View Full Version : Refused Entry into America

1st Apr 2007, 16:56

Does anyone know what affect having been refused entry into America (incorrect visa) when i was younger may have on my airline career?

Im assuming it wont affect employability with airlines who fly within Europe etc (as i was not refused because of any criminal reason), but would it affect me if i wanted to apply for, say, BA?

Thanks for your help,

1st Apr 2007, 22:47
Specific truthful details needed for a reasonable answer.

1st Apr 2007, 23:37
Went to OBA, Fl. for PPL when i was 18, just after 9/11. Emailed OBA many times before depature for a student visa- was told it would be illegal for them to issue it as they were not a training organisation (rules since changed), so traveled as visa waiver. Immigration said i required a student visa (showed them the emails i had printed out, still have copies). -> Truthful unbiassed answer

2nd Apr 2007, 03:24
In this case, screaminlemmin, I would suspect it would prove to be no problem whatsoever...keeping in mind that I'm most certainly not an immigration lawyer.:}
Best of luck.

2nd Apr 2007, 11:59
thats the answer i was hoping for! cheers 411

Baboon Boy
3rd Apr 2007, 13:50
In what way is 411A any more qualified than you to answer this question.

I suggest that, it will only be a problem if a potential employer requires you to fly to the us.

In which case you need to contact the relevant US authorities, eg dept of immigration, FAA perhaps, so see if your previous entry refusal would have any effect on your ability to gain entry in the capacity of a pilot. That is the only way you will get a difinitive answer.

411A, and indeed I are nomore qualified to answer your question than some bloke down the pub, yet you seem to take 411As answer as gospel.

Mike Echo
3rd Apr 2007, 15:29
As indicated I would strongly suggest contacting the US authorities - good luck, I never had much luck getting to actually talk to someone and at the end of the day you would probably need something in writing.

I could be wrong but don't all the immigration forms (I94's) require you to declare if you had ever been refused entry to the States?

However, if you would be going to the U.S. as a crew member you would have to get a Visa in any case which, when/if issued, should resolve the problem.

As 411A says nothing we say here can be taken as Gospel

Mike Echo

4th Apr 2007, 23:23
The only effect of being denied entry under the VWP is that you are barred from ever travelling to the USA using the VWP again and must travel using a visa.

Looking at the circumstances you quote I can see no reason why a visa application would be denied. If you are worried, I would suggest applying for a B-2 tourist visa and going on a holiday.