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View Full Version : Lapsed BCPL & AFI course

18th Mar 2007, 19:26
I have a lapsed BCPL but current PPL.
Does anyone know if the exams I passed for the BCPL would count towards the requirement before starting an AFI cours?
Regards, Colin

18th Mar 2007, 20:26
BCPLs may still be re-issued, even though the CAA reduced their validity period from 10 to 5 years with no Regulatory Impact Assessment....:mad:

I would suggest that you get your BCPL re-issued. Just fill out the appropriate forms indicating that you have a current Class 1 medical and SEP Class Rating and send it off to the CAA..........together with the appropriate fee.

There are quite a few people around who instruct for remuneration using a Restricted BCPL, let alone a full BCPL.

I am 99% sure that you will be OK to start a FI course (no such thing as an AFI course) with a UK BCPL - but check with a good FTO first.

One thing - the UK yes-men on the EASA team seem to think that EASA will get rid of National licences in the next few years. This outrages me and I will be taking up the cudgels appropriately. The more BCPLs still in exitence, the more the CAA will have to sort out transition arrangements with the Eurocrats of Koln!

20th Mar 2007, 10:38
Thanks for your input, I will check it out.
Regards, Colin