View Full Version : To LHR folks

7th Jun 2007, 20:16
heard of 737 having big problems 2 days ago just after depature.
they made a circle and landed safely with no harm to them/others.
any info about traffic situation at time? was it hard to manage for You?

7th Jun 2007, 21:42
Duck for cover folks when Heathrow director sees this post......

7th Jun 2007, 22:07
No need to duck for cover. Genuine, intelligent posts get responses:

I think there was a JAT that returned with an engine out a few days ago - saw it flashing on the screen.

7th Jun 2007, 22:40
Could have been one with Nav problems around Monday Lunch time...

14th Jun 2007, 11:48
later I found it was a LOT 737 plane that had more than NAV problems. They lost most of the instruments having to rely only on ATC and real horizon as the wx at time was luckily great. no speed, no alt, no NAV and LHR airspace.

only a gossip
correct me if I am wrong if , by any chance, someone has any info

14th Jun 2007, 14:32
LOT382 I think, last week, through Lambourne. Made for an interesting, if not worrying 20 minutes watching it on the radar. LHR Director worked bloody hard on this one and did a fantastic job. At one point, the aircraft was three miles finals for 09R, heading North at 12ooft Mode C and executed a visual approach.

14th Jun 2007, 14:45
They sure did do a great job, I have never seen so many people huddled around a radar screen at once :p

Wee Jock McPlop
14th Jun 2007, 14:53
Seeing that the radar guy/folks did such a good job and worked bl...y hard to get the LOT back safely, would NATS consider recognizing his/her/their performance and give an award to them. Oh bu...r, silly me, there's the flaw in my argument, they're air traffickers.:( These awards tend to go to the pen-pushers from CTC.:E



southern duel
14th Jun 2007, 16:53
Yes it was the LOT B737 500 on the 4th Jnne . Total instrument failure although they came back on line after landing. AAIB had 2 investigators attend much to LOT's displeasure because they were ready to depart again. Aircraft finally departed next day at 05:42z as the LO9002 Empty !!

While on the subject of B737 500's a BMI Baby diverted into LHR on 14th. It was routeing AMS to EMA. with a double generator fault.


14th Jun 2007, 16:58
A lot?.....How many?

I'll get me coat...