View Full Version : Faa Bfr

28th May 2007, 21:10
I have an FAA PPL and was wondering if there is anywhere in Ireland or U.K. that I can do the biennial flight review. Its been a few years since I last flew but I do not want to have to head off to the states just for this. TA

28th May 2007, 21:15
If its been a few years since you last flew you may well need a lot more than the required one hour ground and 1 hour flight in which case a trip to the US would be worth it

28th May 2007, 21:27
Thanks for that Mcgoo. However I plan to do a few hours with an instructer before I do the BFR.

28th May 2007, 22:27
I've no personal experience of Bill Tollett in Oxford (http://www.upliftaviation.com/) (Uplift Aviation), but I squirreled away his details a couple of years ago and it looks as if he can do what you want.

29th May 2007, 07:40
Sorry, I should have said, Ireland (the homeland) would be preferable to do this but I can make it to the UK if needed

29th May 2007, 18:05
TAA at Denham (John Page) can do it for you and is a great instructor.:ok:
If you've got the cash he'll even bring the Cirrus to you!

Fly Stimulator
29th May 2007, 20:12
Another vote for TAA (http://www.taauk.net/) from me - a great outfit. I did my FAA BFR with John in January. I also took one of their SR22s to Ireland earlier this month - we could have co-ordinated if only I'd known!