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24th Mar 2007, 23:21
So I am not sure if this is the right place to be asking the question, but I take it that if it is not, it shall be moved!?

What is the official story on Avgas. Is it going to run out? Will they stop making it? Is it about to be banned in the States? Is this a good time to be buying and Avgas aircraft? It all seems rather vague which is suprising considering how crucial the stuff is to all of us.

Anyone with some insight??

25th Mar 2007, 00:24
Banned in the States?
Hardly think so with 600,000+ AOPA members using the stuff on a regular basis.
There is ongoing research into eliminating tetraethyl lead in avgas, but this has a VERY long way to go.
It won't disappear anytime soon...figure the next twenty years or so at the soonest.

25th Mar 2007, 04:25
I Don't think it will be banned but I think it will get very very expensive like in Greenland about $13.00 A Gallon! If looking for a new plane go with one that has a Jet-A Burning Centurion Engine!

25th Mar 2007, 08:52
I agree with the 20 year estimate. There is a lot more inertia in the system than most would believe. Avgas is all over the world, including the most backward bits of the 3rd world, used by countless thousands of little planes flying between farm strips.

It's also going to take 20 years for Thielert etc to come up with a proven reliable diesel engine, so that should work out just right.

The price will keep rising, but the cost of fuel is not an overwhelming proportion of the cost of flying.

Fuji Abound
25th Mar 2007, 09:04
It's also going to take 20 years for Thielert etc to come up with a proven reliable diesel engine, so that should work out just right.

I wish people wouldnt keep saying this as I look down at the sea beneath - perhaps best to make sure you have two :) :) :) :) :) .

Only kidding IO.

25th Mar 2007, 15:15
”The price will keep rising, but the cost of fuel is not an overwhelming proportion of the cost of flying.”

IO540 and I disagree strongly on this. I ran a 4 seater until recently, the costs were approx;

Parking £1800
Maint per year on average £4800
Fuel £6000 (100 hours)
Insurance £1800

I have built my own aircraft, primarily to save money on fuel and maint and now have;

Hang £1000
Maint £250
Fuel £1600 (100 hours)
Insurance £1500

You will notice that in both lists Fuel is the largest cost! Avgas may not be officially phased out in the near future, but it is likely to double in price in the next 3 – 4 years, which will price most of us out of the game. 7 years ago I was paying 52ppl now it is around £1.30!


25th Mar 2007, 15:16
There is an unledded AVGAS in Swede, the problem is that it is 96 octan only so if your engine need higher octan you have a problem.