View Full Version : Flight update announcments

20th Mar 2007, 15:09
Hi all!

I was wondering whether pilots have a set amount of information when making flight update announcements? It seems it varies from airline to airline.
Take Ryanair for example, the pilots usually just give height, speed and destination weather, where as CSA Czech Airlines, whom I was flying with the other day, gave more detailed information i.e. ground speed, head wind speed (over 100mph coming back to the UK on Sunday, cool!) and outside temperature.

Just a thought that was going through my mind, that's all.

Cheers :)

20th Mar 2007, 17:27
Any 'extra' stuff should probably only be given if you think it will be useful (destination weather) or of interest to the passengers (route over XYZ country; passing the city of ABC on the left; headwind unusually strong). you may bore them if you include too much technical info, but at the same time, don't treat them like idiots and patronise them.

22nd Mar 2007, 17:06
Thanks for that! :ok: The more info the merrier if you ask me! :o))

22nd Mar 2007, 17:49
You have people varying from wanting all the information they can get, to others just wanting to know 'when am I landing, is there a time change, and do I need to put on my coat?'. After a long day in offices, they don't want a pilot yapping away with how many thousands of feet and metres, speeds in mph and kms/hr and how jolly cold it is outside. So the morning and evening businessmens specials tend to be a bit quieter on the PA. It's still easy to get it wrong, just like you got it wrong not using 'Questions' for a query like this!

22nd Mar 2007, 18:05
I am not sure if I follow, get what wrong?

22nd Mar 2007, 18:25

A lot of modern aircraft, and certainly longhaul aircraft, will have a moving map display which will show you where you are, where you have been, present altitude, temperature and groundspeed etc. It will also show you time at destination and when you will land.

What more can the pilot advise other than the expected weather?

Add to that the fact that on a longhaul flight, making a cabin announcement will interupt the film and that people will want to sleep at different times and I firmly believe that silence from everyone on board is the best solution.

On shorthaul without moving maps then maybe a quick mid flight update, but it's not even then really necessary if you tell them enough before the flight departs, just an update 20 minutes out from landing.

All imho [edited for speeling]

23rd Mar 2007, 06:11
All they get out of me is dest wx, any major cities overpassing (be it left or right) and how bumpy the trip is going to be.

What i dont give, although the SOP states we should, is ETA & ETR. I learnt my lesson :)

On LH, which most are over nighters, the last thing I want to do is wake everyone up with a blasting message, so unless its bright outside, they also get nothing (exludes early night calls outs)

The point being, contrary to what you are told to say and do, the aircraft is under your command so say what you please :)