View Full Version : Written test help

25th Nov 2006, 02:55
Gentleman and ladies. I am in the throws of studying for an upcoming interview. I came across these two questions or similar ones which appear on the written test. I want to make sure I have the concept/answers correct, any help, input, websites would be greatly appreciated.

1. XYZ field elevation = 34' OAT = 36C QNH = 1002 What is the density height?

PH= elevation + (1013- QNH) x30 34+(1013-1002) x 30= -296
DH= (temp-ISA) x 120+ PH 36-15 = 21x120= 2520 - 296= 2224'

DH = 2224

2. at high noon in Sydney (150 degrees E long) the sun is at its highest point. What time is it in Sydney when the sun is at its highest point in London.

I came up with 2200. Long= 4mins 150x4=600mins (10hrs):ok:

25th Nov 2006, 03:32
To be sure, I wouldn't want to be working for a company that would ask me a stupefying question as:

"...at high noon in Sydney (150 degrees E long) the sun is at its highest point. What time is it in Sydney when the sun is at its highest point in London.". :ooh:

25th Nov 2006, 03:39
I agree, however it is one of the hoops to jump through....

Thridle Op Des
25th Nov 2006, 04:32
At this time of the morning (excuse the pun) I agree with 2.) since the earth rotates at 15 degrees per hour. Will look at 1.) later.
