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View Full Version : The Versant Aviation English Test

19th Dec 2006, 16:25
Please consider publishing the following information:
Pilots and air traffic controllers have the opportunity to help assure the safety of the airways by talking on the telephone.
Ordinate and Harcourt Assessment are looking for commercial pilots (military and corporate as well) and air traffic controllers from all over the world to help develop a new tool for assessing English language proficiency. The Versant Aviation English Test will help airlines assure that pilots and air traffic controllers are fluent enough in English to understand directions being given, especially on international flights.
The Versant Aviation English Test is being developed in conjunction with the FAA, and is designed to measure spoken English ability of non-native pilots and air traffic controllers using International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) phraseologies and common English.
Pilots and air traffic controllers who have English as a second language, as well as native speakers of English, are needed to participate so there will be a diversity of languages represented in the sample.
If you have friends or family members who are pilots or air traffic controllers, please ask them to participate. If you have business associates in the airline business who might be willing to test a large number of pilots or air traffic controllers in exchange for free Versant tests, please let us know.
The test is administered via telephone (via landline phone), and a toll free number is available in almost two dozen countries outside the United States. Speech samples are being collected so a baseline can be established and scoring metrics set for the speech recognition technology that drives the product.
There will be no individual reports generated from the project.
Pilots and air traffic controllers may register to participate, and we’ll send them a test within 24 hours. The link to the registration is as follows: https://www.surveymk.com/s.asp?u=74673029704
For additional information on the project, please contact Julia Kearney, sampling coordinator, Harcourt Assessment, 800-233-5686 x 5204, [email protected].
If you are interested in seeing a copy of the test, please let me know.
Julia Kearney
Sampling Coordinator
Harcourt Assessment
800-233-5686 x 5204
[email protected]

10th Jan 2014, 01:48
This year, most of non native english speakers, we have to go through an evaluation that native speakers ignore.
Our english has to be evaluated, and in my case, I have failed. I am below operational level.
Many questions come to my mind, but mainly, Why those that speak another language have to go through this AGAIN, and many of you can only say "otro cerveza, please". I know communication is very important and safety and reports and so on..., but how would you feel if a machine evaluates your language skills and decides that you are not fit to fly?, and at the same time this machine can not spell your name correctly?

Versant advertized in this site or at least was looking for candidates (native and non native english speakers) to develop the "versant aviation english test".

I would like to hear your point of view if you were one of those candidates, or as a non-native english speaker that has to take the TEA or why you think that native english speakers dont have to do this exam.

blind pew
10th Jan 2014, 16:36
Think u is wrong as a mate ex BA told me that he had to pass an english exam when he applied for his first PPL.
Still much easier than Madarin:ok: