View Full Version : Runway rage at Long Beach.....

Cyclic Hotline
24th Jun 2001, 01:11
Big Rig Runs Wild on Airport Runway, Flips

(Long Beach, California-AP) -- A 41-year-old man from Oregon is under arrest in Long Beach, California, charged with wrecking his big-rig truck on an airport runway.

The truck -- believed to have been loaded with ceramic toilet parts -- smashed through a fence and raced up and down the runway before flipping on its side. Police say the man then stripped his clothes off and tried to set the truck on fire. They arrested him and he's been taken to a hospital for mental evaluation.

Police say he tried to ram a patrol car during a wild airport chase that reached speeds of 70 miles-an-hour. They don't know a motive but say the truck had been involved in a hit-and-run accident outside the airport.

The driver is being charged with hit-and-run driving and assault with a deadly weapon -- the truck.

24th Jun 2001, 02:02
Way to go you old £rucker Believe he was trying to impress the officer with his little truck when he stripped off :)

[This message has been edited by Engineer (edited 23 June 2001).]

24th Jun 2001, 04:17
Another runway incursion statistic for the FAA!! Should help get the count up!

24th Jun 2001, 18:36
Hope that he didn't call "rolling" on his CB but rahter used the correct "Cleared to Take Off"

25th Jun 2001, 01:02
Yes, Indeed. LGB is a nice quiet airport in the shadow of LAX but the local aircraft spotters do at times get a little carried away in their zest to be part of the action.

The enthusiasm so clearly demonstrated in this instance is of course commendable yet these occasional spectacles of less than standard spotter protocol sadly tarnish the pastime for all and show room for some considerable improvement.

Rigid adherence to established procedures is the way to go. That way we all know what's happening.

inverted flatspin
25th Jun 2001, 03:16
XL5 by any strectch of the imagination 373,624 aircraft movements last year does not describe a quiet airport. LGB is one of the busiest anywhere.

26th Jun 2001, 10:02
XL5, Where did you get the impression he was a spotter? Did I miss something?

26th Jun 2001, 10:29
I have flown into LGB many times, and never seen it busy!

26th Jun 2001, 15:16
Surely, with a truck full of ceramic toilet parts, he should have been heading for the pan?

Was he flushed with success? Had he siphoned off funds? Couldn't he handle it?

Bus429 - the pilot's pal!

No comment
26th Jun 2001, 15:16
pull the other one bus!

26th Jun 2001, 15:50
Bus was that an attempt at toilet humour

Did I say that ;)