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27th May 2007, 18:59
Estoy interesado en aplicar para VUELING por CAE. Me encantaría saber si alguien lo ha intentado.

Me han comentado que hay examen teórico. Alguien sabe si este examen se puede completar en Ingles. Yo tengo los teóricos Británicos y para me seria bastante mas simple hacer el examen en Ingles.

Alguien que sepa algo por favor responda. Gracias.

28th May 2007, 13:30
¿Tienes T/R sobre A320? NO, ahi, empezamos mal
Pero no te desesperes...
¿Tienes 1500 horas de vuelo y experiencia en compañias? Si, entonces vete en www.cae.com (http://www.cae.com) y pon tu CV.

No, ¡ahi! La cosa se pone mal ya que si no conoces alguien en Vueling será bastante complicado que se fijen en ti.


28th May 2007, 17:14
No tengo el TR del 320, pero si tengo las horas de vuelo. Tengo mas de 1,500 solo de P1 osea que se deberian fijar en mi.

Alguien sabe mas del proceso de entrada en Vueling?

burlador de castilla
28th May 2007, 21:39
Hola compañero,

por lo que se el proceso de selección se compone de teórico, prueba de inglés, y entrevista con alguno de los "big boss" (si es que han encontrado ctes. para sus aviones y ellos no estan volando); quizás una prueba de sim. Tengo entendido que las pruebas ahora las hacen en vlg, antes era CAE.
Sinceramente, I recommend everyone interested in vlg to think twice; non-experienced pilots: you will pay an incredible ammount of money in a TR wich may only be given by CAE (sure is a good one, but the most expensive) and ask yourself the reason why is that way;
all pilots: the salary you get is ridiculous (to the most), the roster is not fixed at all (due to the lack of pilots), training is of a poor quality (many crews of the company have been rejected during their LPC´s-OPC´s), and to last, the contract you are obliged to sign is far away from being fair, all the expenses (training, sims and courses will be charged if you leave¡).
Basically this will be considered (to my opinion) the last resource to be used, as most pilots know, around Europe. For Spanish pilots; yo esperaría ya que a lo largo de este año van a salir algunas cositas.....
suerte, paciencia y perdonad mi intrusión al idioma anglosajón pero era para everyone¡¡

28th May 2007, 22:00
Pues hiciste bien en ponerlo porque es lo que se dice por allí. Si no pasas por CAE no entras y si no tienes T/R A320 tienes que pagarlo. Sueldo bajo, muchas horas de trabajo y pocos descanso.

Pero bueno para empezar a tener horas turbinas y multi no está mal, siempre puedes cambiar si te sale algo mejor.

Si tienes 1500 horas y ninguna habilitacion tienes buenas posibilidades que se fijen en ti. Es lo que buscan gente para exprimir como limones (Copyright de O'leary ).


29th May 2007, 10:07
Entiendo que las condiciones de Vueling no sean las mejores, pero es una compañía joven y yo creo que las cosas cambiaran. La verdad es que, para muchos de nosotros, es la única posibilidad que tenemos de poder volar un A320.

En muchos forums, se critica a la gente que paga por trabajar. Pero no nos olvidemos que aunque sea poco, Vueling te paga todos los meses. Hay compañias en todo el mundo que solo venden horas de vuelo y cuando tienen candidatos nuevos te mandan a la calle.

Yo no vuelo por el dinero, si fuese así, habría escogido la carrera equivocada. Pero si es cierto que todos tenemos que saber en donde nos estamos metiendo, por eso agradezco comentarios como los que habéis puesto.

Deberíamos seguir un Thread de Vueling en este forum, pues creo que a mucha gente le anudaría a la hora de elegir.


burlador de castilla
30th May 2007, 06:38
Mira, entiendo que estes deseando de tener una TR y volar en línea aerea y todo lo demás, PERO, LAS COSAS TIENEN UN NOMBRE Y HAY UN NOMBRE PARA CADA COSA;
me explico, VLG es así, tal y como la he descrito en mi mensaje anterior respetando al máximo la objetividad. Si quieres creer que las cosas cambiarán porque es joven y pensar a que huelen las nubes, estupendo, pero no nos engañemos ni engañemos a los que leen estos mensajes.

Ya tuvieron la ocasión de afianzar plantilla antes del comienzo de operaciones de Clickair y prácticamente se quedaron sin pilotos en la base de MAD por la desbandada. Y lo peor es que todavía siguen las cosas igual. Si no lo creeis entrad en Flight International y contad todos los anuncios que tienen publicados buscando pilotos por todo el mundo, hasta los franceses se marchan.

Creeme hablo con conocimiento.


30th May 2007, 12:06
Tengo una pregunta para todos los que quieren trabajar en aerolíneas españolas. Ya como hemos visto, las aerolíneas no dan tán buenas condiciones a los cadets, ni tampoco pagan para los TR, y el sueldo es debajo de la media (supongo). ¿Porqué no intentais para entrar en otras aerolíneas fuera de España? ¿Es porque no favorecen a pilotos de otros países, y sólo cojerán a los de su propio páis, por ejemplo RyanAir a los británicos?
Según lo que oí, algunos pilotos quienes hiciero el curso en Aerodynamics-Málaga, creo que eran 4 pilotos, mandaron CVs a algunas aerolíneas en la India y recientemente a ellos le han contratado, no lo se en detalle si tendrán que pagar para los TR.
¿Alguíen me puede dar una idea sobre porqué quieren quedar en España si no se gana ningún beneficio?

30th May 2007, 15:12
[/QUOTE]Porqué no intentais para entrar en otras aerolíneas fuera de España?

Sin rodeos, porque en muchas es exactamente lo mismo :cool:

Según lo que oí, algunos pilotos quienes hiciero el curso en Aerodynamics-Málaga, creo que eran 4 pilotos, mandaron CVs a algunas aerolíneas en la India y recientemente a ellos le han contratado, no lo se en detalle si tendrán que pagar para los TR

Si es verdad bueno para ellos. Me gustaria saber cuales eran porque hay muchas que no quieren pilotos extranjeros para ser copilotos en Induia. Buscan casi solo gente que pueda ser capitan

30th May 2007, 16:23
La aerolínea que entraron estos chavales eran Jetways (o algo así). No se en detalle quienes eran, a lo mejor algunos eran de la India pero no estoy seguro.

1st Jun 2007, 08:38
Mi querido Burlador:
Tus gritos me han despertado de estelargo sueño en el que estaba. A ver, no pretendas que tus OPINIONES sean hechos, porque no lo son, o, al menos, no son los únicos.

Sueldo medio junior FO: €2500 al mes neto (pendiente, claro de la declaración de la renta) volando unas 80 horas al mes.
Roster: Fijo 5-3-5-4 (excepto durante el line training).
Gastos de Sim (OPC & LPC), Examen médico, Seguro Pérdida Licencia, Uniforme, seguro médico Adeslas Gold... los paga la compañía.
Contrato: 6 meses de prueba y después fijo. Cierto que hay una cláusula de rescisión de contrato, pero hasta donde sé, no se aplica nunca porque creo que no es siquiera legal.
En cuanto a pilotos que no han pasado el OPC/LPC. Pues hasta donde yo sé, ha habido dos casos (en realidad el mismo, ya que fueron comandante y segundo), ¿y sabes lo que te digo? que no pongo la mano en el fuego por ningún piloto (ni por nadie que no conozca de primera mano), pero por boca de uno de los dos que suspendió, no estaba para aprobar. Insisto, me lo dijo uno de ellos. Y hasta donde sé, no ha vuelto a ocurrir.
Por supuesto que Vueling no es la mejor aerolínea del mundo (ni siquiera de España), pero depende de lo que busques, puede ser la más adecuada.

pullup hard
4th Jun 2007, 12:54
as Vueling is recruiting from worldwide I would appreciate any of your comments in English:
-What is it to work like for Vueling?
-benefits, salary, leave, staff travel, pension fund
-Bases: which bases are available and which one makees most sense?
- direct Entry Captains, where are they from, what is the experience level in general and what about cabin crew?

Appreciate some of your clarifications! Gracias!

4th Jun 2007, 23:06
Hola a todos!! Vueling esta buscando pilotos pero no de todo el mundo.
Debes tener JAA y derecho para trabajar en Europa.
Todos somos diferentes y estoy seguro este puede ser el trabajo ideal para alguien, Let it be!!

9th Jun 2007, 14:30
Think very hard before joining this outfit
Salary for F/O vary from as little as €1100 to an absolute maximum of €2500 per calender month. Captains €4100 to 4700 per calender month after tax, and this would be for an average 85-90 hour month. This month 12 pilots left! Last month similar number and in past 2 years turnover amounts to 85% of crew who started have left. Planes are new, the routes are good, the cabin crew work hard and are very professional and both captains and first officers have excellent CRM in most cases. If the salary was increased by 50% then most would stay, this is my personal opinion and one which many present and past pilots have of Vueling.

9th Jun 2007, 14:39
You ask about pension etc... At interview I was promised health cover, loss of licence, shares and holidays, none of which in the end did I get. Excuses and lack of communication is one of the biggest problems Vueling have. The flying standards of both Captains and First officers were good and I never felt that the person sat next to me should not be there. If you are still considering joining and can afford to obtain you own type rating, do this, you can then gain sufficient experience in quite a short time to consider moving elsewhere if you feel the need too. Perhaps the top management will see the light and increase everyones terms and conditions? This is the only way that they will keep pilots!

14th Jun 2007, 19:21
You want to know how Vueling works?

They promise you a lot of things , then you go and atend their OCC.
At the end they put a contract with one third of the salary they had promised in front of you.

when they did that I at first refused to sign and asked for a temporary contract. They refused.
I signed but 6 days later I left.

i believe that the record is mine.6 days after signing..

15th Jun 2007, 14:01
you beat my record of 2 weeks, another guy left after 2 days!!!I was there for their ridiculous brainwashing stupid waste time OCC, at the end, it was HELL!!!
they have tried to charge $ if pilots were "failing" OPC sim check.
Contract is based on black mail!and you have to sign it.

not only you get only 2 hours of remedial session, but it is mainly based on the TRTE decision to keep you or not.You have to be his "friend".

At some point pilots were not interested to pay extra sim or to be "friend" to keep their job,so Vueling asked them to pay the previous training+hotel+ useless OCC,etc....before leaving.(tell them to stick their contract where they want and never come back !).

at Vueling, don't expect to be respected, you worth nothing and they lie, you are just a slave at low cost for a :mad: low cost company!

Nick 1
15th Jun 2007, 15:44
After saw on flight international they where looking for SFI/TRI also part time , i send my application with a big remark under part-time , i went to the assestment ,and afer all they told me that they want full time instructors....:ugh::ugh::ugh:

17th Jun 2007, 09:46
That's vueling, strange company with strange people. Last week due to a problem ,they flew the aircraft with left side of the A/c empty and the other one full of passengers... :}

¡So, don't be surprise about it! They are out of mind :D

17th Jun 2007, 10:06
Dear Girolat,

The incident you're talking about has a quite simple explanation which, by the way, any professional from the aviation industry should know (or al least guess). Slide 1L was innoperative and so max passenger was restricted to 115.

Please, please, don't give credit to everything you read in the papers.

17th Jun 2007, 10:12
You are right it was a news but... I will wait an official report to make my final opinion.

See you

17th Jun 2007, 10:14

you can believe me. I know what I'm talking about (in this situation, of course).

By the way, are you flying in Venezuela?

17th Jun 2007, 10:22
But what was the distribution of the passengers ? I am the first to don't believe too much the journalists (Personal experience, not all but many are lying) but they were pretty sharp and they said clearly half of the a/c were empty while the other no. What do you know about it?

No I am in Spain now but you the song:"Volando voy, volando vengo..."
Tomorrow everything is possible...

17th Jun 2007, 10:41
The answer is: not all the left half of the aircraft was precinted, only Rows 1 to 22

17th Jun 2007, 12:03
Ok, thanks man


Mach trim
20th Jun 2007, 19:16
They followed the MEL but..
It was unwise to tape off half the plane with tape in that manner.

If it was 1L inop ?

I wanst there but ... ?
Isnt there are a better way to do it. Put table trays down and have the TCP's make sure they dont sit in that section

With so many pilots leaving...
It is such an issue for the CEO to keep the pilots on low pay, that now his stubborness is bodering on the ridiculous.:ugh:

I would not expect a change in pay or conditions at Vueling

The CEO would rather use the money on lawyers to fight the pilots who left in the courts than increase the pay for pilots.

Vueling says one thing to people and does another.
It only matters what you sign.

I confirm that Vueling has had to cancel at least 3 flights for lack of pilots.

Always Moving
21st Jun 2007, 06:15
I friend of mine flying 737-800 was asked by the rampie if he could hook him up with a job(he meant on the 737), that he was a pilot also. my buddy said sure, there is an instructor job in China (i posted earlier) called [email protected]. Then he continue to tell me that he look at my friend like he called him SOB.

People in Spain prefer the kind of conditions (low pay, no pay, pay your own TR, buy a job, etc) than have to go out of Spain.

Yes, another of my friends got a gig in India and they seem to start hiring FO with TR (I already chew his ass for buying the TR and is on my "if I can I will not hire him list" and is my friend!, so I guess you can tell what is my position on the buying yourself a job racket)

There are jobs out there flying, but not all in Airline type of operation, good luck on job hunting... bad luck on job buying.....


22nd Jun 2007, 10:05
"The CEO would rather use the money on lawyers to fight the pilots who left in the courts than increase the pay for pilots"

uh??? pilots have no money.
What 's the point to sue poor ex-vueling pilots?

22nd Jun 2007, 10:32
low pay, no pay, pay your own TR, buy a job, etc

Oh, yeah thanks Oracle you only know the true. Thanks before I couldn't see it but now I have clear I can see the true, my solution is move outside spanish border. Why I didn't try it before? May be because I did already and in many countries it is exactly like here. Otherwise look in this web site all the advertisement in english about Line training, Type ratings programs and buy a job and you will see they are in english language not spanish language ...

Oh, really really thank you. Captain, oh my Captain . What's next "Carpe Diem" ? :hmm:

Always Moving
25th Jun 2007, 00:31
You can mock me all you want but he reason of the state of entry level pay is because people as mention above.
And yes they are in English, daaaa, because English is what everyone can read.
Why is so many Canary Island people with ATR TR???? HMMM.....

25th Jun 2007, 09:22
Yeah, we know the english are too fool to read something in another language . That's the reason :E!!!


25th Jun 2007, 09:31
Dear fellows,

Please, please, let's not start with things like: "you know how Spanish/English people are..." because that won't get us anywhere.


2nd Jul 2007, 00:47
Walking through T4 early this morning, heard lots of shouting and sceaming! PAX left by Vueling, flight cancelled, no crew to operate flight, poorly paid ground staff fending off very, very angry pax, where are the bosses:=? Last month 20 pilots left not 12 as earlier reported, and another 10 today so source close to airline reports! Its all looking very bad for operations continuing!!!! :uhoh:

Mach trim
7th Jul 2007, 19:16
Vueling management just announced a pay increase.

But it may be too little too late

8th Jul 2007, 19:49
Last month 20 pilots left not 12 as earlier reported, and another 10 today

Probably they left to go to San firmin (Pamplona) for the party as a spanish song say :}

W la Fiesta, Vueling don't call me to replace those pilots because I am in Pamplona running in front of a Bull and I don't have time to waste to come and work for you almost for free. Better "La fiesta" :mad:

8th Jul 2007, 20:31
How much was the pay increase ??? Anything special??

8th Jul 2007, 20:49
Just let's say, the increase made us happy :)

8th Jul 2007, 20:57
I am asking because I am the guy who left the company 6 days after signing and
I am now at Click.

Did they reach Click conditions??

8th Jul 2007, 21:18
The answer is YES they have.

8th Jul 2007, 21:27
Very good for you at Vueling and for us at Click...For us is nothing interesting to have a neighbour earning much less than us...

And since there is a shortage of qualified A-320 pilots on the market , both companies if they want to join to their fleet all the planes they say , will have to struggle for the few qualified pilots in the market...

All this situation proves what I have been saying: never in the last 17 years when I started) the market was at the pilot`s side as it is now....

And I`ve already read that in 2015 will be a shortage of 17000 pilots worldwide...

9th Jul 2007, 09:15
Uhm, I believe that this legend of lack of pilots like if they are looking for gold is just a new marketing strategy of flight schools and low costs company.:suspect:
Here I will explain my opinions, it's a marketing school strategy because if I say the true nobody will come to study and I have to face bankrupcy and close this toy called FTO.
So is pretty better to call for a huge lack of pilots, even it's not true, so to conquire wannabe scared from the real market situation with the promise of an heaven situation in the next 3 or 4 years. The important is to get the money and when they have the licence is their problem because is too late and when they will arrive at that point they will start to think: Goddam it, I spent 70.000€ I have to carry on or ... :ugh:And so they will do an instructor course or they will pay a type and I will get others incomes for sure.

The Low costs company they use this legend because if I have a flight at 11.00 a.m. which is just full for 1/3 and the 2/3 of the aircraft is empty the director of operations will look to the next flight of 12.00 a.m. and if this one is in the same situation, just 1/3 of seats are taken, what the best course of action? Cancel the flight of 11:00a.m. and say something. But not whatever excuse, it's necessary to say something which doesn't give the burden of the prove on the shoulder of the company. So it's not a good idea to say that a flight has been cancel because we want to fill one aircraft instead of take-off with 2 aircrafts half empty or it's not good to say we had a maintance problem so to fill just one aircraft, and so what? :confused:
Better say we have a lack of pilots, to people which don't have a clue about aviation and give the impresion we are looking for flight crews members but we can't find the qualified personnel for this job(even if it's full of pilots with no job at all looking every day for a seat) , we are really, really sorry but we have to cancel the flight of 11:00 a.m. and we will move you to the flight of 12:00a.m. We are really, really sorry indeed ! Yeah sure , baby ... In reality this is capitalism darling!!! :E

Done it ! Reduction in the costs, increase in benefits and no complains at all! Ah, and the false idea we gave to the wannabe? Bah, who cares about those freakers, they are just limons, when they are finished they are good just for the trash basket. :eek: (O'leary and company ©)

Goodluck all, because capitalism is a tough thing! Today is my day but tomorrow may be yours... :ooh:

9th Jul 2007, 11:27
Just let's say, the increase made us happy :)

Are you happy enough to tell us more, by any chance ? :suspect:

Mach trim
9th Jul 2007, 22:18
Sorry Joaquin,

Do not agree from what I have heard.

The pay is not yet at Clickair's yet..

Many People were expecting more

The pay at Vueling is at least 900 Euros less, as a minimum

If you fly at Clickair 100 hours in a month the difference is maybe 1500 Euros but...

It depends how you pro rate the stock option plan

The stock option plan has lost a lot of its value with the drop in share price if Vueling does not show break even this quarter it will drop further

What the management has to change is their attitude.

It is time for Vueling pilots to get involved and contribute to the Yellow book

A friend has confidentially passed me some of this info.

Is this true ?

12th Jul 2007, 09:18
Joaquin, we are happy U are happy but small is the % of pilots in Yr position: from MAD, MAD based. Try to put Yrself in their position, would U? So, as an outsider one looks elsewhere and sees better options.

12th Jul 2007, 18:46
Dear PenTito,
I don't need to put myself in anybody's skin to realise that there is no place where everybody feels happy. I am not from MAD although this base suits me very well. I am not saying VLG is the perfect airline; far from that there are many issues that need to be improved. But at this time I am happy that things seem to be pointed in the right direction for many of us, and even more in the near future. I am also glad to be part of this change and somehow responsible for it.

But hey, if you don't like it for whatever the reason, leave freely to any other place. That is not to say that you cannot complain. Right now measures have been impplemented to make sure all complaints and ideas can be discussed and addressed properly.


14th Jul 2007, 22:05
if there were an increase in Salary, we would know it.
actually there is no increase...
all I know, is that the airline is worse and worse each day. more pilots are leaving every month.

do you know why they cancel flights in last minutes, because pilots are leaving the plane, and run far away, and never come back.Thats true, some pilots dont ever wake up the morning to fly.They prefer to stay at home.(probably they don't have money to by a bus ticket to come to work)

Vueling will not tell you the truth.Even captains leave the class the first day or second day of the course.

another things, they are late in their payments, times to times, you see pilots or flight attendants coming down to barcelona, to beg for their pay checks...yes they have to beg now.

and at Vueling, it is like that every single day.You need to have 2-3 cell phones to deal with the "systems" about hotel, roster, travel,flights,...
this company is a catastrophe, it is run by incompetent people who knows nothing about aviation,or think to know.

Everyday at Vueling was like Hell !

15th Jul 2007, 01:29
Dear Dartagnan,

I am not going to say that you are a liar besause I am sure you have reasons to say what you say, but if it is true that your location is USA, I just wander how can you know more about the last pilot's meeting than myself: because I was actually there. I am not telling stories somebody told me, all I am saying is my experience at Vueling: never my salary comes late; yes, there has been a salary increase; no, not that many pilots leave the company every month.

Again, VLG is not by far the best company in the world (nor even in Spain), but it certainly has many things that make it attractive to some pilots. Of course, some others do not like it at all, exactly liker every company in the world.

Always Moving
15th Jul 2007, 05:29
Dear Jouaquin!

Look at the WORST company in the word, and it still "be attractive to some pilots"

Again think before you write and read after you write, that way, we do not get this kind on moronic statements

15th Jul 2007, 08:06
I am not going to say that you are a liar besause I am sure you have reasons to say what you say, but if it is true that your location is USA, I just wander how can you know more about the last pilot's meeting than myself:

Joaquin, I think Dartagnan is a french pilot flying for Vueling, and he's got "EU" below his nick name probably by meaning "European Union" and not "Estados Unidos (EEUU)" ;)
Also, as a moderator on this forum, and as a "vueling crew", we would all appreciate if you could be at least as much accurate as your colleague Dartagnan, otherwise, just don't post anything, because every time we read you, we do understand that you are happy with Vueling but you don't give any clear information about this company (salary, conditions, etc...). so please, Joaquin, show yourself more credible :ok:

15th Jul 2007, 10:33

Toché lo de EU, poro a esas horas de la noche ¿qué se puede esperar? Anyway, you think I'm not accurate Have you read this thread? Remember:

Sueldo medio junior FO: €2500 al mes neto (pendiente, claro de la declaración de la renta) volando unas 80 horas al mes.
Roster: Fijo 5-3-5-4 (excepto durante el line training).
Gastos de Sim (OPC & LPC), Examen médico, Seguro Pérdida Licencia, Uniforme, seguro médico Adeslas Gold... los paga la compañía.
Contrato: 6 meses de prueba y después fijo.

Is the above not clear enouhg for you? It was on the first page of this thread. (By the way, it might be possible we get a 5-4 roster)
Dartagnan obviously had a bad experience wuth Vueling, but that is not the case with the majority of pilots in VLG, that is the reason so many French pilots are flying here. just before the pay raise, many pilots used VLG as a sort of FTO and left when they had enough experience. In some case, operations made a mess particularly with capts' rosters.

But in my opinion there is another reason for foreigners to leave: perhaps they had this idea of sunny-vacation Spain and then they discovered things are not exactly like they seem during holidays: life is quite expensive, if you don't talk the language it is difficult to get to know people, etc.

15th Jul 2007, 10:58
Ok, my appologies, I did not read this post ! But you were speaking about some improvements, I understand they are very tiny.
It's a shame, really, Vueling has a very nice fleet of aircraft, nice routes, nice people to work with, nice bases, nice roster, but salary is bad (much worse than Ryanair).
It is impossible to successfully run a company if the employees are not motivated (bad consideration, low salary,..). As a Vueling employee you should strongly fight against this crappy managment and force them to follow the successfull easyJet model !

15th Jul 2007, 14:47
Recently, I flew as pax on VLG flight to MAD. The flight was 2 hrs late and operated by another airline (VLG gave us info to expect a turkish one, but it was spanish): B757 for about 70 pax. They dumped us at T4 at 0240 LT without any real explanation (operational), lack of pilots, maybe?. There must be a reason why the shares are at historical low (-25%). Sorry, just facts...

16th Jul 2007, 10:13
Vueling is loosing money due to their new advertising plan in Paris.
advertising cost a lot.They even advertise in the subways.
Vueling need more planes to make money and they know that clickair, easyjet is kicking their butt.

I was there, I liked the first 2 weeks training. Good ambiance, nice pilots, but they lied to us all the way. I think the biggest lie was the salary.

The second lie is they don't train you at normal airline standards, and anyone joining Vueling can be kicked out the first day or the second day with their new unrealistic OPC check.I think it is hard when you move there, get an apart, or even buy a car....

in the sim, during training, you can not ask any questions, they told me it was not a training, when on my schedule, I was in the sim for training.

Suddenly the training becomes a check and based on the personal appreciation of the TRTE, he will ask you to leave or to stay in the company...How many experienced pilot have been asked to leave? probably a lot.
unfortunately, I was not the best friend of the examiner, and they asked me to leave.Usually I dont have any problems with anybody, I am a nice guy and I am open minded , but sometimes you don't "klick" with someone, and this someone was a TRTE, so he "fried" me in the sim.

oh! before you leave, they ask you to sign a "debt reconnaissance".

I talked to a french vueling captain when i was doing a jumpseat, he told me "some pilots don't even come to work, and they have to find somebody else to fly..."

during line training, you can stay at the hotel for 80 euro plus tax. So you will not make any money at all. They pay is around 800 euro after tax.
after your line training, you can be kicked out if you don't pass the line check(do you have to be friend again???).

to save money and fill the roster last minute, the company send dead head pilots from madrid to fly from barcelona, and they send pilots from barcelona to fly from madrid.That's crazy!

Of course, during the 3-4 hours you waste at the airport and in the plane, you are not paid...

Go vueling!!!

now the good things:

-the planes are nice and well maintained.
-you fly in europe.
-ambience between pilots&cabin crew is good.

17th Jul 2007, 16:34
I used to work for Vueling, so I can speak from a view point of knowing what really goes on! I was never paid correctly from day one. I never received all the add on´s which were supposed to have been attached to my contract! :=

It´s not just a few pilots leaving: for example in May:15 Captains left, in June: 20 Captains left, in July 10 Captains left. The number of First Officers leaving is a little less clear but it is several per month.

The reason why pilots leave an airline are several and not one answer can apply to all, but in Vueling it is clear that management hold their pilots in very little regard, in fact in so little regard as to not reply to emails whether they are positive or negative. You are promissed many things at interview and subsequently during courses, but little or none of these promisses materialise. Why?.........they make these promises to try and keep you just long enough to train the replacement pilot who will be needed when after several months you realise to your cost from both a finacial point of view and social one, that you have just had enough of the lies and deceit! 87% PILOT TURNOVER IN 24 MONTHS, AND THE DGAC IN SPAIN ARE NOT TOO HAPPY ABOUT THIS!

There are very few happy pilots in Vueling, so I am unsure why an ex-colleague of mine claims otherwise in previous positings, that is not to say that on a daily basis crews don´t work well and or enjoy their jobs because they do. But in the end no matter how much you love flying you need to live and to believe that you contribution is at least appreciated! This does not happen in Vuleing and the stock market knows this, and this is why shares once valued at 41 euros are now being traded at just above an all time low of 23.20 euros, and all in six months!:yuk:

Too little, too late is what most crews think of the latest offer to subdue the masses, and keep pilots and cabin crew happy. If this offer had been made back in January then may be Vueling would be giving Clickair a run for its money? Who knows for sure how and why a company allows situations such as this to develop? And know to a point where the company cannot crew its planes and has to hire in other companies to do their flights with four or five planes on the ground!

And finally, to use the excuse that Vueling is losing money because its spending it all on advertising is rubbish, its losing money because its planes are not full, its planes are on the ground, flights are regularly being cancelled and they are giving away so many seats (see link) which makes most bums on seats non-revenue earning. In past four months the average bums on seats has been 100, therefore the 80 premium priced seats never got sold so all flights were and are making a huge loss, [email protected]> !:*

22nd Jul 2007, 09:21
Vueling is a new company. The management realizes that you can not pay peanuts to pilots these days. Maybe it was possible 5 years ago, when pilots were happy when they had a job.
For that reason SFO's and Capt's have received a substantial payrise last month. Also the secondary conditions are improving.

Sometimes you need to be little patient. Those who were not patient, have left to Clickair and other companies. And for those who are not happy at Vueling: find yourself another job! That must be possible in these days. I don't like flying with colleagues talking all day how bad Vueling is.

And for Dartagnan: the OPC is a little strange, that's correct. But no pilot is kicked out for not having a "klick" with the TRE. Maybe there is something like flying the A320 correctly?

22nd Jul 2007, 16:25
Lifdumper and similar, it's not true that: "no pilot is kicked out for not having a "klick" with the TRE", inform yrself better. The management are always reacting (instead of acting before the damage is done) and usually wrong or poorly. The safety and quality systems are not functioning at all and yes I have left VLG and I wish U a happy stay.:ok:

22nd Jul 2007, 17:15
Hello Guys.

In some way I agree with most of you in some cases and with the others in the rest. But in my opinion we have to keep in mind that the aviation industry is still changing and that we have to wait for more improvements. All of you are speaking about salaries and rosters but that's not the only important thing. Of course it is worth but I think there are more elements to be concerned by. In fact a good work ambient, how many hours you fly each day, if you have to sleep out of your home or not, if the company changes the schedules with time enough or they call you while you're flying. Of course vueling is not the best, nor the worst. we are not all of us looking for the same advantages and we don't give the same value to them. Maybe some pilots prefer vueling rather than Click, I know both cases.

Un saludo

Always Moving
23rd Jul 2007, 00:39
So Pilot find another job.... ahh LIFTDUMPER :=

How about fire the freaking managers and put somebody in their place that knows what is going on... by not knowing how to do their job they have lost money in the hiring process that it will need to be repeated, lost reputation with the pilot, so for the same prize they are going to get lower grade pilot, and of course TIME. I would like to hear the explanation to the board. So let's put the finger where is due MR. DUMP!
By the way you do not have to tell, everyone hates working with whiners! not only you, now that I come to think of it does anyone know anyone who does?

24th Jul 2007, 22:00


Definetely NOT TRUE. If you have prove of that, go to the Spanish CAA, because minima for upgrading is approved by them and if VLG is doing anything else, it would be illegal.

And that is why I have deleted your post, because under the law, if you witnes or get to know an illegality, you have to go to the proper authorities.

Now you may hate whoever you want, but that is not to say you can say whatever you want.

24th Jul 2007, 23:38
And that is why I have deleted your post, because under the law, if you witnes or get to know an illegality, you have to go to the proper authorities.

What the F***:mad: are you talking about ???
Couldn't you let people expressing themselves instead of deleting their post simply because you are a moderator and as a Vueling employee you just dont want to let the truth to be known on such a famous forum ? :*

I am really scared to imagine a guy like yourself in a cockpit with such an obvious lack of honesty :eek::eek::eek:

25th Jul 2007, 11:02
¿Que pasa en Vueling? En otro foro español salio la noticia que debido a la falta de tripulacion ahora quieren poner gente con ninguna experiencia como Capitain junto con gente sin experiencia en el A320.

¿Es eso cierto o no? Las palabras eran de un azafato con licencia de piloto que estaba muy feliz porque parecia que así podia pasar por delante.

¿alguien sabe algo sobre este tema? ¿entonces no eran mentiras lo que decian ? Cancelamos vuelos por falta de tripulaciones... :uhoh:

25th Jul 2007, 12:30
My Dear Icing,

Stay calm. You know me for a long time know, so you should know me better. Of course the reason for the deletion of the post in question is not that I disagree or that it is against VLG whatsoever (you only have to read the previous posts).

As you know, this site is watched very closely for possible ilegal alegations. For sure you can say you don't like somebody, or that you were mistreated, or you think somebdy doesn't know what s/he is doing. But for good or bad, you cannot say s/he is a criminal, because in this case the forum can be sued. For the same reason you cannot say a company is hiring people without a pilot's license to fly, or that a company is promoting pilots without qualification because that would constitute a crime: especially if you cannot prove your words; and if you can prove them, then you should go to the proper authorities (something which, on the other hand, I would back up 150% if it were true).

Having said that, I invite everybody to say whatever they like but bearing this in mind.

Thank you for your understanding

26th Jul 2007, 13:04
who got the 2000-3000 euro for relocation?
this is in the Vueling contract if I am correct.

at vueling you don't make enough for a living, and most pilots leave for this main reason.
Employment guaranty is uncertain as they prefer to fire pilots, instead to train them to the standards.

In a short term they will run out of pilots and paying a type rating to a freshly commercial pilot will cost them a lot more.

Kind of funny to see all these cabin attendants waiting impatiently for their interview in the Vueling main hall.At Vueling, they have a line of Cabin crew coming in and out.

do you think Vueling will go bankrupt?
45 euro to less 22 euro in 3 months, it hurts!!!:ouch:

26th Jul 2007, 15:58
yeah but don't you think it's a bit dangerous for the safety of flight to move F/O with less than 500 hrs operations on A320 to a Captain course when they could just improve the salary condition inside this company and in this way reduce the movement of qualified pilots towards other companies ? :confused:

26th Jul 2007, 16:01
I don't know if they will go in bankrupcy but for sure Vueling's stock options are not a good idea in this moment . The drop from 45 € to 22 € is not something good at all especially for the image of this company but actually there are too many example of illness inside this airlines that are not positive at all.


28th Jul 2007, 14:21
eah but don't you think it's a bit dangerous for the safety of flight to move F/O with less than 500 hrs operations on A320 to a Captain course when they could just improve the salary condition inside this company and in this way reduce the movement of qualified pilots towards other companies ? :confused:

indeed ! how can the upgrade their FOs to the captain seat with only 500 hours Airbus and 2000 hours Cessna ? Flight safety and punctuality will go down :eek:

28th Jul 2007, 16:51
Dear all,

Speculating is for free, of course, but the requirements to be CAP have not changed and have been approved by Spanish CAA. It is absolutely wrong that you can be a CAP with less than 500 hrs on type and 2000 hrs on Cessnas.


Mach trim
30th Jul 2007, 16:18
If you do not know what you are talking please be quiet.

The Captain upgrade statements posted are simply not true.

Please do not insult those who have gone through the process as it is not easy.

In fact one of the TRE's who does the Captain upgrade training at Vueling is ex-Virgin atlantic and has failied a lot of guys who were not up to standard

Perhaps there are people bitter at Vuelling because they did not get hired.

Recently 40% of new hires did not get through the simulator. They do not get into Vueling. These are facts.

The standards at Vueling are improving.

There are good FO's at Vueling with over 900 hours in the right seat over a year, they have still not been upgraded but will go soon.

With 40 Million Euros cash in the bank, fact I doubt Vueling go bankrupt soon.

Yeah there a lot of things to improve at Vueling like pay, pension,treatment

but we have really good food on board hot meals, that may be worth 300 Euros a month.

I think we have seen a change in the attitude of management with M.Bata.

It is also up to us pilots to pressure management.:ugh:

But there is a lot of work to be done

The management has made some changes but the pay is still below market and still has to be improved.

For those of you Vueling pilots the time is now to participate and take action! Get involved.

6th Aug 2007, 09:32
vueling is at 14.95 euro. the biggest drop (-5%)
(6 August 2007)

woow, what a fantastic company!!.
it is time to sell your stocks!!!

http://marches.lefigaro.fr/stocks/va...ATION=16161758 (http://marches.lefigaro.fr/stocks/valeurs.html?ID_NOTATION=16161758)

Vueling says that the rivalry came from the airlines as Iberia, Spanair, Air France and Alitalia and not from the cheap carriers.

I say they are are wrong, by example, Clickair is the low cost company of Iberia.Now Air france, is going to take care of Vueling cuz Air france can compete with a low cost airline.
Who said it would be a bloody battle?

Go Vueling!:ouch:

11th Aug 2007, 08:57
DARTAGNAN are you working for vueling???

11th Aug 2007, 21:52
regrettably I used to work for them.

12th Aug 2007, 07:26
I am one of them who didn't pass their OPC check when I have been trained at the airbus standards by one of their school(at my own cost of course).
I was so tired of this company, that it was good to know I was out of this crazy house.
Understand that vueling do not train pilots(you have only 2 hours sim before the check, and during these 2 hours, you are not authorized to ask questions, if you do so, they will consider you are not at their standards to pass the OPC check, so better to keep it shut), if you do so, it is at your own cost.

If you fail any of their sim, they send you a bill and ask you to leave. This is what they did or tried with me, they sent me a bill for over 10'000 euro that I used as toilet paper.
I really feel bad for pilots who used to fly for vueling and have been asked to leave the company after having flown for them (and I am talking about good captains or copilots).What a disgraceful airline!!!

it's an incompetent airline blackmailing their staff.I will file a plaint to the spanish CAA.it won't change anything. A company is free to hire, who they want, and kick them out at their discretion.
It is not a stable company with stable jobs, it is just a step to fly for somebody else with a better pay. Anyway,some airlines have already contacted me, so will see what happen.

12th Aug 2007, 11:26
Were you trained at CAE Madrid?

Always Moving
13th Aug 2007, 02:30
A mi es que no me cabe en la cabeza.

Primero que pagues un TR sin que tengas trabajo seguro. Ya me parece mal que lo pagues teniendolo....

Pero que luego te metas en una compañia asi! que no te dejan ni hablar, pero bueno, si cuando empiezas en una compañia es todo de color de rosas es luego cuando te empiezan con historias. Asi que en Vueling ya empiezan desde el principio!

Aqui hay gato encerrado, o soy los pilotos los que estais contando historias para no dormir O la compañia como indica el indice bursatil va a la baca rota en cualquier momento.

14th Aug 2007, 21:22
I translate with bablefish.

To my it is that it does not fit to me in the head. First that you pay a TR without you have safe work. It already seems to me bad that you pay it having it.... But that soon I put in a company asi to you! that they do not let nor speak to you, but good, if when you begin in a company he is everything of color of roses is soon when they begin to you with histories. Asi that in Vueling already begins from the beginning! Aqui is locked up cat, or I am the pilots those that stays counting histories not to sleep Or the company as it indicates indice bursatil go at any time to the broken roof rack.


Vueling give you a job promess. this is what I got . I will get a job if I do a type rating. It doesn't mean they guaranty you a job for life.

I have been chocked when I discovered that their contract said I had to pass a second check in the sim ( We knew this after their 2 weeks course), and If I don't pass this check, I have to pay them the sim and leave.

The sim was much harder than a normal type rating test.It is only stress, stress to be kicked out.

20-40% fail this Vueling test. do you still want invest 30'000 euro in a A320 type rating?.

so :mad: Vueling and stay away from them!

15th Aug 2007, 00:44
20-40 Percent? FALSE
Very few people fail the check, obviously you were one who did and are not happy with the company. Dont be mad at the company, be mad at yourself for messing up. It might not be the best airline in the world, but they did give you a fair chance to fly a shiny brand new jet, you just werent able to cut it.

Always Moving
15th Aug 2007, 00:46
Sorry wrong language!

16th Aug 2007, 10:36
This is an open forum and I can say what I wish. Fortunately for myself, my dad is a captain in Vueling and I know the correct number of people that fail the check. 20-40 Percent is completely false.

The number of people that fail that check is so small, that if I knew what year Dartagnan failed his check, and his nationality, I could possibly tell you his name.

In any case, he wasn’t able to cut it. Wait until he tells other airlines why Vueling fired him, I am sure he will have trouble getting hired somewhere else. No airline wants another airlines reject pilot.

It’s harsh, but it’s the truth.

16th Aug 2007, 18:27
Superced and Robeki.

Take it easy men. Stop making this thread something personal. The aim of this forum is to express your opinions about the subjects, not the people writing in it.

Now seat back and relax for a while.

19th Aug 2007, 16:05
yes I paid 30'000 euro for a fair chance with vueling and only to hear lies and blackmails from them.thank you to screw us our lives... !!!

but for me it is time to move on, I am already invited for interviews.Vueling was a bad airline and a bad start for me.

These things happen in life and I don't take it personaly, but I am here just to warn you that vueling is an ugly and incompetent airline to work for and with them it' s only a question of chance.Many competent pilots have already been asked to leave and they have found better employment.

20th Aug 2007, 10:11
I have a little question. If pilots, who are doing the simulator test to enter Vueling, fail it, approximately how much do they have to pay for it? Just out of curiosity.

13th Sep 2007, 20:18
Hello guys...I'm italian pilot, today Vueling called me to make an interview, I have A320 type rating,,, I want to know about interview (quiz-simulator etc) and if Line training is free or the traineer will pay?? thank

25th Sep 2007, 21:52

1st Oct 2007, 08:10
translated with babelfish:

The news and holders the president of Vueling and three advisors resign of their positions [ Ampliar now photo ] until president of Vueling, Josep Miquel Abbot, has submitted their retirement application.

The ex- advisor delegated of low cost Go assumes the Barcelona presidency, 25 Sep 2007 Extracrew (Agencies, Aena, Vueling, the Vanguard, Expansion) The president of low cost Catalan Vueling, Josep Miquel Abbot, submitted yesterday his retirement application to the position by differences with the management, according to detailed in a sent official notice to the National Commission of the Market of Values.

Also advisors Ferran Conti and Josep Creuheras, both Planet representatives, and the secretary of the administration advice resigned, Enrique Morera.

Conti and Creuheras, like Abbot, comprised of Investments Hemisphere, society of the Lara family, that is to say, of the group Planet, proprietor of 15% of Vueling; Morera, lawyer, were named in its day to proposal of the majority shareholders then, that is to say, Apax Partners and Investments Hemisphere.

The presidency has been assumed by Barbara Cassani, ex- delegated advisor of the company of low Go cost, created by British Airways and sold later to the directive equipment. Cassani has explained that Vueling is a "very solid company" and with very good perspective.

It added that the airline is immersed in a "focused strategic reorientation" to the yield. After the exit of all the advisors related to the Lara family, the advice is controlled by both partners now founders, Carlos Muñoz and Lazaro Ros, and the independent ones, with Cassani at the top.

The resignation of Abbot and the advisors related to Lara has been interpreted by analysts as a discrepancy of Investments Hemispheres to not to be accepted its proposals for the adjustment of the company, necessary after months of deterioration in the results.

The direction of the company announced weeks ago that it had decided to delay the plan of international growth to concentrate in his markets and more profitable routes and not to so far buy the 20 airplanes that thought to acquire. Also a plan of adjustment in the direction kept awake, that was reduced to half, of 35 to 18 members, with dismissals, preretirements and degradation of some directors.

According to the Vanguard informs the newspaper, the company last night reduced importance to the resignations of the advice affirming that they must to differences that nothing they have to do with operative the daily one of the airline. Sources of Aena have confirmed to Extracrew.com that the company operates with absolute normality in Barcelona.

Vueling carried out in stock market a reduction of the quotation of 30%, to first of August, after multiplying by five its loss of the first semester,
up to 33.7 million euros, and announcing that it will not fulfill his forecasts for 2007, as a result of the hardening of the competition, with Clickair like main rival. The problems of Vueling are rather in their results, that have ballast their evolution in stock market.

The bottom of Apax capital Partners, that the birth of the company supported, left the company in June, six months after taking it to the market of values, and the title collapsed a 30%.

But the action, after a very successful opening - it happened of 30 euros to 45 in few weeks went already to the loss from April. The titles of Vueling accumulate, altogether, a loss of 63% from beginning of year. It closed yesterday to 12.07 euros, with which the airline has a stock-exchange value of about 180 million euros. To return

1st Oct 2007, 17:44
maybe at last a symbolic reparation to the employess in case of cessation of operations, although nothing against a job lost. promises not honored as usual at vueling

2nd Oct 2007, 16:16
vueling is now under 10 euro/auction...
2nd Oct 2007.

3rd Oct 2007

time to sell all you have before final collapse.
(if people are stupid enough to buy Vueling auctions!)

time for pilots to look for a new job, cuz Vueling may stop to pay you.(Ask to be paid 2 months in advance to be sure!)

Vueling stock suspended

Tuesday October 2, 2007 Spain's stock market regulator CNMV yesterday suspended trading in Vueling Airlines following reports that the Barcelona-based LCC might issue another profit warning in the coming days. The airline said in early August that it would not meet its 2007 targets after cutting its average second-quarter fare by 23% in response to aggressive pricing by competitors. Vueling reported a net loss of €33.7 million ($48.1 million) for the six months ended June 30, a sharp increase from the €6.5 million loss it posted in the year-ago period (ATWOnline, Aug. 6) (http://www.atwonline.com/news/story.html?storyID=9785). Last week, three board members (including Chairman Jose Miguel Abad) representing Grupo Planeta resigned following a "disagreement about the management" of the company (ATWOnline, Sept. 27) (http://www.atwonline.com/news/story.html?storyID=10336). The departure of the GP representatives raised speculation that GP, which holds 15.87% of Vueling through Inversiones Hemisferio, might sell its shareholding to join Torreal and Air France KLM in a bid for Iberia.

Trading on Vueling's stock is suspended

Vueling Airlines' (Barcelona) stock was suspended today (October 1) on the Spanish stock exchange after authorities shut all trading due to rampant rumors surrounding the company. Three board members, including Chairman Jose Miguel Abad, representing Grupo Planeta, resigned and left the company last Thursday due to a rift with the current new management of the company over the continuing losses. Grupo Planeta holds its 15.87% share through Inversiones Hemisferio. It is rumored it may sell its holdings in order to join up with Torreal and Air France-KLM in its possible bid for Iberia. The company reported a net loss of $48 million in the first six months of this year ending on June 30 (this new loss is around five times larger than the previous loss in the same period a year ago). The arrival of William Allen, representing a group of American investors has not helped very much. Barbara Cassani, formerly of Go Fly, was just appointed to take control of the ailing airline. JetBlue (through Apax Partners) sold its 20% stake in the airline in June. The company is expected to issue another profit (loss) warning for the remaining part of the year that could see even larger losses due to the prevailing low fares and higher fuel costs. One rumor has Clickair making an offer for its planes, slots and pilots. Otherwise Vueling could be gone soon.

4th Oct 2007, 12:46

It seems you are enjoying the show of Vueling. The worst it goes the happier you are?!
I bet that most of the people working there, or hoping to join soon, are not having a good time!

4th Oct 2007, 14:25
I think it`s about time that Mr.Dartagnan stops his posts about Vueling. And time to tell that he is frustated about the fact he wasn`t good enough for Vueling and NEVER worked there and probably still hasn`t got a job as a pilot. (and that with a airbus rating, gives us something to think about :ouch:)

4th Oct 2007, 16:01
Hey guys, take it easy. I think that the post from this guy about Vueling have been very helpful for guys like me, who thought about applying for Vueling just trying to go back to Europe. In fact, Vueling was announcing a road show in the middle east to recruit pilots in this region. Gotta admit that I was tempted but now, reading those posts can tell you that not in a million years I would go to that company. And take it easy because this is not about enjoying the situation with Vueling since many colleages (families) will be out of jobs pretty soon but just to prevent many other to resign from their current jobs and surely make a big mistake. Cheers!

5th Oct 2007, 08:55

considering the delicate situation of Vueling and its employees, sarcasm should be avoided.

At least for now...:ok:

5th Oct 2007, 11:50
exactly, I was not good enough as I had 0 hour on the 320 and freshly type rated and some stupid examiners love to give us a tough time .

Even with thousand hours on the A320, some captains have been asked to leave the company.Then they cry like babies cuz there is a captain shortage and many don't want work for them.

when looking at the stock auction I am not surprised of what is happening in this company. It is a shame, cuz they had everything to make a good company.Instead they have decided to go against their pilots and create a nasty climate.Everything at vueling is rotten. Been there, and have had my worse time in my life! it s not a good airline to move on, specially if you have already a job somewhere else.

anyway, still sad for the one who will join them, cuz I think too they are out of business very soon.


6th Oct 2007, 12:19

You say you have been there in your post. You have not. You failed to make the grade. All you are is a low hours, inexperienced FO who failed the grade.

Just move on now, you have no info to add to what everyone already knows.

As for survival, who knows? But this is for sure, Barbara Cassani would not tarnish her name unless she thought there was a good chance of survival. Look at Go-fly.... she made her name there and was a people person. This may be the turning point that Vueling needs.

Let's wait and see.

6th Oct 2007, 14:23
and what and where is GO-fly today :confused:
Are they already history?

6th Oct 2007, 16:12

Go-fly were the low cost arm of British Airways.

They were sold to easyJet for a substantial sum 3 or 4 years ago. Their pilots made up to 100000 euro in share money EACH from the sale.

As I say, Cassani looks after people. But I guess you have never heard of Go.....

She is a very capable operator and highly regarded in business.

Let's see what happens shall we?

Mach trim
6th Oct 2007, 19:04
A lower and lower share price means Vueling becomes more of a takeover target.

Quite probable that Clickair and Vueling will merge or Clickair will takeover Vueling.

Also the future of CLickair will not be decided until Iberia is sold.

A lot will depend on who buys Iberia.

If I was a potential buyer I would wait to buy at the future lower price.

Vueling will be bought out the lower share price just means less money for the shareholders.

This may not affect us as pilots or yes we could be but Vueling does not look like it will go bankrupt yet.

Giving a profits warning is a sign that they matured a little.

Vueling is not about to close its doors with around 50 million Euros in the bank, raised from the stock market.

It can weather the storms until next year. Got to admit the environment is tough.

The brand is known in Spain, the brand does have value.
Vueling has two good M's-- Marketing and Maintenance

7th Oct 2007, 10:05


Go was Go, and Vueling is not Go but will eventually go :O
If they want to make money, then they should at least fly to STN (easy to get some slots), MAN and DUB.

7th Oct 2007, 15:55
:=Stanstead, come on take it easy on Dartagnan, whatever his condition. Afterall, his frustration is understandable, and whatsmore it´s true what he says about Vueling. Notwithstanding, I hope things change for my many colleagues employed there: I´ve been through 3 company collapses myself, dont wish it on anybody.......

9th Oct 2007, 12:56
You are once again posting things which are not correct.

I quote you: “Even with thousand hours on the A320, some captains have been asked to leave the company. Then they cry like babies cuz there is a captain shortage and many don't want work for them.”

Simply not true. Everyone who has left Vueling has left by his own foot. Well, except for you, because you couldn’t cut it. You are the one who has been crying like a baby, not Vueling.

I have been through those same examiners that failed you, and I can assure you that if it were up to them, they would pass everyone they check. They have an obligation to do a job, and it’s not their fault that you can’t fly the airplane. Like I mentioned before, just because you pay for a type rating doesn’t give you the right to fly the airplane. Its hard work and it does take some talent, obviously you are missing one of those two factors.

Stop preaching about Vueling, all you know about the company is that they gave you a chance to fly a brand new A320 and you couldn’t cut it. I have many friends at Vueling who love their job. The company is learning and treats pilots better every day, a new contract with better conditions was signed not long ago.

I quote you: “Everything at Vueling is Rotten.”

Just that quote shows the anger you have towards the company, a company which you don’t even know. You need to grow up.

I see you are happy that Vueling isn’t doing well. You better hope Vueling stays in business because if they ever close, there are going to be a lot of Type Rated pilots with plenty of flight time without a job, and that’s going to kill any chance you have to get a job in the near future.

I see you posting all over the forum trying to desperately find another job, even in India. Do you really think a company is going to take you after you tell them you couldn’t pass a check? I don’t think so. How does it feel to throw 32,000 Euros in the garbage? You might as well get another type rating and start collecting them.

Grow up and move on.

10th Oct 2007, 10:52

Well said. I could not agree more.

Dartagnan is just bitter. And annoyed that he failed to make the grade.

Mach trim
10th Oct 2007, 12:49
For those of you wondering about Vueling going bankrupt.
Don't worry about it.

Vueling shares are up to 14 Euros.Heh!

Abad from Planeta, see quote below has just bought 1.6 million shares of Vueling stock increasing his part to 27% of Vueling. He just stepped down to give way to Cassani.

I bet you he knows stuff we don't. Good for him he is a guy with balls and it is interesting he is buying now. This guy is respected in Spain and Catalonia, the impact of this is huge. This is how he answered speculations that he would sell..

"Grupo Planeta, a través de Inversiones Hemisferio, ha elevado su participación en Vueling hasta el 26,839% desde el 15,87% que poseía, al comprar 1,6 millones de acciones"

"Con esta nueva adquisición, el grupo Planeta cuenta con un total de 4,03 millones de acciones de Vueling. Esta partida tiene un valor en el mercado, según el precio actual de cotización de la aerolínea, de 57,3 millones de euros.

El grupo Planeta refuerza así su posición en la aerolínea, a pesar de los rumores que auguraban su posible salida. El pasado mes de mayo concluyó el plazo de 'lock-up' --compromiso de no vender-- de 180 días establecido con la salida a Bolsa para los inversores Apax Partners, Inversiones Hemisferio y V.A. American Investors, que sumaban un 40,55% del capital de la compañía aérea."

10th Oct 2007, 17:33
I wonder where mr Dartagnan is now.

I have to admit that the checks in Vueling are not always easy and simple.
But it is no rocket science. Maybe Dartagnan is a just a lazy bastard who threw 25.000 euro´s down the drain.

Mach trim
12th Oct 2007, 09:26
I agree Silver surfer.

The next major change of management has not yet occurred at Vueling yet.
Carlos Munoz-CEO and Lazaro-COO ( whose strategy of low pay for pilots ) are about to get pushed out,due to the losses.

There has been poor management on their part. Flights have been cancelled due to a lack of pilots. Other companies sub contracted due to a lack of pilots. Higher turnover increased training costs. Sure it has contributed to their losses, but is only part of the equation.

Michael Bata ( deputy COO ) is helping to change the mentality. Things are improving in my opinion. We do have a way to go.

I believe the pilots as a group have to be more pro active in changing things at Vueling.

I am no expert but ...
Lower revenue per seat due to increased competition is a bigger problem as the load factor has improved.

Carlos Munoz has no airline experience ( does not seem to understand the pilot culture ) and is not a people person. He was very good at raising the capital required to start the airline and an intelligent individual.

12th Oct 2007, 14:28
If Munoz is so intelligent, how come he doesn't grasp the realities of the obvious? So, the third strong M at VLG is neither Management nor Munoz, right? Those excited about the share price should remember where the price was last March and wonder if it will ever get there again.:hmm:

13th Oct 2007, 08:35
Buenos Dias,

I heard that at Vueling there is 80% turn over per year.

We could think that 80% of pilots are stupid, I don't know why but I prefer to think that 20% of pilots are very stupid to work for a very low salary.

Is the basic salary of first officers still 1000EUR/month ?

It is not easy to find a good company but at least don't work for nothink, Vueling it is just good to have the first experience on the Airbus or a captain upgrade and after you must leave.


13th Oct 2007, 16:35
The turn over of pilots is very low at the moment. Salaries have been increased to what is more or less standard for a short haul A320 pilot.

13th Oct 2007, 18:14
The turn over of pilots is very low at the moment. Salaries have been increased to what is more or less standard for a short haul A320 pilot.

Your post is interesting, liftdumper, could you just be more acurate and tell us what are the new salaries like ? with also number of block hours and duties in a month.
Also I would like to know at what time you report and finish your duties when you are on earlies and on lates.

Thanks a lot :ok:

Mach trim
13th Oct 2007, 23:19
hey pen tito,
munoz probably sold a lot of shares at 50 and then he probably shorted the stock ( made money on the decrease in stock price ).he has already made his money.

lift dumper,

if the turnover so low why is they do not have crews to have standby crews and flights cancelled, they still do not have enough crews, I doubt they want to keep at minimum crews because it is costing them money

14th Oct 2007, 16:54
For your info: we have standby crews presently. There were a few sub charters due to a/c having maintenance.

New a/c are coming so the situation improves slowly.

16th Oct 2007, 14:50
hola Amigos!

hard to know the truth in this company.Lies, lies, lies!
are pilots still sleeping in their car?
when looking at the stock market, it looks like a bouncing ball. I give them 3-6 months, no more!I can be wrong...

I wonder where they go find the money to lease new Aircrafts? these megalomaniacs will never learn! oh yes, they have a reputable name in barcelona, it is a good start!

if some of you want join them, you have some available seats at 1000-1200 euro/month.If you have the money for the type rating but I strongly suggest you to keep your cash and stay away from these :mad:...!


19th Oct 2007, 20:40

Always Moving
20th Oct 2007, 01:55
I have been reading all the bitching in this forum and it is easy to asses the quality of a company.

Liftdumper you seem to answer (with a lot of know how) the people who smear the company, Could you answer this PLEASE!

What do they ask for new hirings?
What is the entry level salary?
Do they ask the new hire to have a type rating?
Do they have any type of scam (not scheme) on the "buy yourself a job business"?

With those questions asked I can tell how they are going to run the company.

Now the MACHTRIM.....Please do not open the politics can of worms of Catalonia superiority in this forum, please. I particularly are a non-extremist, non-nationalist and I think we will like to talk about planes not politics

20th Oct 2007, 17:22
un Beau connard ce ROBEKI

23rd Oct 2007, 06:31
Who is Robeki ? A new Ricard ? :mad:

Mach trim
23rd Oct 2007, 20:17
Always moving,
You are mistaken or perhaps you have difficulty comprehending what is written, as I have not brought up Catalan superiority into this thread and not interested in doing so, it is you who addresed the issue, not me.

Why are they still calling Captains to work on their days off ?
There may be standby FO-s,There are certainly not standby captains.They are short crews until the next batch of crews are trained up.

Part of the problem is a lot of short sectors, 1 or 2 hour flights. For example at Clickair guys fly longer sectors and make more working less days.

You are doing the same job as an Easyjet pilot but paid less.

Always Moving
24th Oct 2007, 04:19
I bet you he knows stuff we don't. Good for him he is a guy with balls and it is interesting he is buying now. This guy is respected in Spain and Catalonia, the impact of this is huge. This is how he answered speculations that he would sell..

If somebody will read this and do not know that Catalonia is a state of Spain it will seam that is a different country. Or you are going to name the only 2 places in the world that "this guy" is respected?

Perhaps a Freudian lapse?

You are disqualifying me without knowing anything about me, may be you were just venting..... (let's leave it at that!)

17th Nov 2007, 13:04
new CEO is Josep Piqué


6th Dec 2007, 09:02
Vueling November load factor 63.4 pct vs 56.1 pct yr-earlier

MADRID (Thomson Financial) - Vueling Airlines SA said its load factor rose to 63.4 pct in November from 56.1 pct a year earlier.

In a statement, Vueling said the number of passengers transported increased 74.8 pct to 495,860 in November year-on-year.

The no-frills carrier said its load factor in the eleven months to November rose to 74.1 pct from 69.2 pct.

The load factor improvement in November is helping to offset the impact of the decline in tariffs provoked by sector competition.

Vueling said it aims to 'optimise' tarifs in the coming months, 'even although this could cause some decrease in occupancy levels.'

New chairman Josep Pique said recently that the carrier's strategic plan includes revising tariffs, which Vueling considers are too low.


What next then?

11th Dec 2007, 09:13
Is there anyone starting the OCC with Vueling in January?:confused: