View Full Version : Dsa Atis

Pilot Pete
17th Nov 2006, 17:00
Why do DSA insist on putting the forecast on the ATIS frequency as well as the SA? It is quite annoying having to wait for the actual conditions to come around if you tune in at the moment the forecast starts..... no other commercial airfield that I fly into has the forecast on the ATIS frequency, is it really a benefit as I don't think so......


21st Nov 2006, 09:17
I would tend to agree; ATIS is for current wx and a/d info. I'm surprised SRG haven't 'pulled' them, (unless they have made a case for including it) especially as some TAfs include lots of 'trends' and 'tempos'.
Must be a bit like listening to VOLMET; you always tune in just as the report you want is finishing, so you have to wait for it to go 'full cycle'.