View Full Version : What's happened to Steger.ch charts?

Keith Discovering
5th Dec 2006, 04:58

I don't speak Swiss and the access to the excellent Steger.ch charts has ground to a halt. Can anyone decipher this please:

Liebe User

Die Idee "COM SHEET" gehört der Vergangenheit an. Ich habe mich entschlossen, die Publikation dieser Hilfsblätter einzustellen.

Grosser Dank an alle Korrektoren, die die Idee erkannt und mich beim Berichtigen der Unterlagen unterstützt haben.

Gleichzeitig möchte ich auf das "Bundesgesetz über das Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte" aufmerksam machen, das solche "Werke" weiterhin unter Schutz stellt.

Beste Grüsse

Felix Steger

cheers KD

5th Dec 2006, 07:09
Something like

Dear User

The idea "COM SHEET" belongs to the past. I have decided to cease the publication of those "help papers".

A big thank you to all correctors who have seen the idea behind it and helped me with correcting the information.

At the same time i want to refer to the "Federal Law about copyright" and note that work like that is still under copyright.


Hope that helps.

Keith Discovering
6th Dec 2006, 18:07
Thanks Denti,

It's a bummer...these were great.

Any other reference for such great maps would be appreciated



6th Dec 2006, 20:34
You can try http://www.planningchart.de/ which is done by Gerd Puppel, a Lufthansa A340 captain. He does not do them in pdf format but they are available as gif or cdr files (cdr = Corel Draw).

Keith Discovering
13th Dec 2006, 19:39
Thanks Mr B :)