View Full Version : So does your ASIC card pay it's way ?

The Wawa Zone
13th Apr 2007, 11:40

So, whats your ASIC card good for ?

Last time I showed mine to a Chubb security guard so I could get a gate code, all I got was "gee sorry mate we can't tell that to anyone ....but ask the fuel blokes they'll tell you.."

OK; practical uses to put into the DOTARS ASIC card info sheet:
(i) a nifty little ruler for making lines on flight plans and trim sheets,
(ii) an easy-to-clean spoon for eating tinned fish when you're out for a day,
(iii) actually using it to pop the latches on security gates if you don't have a knife,
(iv) impressing the supermodel at the Post Office when she needs ID for registered mail, while you just casually mention the word "airport".....
(v) getting a discount on chicken rolls at the food places in the terminal,
(vi) a reason to talk to a good looking AFP babe about where you can get your new card holder and strap from ?

????? Yeah alright, who's got any more ? It's got to be good for something.
No you can't mention anything about getting access anywhere, 'cause you may as well be carrying a $5 scratchy card..

Pinky the pilot
13th Apr 2007, 11:50
Jeez, I dunno Wawa; You've about covered all the good bits I reckon!:} :ok: :D :*

13th Apr 2007, 12:04
The onlything its good for is getting rid of $130 + every coupla years:ugh: :{

J:{ about to get rid of $130 again next months:mad:

the wizard of auz
13th Apr 2007, 12:34
I'm still waiting for my first one. :rolleyes:

Capt Fathom
13th Apr 2007, 12:41
Ahh ... what's a ASIC Card?

13th Apr 2007, 13:04
Attach it to a bright yellow day glow vest - and look like a WANKA!


13th Apr 2007, 14:22
Gee 'Whiz',

Imagine NOT being able to get onto the tarmac at "FTZ INTL"................

Let alone getting BACK to your flying machine at BRM.......

But I guess Millajidee would be OK....
:ok: :ok:

the wizard of auz
13th Apr 2007, 14:45
hehehe.......they can be a little bit security minded at Noonkanbah too. the bods at Broome wanted to see it a few times, but I think they're bored there. I aint up that way any longer, so its not problem any longer. :}

13th Apr 2007, 15:42

what drugs are you on - there is no such thing as a good looking AFP bird

13th Apr 2007, 19:56
what drugs are you on - there is no such thing as a good looking AFP bird

(vii) Cuting the coke so you can make the ugly AFP gal look good!

- wondered why all the eagles had ASIC's

14th Apr 2007, 02:36
it makes for an expensive piece of bling bling

14th Apr 2007, 04:34
Cheaper parking at domestic and international airports.:ok:

14th Apr 2007, 05:34
cheaper parking..............hows that work????


14th Apr 2007, 14:12
20% off coffee at both Terminals in YBCS - the only handy use for an ASIC when you've got a 4am departure....

Ref + 10
14th Apr 2007, 14:19
Makes you feel crappy when you see how badly the last year or so has affected you...

Howard Hughes
14th Apr 2007, 22:27
Attach it to a bright yellow day glow vest - and look like a WANKA!
Of course you would look like a tosser, bright yellow is sooo yesterday, everyone knows that lime green is the 'IN' colour these days, except Queenslanders it seems!:rolleyes: ;)

14th Apr 2007, 22:41
One that might have been missed ... it allows free entry to The Vic in dn ... but stuffed if it'd be coming out with me! chances of falling off a table and losing it are far to great!:eek:

14th Apr 2007, 22:47
Winter is coming! so it will make a handy Ice scraper!

low orbit
15th Apr 2007, 01:56
My ASIC has a name printed on it which is spelled similarly to my own.
Close but not quite...
(but for a paltry $145 you can't expect miracles eh? )
*yes for all you security malcontents out there .......I'm in the lengthy/time consuming process of having the card corrected...

15th Apr 2007, 08:55
Mine came with a completely different christian name...but all other details correct.

I wonder what checks are actually performed?

15th Apr 2007, 11:39
Mine has been more use when checking in on Virgin Blue flights than for accessing any part of the security-controlled airport I usually fly at.

Pretty much what I expected.

16th Apr 2007, 03:54
I almost forgot, it gives you free entry to the woolshed in Cairns!!

16th Apr 2007, 05:28
I'm curious to know how you guys found out the ASIC got you into night clubs for free. Wearing the uniform out to town to impress the ladies were you??

16th Apr 2007, 14:19
It does provide for commission-free currency exchanges at most airport Travelex or ANZ windows....

(though they still bite you on exchange rates..)

17th Apr 2007, 00:34
How about 20% discount at downtown duty free?

17th Apr 2007, 01:17
FHead ... don't be rediculous ... only wa*kers would do such a thing ... I heard it through the grape vine that crew in DN were getting into not only The Vic but also Throb:= ... flight crew didnt count but if you pushed trolleys ... you're in for free!:D

Howard Hughes
17th Apr 2007, 02:23
Many years ago in Melbourne a nightclub that I used to frequent, would have an 'industry night' for anyone with an ASIC, sadly at the time I didn't have an ASIC, no ASIC no entry...:{

1st Jun 2008, 23:54
I was purchasing some post flight relaxants as I passed through Downtown Duty Free when they noticed my ASIC slung around my neck. "Oh, you're flight crew" was the comment. Another 20% off my purchases... you beauty!

A few more trips overseas and I will have recouped the cost of my ASIC. Who says they're good for nothing... Mind you, I'd have to do a fair bit of international travel to profit from it.

As for the Woolshed, I didn't even know... see you there! I'll be easy to recognise, I'll be the one waving my hands in the air... see the Jet Pilot (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BzU1sYPjzo) vid if you want a laff...

2nd Jun 2008, 10:30
ASIC @ YSSY equals to no more 'random' security checks after the x-ray.:rolleyes:

Flying Binghi
2nd Jun 2008, 11:28
Wouldnt your pilot licence have the same affect helifella ?

2nd Jun 2008, 11:30
So being a 17 year old, jobless, student pilot... do you guys reckon it'd be appropriate or out of place to wear an ASIC around airports just so I could get discounts and the like?:confused:

Wouldnt your pilot licence have the same affect helifella ?
A pilots license sits in your bag, an ASIC hangs round the neck, these shop keepers (except maybe the owners) don't have xray vision!:p


Flying Binghi
2nd Jun 2008, 11:40
LOL, PyroTek, you've got a lot to learn.

Expose youre pilots licence and you might get laid.

Expose youre ASIC and Islander Jock will get excited :E

2nd Jun 2008, 11:46
Flying Binghi, I'm not sure whether my pilots license (SPL) got me laid last time... it was probably because the girl loves me though... :p

Bakc to my question:
What do you guys think of a 17 year old wearing an ASIC around an airport?
I usually keep mine in my bag...

2nd Jun 2008, 13:14
Last time I went thru Airport security I was random checked and asked to empty my pockets so she could swab my wallet for explosives . On seeing my ASIC ( I dont wear it inside terminals cause I feel like a tosser with it on)she looked so disappointed that I wasnt a terrorist ....but swabbed me anyway.

Seriously We should start an online petition to get rid of the ASIC card ,its just a waste of time and makes Avaition less user friendly .

2nd Jun 2008, 13:22
What do you guys think of a 17 year old wearing an ASIC around an airport?

I wouldnt worry about wearing it unless you're actually trying to buy anything. But the moment the coffee urge strikes, clip that ASIC on and make sure you get staff discount!

You'd really have to go through a lot of airport food to recoup the cost of the ASIC, though..

2nd Jun 2008, 14:16
course, but do you reckon they'd see ME as 'staff'?
they can't be that daft, can they?:sad:

5th Jun 2008, 00:41
Its good for a ruler, and getting tangled in things....hopefully not rotating or moving at the time, as its attached to my neck!

Hey there we go....it is an OH and S issue....ban them!

I hate the high vis vest more though!

Islander Jock
5th Jun 2008, 01:07
Your ASIC is likely to cost more from 01 Jul 08. :{
AUSCHECK have increased the security checking fees from $86.00 to $88.00 for a new application and $76.00 to $79.00 for a renewal.

Carbon, you can always use an arm band holder or, have a clear plastic pocket on your hi-vis vest. OH&S issue solved :ok:

5th Jun 2008, 01:28
judging by this $5 increase, could this mean that the price of an ASIC is increased by $30? I'd imagine someone would pull that out of somewhere, just for a bit extra dosh.

Islander Jock
5th Jun 2008, 02:02
That's why I posted what the actual increase was. I would be disappointed to see any issuing bodies milking the system to the extent of your example.

5th Jun 2008, 02:56
Mrs Bendo went down to the local Post office and picked up my ASIC the other day... that's the Registered Post ASIC, the one that required a signature....! :=

Islander Jock
5th Jun 2008, 04:54
I think that if you can show proof that you reside at the same address, you can collect registered mail. Mrs IJ who does not share my name has picked up several items on my behalf before without me providing the agent approval.

5th Jun 2008, 05:46

Not when I worked at Australia Post you couldn't!!! :uhoh:

Not that I'm complaining mind you... I couldn't be arsed trying to get there during opening hours :ok:

6th Jun 2008, 05:59
I've had an ASIC for 4 years and recently got a call from CASA because, according to them I don't have an ASIC.... uhhhhh.... "So whats this red card i have and where did my money go that i sent to you....and how have i been getting through airport terminals, and what the... this red card around my neck is made of candy..."

All this time i could of just printed up my own ASIC saved a **** load of time and money and CASA wouldn't of known any different... :ugh:

But wait... it doesn't end there!!! they don't even want me to fill out an application for one, all i have to do is send them a faxed copy of "candy ASIC" and they'll put in on the system..."ahhh back out onto the security sensitive areas i go"..... :suspect:

Protecting aviation and the nation... well done....Top system...:D

gassed budgie
6th Jun 2008, 10:34
You can always remove the plastic card from it's holder and use it to scrape the dog**** off the bottom of your shoe. It also comes in handy when you need to scrape the bird **** off the bottom of the budgie cage!
Other than those two things, I really can't think of anything else it might be useful for. But I'm sure that someone else here will.

6th Jun 2008, 11:38
ASIC cards are great for getting into the office (jimmy the lock)when you have lost or misplaced your keys. Works eveytime for me i would be lost with out it:ok:

6th Jun 2008, 15:40
Huh.... i'm with Pyrotek on this one, lets say for example i was going on a domestic flight or an international flight as a passenger and was waiting for my flight and decided to go buy ahh SOMETHING. If i was in normal clothing and showed them my ASIC would i still receive the discount in this case?

6th Jun 2008, 16:39

A valid ASIC is all the proof they need to give you staff discount. Its not up to the cashier to make value judgements based on the appearance of the card holder.

Who are they to say that you dont work at the airport, but just so happen to be there as a passenger today? Who's to say you arent 17 and working as a hangar rat?

6th Jun 2008, 23:30
Hahaha, nice, thanks for that!! Finally found some use for the rotten thing!

7th Jun 2008, 00:34
yup, awesome..:ok:

7th Jun 2008, 03:11
I use mine to justify why we paid a professional photographer for our wedding photos. In my ASIC photo I've got my usual head that looks like a dropped pie.

7th Jun 2008, 03:36
From the ginger beer side, had an employee abused by a fed for not displaying his asic while working on a RUNNING engine. Said ginger beer told him to FUKC off. Next thing I haveseveral feds and their boss on my doorstep wanting to arrest him.

I explained OH&S issues and FOD to the head honcho and showed that all employees carried said plastic crap in their pockets and all where very willing to show it to any nosey ass who wanted to see it. Problem gone. From annoying checks every day to none in about 9 months.

Old Fella
7th Jun 2008, 03:56
Building a fence around an airport which is served by RPT does not make it secure, especially when the fence only goes part way around. The whole bloody thing is an ill-conceived knee-jerk reaction by government on the "advice" of bureaucrats who would not have a clue. As for the initial and renewal costs, bloody murder.

7th Jun 2008, 06:43
Just wished I owned shares in a factory that produced all that terrorist proof fencing that now surrounds our airports.

7th Jun 2008, 08:17
21 million passengers last year carted in/out of Australia by international crew........NO ASIC.....NO background checks.....NO AFP....NO ASIO....NO DOTARS....NO CASA.........NO $190 ripoff!!!!!!!

So what is the ASIC for???........very simple, nothing to do with terrorism!

Its for the new booze regs mates...it will be compulsory to have and wear an ASIC at all times when being a "local" aviation participant ON DUTY and/or ON AIRSIDE....no exception...planned right from the beginning but using security risk as the excuse.

Actually....it is a joke AND you people put up with it WHEN you should be demanding that the ASIC CONJOB become a term of reference for the Senate Inquiry INTO CASA......it is your only hope....

or have a National NO ASIC day and stay home and ground ALL domestic flights and the people will then demand WHY are only international services running. It will also be the last day for the Minister for Transport!

By the way....the Transport Security Act of 2005 only requires international crew to be in uniform and display a $5 company issued ID card.


1st Jul 2008, 21:00
Carbon, you can always use an arm band holder or, have a clear plastic pocket on your hi-vis vest. OH&S issue solved :ok:

Wow! add the two together, and I could hardly bare to look at it, let alone wear it...nice thought though!

1st Jul 2008, 22:37
20% Off at the Rip Curl shop at Tulla, $2 coffees at High Tide.

Walrus 7
1st Jul 2008, 23:07

Great rant ... loved it. But the ASIC requirement is demanded by DOTARs, not CASA. CASA just became an issuing authority. Pointless then bringing it up at the CASA inquiry.

Submissions to the white paper, which I think are now closed, are where the ASIC thing should have been bought up. It was severely criticised in the JCPA inquiry into airport security by just about everyone involved, but strangely was left out of any recommendations.

Well, maybe not so strange.
