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6th Jun 2007, 07:26
Can someone tell me what the objective of this management is?

If Gulf Air wants to save money then surely Mr. Dose needs to review his direct reports and their performance. This is not happening.

I am under the impression that there will be no changes and that this is after all a vamped up cosmetics exercise. The new VP's are doing exactly what the previous VP's were fired for.

So what is the bloody point Mr. Dose, please enlighten us.

6th Jun 2007, 07:57
I don`t agree with you that new VP's are doing exactly what the previous VP's were fired for.

The previous VPs brought all their friends and made them managers. There are more managers in Gulf Air now than the staffs and they are getting paid big salaries for keeping seats warm, they even invented new positions to make their friends happy.

Those days are over. No more useless managers in Gulf Air.

Let the management run the airline professionally away from these mafias.

Mustapha Rex
6th Jun 2007, 07:58
What management? Does Gulf Air have management?

Think its more like a kindergarden teaching apparatus, not management.

6th Jun 2007, 11:00
A.D will be out soon......less than 3 months....wait and see:ok:

Panama Jack
6th Jun 2007, 11:12
A.D will be out soon......less than 3 months....wait and see

If that really does happen, then God help us all. What GF really does need is a stable management that is doing the necessary things, regardless of how bitter the medicine may taste.

Fay Jinah
6th Jun 2007, 11:31
Gulf Air, was running without PC for over 6months and the situation was better than it is today.

Commander 38t, please spare us this Mafia rethoric, mafia is still there, probably worse today than ever, while Mr. Dose attends his bored meetings.

Where is the guy? I've never met him past the one and only memorable speech on establishing accountability. Where is it?

The business is still the same, managed still the same ways, still with the same leaks and the management to go with it. Anyone with an ounce of integrity has left, those still here are struggling to leave and you tell me that the company is better....

Don't know what colour glasses you are wearing, but I think it's time you took them off to face the somber music of Gulf Air reality today, Gulf Air is poorly managed, the thiefs are still there and nothing has been done about them, on the contrary, they have been eased to effectively drain this company faster of its assets while we watch.

Memorable indeed!

6th Jun 2007, 12:24
It is a RESTRUCTURING!!!!!! Look at any similar case, anywhere in the world, and the situation is the same. People get upset, some lose their jobs and others expect immediate change.

I hate to bring sanity back to the debate but this is going to take time. That frustrates me as much as anyone but that is a fact. We have NO clue as to what is happening behind the scenes or when things will start to happen. A lot of that will never be very obvious as the changes and improvements will take many small steps.

Now prove how the mafia is stealing at the moment!!! Lots of accucsations but no substance!! I am not disagreeing that that stuff is not an issue but it would be good if the accusations came with some proof.

The new FRAUD team should be informed as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GAGing in Bahrain
6th Jun 2007, 13:09
(A.D's golden parachute opening, if gulfair_sexy is correct)
Which will mean another few million down the drain.....:D

6th Jun 2007, 13:44
There were about 100 people standing outside by the cafeteria refusing to go to their offices. all against the new retirement package.

6th Jun 2007, 14:06

I "Don't know what colour glasses you are wearing" coz I never said "that the company is better...."

Please read before you comment.

I totally agree about alansari brothers and panahi mafia but wasn`t the prevoius VPO who brought them?

A.D surely needs to kick them out before making any changes.

GAGing in Bahrain
6th Jun 2007, 14:09
Oooo! Dissension in the ranks, how utterly delicious!:E

Panama Jack
6th Jun 2007, 14:17

Sounds like you should be filing your grievances here:


Our Commitment

Gulf Air has engaged an independent agency, Kroll, to implement this Integrity Line in order to provide you with a simple and easy way to report possible violations or raise concerns on suspected financial misconduct, theft or fraud, which may be damaging the company.

Reports can be made by employees and by external parties, who do business with Gulf Air, on a secure non-Gulf Air server.

You can post your report anonymously; however, we would prefer you to provide your name and contact information, which will be kept absolutely confidential unless you expressly agree to their disclosure.

Please remember:

You can support your report with documentary evidences and references, which can be attached to your report on this site itself.

This is not an emergency 'hotline' to report any operational emergencies, immediate safety threats or customer service complaints, which are dealt with by Gulf Air directly.

Fay Jinah
6th Jun 2007, 14:57
No one doubts the restructuring that is required, but why is it in the hands of managment that has been in the same place and was not capable of carrying out the necessary changes before?

There is no logic there and MH is right about that head of Inflight who is a waste of space.

Now on the other hand, placement decisions are being made at the British club, so what does that say?

Corruption still prevails, who meets there with other GF management, Michael Kent. So why pretend, let him run the airline, since he is doing it anyway.

Panama Jack
6th Jun 2007, 14:58
. . . or even Continental Airlines. This book (not particularly new but very interesting) makes for good reading about what went on at Continental Airlines.


Behind the Scenes of Continental's Remarkable Comeback
By Gordon Bethune with Scott Huler
Wiley 294 pp $24.95

With the recent retirement of American Airlines (AMR) CEO Robert L. Crandall, the airline industry lost its most colorful, combative, and quotable leader. But in Gordon Bethune's new book, From Worst to First, the chief of Continental Airlines Inc. (CAI.B) gamely tries to fill the gap.

Although Bethune, with co-author Scott Huler, promises a ''behind-the-scenes'' view of Continental's comeback since 1994, the book mostly covers well-trodden ground--but with a blunt, often profane brand of humor. Anyone familiar with Bethune's leadership of twice-bankrupt Continental will probably recognize such stock lines as ''you can make a pizza so cheap nobody wants to eat it'' (a reference to Continental's failed obsession with cost-cutting) and ''the sickest patients need the best doctors'' (to justify rising executive pay when Continental is at death's door).

But Bethune includes some fresh examples of his plain-spoken management style. For instance, when told by his operations people that they simply can't meet a deadline for repainting 200 planes, Bethune retorts: ''You're wonderful people and I love you, but you're going to get those airplanes painted or I'm going to shoot every last one of you.'' The workers make the deadline. Bethune, a former Boeing Co. executive, later explains that he has only twice in his career suggested shooting employees.

Simplicity and consistency have always been among Bethune's strengths in running the airline. But those qualities can make for tedious reading as he repeatedly explains the cornerstones of Continental's turnaround plan--from the way it measures and rewards on-time performance to how it communicates with employees. Bethune bolsters his points with a plethora of sports and airline analogies that quickly grow tiresome.

Still, in an age where managing seems increasingly complicated, some of Bethune's prescriptions are refreshingly straightforward. In stressing the importance of working together and making the workplace happier, Bethune explains how: ''Simple. You act nice. And you insist that everybody act nicer. Whenever possible, you react to their understandable hesitance with more niceness. It all sounds almost silly, but the fact is that the only way to change a corporate culture is to just change it.''

In one of the book's few behind-the-scenes passages, Bethune explains how he was almost passed over for the CEO job after the ouster of his predecessor. Continental's board decided not to name anyone as CEO for a time and to keep Bethune as president. When Bethune protested vehemently and got his chance to address the directors, he bluntly told them: ''This place is going nowhere fast, and in about two weeks, it's going to come apart at the seams. You can pick me--you may not think I'm the guy, but I am the guy. But if not, you'd better pick somebody else fast.'' With this book, Bethune seems intent on proving to the world that he's still the guy.


Panama Jack
6th Jun 2007, 15:03

Say no more!

Fay Jinah
6th Jun 2007, 15:15

Communication manager of sorts. about as articulate as 3 wheeled scooter and the personality to match.

So what are her qualifications to be in the position she is in?

2 years of flying? and sorry nearly finished high school?

This is the illness of Gulf Air, very soon we will need to place ads at the British club to place expat brats in Gulf Air because they could not get jobs anywhere else in the world, while professionals in the business are being shown the door.

The British club runs Gulf Air and over a beer or 12, little schemes are made to carry out the master plan, regardless of the company's needs.


6th Jun 2007, 16:54
And here are the demands from the 100 or so that decided to refuse to work today:

1. Extend the deadline of the offer to 31st December 2007.
2. Fixed amount of BD20,000/-
3. 2 months of gross salary for each year of service.
4. GOSI contribution to be up to 10 years depending on age.
5. For the first 5 years after retirement to be treated as staff with all staff travel facilities and medical benefits, thereafter to be treated as retired and implement the company rules.
6. Any application is rejected by the management, should be compensated by a suitable package.
7. 25% increment to all of gulf air nationals (Bahraini & Omani) in order to compensate for inflation as well as the on going freeze on promotions and annual increments.

And these were generally the people you see swiping in and then either, (a)parking the car and getting to their desks 20mins later or (b) going off to take their kids to school and coming back an hour later or (c) driving off and coming back at 3pm to swipe out!

They should have had the door shut on them and told to come back at 3 to clear their desks!

C'mon, turn it around and provide this package to the expats instead, then all the Bahraini & Omani staff can keep their jobs...well for couple of months at least.. it should last about that long under management with that kind of sense.

6th Jun 2007, 17:17
ethicspoint..... report send.....say no more:{

Mustapha Rex
6th Jun 2007, 19:17
Not to worry, GF will not exist in 6 months time, you still have time to apply.

What is left there now is just rioters and crooks with a reputation to match...sad truth!

6th Jun 2007, 19:24
C'mon, turn it around and provide this package to the expats instead, then all the Bahraini & Omani staff can keep their jobs...well for couple of months at least.. it should last about that long under management with that kind of sense


The above along with much of the rest of your post implies that nationals are lazy brats who don't do their job. I am sure there are people like that BUT...What about the nationals who do work hard day in and day out? (don't tell me they don't exist because I know they do exist) Don't you think you are being extremely unfair to them? Also your comments imply that hard work is an attribute that is limited to expats only. This is biased. Again I am not just sure, I actually know there are plenty of expats who work very hard. But, I am also equally sure that those nationals who you are slamming as being lazy (along with the hard working expats) can also tell you about many expats who also get away with little to no hard work.

If you want judge people do so by thier actions not by where they come from.

6th Jun 2007, 19:30
bluesfan i agree it may sound unfair but the fact is that there are WAY to many in the offive that do do nothing. I believe that they shouldnot all be painted with that brush and the managment should cut what they dont need and continue with the rest of the staff that are hard working the problem is usually one bad apple spoils the bunch....gulf air has been this way to long and now unfortunatel the good people will have to pay fpr their fellow employees that did nothing for the compnay

6th Jun 2007, 19:49
Yes, guilty as charged - I was lumping everyone in with the masses showing there upset today. That was wrong. Agree as I know a lot of local staff that are worth their weight in gold too and some expat who are as you say, worth their weight in something else.

What I was really trying to highlight was that making ridiculous demands such as these in the typical 'local' manner is just outrageous and shows exactly why the company is in the state it is.

There is a tumour that needs removing. That tumour is fedby the Labor Law, indiscipline in the home and schools. If your hands are tied removing unproductive local staff you get this cancerous growth of shift/replace and an increasing workforce that yu cannot get rid of that demoralises everyone else and gets in the way of productivity and efficiency.

The surgeons knife is needed, no more life support!

7th Jun 2007, 05:35
Dear Icarus:

I absolutely appreciate your comment in which you clarified your view and acknowledged hard working locals as well. Local or not, hard working people exist everywhere and they deserve to be acknowledged.

I agree that the tumour must be removed. But removing such tumours cannot succeed if it is coupled with unfair generalizations (no matter how tempting they may be seem to be). Please bear with me if I sound persistent, but I must speak up for the sake of fairness. Notice the following statements that came in your post:

“making ridiculous demands such as these in the typical 'local' manner is just outrageous”

“That tumour is fedby the Labor Law, indiscipline in the home and schools.”

In your first statement, you refer to a “local” manner, and it certainly sounds negative. The last time I checked, “local” and “negative” aren’t synonyms. If you think the demands of these people are ridiculous, then that’s totally fine you have every right to your opinion. The demands could be ridiculous because these people who made them may be ridiculous themselves NOT because they are local!

As a local, I certainly don’t feel that what was in your second statements applies to me and I can assure you, plenty of other locals would share the same view. We certainly weren’t born with golden spoons in our mouths, and I personally don’t think the labour law has given me any added benefits or priority even though it may seem like otherwise. I also take a great deal of pride in my personal/work ethic and performance, just like many other hard working and committed locals out there.. and guess what? We are also a product of the homes and schools that you have criticisized. Again this is about the individuals not the nationality or background.

I know it may sound like I am taking this personally or overanalyzing, but please note that in your statements you mention “locals” without specifying whom exactly you are referring to. This can automatically be interpreted as everyone from the hardest working local to the laziest, it’s a sweeping statement that is therefore unfair. Perhaps you didn’t intend it that way? That’s fine, but then may be in the future a little bit of care must be exercised in phrasing things as it can save a lot of people feeling injustice! Furthermore, the things you have complained about can apply to people regardless of nationality. A person can still be a non-GCC citizen and still show the same attributes that you complained about.

Forgive me for sounding picky on this but I felt I had to speak up on this, and I hope you can understand where I am trying to come from.

I believe not enough hardworking locals are speaking up and are therefore making themselves “fair game” for stereotypes (and sometimes attacks) that do a great deal of injustice. This is dangerous for 2 reasons:

1) unfair generalizations can become the basis of some important judgements and decisions and

2) genraizations can MASK the truth by distracting attention away from the REAL problem or those “tumours” that you referred to!!! i.e. sure, go ahead blame it on the locals and take it out on them while you're at it, while the real slackers (local or not) still get to stay where they are!


7th Jun 2007, 06:28
Look at GF now. The oldest airline in the gulf. All the other operators in the region use exactly the same management philosophy though most haven't been hamstrung by multiple owners. Using the current model this is the future for Qatar, Emirates and Etihad unless competition or catastrophe intervene.

7th Jun 2007, 06:38
"I totally agree about alansari brothers and panahi mafia but wasn`t the prevoius VPO who brought them?"
No, It's teh other way around. The mafia put him there in order to work from the background through him. He was a popet.

Fay Jinah
7th Jun 2007, 08:31

I totally agree with your statement and only too aware that no all the bahrainis are lazy, as a matter of fact some of the expats are lazy too and beyond that unqualified but still get the job and decide which Bahraini will weork for them and which won't....If you see my point...You will understand that if Bahrainis made a bad name for themselves it is because of this practice that I mention above and none other.



Panama Jack
7th Jun 2007, 08:40
I would like to add-on something that bluesfan has said; I hope you don't mind.

Life as an expat can be full of frustrations.

Regardless of what issues you may have with local cultures, local ways of doing things, I try to keep in mind that 99% of the locals are extremely hospitable and tolerant to me, a foreigner, who is trying to make a living in their country. The majority are very respectful to me as a fellow employee, and I enjoy working with my "local" co-workers as much as or sometimes even more than other expats.

Lets not forget that all of us here in the sandpit were invited to come, and many of us came here because for some reason conditions "back home" were unacceptable and it was our choice to come. We are not an occupying force, and the colonial days of Empires are history.

While I am at times as guilty as the next guy, I suggest we check our language occasionally and avoid the arrogant retoric, which can have an even more toxic and damaging effect as our company goes through it's revolution.

7th Jun 2007, 11:15
Hear hear PJ.

7th Jun 2007, 12:52
Very well said BLUESFAN,
People like ICARUS dont realize the damage that can be done by sending these kind of imature and irresposible posts.most of the locals and expats are living in harmony in this company, lets hope it stays this way.

7th Jun 2007, 15:09
im(m)ature and irrespo(n)sible - Ah like downing tools for two hours or more unofficially, without a Union mandate nor a majority vote solicited from the membership just because you feel that the world owes you a living. That is exactly what took place yesterday. The demand, also immature and irresponsible. US$50K for everyone as a base (even if they started work in GF last week!) and 2 months for every year worked, plus this plus that. Might as well pay out and shut down the same day and then everyone in Gulf Air (including the Bahrainis and Omanis who work hard to make things better every day) can just go home and grow into a couch potato.

Ah yes, very mature and responsible....

Fay Jinah
8th Jun 2007, 10:30

you hit the nail on the head!

8th Jun 2007, 10:39
Next hit will be on your thumb when this blows over. Why are you guys still here? Are the others paying you? Sod off!! Bloody monkeys.

Fay Jinah
8th Jun 2007, 10:46
And what is your problem brass plate not liking the comments?

Why don't you go see if I am in bed with your wife

GAGing in Bahrain
8th Jun 2007, 11:51
Back in your corners boys! Tisk tisk...:= Play nicely or there will be no pudding after dinner.

8th Jun 2007, 15:17
You're not coz I am.....with yours as well.

8th Jun 2007, 16:08
Ooooh! brassplate are we touchy.......?


Capt Al Fakhem
8th Jun 2007, 16:19
If you boys are done throwing a tantrum can we get on with it.

8th Jun 2007, 16:38
What is it we were taliking about?

8th Jun 2007, 22:52
Oh yeah, how's our distinguished managers doing? Like I said before, no one really wants to be in their shoes. Then again, it is their chosen profession. So glad to be a pilot. Good luck to em.

12th Jun 2007, 19:28
Ah, the 'mature & responsible' downed tools again today for an extended period of almost 2 hours - bit cooler weather I guess so they could stand outside longer than last week!

As I understand it, the current offer is VOLUNTARY. Why on earth are people 'demonstrating' disgust over something they have been offered should they wish to VOLUNTEER for severence? Nice to see the COO's secretary joining in! Perhaps BN needs to find a new one!

Perhaps the next time this unofficial and non-Union sanctioned nonsense takes place, security can run around locking the doors of the empty offices and then secure the ID cards of the staff until they have had enough unpaid time at home pondering their toenails to realise that it is better they actually do what they are paid to do - WORK BE PRODUCTIVE AND CONTRIBUTE TO MAKING THINGS BETTER! - hopefully eventuating with securing their jobs; rather than conduct themsleves in this atrocious manner.

Or are they really saying 'Mr Chairman, please up the ante a little, you can see at least 200 of us will leave immeadietly after getting our cheque. Thus making your company more efficient, more safe, more productive, profitable (inshallah), free of those of us that love to get in the way and waste everyone elses time and of course a much nicer place to work for those that are left'.?

13th Jun 2007, 08:15
Quite amazing. Demonstrating because a voluntary offer is not good enough.

If you don't like it, don't take it!

Although I'm sure the company would be better off and more efficient without the lot of them.

If these people tried putting in a full day's work for a change the airline wouldn't be in the financial mess it's in right now.

It's a bit of a generalisation, but fair to say that most Gulf nationals have no idea what a hard day's work really is.

13th Jun 2007, 08:58
agreed, but then again when me looks at some expats shoddy quality of work, I do wonder who is actually giving this organisation the time of day....No names mentionned:E

Sorry Bauer, didn't want to rock your temper again!:(

13th Jun 2007, 22:29
Teething problems from converting a company that runs like a government department into a viable business.

14th Jun 2007, 19:38
The voluntary severence package for BH and OMN staff had its deadline extended to October today and the addition of 'ticket entitlements' thrown in. So far it is rumoured that around 250 have expresed/registered their interest. It was also understood today that if this scheme does not achieve the required head-count then the salaries of the excess will be taken off GF payroll and paid by the holding company as no-one will be (can be?) managed out of the company.

Ah! So now we just get someone else to pay their salary, but keep them in-situ continuing to get in the way of progress, productivity, efficiency and (hopefully) profitability. Hmmmm...

15th Jun 2007, 11:32
What this says to me is that the management is indecisive and incapable of carying out its plan.

Does not promise much for the future and shows MH right in relation to everyone else's idea of ehat is going on here.

I can't trust'em!:bored:

Sandy Swan
20th Jun 2007, 17:13
It has to be said that Dosh and Nuff hit the deck, writing. But they seem to be beating into the stiff headwinds of staff scepticism and suspicion without enough linguistic keel, making their progress appear sideways at best, even backwards. It's not just their handling of the major concerns like pay and retrenchment where they invariably seem to say one thing and mean another, or mean one thing and say another. It's their second-hand and unnatural command of the English language which seems to be causing some problems. Judging by the speed with which they ditched the familiar and established title of VPO for the peculiar and rather horologically quaint COO, they are obviously concerned with how things sound and look.

But take their first plunge into the dangerous shallows of written English, the preliminary fighting talk of how we all had now to 'Get Gulfair Well'. A pathetic fallacy, this one slogan referred to a diseased organism and overnight undid 55 years of costly advertising campaigns. Overnight, the punters (forget the ones who could still recall the glory days of the Tristars and their tinkling bars), had their lavish Hogan rebranded images of Plump and Golden Falcons and Sky Chefs Serving Daily Schedules to Distant Destinations whipped from their minds and replaced by terrifying, spectral shapes of The Sick Airline Of The Gulf, on life support, haemorrhaging fast. But is it not self evident? Punters want well-trained crew flying brand new aircraft, daily and hopefully empty so they get three seats each, to all parts of the world with tiptop service as cheap as possible. Here, on many of these counts, GF was an obliging beast. Shareholders, on the other hand, want returns, profits. Here, GF wasn't.( The sliced salami in this unlikely sandwich , of course, is us, the staff, but on this occasion, let's not go there, as Oprah would say).To satisfy both is an enormous challenge, achieved rarely and only by the best of investors and management. So, if you're going to use the (pathetic fallacy) analogy of an organism to describe the fortunes of a medium-sized airline, at least keep the two perspectives of the organism seperated. Sure, the shareholders have been compromised, to put it mildly, and they now have a carcasse on their hands. But in this case there was absolutely no need to terrify the public with images of a sick donkey. The transition to satisfy punters and shareholders needs to be done delicately, with pruning shears not a clockwork bulldozer. And with a measured, firm command of the English language.

Then we got 'Help is on the Way'. Presumably the message here was that, although the company is overburdened with 6000 employees, none of these 6000 had sufficient calibre or experience or professional qualifications to solve the company's problems. Whither Company Resource Management?

Following a few days of some technical delays we were advised that the management had gone into 'crisis mode'. Perhaps these new managers should recall that there are still many employees in Gulfair who once had to evacuate their families off the island, leave home with the windows taped up, drive to work at the airport past makeshift military field hospitals and sit at the holding point of RWY 30 waiting for the sirens of a scud attack to end. In other words GF has gone though many, very real crises where the expression 'crisis mode' would have been more applicable, although I cannot recall previous managements having felt the need to use it.

Recently we have been advised that they are going to give us ' a heads up ' on the compensation packages. This disingenuous neologism has yet to make it into my Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable but you can bet your bottom dinar that the writer has got his head down trying to conceal something.

We have also been given 'in addition the reinsurance of the PCE' to believe something they've told us. I know that they know that we are all worried about whether our indemnities are adequately protected in their new hands but the term they meant to use in the context was 'reassurance'.

Finally, of course, there is We Can Do It. Borrowed from a shoe manufacturer this simple and declarative sentence , with its pitiful indefinite object begging hopelessly for some semantic significance, achieves only in going the way of most things insubstantial in the company’s jetblast.

20th Jun 2007, 17:47
What an excellent post. Sums up the incompetance very nicely, well done Sandy. :ok:

Mechanical Backup
13th Jul 2007, 18:55
This Managment is not better than the one before ! There are so many things that must be changed right away otherwise more pilots will leave.

1: Give the pilots 3-bars( they have been flying with 3or4 before) This 2bar thing is from the old English days, only that the English Airlines don't use 2bars anymore, but Gulf-Air still is. Also you can save some money (not a lot, but better than nothing)

2: We need more on the housing, because the rent in Bahrain has gotten up so much and the Sallary is just not coping up with. If they don't increase I will be off as soon as I have the hours( and that is in 2 month;))

Gulf-Air is operating in Mechanical backup a the moment, not because they don't perform but because the Managment is crappy.
The pilots are given their best, but it is not appreciated.
If more pilots leave we have to fly more overtime. And we all know that we can't do that forever, right ? So the only answer for chronical overtime is sickness and resignment.

13th Jul 2007, 20:25
Interesting, but that sure dosen't reflect what i need to stay.

3 bars?? Sure, but two is fine as well, or 6 if you prefer. Whatever, that sure wouldn't be on my top things to fix list though, i really could care less.

Give me instead..a stable, computerized unmafiable rostering system with published blocks that i can bid on each month, and then don't change my schedule 12 times in as many days. Give me a career progression path, one that dosen't leave me wondering if i'll still be wearing 2, 3 or 6 bars in the right seat 10 years from now. Give me the ability to fly something other than shorthaul all the time, cross train the airbus guys, and finally (and not the most important) give me a fair competitive compensation package addressing housing and schooling realistically, a decent provident fund that i can use towards my retirement and a base salary that keeps up with inflation and other airlines in the region.

Once you fix all that, then sure i'll take the three bars. In the meantime my ego isn't suffering with 2.

vomit comet
13th Jul 2007, 20:30
hello everyone:E just heard from the boys that **** from hr amina and her croonies got a pay rise of 300 to 500 dinars! so we do the hard work,fly rust buckets around,each sector is like a simulator and we get paid peanuts!!!:{ bn ?????:E

13th Jul 2007, 22:26
And these were generally the people you see swiping in and then either, (a)parking the car and getting to their desks 20mins later or (b) going off to take their kids to school and coming back an hour later or (c) driving off and coming back at 3pm to swipe out!
regarding what you wrote above did you see and know anyone of the people who was on strik lets call them. if you did let me know if you really sure u sow them when they take them kids to school or come at 3pm . and the 2nd thing at least they stand to ask for them right when u just stay behind ur screen and write this :-)thank you :D

13th Jul 2007, 22:45
Well, the above mentioned lady (actually, she doesn't even qualify as one!) shouldn't get anything else but a big boot in her fatty *** from GF. What to say a payrise!
She's the most arrogant being I ever came across in all these years within the company. Totally disgusting, really a waste of space.:yuk:
She should really be shown the door sooner rather than later.
OOOPS... she won't! She's bahrani...:*

13th Jul 2007, 23:11
GF{crew}>>> huh?
tbaylx?>> i could not agree with you more about the stripe issue, but do think they can serve a purpose other than ego here... more operational that could save the company money and ego too. (Has any non training guys fly with an FO that was not cut loose yet?' Nothing on him indicated that he was not ready to go was there? How did you get back to base as a non legal paired crew?)
Tbaylx, I understand where you are coming from. but I do have to say that if it were not for the money I don't that many of us that would be here for more than a quick few years. Trading a lush beautiful country for the sandpit? Are you kidding? You would be here just to fly a nice airplane on a decent route? I’d fly a kite back home if someone were to reward me enough to put a big roof over the heads of the ones that I love.

Mechanical Backup
14th Jul 2007, 06:56
My ego isn't suffering because of this, it just shows how old Gulf-Airs structure is. 3-bars is not on top of my list allthough I menshioned it first(coinc.). I do agree in everything you said, but don't you agree that having 4.bars flying next to 2-bars is kind of dangerous ? See the accident of 072, was exactly the same situation, the second or first officer wich was from Oman I believe did not interfear in the Captains action. He did not dare to question his decisions. All I am saying is that from the psycolog. point of view it is safer to keep the gap smaller between Commander and first officer !
On the other side , I am from Europe and there they think that I am a purser because of my 2-bars...no big deal ok, but isn't it stone age ???
What about the agreement between Abu Dabi and Bahrain not to take Bahrainies for Ethihad ? Isn't this the best proof how democratic this Kingdom is...aren't these pilots downgraded to unacom. minors ...well done Bahrain:D

Did you hear just recently that Qatar Airways is opening a base in Bahrain ?If this happenes, I am off to !

So tell me how long have you been working for GF ? And what are your actions next

Not too small
14th Jul 2007, 07:17
She is not bahraini she is irainian and dont speak other than irani and eng she told me that.
And i dont know why she is still here does BN belive she have qualification to be in her position because she only was secretary for Adel.

vomit comet
14th Jul 2007, 09:37
gf crew u obviously have no idea what u r talking about..first of all i doubt that ur a pilot so stay out of this forum!!!:E second make an effort to improve your english language before u engage in any debates or talk on this forum,,third yes i have seen useless morons like u sitting outside ops and doing nothing,instead of being on their desks! forth please dont compare yourself to pilots because they are qualified people who should be paid and treated to a specific high standard! and five,i am a bahraini pilot who looks down on 95% of alll the workers in the pink palace because 80% of u guys are not qualified to even make a cup of coffee:E morons all of u!:E

vomit comet
14th Jul 2007, 09:43
not too small:Enext time u pass by amina just look at her face u ll notice its unusally brown,u know why?,because she stuck it so far up bn/ads ass that it has retained the colour of ****:} if u guys dont know this ,she is the one aganist pilots gettin paid more! :E

14th Jul 2007, 11:44
vomit (
gf crew u obviously have no idea what u r talking about..first of all i doubt that ur a pilot so stay out of this forum!!!:E second make an effort to improve your english language before u engage in any debates or talk on this forum,,third yes i have seen useless morons like u sitting outside ops and doing nothing,instead of being on their desks! forth please dont compare yourself to pilots because they are qualified people who should be paid and treated to a specific high standard! and five,i am a bahraini pilot who looks down on 95% of alll the workers in the pink palace because 80% of u guys are not qualified to even make a cup of coffee:E morons all of u!:E)
as u just said its forum so its not ur father sit is it and what make u think ur qualified too i know iam cabin crew but i think iam more qualifed then u:ok: guys like me is the problem with us we give u more respact becouse ur 4 bar and not all 4bars useless like u same with us not all of us useless same what ur mantion lol, and let me know if ur father planing to buy the sit so that i dont past and comn lol

GAGing in Bahrain
14th Jul 2007, 11:53
That last post took me back to grade school. Kept having flash-backs of Ms. Whitworth smacking my hands with a ruler!!:8 "now Johnny, you know that's not how we spell in this school!"

14th Jul 2007, 11:57
I have absolutely NO idea what GFcrew is talking about:confused::confused:

vomit comet
14th Jul 2007, 12:32
me too:Etold him its a good idea to go back to school!:E:}

14th Jul 2007, 15:20
Back to the management.

News in the airline management world (who are all watching the destruction of GF in disgust) is that AD will be out by October - that's when Oman pulls out.
AD was the compromise candidate after Oman and Bahrain failed to get their respective choice.
He know's that and hence why he's not to bothered if it all goes pear-shaped.

AD's brief over the past 2 months since Oman announced their pull out is to make the company ready for substantial Saudi investment (like the rest of Bahrain, if it weren't for the Saudi money, there would be no Juffair, World Trade Centre, Seef, etc, etc).
The Crown Prince for all his huff and puff won't put a penny into GF or any other Bahraini cause. He just want's GF to be reasonably clean (hence the ethicspoint website).

Joe Monsoon
14th Jul 2007, 16:34
I is for to not know what is for to hell gfcrew is for to try to is telling us. I is also wish that i for to meet him for plenty lesson in to fix my langwish. :}

vomit comet
14th Jul 2007, 17:02
nice one joe:}:}:} gf crew stop embarassing yourself! go learn english and practice makin tea and coffee:E:E

14th Jul 2007, 19:43
hahahahah vomit iam doing good in serving tea and coffe and as long as u did recive the msg i dont care if my spelling right or wrong ..