historical and cultural issues and probably many others.
Suggest you read the Jepp World Wide Text if you are interested.
The departure and approach charts are technically part of the AIP, but are often published as a separate book.

2/3 - The Aviation Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) is updated every 4 weeks, AIP ammendments will probably not be as frequent.

4 - As long as they are available in time to update the aircraft FMCs.

5 - Dunno.

9th Jun 2007, 10:11
Thank you very much! :)
