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19th Mar 2007, 04:58
Just a quick question regarding LOSA and NOTECHS. Can an airline run a LOSA independently? or must it be part of the University of Texas study? If that is the case, would an airline then run their own NOTECHS study instead?

Che Guevara
20th Mar 2007, 06:34
Hi WILL964

LOSA and NOTECHS are quite different, in that LOSA stands for Line Operational Safety Audits and NOTECHS for Non-Technical Skills.
LOSA was originally developed by the University of Texas initially to measure the effectiveness of CRM training on the ‘line’ and NOTECHS was the European funded research project to develop CRM Behavioural Markers to be used in the assessment of CRM skills in the simulator and on the line.
There is a slight overlap, in that the University of Texas LOSA model utilizes their own Behavioural Markers as part of the LOSA process; however it is far more complex than that.
The U of T LOSA model evolved into an analysis tool based on their Threat and Error Management strategy, where trained observers sitting on the jumpseat, record threats and error occurrences during normal line flights. Written narratives are used to record the occurrences and the context in which they happened for later analysis. Additionally, there are certain crew behaviours that are graded by flight phase that help correlate the nature of the error occurrences and perhaps highlight the skills or strategies utilized by the crew ‘manage’ the threats and errors. To answer your questions specifically:

Yes, an airline can develop and run LOSA independently.

The U of T does not have to be involved, however there are great advantages for them to be involved in that they have the experience and they are able to compare data with other airlines they are involved with. The analysis of data is the by far the most difficult and time consuming part of the process and it is made easier if they are involved, albeit initially or otherwise. The problem with this of course is the cost.

NOTECHS or behavioural markers only have a small part to play in LOSA, so a NOTECHS study as you mentioned would not be a full blown LOSA .However, some airlines, including the one I work for, use Behavioural Markers extensively during LOFT assessment and other areas of training.

What started as a ‘quick question’ has become a bit lengthy, however I asked similar questions before I got involved with all the above…..by the way, I don’t work for the U of T and I am involved in setting up LOSA independently.

Hope this helps.

ˇBuena suerte!


20th Mar 2007, 07:36
Thanks very much for the reply Che :ok: . It's certainly helped me get that sorted. I'm making the transition from the flight deck to the land of academia (aviation - human factors) and it's all a bit murky at this stage.

Thanks again, Will