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View Full Version : Carriage of spirits in Cabins

The Swinging Monkey
11th Apr 2007, 18:03
I've just watched an accident investigation into the crash of a Korean 747 that went down in Guam several years ago. One of the (very) few pax to survive commented about how, on impact, all of the overhead lockers burst open, spilling lots of bottles of spirits into the fires that had started in the cabin, making them considerably worse.

In hindsight, it seems pretty stupid to allow such highly flammable liquids into the cabin, for this very reason, and yet it still goes on today. Why?

Could any of you 'airline' types comment on why this is still allowed to continue and why 'duty free' that is purchased just prior to boarding is not kept in some kind of secure locker during flight?

Many thanks and kind regards

11th Apr 2007, 20:40
Cost, no doubt. Think of the cost of having to store individual bottles for different passengers, pack them and ensure everyone got the right stuff back at the end of the flight. When in duty free, why not buy a voucher to collect said purchase at a local store at a given price in the future, no need to carry stock, weight, or have the fire hazzard.

14th Apr 2007, 15:54
The more one ponders on the safety aspects of having spirits on board, the more ludicrous the security policy is of not being permitted to carry more than 100 mil of liquids on board (perfume, aftershave etc) in case they are 'explosive'! You can get a bloody good fire going with a bottle of Brandy, vodka, Sambuka etc. I believe that duty free also caused explosive reactions in the fires at Manchester and Saudi.