View Full Version : Thieving Scum

22nd May 2007, 18:42
Some dirty **** has nicked my life raft out of my C172!!!

It was parked at an airport which is totaly secure. You cannot get on the the airport grounds with out a pass which gets checked by the barrier gaurd.

And you cannot get airside with out an airside pass which you have to swipe through another barrier.

So the scum bag that nicked it probably parks his plane next to mine!!!

I am fecking livid!! I am waiting to see if the airfield CCTV covers the spot where I was parked.

What options do I have if the Scum was not caught on CCTV?

22nd May 2007, 18:46
I dont really think there is much you can do,

Also wasnt your plane locked

Someone might have seen him nosing about :rolleyes:

22nd May 2007, 19:01
It wasnt locked no. Reasons being:

1) It's a secure airfield, visitors park on the other side of the airfield (literally).

2) Ground Op's move the aircraft in to wind whenever it changes direction.

3) I park on the police part of the members apron

22nd May 2007, 19:03
Sorry to hear about that matey , some tossers deserve shooting . On a professional level , realistically unless someone has seen something , which is doubtful otherwise you might have thought they would have said something you are on a sticky wicket . The CCTv may yield somehting but in the main it is usually a waste of time , fuzzy long distance pictures and thefts that take place in the dark. also the advent of the hoody makes this a less than valuable resource . Ensure you do report it to the police , although they will probably be unable to help without any witnesses they will give it a crime number which your ins company will probably insist on . Unfortunately and without wishing to spark an anti police debate we cannot work miracles so no witnesses no real case . Although might i suggest you have a look at the movements list at your airfield say a week either side of the theft and just see if any of the local aircraft have done an overwater flight and cross refer that to those aircraft that park near to you this might yield something . Obviously if you are based at a coastal airfield this might no be very good but worth a look , but if nothing else report it and make sure other aircraft users at the field are aware of this thieving shxtbags existence .

Tim Dawson
22nd May 2007, 19:33
That sucks. On a semi-related point, what's the best place to acquire a life raft, and about how much do they cost? What about regular life jackets?

22nd May 2007, 19:44
Thanks for the poointers. Hopefuly I will get some CCTV footage. Even if it only shows the direction the idiot came from and the time I should be able to tally that with the movement list and narrow the search down.

Tim Dawson,
4 man life raft costs about £800 and jackets start at about £50. Most aviation suppliers will sell them.

blah blah blah.

22nd May 2007, 19:49
Maybe the thief knew you had a liferaft. Anyone ask you lately if you have a liferaft.

22nd May 2007, 20:09
Trust no one!!

And please, do lock up in the future!!

22nd May 2007, 20:37
No one asked if I had a raft.

Obviously I will lock up in the future. I always do when I am away at a different airfield. Like I say the security at my airfield is excedingly tight which points it's fingers to someone who is based at the airfield and has access to that specific apron, which requires two passes a gaurd check and a tagged barrier.

I have never heard of theiving between pilots though.

Gertrude the Wombat
22nd May 2007, 21:06
what's the best place to acquire a life raft
I expect there's one on ebay just right now.

22nd May 2007, 21:20
Oh Gertrude there is always someone around to bring a smile to my face:) it was only a matter of time until someone said it.

22nd May 2007, 21:21
Could this be an insider job, meaning somebody, who works at the airfield?
I would not blame it on fellow pilots.

I had my Elevator control locks stolen once but later found out that it was taken by airfield staff.

Gertrude the Wombat
22nd May 2007, 21:23
it was only a matter of time until someone said it
Seriously though, the following sequence, whilst by no means guaranteed, is not unknown:

(1) something gets stolen
(2) the victim searches for and finds it on ebay
(3) the perps get nicked.

Piltdown Man
22nd May 2007, 21:46
Get another one, but time-expired. Drill some holes in it. Then pray it gets knicked and the buggers who have it, need to use it. Scratch one set of miscreants!


22nd May 2007, 21:46
Do you have a serial number or something else that uniquely identifies it as *your* raft? In that case it might be useful to report the theft to the producer and possibly some outfits in your local area that service liferafts. Perhaps in the future somebody will come along to register it, or have it serviced. At the very least that gets flagged then. Hopefully.

Also, if the liferaft contained an EPIRB, ELT, whatever, might be useful to inform the SAR authorities that it was stolen so they don't come knocking on your door as soon as they receive a signal from that one. Preferably you want them to come knocking only once they've found the thieves (in distress - serves them right!).

Keeping an eye out on eBay and other auction sites, and perhaps the notice boards on flying clubs in the area, does seem like a good idea too. Aviation liferafts are not the typical items that thieves keep for themselves, unless it indeed happens to be stolen by a fellow pilot. Also, the thief may not know that an aviation liferaft is different from a marine liferaft, and might try to offer it for sale at marine clubs.

Lastly, check *all* your insurance policies, including your home insurance. Home insurance, at least where I live, covers certain items outside your house too. At least that what we found out when my parents' car got stolen: the car insurance covered the car itself, but the home insurance covered the few items that happened to be in the car at that time, and that could normally be expected to be kept in the car instead of in the house. Nothing major, things like a fire extinguisher, jump start cables, towrope and such. Perhaps a life raft would be covered under this category too. (On the other hand, if there's no clear sign of breaking and entering, ie. damage to the plane, you have a weak case.)

22nd May 2007, 23:32
Im sorry for your loss, lets hope the cctv gets a result,I know this is after the horse has bolted ! however, its really worth while, " defacing " any stealable items, with your post code, in HUGE letters, very very visible,

Pilot DAR
23rd May 2007, 01:00
Best of luck. Have him tried in Saudi Arabia if you catch him! most single Cessnas are pathetically easy to break into. A Swiss Army knife in the right hands will get in with no marks on the plane. Beware, and don't leave valuables in at all! But is was not me, I'm on the other side of the Atlantic...

Best of luck. With his, he'll probably need the raft one day!

Pilot DAR

The Nr Fairy
23rd May 2007, 06:53
Does the liferaft have a serial number ? Find out, let the police know, and post notices all over the airfield with the info.

You never know, you might get someone who might know something tipping the wink.

23rd May 2007, 07:52
Where were special branch when you need them.........

23rd May 2007, 08:08
The special branch office is leterlally where I parked my plane!! which incidentally is right next to the Police helicopter!!

scooter boy
23rd May 2007, 08:24
Could you tell us where?

If it is any consolation I had 2 headsets, a skymap GPS, a handheld transceiver and an EPIRB taken from the monowheel Europa I used to own when it was in the hangar at Bodmin 4 years ago.
I put notices up, informed the fuzz etc...
Nothing ever found.

What I learned from the experience was that it was essential to keep a record of all the serial numbers of all pieces of equipment as these often have to be quoted when updates/servicing/repairs need doing and are probably the best way to catch these low-life scumbags (more likely to get the people they've sold the stuff to and track the thieves that way). I had no serial numbers on that occasion :(!

Good luck,

23rd May 2007, 08:41
Ahhh SB and the Police. Now we know who the cultprits are!!!! Seriously, CCTV images should be pretty good then. Keep us updated! Greg

blue up
23rd May 2007, 08:54
As BackPacker said, check your home insurance policy. I got a new prop and spinner from mine.:ok:

23rd May 2007, 09:46
It was at Bristol Filton.

I hope the CCTV shows someone, even if it is hard to make out who. Then we can compare it to the movement list.

23rd May 2007, 10:17
If it makes you feel any better , no names no pack drill but our police asu suffered a high value theft of certain equipment when it was locked in a maintenance hangar being serviced , trust no one

23rd May 2007, 11:24
what's the best place to acquire a life raft

Know any that's fell off the back of a Cessna.

Seriously, it's a bit of a low trick in'it

23rd May 2007, 11:47

The airfiled Op's wont divulge a movement list to me. And they are reluctant to check or disclose CCTV footage if any exists.

The police have catagorised it as Burglary and not theft as it was stolen from a secure area. And they laughed when i told them it was parked next to the police helicopter outside the 24 hour manned police office.

23rd May 2007, 12:19
Not too surprisingly. You are not an official crime investigation agency. If a movement list and CCTV is released, it will be released to the police. So make sure you bug the police into starting a proper investigation, which should at least include the list and CCTV images.

It might be prudent to warn the airfield that the police has started an investigation and will come and collect CCTV images at a later date. I don't know the custom at your airfield, but typically these images are kept only for a day or three, after which the tapes are overwritten. A preliminary announcement of investigation should be enough to set them apart. If they don't set them apart, but overwrite them, you can later sue them for destroying evidence. Not that that brings your liferaft back of course...

23rd May 2007, 12:27
Lets not get all sue crazy, this is England we are talking about. I don't expect to get my raft back or compensated. However if evidence turned up to prove it was an employee of the airfield then that is a different story.

I am more after finding the culprit for a little justice and shaming.

23rd May 2007, 12:38
I understand your feelings, but in our modern-ish society that's what the police and the justice is for. And they only do that based on solid evidence. Which you should try to prevent being destoyed accidently.

I'm not saying sue the airfield. All I'm saying that if they destroy the CCTV tapes while knowing that there might be evidence of a crime on them, that they're committing a felony as well.

23rd May 2007, 13:01
... it was a life raft from your aircraft.

Are you sure it wasn't somebody who jumped over the fence to grab ? I'd be suprised if a pilot would steal a life raft to use. We're all so paranoid about safety a dodgy second hand life raft wouldn't inspire me with confidence. Sort of like flying an aircraft that's been "hot wired"

"Nah mate, nah worries, I've got both magnetos on have a crack"

On the other hand in the last couple of years my car has been stolen and my house burgaled twice, plus my 50cc scooter was thrown down the stairs of my local car park. All in all around £6000 of theft and damage, so in some ways, you could be happy that it was only £800 and not MUCH worse.

23rd May 2007, 13:09
Odd one that , Not saying Bristols chaps are pooh but if the aircraft is not in a building or part of a building then it cannot be a burglary at all nope never no chance , anyone interested in a rebbutle or a go at bristol cops please see Section 9(1)(a) Theft act 1968 .In a hangar fair does but it wasnt was it ? Thats like having a bike nicked from your garden , not a burglary that is it ? however if it was in your shed .....
Gcolyer, as advised by backpacking type , do pursue this and make sure the police do have the knowledge that there may be cctv and movement list in existence for the very reasons mentioned ,CCTv will not be kept forever and while this may be ultimately undetectable you do at the very least deserve a fair stab at it, oh and backpacker , FELONY? how i wish we had those in this country

23rd May 2007, 13:12
It is not impossible that someone could have bunked the fence.

However it would mean having to cross a very busy lit dual carraige way and climbing a very high fence which is literally on the kerb of the dual carraige way, with out being noticed. Then navigating through a small woods and several buildings, accross a flood lit apron over looked by the tower and the police building, and then doing the same in reverse to get back out.

23rd May 2007, 13:21
you couldnt make up an attempt like that could you ?

23rd May 2007, 13:28
I don't understande what you mean?

23rd May 2007, 14:44
Well, sorry about the loss, maybe airport staff took it and sold it to a pilot who didn't know better?

A preliminary announcement of investigation should be enough to set them apart. If they don't set them apart, but overwrite them, you can later sue them for destroying evidence.Lets not get all sue crazy, this is England we are talking about.Yes, you need more than that;

Part 1: The crash
Don't put much fuel in your aircraft, scream mayday, force an emergency landing by a river or sea or something, stay stranded for 9 hours, swim in the river/sea as if you were looking for food in the river but you didn't have your raft so you got swept away by the current, hold on to a rock till you get rescued (at this point, call a friend who is in on this and tell them to call the emergency services, let them tell the police they may know where you are so you can prepare for your big entrance to the press room), watch out for cramps of course, the steak you had when you landed may affect you.

Part 2: Post-Rescue
Act like its been the worst day of your life when you get rescued. Go to your press conference, tell them that a raft would have helped you so that you wouldn't have almost died. Tell them you plan to sue, and get the world outraged.

Scenario 1:
Some one fesses up. (hope not)


Scenario 2:

You sue the Special Branch for the raft (always overestimate the value, say its a limited edition, say it was sentimental), sue them for distress, sue them for everything you can think of (best route).

Simple right?:ok:

23rd May 2007, 18:09
Filton is a secure airport, I don't see how it could get anymore secure unless you have a platoon of gaurds pacing the perimeter and grounds 24x7

It is strict PPR and a designated airfield. it really is a good airfield and Flight Op's are a great crew.

As for the raft it was a 4 man raft in a compact case. It can easily be carried by a one armed Bandit:bored:

23rd May 2007, 22:07
If you find your liferaft in another light aircraft leave it their, and inflate the bastard!

If we had a robust and efficient CPS, Judges who were in touch with the society they serve and sentences that make your skin crawl you would not be having to post this thread.

It is not your fault the raft was taken, it was the ruling liberal elite in there Harringey mews busy eating rice and knitting yoghurt. Right on my arse.

24th May 2007, 17:01
Anyone ever seen the raft and expressed interest (body language and/or told you)?

Dave Gittins
25th May 2007, 09:27
This isn't it by any chance ?

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Life-raft-4-man-Liferaft_W0QQitemZ270123564417QQihZ017QQcategoryZ98953QQssPa geNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

25th May 2007, 10:05

Mine is red and in a red bag.

25th May 2007, 10:12
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Life-raft-4-man-Liferaft_W0QQitemZ270123564417QQihZ017QQcategoryZ98953QQssPa geNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Can't quite figure out the relevance of the Pineapple ???? :}

25th May 2007, 10:23
Maybe if it is a stolen raft and the original owner buys it back he can then stuff the pineapple up the thiefs dark side.

25th May 2007, 11:04
LOL! Like it! :D:ok::ok:

26th May 2007, 10:01
Not strictly on topic, but interesting none the less..

Many years ago a 'liferaft' was stolen from a boatshow stand. Owner of said raft was understandably upset, and considerably concerned. The 'liferaft' in question was in fact a display model consisting of a standard valise (cover) stuffed with a collection of old newspaper and a couple of house-bricks to weight it down.

I did hear a story that it subsequently turned up at a service centre though I’m not sure if I believe it…..

It's not nice to think about what could have happened.

27th May 2007, 16:14
can you not make a foi (freedom of information) request to the ops to get the movement that day?

27th May 2007, 20:23
Possibly. Being there has been no prosecution and it is not a public offence it would breach DPA (Data Protection Act).

Also being that it is my home airfield I don't want to go burning bridges, and I am 100% sure the Op's guys will realease any data the police request.

27th May 2007, 20:56
Sorry to hear about this, matey.

Being a victim (got the tee shirt) of theft or burglary (which this is most definitely NOT, S.9(1)(a) Theft Act 1968 already having been quoted) is not pleasant and can be quite stressful as well as bloody inconvenient.

The aviation community is relatively small but like any cross section of society it has its share of complete tossers, either directly involved or walting around on the periphery; however, word does tend to get around quickly and if you publish your unfortunate mishap on as many forums as possible the chances are that eventually the toerag responsible or someone who knows the tawt will read about it.

I would also publish it on some boating forums and even look in the boating classifieds - as a rule liferafts tend to be of more use to the fish-heads.

I don't suppose you have a photo?