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19th Apr 2011, 18:04
People, please, do not be blind and do not go for Ryanair, I wasted with this lovely company almost 3 years and hopefully will leave soon.

I wouldnt call this job Cabin crew job, its a modern slaving, I am based in Germany and still lucky a bit as the Germans are stingy :E and do not buy so much and You are not so busy as in for example in UK, Portugal or Scandinavia, we have time at least to eat!

There are other companies hiring, please try them. For Ryanair, you have to pay for your training almost 3.000 EUR and if they sack you before Your loan is finished, you still have to pay it all off. Btw one of the reasons to be fired is, if you are sick /with the doctor“s certificate!/ more than 3x per Year!!!!

Another reason for being fired - you do not sell enough and your average spend is low.

Do not even count with ryanar contract, you will stay with the company (workforce, crewling) for 3 years and than they will be happy..... to prolong their contract...

You do not get paid once you are sick. You are paid only for the flight hours (my record was working 21hours and got paid for 2!!)

Besides that, do you think, that a cabin crew job means:

1)during boarding stow ALL small belongings from the PAx under their seats
2) distribute menu cards to every single PAX after take off
3)distribute magazines
4)do "hot food preorders" (make annoncement and go through the cabin with smile and trying to sell as much as possible)
5)do "smokeless cigarettes"
6) start service within 5 minutes after being released from the jumpseats (which is impossible if it is your 1st flight and you have to count your bars)
7) do gash (ok this is a cabin crew job :-) )
8) sell lottery
9) sell telephone cards
10) do duty free service
if the flight is longer than 90 minutes:
11) second service (on the flights long approx. 3 hours you do usually 3x service)
12) second gash
13) collect magazines/menu cards

and imagine you do it 4x per day /in some bases fly 6 sectors/

Only one thing what I learned with Ryanair = I got sharp elbows, as I used to be more shy :O

And yes, they offer 16,20 EUR per flight hour, but in the end of the month, if you divide all hours you have spent at work, on average you get 8 EUR/hour (at least here in Germany, where I am based)

And if you still decide to go for this company, I just wish you good luck and pray for you, that you do not get Stansted base (where you get reported for the chipped nail..)

Callum Riseley
8th Jun 2011, 21:42
Hello guys and girls!
I'm a wannabe pilot, still just 17 years of age and I'm looking for a bit of advice. Now I know there is a lot of information out on the web if I do my searching, however I'm looking for some advice specific to my situation including some up to date info.

I'm 17 years of age, I'm working at Stansted airport as a security guard and I want to get up in the skies. For my age I'm paid very well at Stansted but I'm just a seasonal and unless a miracle happens I can look forward to about 5 hours a week over the winter. I'm looking to start modular flight training while I work so funding through a job. I'd love to work as cabin crew as it'd give me the opportunity to work on board an aircraft and mix with pilots and it's something I know I'd enjoy. I am, however, looking to make some money from it so I can continue flight training.

So, what I am considering doing is applying for St James with Ryanair at Stansted. I've read around the internet and it all seems to be pessimists slandering Ryanair and saying how awful they are to work for however I often see some of the cabin crew at Stansted who say they enjoy their job. I wanted to know from current cabin crew what you think the perks and the down sides are to the job. I also wanted to know what the chances of being offered a RYR contract after 6 months are, what average take home is and what the chances are of getting Stansted as a base. I'd sort of need to get Stansted as a base (I know Ryanair don't care where you go!) so I could stay at my parents place so I'm still making some money minus the fuel to learn to fly with, if I had to move out I'd never have enough to fly with. The cabin services supervisors seem to be paid pretty well and a salary like that would be good to help me get into flight training but how hard is it to work your way up to this job and how long does it usually take?

In a nutshell, for a soon to be 18 year old aviation fanatic who wants to get into flight training, would it work and would it be a good move?

Any advice anybody could offer would be greatly appreciated!

James Jones
14th Jun 2011, 09:50
Hello everyone im new to this forum so im just getting used to it.

Could any current cabin crew of Ryanair post there experiences in this forum so we can get an insight of what it is like to be cabin crew onboard Ryanair aircraft.

I applied for Ryanair last year and made it threw the interview and wood of started my training on 04/01/2011 but didnt go threw with it as i didnt have a £400 deposit and money to live on four the remaining 6 weeks training.

I really would love to try again when i have some money available as it would give me the experience needed to go on to bigger and better airlines.

Also if anyones been to an assessment day with Ryanair let me knew how you got on as i would love to hear about it, or if anyone has an assessment day with Ryanair coming up soon or in the next month or so let me yes as i would help you all i can and make you feel more relaxed about it. Ive gone through the assessment day myself so i yes what to expect.

Hope to hear from you all shortly


James Jones. :ok:

15th Jun 2011, 11:25
Hi folks,

Could anyone tell me about dusseldorf, conditions and roster???
does anybody know where I can rent a house/apartment (possibly to share)?


4th Jul 2011, 17:14
I've got a question..does anybody knows if I passe the assessment day, should I start immediately the training, or maybe I could choose to start in 2/3 months? Would be for economic reasons..I have been invited to the assessment day from Crewlink and I'll probably go with St. James as well the next month


6th Jul 2011, 09:26
Hey im new on here and i need help with trying to find a good course to become cabin crew, I'm thinking ryanair but im not sure?
Any advice would be great
Thank you :)