View Full Version : Sqn Ldr Harry Nicholson

Wee Jock
9th Apr 2007, 10:33
Anyone who was at Leuchars 1977-80 will remember Harry when he was SATCO there. Harry seemed to be going for the record of how many female assistants he could get posted in at once, and I think at one time there must have been about 15 of us - and one boy, who did the decent thing and married one of the girls. A noisier, more charismatic, nutty Boss I have never had again, the first thing Harry did when he sat down to control was turn down the volume, the question 'how do you hear me?' invariably got the reply 'loud and deafening'.

So with all these happy memories in mind I'm sad to report that Harry died on Thursday 5.4.07 after a short illness. Funeral will be in Reading, anyone who wants details PM me although details not yet confirmed.

Love and condolences to Ishbel, Andrew and Sally.

Won't ever forget winding up your clock, Boss.

9th Apr 2007, 20:05
Very sad news and nice words from 'Wee Jock'. Harry was a SATCO from the 'old school' who operated very much to his own rule book. A much loved and very noisy character who lived life to the full and never backed down from supporting his team regardless of their rank. In a previous career Harry had been a navigator on Javelins, the intercom must have had a really beefy volume control! Condolences to Ishbel and all the family.

Dick Doleman

9th Apr 2007, 20:37
Very sad to read the news about 'Whispering Harry Nic'.

I well remember an occasion at Northern Radar when Harry's voice from the Binbrook CAC console boomed out "I'M TRYING TO SPEAK TO OPERATIONS!" only to hear the OC* shout back "THEN USE THE F*****G TELEPHONE!"

A very well remembered gentleman ... RIP

* Wg Cdr Dave Haworth

10th Apr 2007, 20:29
What sad news and my condolences to Ishbel and all the family.
Harry was a lovely man totally blessed with the human touch; I can't imagine that he would have made an enemy in his life.
Leadership ?....................a total natural
Loyalty ?........................never questioned.
Inspirational ?..................never failed on a Frday night.
Noisy ?...........................always.
Commitment ?..................total.
Judge of beer ?................none finer.
Fun to be with ?...............unsurpassed.
A truly fine man has passed away and his many friends will miss him greatly but remember him very fondly. The Clairvoyant community better be warned to turn their volumes down if Harry chooses to be in touch ! He certainly didn't need a microphone in an aeroplane !!

26th Apr 2007, 10:41
Harry Nick was my SATCO on Gan in the early 70's. Fantastic bloke - you could hear him 3 floors down!