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View Full Version : Ground Instructor Certificate

3rd May 2007, 05:01
Hi all, I am an Australian working in Thailand in airline ground staff training. I have the opportunity here to get a good job as a ground flight instructor. I have an Australian PPL. I am too old to be a flight instructor. I want to re-study flight theory and get myself qualified as a ground instructor. It appears that there are only two organisations that offer ground instructor certificates, JAA and FAA. Does anyone know of any alternative to these and of these which would be the best certification to have. Thanks in advance. AUSTHAI

7th May 2007, 16:27
Hi austhai,

JAA don't offer a ground instructor certificate.

Only British AOPA offer such a certificate, (which is really aimed at the private flying sector,) under an agreement with the CAA.

In the UK you can teach groundschool up to ATPL level without any paper qualifications whatever. However, you will have to prove to a visiting CAA official that you are a 'satisfactory theoretical knowledge instructor' (i.e. a 'sticky').
