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7th May 2007, 00:48
how do you feel about denim?

7th May 2007, 08:09
I am not at denim, however as far as I know, salary is ****, but hostesses are HOT (air nostrum ones) :ok:

Full hope
7th May 2007, 19:24
how do you feel about denim?

What do you mean?

salary is ****

Salary is OK.

7th May 2007, 19:36
hostesses are HOT (air nostrum ones)

Valencianas? Vale...es verdad! Si tiene la suerte de ser de base en LECV...:E

Todavia si te pongono en un avion en Asia...ahi ahi ahi tios!

El sueldo es mierda es verdad y ahora el CAE es el TRTO por la selecion...

PZ :ok:

7th May 2007, 21:09
Salary is OK.

Right, so would you like to be more acurate please ?!! :E

PZ, hay de todo en ANS, incluso chicas de otros paises que (por supuesto) hablan el castellano y que "practican el frances" :p :O :p :O :p

8th May 2007, 08:10
¿Podrías especificar cuanto pagan porque "Salary is OK." no revela mucho?

8th May 2007, 20:36
I sent a CV thousand of time and they didn't give me back any positive answer. Probably it's necessary to place yourself in a 90 degree attitude in front of the human resource manager and after an hot night to be ready to pay a type rating by yourself :\

Full hope
8th May 2007, 21:05
That will depend on how much you fly, the contract you are flying (ANE is not the only customer Denim has), the time you spend out of base, extra days you work.

Quite easy to take home more than 3.000 eur a month, much more very often.

8th May 2007, 21:31
you are lucky because a friend of mine is flying there (spanish base for ANS) and he hardly makes 2200 euros net, with no pension, and 65/70 hrs a month, and lots of night spent at the hotel, away from base. I can't remeber how much he had to pay for the type rating, but it was at least 25000 euros.
Captains can expect to earn 5000 euros a month, which is still a bit low.
Air Nostrum pays a lot more !

at least, Spanish base is a very good deal and Dash 8 is an extremely good experience :ok:

Full hope
8th May 2007, 22:11
As I said, it depends on where do you fly, amount of days you spend abroad and some other factors. Easily 3.000 eur/month.

8th May 2007, 23:24
I have a couple of friends there (F/O) and they say salary is not that good, and they have to pay for a lot of things you wouldn't should you work for ANE (meals and other stuff) which makes the money you take home less, both of them are flying well over the 75 h a month (around 90) and hardly take home over 2000 euros net after deducing all the expenses.

They are now sending crews to Nigeria every now and then for a couple of weeks, lot's of Capts. leaving for Companies with better T&C's.

For what i hear is a good place to get experience and then go somewhere else once you have logged some comand TP time (time to command is very short).

PZ is right about CAE (por cierto , como te va PZ?:ok: )

Good luck:ok:

Full hope
9th May 2007, 09:50
hardly take home over 2000 euros

well over the 75 h a month (around 90)

No idea what they told you, but they don´t fly 90 hrs a month (specially if they are f/o's), and that's for sure. Base salary is 2100 for a new f/o, plus 400 eur that you get as duty pay (flying 20 days/month). Then add more than 40 eur/day as per diems (working 20 days a month). Then add daily extra pay you get depending on where do you fly (that's easily another 300-400 eur/month).

Crew meals provided onboard, you only pay your lunch or dinner at the hotel, but you will hardly spend half of the money you get for that. Parking paid at your home base. Uniform cleaning is paid (that's more or less 60 eur/month). Insurance provided. Ilimited staff travel with a certain company for you and your family. Two extra payments this year, plus the holiday extra you get in may.

Nice and really experienced people to fly with. Be sure that your colleagues are getting more than 2.000 eur a month, and no first officer flies 90 hrs/month.

10th May 2007, 14:21
As i said in my previous post i talk about NET income.

As for the flight time, last week i met a crew from Denim, Capt. and F/O were asking crews from another company about the spanish rules on flight time and duty hours, apparently they flew quite a lot this day, finishing late, and had 12 flights scheduled for the following day (early start, only 10 hours rest), i take it they were all short flights (between islands in the Baleares), i get the impression they fly quite a lot.

This is just what the crew told me, my two friends working in Denim say as much, they say they are short of crew and that is the cause of the amount of hours they fly at the moment.

in any case , i mean no offense to you Full Hope , and i only point out what i have seen and heard from Denim employees.

Full hope
10th May 2007, 15:04
12 flights scheduled

For god's sake! Nobody does 12 flights a day here! 1,2,3,4 and 5 as an average, 6 (or 7 from time to time) if you are flying the islands. No more than that.

Capt. and F/O were asking crews from another company about the spanish rules on flight time and duty hours, apparently they flew quite a lot this day

That doesn´t mean that they fly 90hrs/month.

As i said in my previous post i talk about NET income.

Some of the figures I gave you are taxable, others not. Easy to take home 3.000 eur/month net. With the figures detailed above you can make an estimate by yourself.

i mean no offense to you Full Hope

No offense, but please try to base your comments on first hand information. I´m sure that nobody told you that they were to do 12 flights in one day.

11th May 2007, 10:12
full hope, what my denimair friend told me sounds very similar to what LEVC is telling, apart from the fact that I was told that as F/O they only fly around 60 or 65 hrs a month !
Perhaps LEVC and myself have the same friend :E ... This world is so small you know !

Anyway, it seems that you want to denny the content of our posts however surprisingly, you are not accurate at all !!!!

What does really mean "easy to take home 3000 euros/ month net" ?

Just give us the gross basic salary and number of hours flown per year as well as sector pay (gross).

Anyway, What I heard was 2200 euros net a month for 60/65 hrs. no pension scheme and a very expensive type rating to reimbourse :oh: . Not sure wether or not you have a social insurance included in the package.

What makes him stay at denimair is the base in Spain, young and friendly captains, and nasty hostesses :O :D

Full hope
11th May 2007, 14:01
Maybe your friend can tell you that we dont get paid by sectors. For me this topic is over, as I already gave you enough information.

Good luck.

11th May 2007, 14:23
no, stay here !! :{

12th May 2007, 14:42
Yeah, please don't go! Dooon't gooooo ouoooo! Don't go awayyyy! :{

13th May 2007, 09:09
PZ is right about CAE (por cierto , como te va PZ?:ok: )

No mal tio, no mal...Just surf other threads on the Spanish's forum and you'll find out. I might suggest you to search about me among ANE's competitors...:E . Enchufes y suerte allowing, let's hope we will enjoy soon a cerveza somewhere when off-duty. Are you finally airborne at cruise level and speed on the sweet CRJ? Vale, I hope so...sorry I missed Fallas this year!

Dunno much about Denim but their recruiting process improved, me thinks. It went from rubbish to bad....:E .

Used to be run in NL outsourcing it to a company that was asking 1500€ to screen you. For God sake, not even Ryanair or Vueling dare so much! And you still hear complains from people who were asked 147 bucks from JKK...C'mon.
No clue abut salaries but working for an ACMI isn't THAT easy and actractive. ANE is WAY better and VLC a sweet place to live I guess. LEVC...give us some wisdom, tio.


PZ :ok:

Full hope
14th May 2007, 12:57
Came back just to point two more things:

Despite the fact that now CAE is doing the recruitment for Denim, let me tell you that I didn't have to pay a single euro for the assesment.

ANE is WAY better

Please do not compare Denim with Air Nostrum, as there's no way of getting into ANE without good contacts. This has been the only requirement for the last 5-6 years.

New joiners are Air Nostrum are forced to take vacations after the sim training while awaiting for the type rating to be endorsed on their license. Better or not, they only give the chance to people with contacts no matter what the experience or preparation is.

14th May 2007, 20:31
Came back just to point two more things:

Veri kind of U but if U coma back to point out, do it properly...Do not cut and past to make others looking fool and urself a smart ass. I did not say than ANE is way better, I said:

No clue abut salaries but working for an ACMI isn't THAT easy and actractive. ANE is WAY better and VLC a sweet place to live I guess.

Read it again and find out the real tone I put in it, OK? Did not pay 360 bucks for a simride? Lucky U, maybe they wanted U straight for the SSTR (As ANE but with the chance to go ANYWHERE they want...)...:E

Enchufe-wise...I know how it works in Spain, hombre. Read the rest of my post.

Thanks for coming back, keep on doing it...


PZ :ok:

15th May 2007, 02:08
I saw the guy's schedule, he showed me and my colleague the paper, he wanted us to check if that was legal under the spanish FTL's (16B),12 flights, they where all short flights, duty time exceding 12 hours, that was late at the hotel while we were cheking-in,the guy had a long day and was broken, discouraged.
Now Full Hope, i don't care if you like it or not, that is what i saw and heard, and the guys posting and reading in PPRUNE deserve to know all the information we can provide, and if possible, unbiassed if you know what i mean, so they can take a good decision wether to join/apply to Denim or try elsewhere.
Perhaps you need to convince yourself Denim' T&C's are very good to be happy, don't worry about me, i like being pragmatic, and although T & C's could be better at Denim,i still think is a good place to fly for a start and get experience.
You made your point saying is a good outfit to work for , and i made mine posting that there is people not so happy about the terms and conditions at Denim.

18th May 2007, 13:26
Full hope is right in 95% of what he says.Maybe less than 3000/month for f/o.Then substract for dinners when out of base,so around 2200 per month is also ok.People has to pay for the assessment at cae,it's not free.
By the way,never heard of anybody flying 12 sectors,as that would be around 20 hours of duty time.maybe you are right,but looks weird.