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31st Jan 2008, 23:42
Hi there poss, congratulation on passing the second phase.

i've got my second phase coming up soon and i would appreciate if you could answer a few questions.

1) what was the maths test like and the type of questions asked?
2) what was the pilapt test like, how many different tests are there?

Thanks :)

1st Feb 2008, 19:11
Ach I see, was wondering only coz a mate of mine wants to see if they can get onto the iCP scheme. No one at CTC seems to tell you anything!

Incidently, for all you guys heading out to NZ, best of luck, I've just come back with CP45, it was awesome :ok:

3rd Feb 2008, 09:10
I think that CTC are looking for the same standards on iCP as they are on the Wings course. If they have been rejected for the wings course it might mean no access to the iCP one. Theres never any harm in trying.

djcrossedfingers and myself are going to the March 5th Phase 3 selection, anyone else going on this date? Might be worth meeting up for a bite to eat.


3rd Feb 2008, 10:38
Poss... the ICP course is a self funded course and it's clearly said that they'll give you there feeling but you'll make the final decision...

Just keep in mind that you'll be trained in NZ with all the others cadets but after the training they'll get a job...But not you!!! It's a bit frustrating isn't it?

Anyone can enter the ICP course!!!

3rd Feb 2008, 11:36
Sorry to be very random but does anyone know if there is a piano out in the accomadation out in NZ? Im a keen player and it would kill me not to be able to play one for almost a year!!

3rd Feb 2008, 11:57
Bambe - Ahh right I see, I knew it was self funded; of course it makes sense that the cadets be given the decision. *slaps forehead*:ugh:


If there isn't Geetea dont dismay - get this:



3rd Feb 2008, 13:40
Geetea, there was one when I was there, a couple of lads from an earlier course bought it and at the time it resided in one of the Clearways blocks. It was there when I left, but not sure if it still is now... I'm sure one of the guys currently out there will be able to enlighten you.

Good User Name
3rd Feb 2008, 23:01
Geetea: Piano is still here, although it could probably do with a bit of a tune.

CP64 already!! Thats scary, but then I expect BJkeates finds my cp number scary being in the low 50's!

4th Feb 2008, 10:56
Thanks for info! I was offered to come over this month but I thought i might as well get a degree out of my 3 year stint at uni!

5th Feb 2008, 16:44
It was there when I left in december, I think it's still in Britannia block at clearways!

Its horrendously out of tune though, good to play :)

6th Feb 2008, 11:53
Hey guys,

Anyone on CP59 leaving 12 March??

6th Feb 2008, 12:52
Lauren9 - Check your PM's

6th Feb 2008, 14:18
Anyone on CP61 leaving 7th May?? im a few months behind you guys!! lol


6th Feb 2008, 14:21
Ye Chris, I am, and I know of one other person too. Feel free to pm me with msn or anything :)

The African Dude
7th Feb 2008, 15:26
I feel special, sandwiched between both of you on CP60!! Anybody else in for the April course? :ooh: Oh, and does anybody know how hard SQ/Emirates will laugh at me for trying to take skis to NZ?......

7th Feb 2008, 16:57
If you can get them through the melee that is Terminal 3 at Heathrow, I'd say you deserve to take them.

Presumably there'll be an excess charge to pay, I'd check with the airline before you go. You'll probably find it cheaper to just hire the gear out there though; plus, you'll be reasonably busy out there so probably won't get a great amount of use out of them anyway.

9th Feb 2008, 08:30
I'd second what Mr Keates said, leave the ski's in the uk! The skiing at Whakapapa is not too bad but there are a lot of rocks around - I definitely slightly damaged the skis I hired when I went off piste. Plus the season is not that long so you won't get that many opportunities to get down there. Last season started in June but the snow was crap until about the middle July. By the middle of September the snow was getting pretty thin again so its only about 8-10 weeks. The South Island resorts do have longer seasons but I highly doubt you will get too many opportunities to get down there.

What you can do is when you go to Whakapapa, buy a 5 day lift pass (can be used any 5 days in the season). Ski hire is about £9 per day I think.

The African Dude
9th Feb 2008, 20:26
Cheers for the info!
I managed to munch rocks today even when I stayed ON piste (Switzerland). Honestly, this global warming. They'll be talking about reducing fuel burn next. :E

10th Feb 2008, 17:11
i set off tomorrow (monday 11th) for my phase 2 on the Tuesday. I think its fair to say i feel hugely under prepared (although im not really). Cant help thinking i'll get there and be way out of my depth. :sad:

SO much to do tomorrow. Hair cut, go accross town to my work to pick up my passport, get maps printed for the drive from LHR to Christchurch, and be at the airport for 10am.

Above all though... IM SO UP FOR THIS!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::E:E:ok:

good luck to everyone for Tuesday (And everyone else who still has to go to Bournemouth) Who else is going on the 12th at 1pm. Remind me? I dont htink i have your real names. WOuld be nice to semi-know somebody..

12th Feb 2008, 16:49
Hey SR, how did it go? I'm there next tuesday, also for phase 2.
Are there any changes in the tests or is it stil much as has been said here already?


12th Feb 2008, 18:42
The test is really nothing to worry about. Brush up on your maths and you will be fine.

It was an enjoyable day overall. Nice to meet everyone and it was good to meet some of the people who are almost at the end of Wings.

Im not sure if im confident or not. I got a crap score for the final test (hand eye math calculation coordination) compared to almost everyone else i spoke to.

Only time will tell!!!!!!!!!! :ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:

13th Feb 2008, 20:18
How did everyone get on at Phase 2 yesterday afternoon? (12th Feb). I've been invited to Phase 3 but got to retake the maths test :{ Anyone attending Phase 3 on the 28th of Feb?


13th Feb 2008, 20:28
Yeah Ollie i'll be there on the 28th! :ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:

I hope everyone else got through!!!!! ????

13th Feb 2008, 20:33
Good effort guys! Im just back from Gatwick from doing my class 1 medical, thankfully got through so 6th of August, New Zealand here I come! I know one guy who is on CP64 with me,anyone else who makes it on to the course, please PM me.

13th Feb 2008, 22:32
Good to hear you passed your medical class 1 Geetea.. I bet you are still bouncing off the walls lol.
Good luck to the guys at Stage 3 on the 28th.

14th Feb 2008, 11:55
Hey guys,

For those who have sorted your finances out, how did you go about this and did you just use the folk that CTC recommended? If you dont feel comfortable posting it,please PM me instead.

15th Feb 2008, 07:50
Yeh, Lynda pretty much sorts everything out for you. Just give her a call and she'll tell you all details and terms of the loan, and arrange a time/day to travel down to sign the paperwork. All pretty straight forward really!

17th Feb 2008, 16:30
Hi all,

I'm going to Stage 2 on the 18th March, anybody else attending on the same day?

Also, to anybody who is going or who has already been to CTC in Bournemouth, where is the best place to stay if I go down the night before? Are there many hotels nearby? I don't really want to stay 10 miles away and struggle through the early morning traffic!


17th Feb 2008, 17:30
i stayed at the queens hotel. Bit of a dive but decent enough for £35 (when booked through www.superbreak.com (http://www.superbreak.com)) plus you get a full cooked breakfast.

Someone on here mentioned their granny had stayed in a b&b/pub with rooms near CTC. I looked it up and it is literally 3/4 minutes away. Single room is £55 per night.

Hopefully whoever it was who posted that originally will come along and remind us.

17th Feb 2008, 18:07
sleepyrascal thanks for that, here's to hoping the owner of said granny comes forward!

17th Feb 2008, 18:20
woskam, try the Innkeepers Lodge (www.innkeeperslodge.co.uk (http://www.innkeeperslodge.co.uk)) if you book enough in advance its £30 with breakfast included. Also its by the hospital which is outside the centre of Bournemouth and right next to the a338 so its very close to the airport.

17th Feb 2008, 19:20
Cheers Shakuri, I'll look into that. £30 is certainly a lot less than I was expecting to have to pay.

17th Feb 2008, 23:13
plenty of B&Bs in Christchurch and especially on Stour Road! rooms for around 30 quid with breakfast included and very handy for the airport,far handier than Bournemouth

18th Feb 2008, 08:53
As I was saying on the other CTC thread..

If you want the closest place to stay for CTC bournemouth, Avon Causeway is just 3 mins away and when my gran stayed there last august it was only £14 b&b for a small single room.

Handy for anyone to know if your on a tight budget, or just wanna spend the savings on beer (beer there is fab!)


18th Feb 2008, 11:49

I don't know if you will remember but I was the only girl on Stage 2...:)
Congratulations on going on Stage 3. I hope everything will go well for you (and all the others). I passed the math test but I am retaking the aptitude tests next week...I got an error message on the concentration tests. They told me I would have passed otherwise...
Wooh...I feel the stress coming back... but I really got to give my best!

All the best.


Ps: do you know how many passed the stage 2?

18th Feb 2008, 14:44
Just a note for those looking to stay at Avon Causeway for any future Stage 2 assessment, I booked a room last night and it was £55 per night for a single room, and £65 per night for a double room. I assume the quoted price of £14 only applies if you book early enough...although my Stage 2 is on the 18th March which is still a month away so I don't know!:confused:

18th Feb 2008, 17:07
Oh that sucks Lydia, good luck for your retakes! Let us know how you get on.

18th Feb 2008, 17:28
Hi all,

Im down for Phase 2 on the 11th MAR.

Just wondering if anyone has done the RAF aptitude tests and the CTC ones. If so, how do they compare?

Many thanks


18th Feb 2008, 18:03
Hi Ghostie,

I reckon the RAF tests are considerably tougher than the CTC ones (I've done both) I think the RAF went into a lot more detail.


20th Feb 2008, 17:01
Hi everyone,

Was just wondering if any of you went to the FLYER exhibitions and spoke to CTC? I was thinking of flying over on April 19th from Dublin just to go and talk to them! Is there much point or do they just tell you basically what's on their website?

Cheers, EI350

29th Feb 2008, 14:49
I went to the flyer show in november mainly to go and speak to the guys on the CTC stand. Its worth the trip as they have current graduates (post NZ) on the stand. I got to their stand early in the day and I managed to have a 20min chat with one of the graduates who answered all of my numerous questions.
Its worth going anyway beacuse all the big training schools are there and there are seminars with people from the industry. All in all a very informative day.

It didn't help me pass stage 3 though! :{

29th Feb 2008, 19:53
Thanks alot Bungles for the advice. I'm arriving into LHR early so hopefully I'll get to have a good chat with them! Really sorry to hear that you didn't make it.

Best of luck,

2nd Mar 2008, 18:51
Hey everyone - does anyone have their phase 3 this week?

infact, does anyone have any phase 3 any time soon - I'm starting to panic and need a chat!

2nd Mar 2008, 21:47
I along with a friend have ours this week, wednesday to be exact!

3rd Mar 2008, 16:59
i'm next week wednesday...

6th Mar 2008, 15:05
Happy to say that myself and at least 2 others of the 8 that were on the 5th's stage 3 passed. Stage 4 soon! Thinking of going for the 14th is anyone wants to meet up!

6th Mar 2008, 20:53
Anyone else heading down to Nursling for Phase 4 next Thursday (13th)?

6th Mar 2008, 21:15
Bah shame your going thursday mate, DJ and I are going friday.

6th Mar 2008, 21:43
Ah that's a shame mate. Well done for getting through Phase 3 yesterday! :ok:

6th Mar 2008, 22:11
Thanks! Well done for getting through phase 3 also :}
Where are you staying for phase 4? If your still around on thursday night it would be cool to meet up and get some grub!

6th Mar 2008, 22:16
I'll be driving down from SE London on Thursday morning, I think it kicks of at 10.45 I've got to rush back up to London for the evening but you never know, we may end up on the same course! Fingers crossed eh. :\

7th Mar 2008, 11:00
Cheers DJ. And the same to you :ok:

7th Mar 2008, 11:17
Yer that would be cool Cap.
Very much looking forward to getting into the sim, will be quite an experience.

12th Mar 2008, 11:16
Any one at stage 4 on friday 14th? Apparently 3 people are going and two are DJ and myself.. would be good to meet up on the evening before:}

12th Mar 2008, 13:37
Your probably right. Yes it will be very fun in the sim, final hurdle to get through though so got to keep in mind that we are still been assessed :}.

13th Mar 2008, 18:32
Just had the phonecall saying I've passed Phase 4 today! Unbelievable! Had a really good time in the 737 sim and the instructor was great.

Andy (I know you read pprune :E ), would love to know how you got on today? Drop me a PM if you like. Found out that I'm on CP63 leaving 2nd July :eek:

If anyone wants any info on the selection feel free to PM me. I found these threads incredibly useful and would like to give something back.



13th Mar 2008, 22:39
Congratulations CapCon on passing phase 4, its a nice feeling isnt it!! :ok:
Did you ask for a start date around that time or did they just tell you?? im heading out in may on CP61, just wondered if they'd filled all the courses up until CP63. Anyone else on CP61???


13th Mar 2008, 23:14
Thanks Chris. Don't think its quite sunk in yet, sure it will soon. I don't finish uni till early June so CP63 was the next available for me.

Quick question for anyone who's already out in NZ. £5000 per year living expenses works out at around NZ$1020 per month. How expensive is living out there and is this a reasonable figure?



13th Mar 2008, 23:44
the living expenses loan is enough to be getting on with out here in New Zealand. You aren't going to live like a king but you should be able to afford a few drinks every week ;-)

14th Mar 2008, 00:55
I got through NZ on about $700/month. It was a bit of a scrape and left me a little bit into my overdraft, but it is do-able if you're really careful what you spend. Food is cheap out there and fuel, when I left anyway, was about 1/3 of the price it is here.

14th Mar 2008, 13:29
Yeh i guess it does take a while to set in CapCon. Signing for the loan and looking at the repayments will no doubt speed the process up! lol
glad to know the living allowance loan is more than enough. im guessing after the first few months the amount your spending decreases as the work load increases??


14th Mar 2008, 23:41
Number 4 on our course! Welcome to the pack! il PM u my msn if u have it

15th Mar 2008, 13:51
Congratulations DJ!! :D

I guess you were driving yesterday when Aaron called? Think I probably would have crashed if I had found out before getting home :E

So who else is on CP63 heading out in July? There's a facebook group for 62 and 64 but no 63. Guess I'll have to make it :8

15th Mar 2008, 16:14
hey, just a quick one to say i passed on the 14th and am heading out on cp64, can't wait!... hi to all cp64ers. well done dj! did aaron get through as well?

15th Mar 2008, 18:58
Ayup jon I got through as well mate. Good to hear you also did.

18th Mar 2008, 21:43
Dave I emailed Daph yesterday asking what format it would arrive, she said mail and tomorrow... Soooo that to look forward to ^_^.
Got my email sorted as well.

27th Mar 2008, 16:37
Hey guys,

Anyone going to their phase 2 on the 16th April? If so what's going on with the phases? When i booked up my phase 2 i recieved an e-mail saying that phase 2 and 3 were on the same day; what about phase 4 (fingers crossed!) Would that be on a different day?


27th Mar 2008, 21:22
Hmm are you sure you weren't mistaken. Phase 3 is an all day phase and phase 2 is a half a day phase.... unless they plan on going into the night? lol.

27th Mar 2008, 21:32
Yup positive. In my confirmation e-mail it said that from the 15th April the two phases are going to be on the same day; from 8:30 to 5:30. It doesn't mention anything about phase 4 though and i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this?

28th Mar 2008, 00:34
That sounds brutal! At least it saves money on trips to Bournemouth I guess? :ooh:

28th Mar 2008, 08:25
Ouch... that means your going to have to revise absolutely everything for one day whereas we had 2 seperate days with a few weeks in between.
I guess seeing as you are the first we have come across to do 2/3 in the same day then we can't be sure about stage 4. You can request it for the day after but usually you'll be given a list of dates to do it.

28th Mar 2008, 17:20
And you're def not doing iCP? As i believe their selection is pilapt/numeracy and group exercises/debrief interview on the same day..

I think that's so harsh on you. After my phase 2 i was completely gone.. couldnt even read the time properly to sign out of the CTC building!!


28th Mar 2008, 17:32
Would anyone know if it's possible to defer your course start date by a year after being accepted into the wings scheme?

Thanks very much.

28th Mar 2008, 17:37
I know of people that have put their start day back 6 months or so, not heard anyone do it for a year though. Best thing would be to ring them.

28th Mar 2008, 19:39
Think of it this way, wait until you apply.. that way you will probably have more life experience to offer ctc in the interview and will give you ample time to finish whatever it is you are currently doing (presumably university) without too much distraction.

31st Mar 2008, 18:23
Hey all! Just want to share that I had my Phase 4 on the 27th!


I fly out to NZ on the 7th May!

I've actually never been this happy in my life - it's just such an incredible feeling to know that I'll actually going out.

So best of luck to everyone thats about to sit phases and congratulations to all the rest that have passed :)


31st Mar 2008, 18:57
I've actually never been this happy in my life - it's just such an incredible feeling to know that I'll actually going out.

I've never actually been this envious in my life! I'm anticipating (but not necessarily expecting) that moment myself! Congrats, maybe I'll see you out there some time soon :ok:

31st Mar 2008, 19:40
That's great news Loc! Well done :D

The 737 sim was good fun wasn't it? ;) You had your welcome pack through? I'm heading out in July and seems like I've got loads to do. Leaving in May :eek: you're gonna be running your socks off :E

Well done again :ok:

31st Mar 2008, 22:04
Well done Loc. its a great feeling ey!!:ok:
lots of things to do before the 7th tho!!
Ive created a group on facebook for CP61 so make sure you join up and meet the rest of us!!


1st Apr 2008, 14:55
Any of you table tennis players? Looking for some good games when I get down there :E. Don't know what other facilities are there though, play a lot of tennis and some badminton so hopefully theres that there as well :).
Guys on CP61 be sure to give us a heads up on what its like!

1st Apr 2008, 15:20
Hi Poss,

I play squash and badminton if you fancy a match or two. From what I gather there is certainly a squash club nearby and cadets have a competition tree going on. Gonna look into joining that. Will give table tennis a try as well :ok:

1st Apr 2008, 16:32
Hey the 737 sim was great fun!

Well I had the medical today, and the HSBC appointment...and the insurance....

Well medical - hardest part in that was not laughing as the optometrist wiggled about a few inches away from my face...it was HARD!

HSBC...was fun...Signing your life away like that was great fun...

But it just goes to show if you knuckle down the whole lot can be done in a day. The only thing I've got to get now is the Visa and it's NZ here I come!

As for NZ sports - I love all sports, especially when it's a competition!
And back when I was 8 I was my county champion at badminton - so bring it on :D


1st Apr 2008, 18:30
well, ive just realised that Loc is infact Jason, and uve already joined on facebook, sorry buddy lol

table tennis sounds good! its been a while since ive played but im sure to be up for a few competitive games :ok:


Wellington Bomber
1st Apr 2008, 18:41
Have just heard that an ex-member of my crewing dept AMY has gone to NZ to become a pilot.

I did not know anything about it until the other day and was going to wish her good luck and hope to see her on the flight deck in the next 2 years

1st Apr 2008, 21:39
Loc, I'm with you on the optometrist wiggling about.

I really had to bite my lip to stop myself laughing in his face. Don't think it would've looked too professional!

Got back to Gatwick and had a couple of hours to kill before meeting a friend in Clapham and realised they'd got my name wrong on the medical certificate. They'd managed to put my middle name as my first name so had to go back and get that changed!

2nd Apr 2008, 00:37
Righty boys its on ^_^. Ollie I think I'll have to join you for a game of squash mate. Just dug out table tennis bat, going to go play some tomorrow along with badminton - get back into practise in preperation :p.
Ive got my medical booked for 15th april, remember when I had my class 2 and the examiner didn't tell me whether he was going to grab my area or put his fingers on my thigh and get me to cough lol. It was a scary time :p.

2nd Apr 2008, 10:44
Yer I noticed it was the day after... are you going to be staying over near gatwick or driving down on the day?
My appointment is made with Lynda on the 24th April, have you got yours sorted?

2nd Apr 2008, 10:57
Haha yeah didn't you just love the RAF medical? I came out with such a true sense of violation :{ ;) The class 1 really isn't that bad. As Locarno and allmanc said, try to keep a staright face when the optometrist is wiggling around inches from your face. It's quite tricky.

Went down to HSBC yesterday. Lynda's very nice and helpful and it's really a simple process. Just wait till you see the repayment schedule though :E

Glad to hear it Aaron. Looking forward to carrying on squash and badminton while I'm out there :ok:

2nd Apr 2008, 11:28
Ahh she did say someone had the 2.30 appointment. Mines at 1pm. How strange that we have booked on the same day.:cool:

2nd Apr 2008, 13:52
Yes, it would seem us going at the same time has brought us good luck throughout the whole thing :p
I'm going to be going in the morning for the loan interview mate. Dad offered to take me.. your welcome to come along, ill be giving him diesel doshe.

2nd Apr 2008, 14:19
Ahh right wouldnt be convenient then would it... if you get there early enough could go for a bite. Don't know how long this meeting will take so we will see eh.
Yes man almost there now, just medical really to pass and then its a sure thing :)

15th Apr 2008, 19:00
Congrats on all who passed! :ok:
I've got my phase 2/3 on the 7th may, anyone else?

16th Apr 2008, 07:38
Neah Dave this is the correct thread as its the social aspect... the actual information thread has been turned into a chat room. :ugh:

16th Apr 2008, 14:15
Hi Carlotega,
I have also phase2&3 on 7th of May:ok:. Nice to find someone else taking tests on that day.How is your preparations?

16th Apr 2008, 15:58
Hello everybody ,
I have a question for you guys who have assesments on the 7th of may ; when did you filled the forms on the internet to get those dates ? coz I filled around half of March and am wondering when I could be asked to come up for 2 and 3 assessments , thank you and good luck for you all

16th Apr 2008, 19:25
Hi Fred,

If I currectly remember I filled mine as well around mid March, I would suggest that you send them a message and ask statue of your application. Will show that your keen to get in.
Wish you luck:ok:

16th Apr 2008, 22:03
"Got the giggles when I was getting my eyes tested thanks to you lot."

Nice to know we have been a help DJ! ;)

16th Apr 2008, 22:29
Thank you very much lentaja , let's try this , I'll get you informed , have a good preparation , go ! nice day to you all

Pilot RatBoy
17th Apr 2008, 00:29
DJ, just read your post about running on the beach to wake yourself up. I just hope you leave enough time to get back as the beach is about an hour away!

Pilot RatBoy
17th Apr 2008, 11:53
sorry about the confusion, i meant its about an hours drive away. so you are probably looking at around about a 60 mile round trip. You'd certainly be fit after a while, lol!!!

17th Apr 2008, 14:47
What recent changes are you referring to Dave in terms of HSBC?

17th Apr 2008, 16:20
It looks like things might have changed (in the last few days) with the finance arrangement being done at Southampton HSBC instead of Hythe. Not sure if there possibly looking for a back-up plan as well from people, just given the current credit problems.

Then again could be a simple case that Hythe cant deal with the volume of cadets arranging loans there, really is a tiny branch. Im sure the guys organising there loans over the next week or so will shed more light on the changes.

17th Apr 2008, 18:25
Hmm I was told that the appointment was just moved to southampton, no mention of whether the bank you actually get the loan from has chanced.

Al W
17th Apr 2008, 20:25
My phase 3 is on Tuesday 6th May. There seem to be a lot of people on the 7th, but none I've found on the 6th...Looks like it's just me then.

17th Apr 2008, 20:40
Groupwork might be difficult but at least you'll get interviewed first :D

18th Apr 2008, 07:35
Hey, M** and T** who did their Phase 4 yesterday afternoon, would be great to know how you got on!

PM me if you want! Hope it went well


P.S. If anyone is on CP65 in Sept and have Facebook, theres a group (CP65 (http://http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=28230683992)) Would be good to get to know each other on there!

18th Apr 2008, 14:00
Hey this is my first time leaving a comment on this!! I just found out that I have passed my phase 3 :O and I have phase 4 on the 8th May. Anybody else going on that date? If there is anyone who did their phase 3 on the 17th I would love to know how you got on. Cheers

18th Apr 2008, 18:46
Thought it would be... good to know though :-).:ok:

18th Apr 2008, 21:59
Congrats again Gazza! (Presuming that's you anyway!)

Was anyone from our Phase 2 there on Thursday? There were 5 of us on the 10th. Seems like we must of been a pretty good Phase 2!

19th Apr 2008, 13:20
Hi Guys,

I've been offered a place with CTC :), and am aiming to head out in December/January once I've saved up enough spending money. Just wondered if anybody has recently acquired funding from HSBC since the credit balls up...

I've been given the details of the branch in Hythe but since the days of studentdom are not that far passed my credit history isn't brilliant, but now i've graduated its getting slowly better. Whats the application procedure like for it and timescales?



19th Apr 2008, 16:32
Is no one else coming in Sept with me?? :sad:

20th Apr 2008, 10:01
Cheers Gary!! and yes it is me lol! No there wasn't anyone from our phase 2 there at my interview day! They were all pretty sound fellas but so I can't complain. Is there anyone that can give me advice on the best place to stay when I go to Nursling? I so excited about going to it but im raging I have to wait 2 and a half weeks!!!! What is the problem with obtaining the loans at the minute?

20th Apr 2008, 10:34
If you've got a car, i'd ask nicely to stay at Dibden Manor. It's only £45 a night and is very nice :) - about 15min drive to nursling.

21st Apr 2008, 08:56
A little update on the finance situation.
Spoke to HSBC, the reason Lynda gave me as to the uncertainty of where our bank appointments will be is down to a reveiw of the way things are done with this CTC/HSBC unsecured loan. There aren't any new "conditions" in terms of getting the loan, it's just that depending on branch the loan is done at, the application either goes away for approval or gets accepted straight away. Lynda said that you may be asked for a contingency plan, which is really to expected anyway.

21st Apr 2008, 13:01

I had my phase 3 on the 17th and am glad to say I passed! bring on phase 4 on the 8th of may!!!

just got to find somewhere to stay now!


22nd Apr 2008, 16:15
im going back to :mad: hamilton in a few weeks

is anyone else on here out there at the moment?

22nd Apr 2008, 16:25
Guessing your on the course then lol.
What makes you not like been there?

23rd Apr 2008, 13:53
Anyone going to phase 2/3 in 21. May? I arrive to London on 20th, and will probably catch a bus to Bournemouth. But if someone is travelling London -> Bournemouth on 20th by car, pm me and let's share a ride & gas expenses:ok:
Same on 21th back to London!

26th Apr 2008, 12:10
(Well, in the same fassion as MarcoFF above: ;) )

I'm in Bournemouth on May 6th for phase 2 & 3 - just wondering if anyone else here is booked in for that date?


27th Apr 2008, 00:31
im going back to :mad: hamilton in a few weeks

May be you should stay home with that attitude - their ain't nothing wrong with :mad: Hamilton.

27th Apr 2008, 23:23
I am booked in for Stage 3 on May 6th. See you there!!:ok:

28th Apr 2008, 09:09
Good luck guys, I don't envy you for having to do 2 and 3 together! :ugh:

Al W
28th Apr 2008, 14:38
I'm in Bournemouth on May 6th for phase 2 & 3 - just wondering if anyone else here is booked in for that date?


Yup, I am. :ooh:

28th Apr 2008, 15:56
Anyone set for stage 2/3 on the 30th (2 days!)?


28th Apr 2008, 15:58
2 Days.. oo bet your getting nervous now! Hows the preperation coming along?

28th Apr 2008, 16:07
Wellll..... the downside is I'm cruising the prune instead of learning airline facts/figures, however Pprune is all aviation related to it can't be that bad!

Just started to read this (http://www.parliament.uk/post/pn195.pdf) actually, interesting stuff..

28th Apr 2008, 16:41
You've got to take a break every now and then otherwise your brain will frazzle. Interesting stuff is the environmental affects of pollution.... rather difficult to find real figures on it though.

28th Apr 2008, 21:57
I am booked in for Stage 3 on May 6th. See you there!!
Yup, I am.
Great! Feeling well prepared for what's ahead? ;) Where are you staying in Bournemouth? I'll be at Grosvernor Lodge B&B - seems to be a good choice.

Well, see you next week then! You'll propably recognize me.. se only German attending, that's for sure :p

Wellll..... the downside is I'm cruising the prune instead of learning airline facts/figures, however Pprune is all aviation related to it can't be that bad!
Hear, hear! Same problem. But then I don't think (hope) that knowing easyjet fleet statistics or something like that is going to be the deciding factor for the interview. Although at OAT/Netjets Stage 2 I was asked what the max range of a Hawker 400 is... let's call it "educated guessing" under pressure *LOL*

Good luck to you anyway! :ok:

29th Apr 2008, 11:15
Hear, hear! Same problem. But then I don't think (hope) that knowing easyjet fleet statistics or something like that is going to be the deciding factor for the interview.

Even if you don't think it would matter why take the risk? There were many items I learnt about that had a possibility of coming up just because I was so determined to get through and I didn't want to leave anything to chance. I learnt all 8 airlines fleets, a few destinations, a few hubs, their histories and future plans. I was asked about easyjets fleet and future plans... the fact that I knew what they were, I feel, earned me a fair few brownie points because it shows I have the initive to go out there and make sure I am FULLY prepared. This also enforces the fact that I am interested in the company and the companies CTC work with.
I also highly recommend the Grosvernor Lodge B&B, djcrossed and I stayed there for most of our selection process and were very happy with it. If you go back to baileys round about theres a very nice place to eat there and if anything, we struggled with finding somewhere to eat - didn't want an indian or a chinese.

Al W
29th Apr 2008, 14:16
Great! Feeling well prepared for what's ahead? ;) Where are you staying in Bournemouth? I'll be at Grosvernor Lodge B&B - seems to be a good choice.

Well, see you next week then! You'll propably recognize me.. se only German attending, that's for sure :p
I'm staying at the Travel Lodge. I never thought to look up statistics or other information like that. I thought they'd be asking you about you rather than facts and figures that aren't necessarily relevant.
I see though now why they would, and as soon as I am able to stop revising for my uni exams, I'll have a trawl for useful information like that...as well as preparing as many of my answers as possible.

Getting a little nervous now.

29th Apr 2008, 19:02
poss, may i ask what are these all 8 airlines where CTC seems to place pilots?

I am just going to phase 2/3, but I dont know are they going to ask some spesific questions about their partner airlines. I dont think so, maybe it is phase 4 where they might?

Should brush up though, I dont know enough about UK airlines:ugh:


29th Apr 2008, 19:58

It would be very wise for you to research CTC's partner airlines and look at aircraft, routes etc. Chances are you will be asked some sort of question on these airlines during the interview at Phase 3.


29th Apr 2008, 21:32
Beware that at least two airlines are merging into other partners ;)

29th Apr 2008, 22:04
I've had two questions about partners.
One about Thomas Cook fleet and the other easyjet hystory... How and when did it start, how many aircrafts....

Don't go for your phase 3 without learning everythings about the partners..
Wikipedia was very helpful to me.

30th Apr 2008, 15:08
Hi all, anyone going to stage 2/3 at Bournemouth on 20th May? I'm flying down the night before and staying at Grosvner Lodge if anyone wants to share a cab in the morning....

Any ideas on what kinda percentage go pass phase 2 in the morning and get into phase 3 in the afternoon?

Thanks all.

30th Apr 2008, 16:57
We were told that 60% don't get through phase one (leaving 40 out of the 100). 50% don't get through phase two, leaving 20 at phase three of which 50% fail leaving 10 through to stage 4 which about 85% of people pass leaving 8 or 9 people getting through the entire selection process.

Rough figures, of course.

30th Apr 2008, 21:31
CTC Aviation looks at Indian carriers for placements
May set up Indian office depending on success
Chetan Kapoor - New Delhi

With the Indian aviation booming and the need for pilots felt not only in the country but the world over, New Zealand-based aviation training academy, Crew Training Centre (CTC) is surveying the option of partnering with Indian carriers for cadet placements. Speaking exclusively to Express AviationWorld, John Jones, chief executive, CTC Aviation Training said, "We have trained many pilots over the years. Last year alone, we trained over 1,000 pilots in our United Kingdom centre and almost 200 in New Zealand and placed them with partner airlines."

The academy has the reputation of 100 per cent placements and last year it also had a cadet appointed with Indian-private carrier, Jet Airways. Jones mentioned, "It is important to get airline partners in India for placements. We will take the students from India to our training centres and seeing how it fares, we may consider having an Indian office."
For Jones, it is vital to lay emphasis on quality which will in turn have a high success rate for the academy. CTC Aviation has three simulators in addition to 36 aircraft in Hamilton, New Zealand which includes Diamond DA42 TwinStars, Piper PA44 Seminoles and single engine fleet of Robins, Alphas and Cessnas. Trainees are offered Ab Initio training at the Hamilton centre while JAA standard training is offered in the UK centre.
Besides Ab Initio training, the academy has also launched an Airline Preparation Course (APC) which includes CRM, TEM and MCC. Its full-service airline training portfolio includes - aircrew selection, basic licence training, type rating training, bridge training, cost-effective sponsorship and employment programmes, command skills development, instructor and examiner training courses.


2nd May 2008, 09:58
Anyone going for Phase2&3 on 7th of May and staying at Queens Hotel, could share ride in the morning to CTC:)

2nd May 2008, 14:48
Cheers CapCon, i appreciate your advice.

Gotta do some research.

And still, if somebody is heading London --> Bournemouth on 21th by car, please dont hesitate to pm me, and we could share a ride:)

2nd May 2008, 19:14
Thought I would post this here as it doesn't seem relevant to selection/CTC Wings thread.

Does anyone know if, after you've completed the first few months of basic training, you actually gain a PPL? Assuming I pass Stage 4 my parents keep talking about coming and seeing me and I'd love to take them for a flight. Does anyone know if this would be possible?

Short of that are you allowed to let people 'back-seat' while you train/hour build?

Thanks in advance!

2nd May 2008, 23:37
Wow DJ, you seem to spend a heck of a lot of time on these forums given the number of posts you have made!!

And I am afraid like a couple of your previous posts, you are a little incorrect. CTC is running the course from Wings Training Manual V.7.1 which recognises that the course CTC does is a JAA approved Integrated course. The foundation course does not include an NZ PPL, although the training takes you above and beyond PPL level. When you graduate onto the Wings course, you basically get about 25 hrs to consolidate your training through solo nav exercises, then your end of single engine phase test looks for you to effectively be up to a SE CPL standard before you progress onto the twins. On the old modular course, everyone would get a PPL as it was a pre-requisite, but CTC have been integrated for over a year now. Most of the hours removed from the old single engine phase syllabus have now been put at the end of the NZ multi phase where we do about 18hrs of SPIC enroute IFR work, which is the only opportunity you are likely to get to fly around the South Island on your training.

CTC are, I think, still offering the modular course to a few people, but you must have a current and valid PPL before starting the course and a few hours under your belt. You can go to an aero club (Waikato Aero at Hamilton are the closest) and do a check flight and then a flight test as you will sit the NZ PPL exams as a foundation to your ATPL theory studies, but I understand this is not that simple a process haing spoken to a few people who have looked into it. Hope that helps

5th May 2008, 13:48
Glad to hear from you too!
At what time do you have your simulator assessment on the 22nd?
I was told to be there at 07.00 for a 08.00 start on the sim.

Cant wait...:)
Mine is the same, 8am start. Do you know if any of the other guys passed? Jim, Iain etc?

I'm really looking forward to P4, supposed to be really good fun. I can imagine it's a pain having to travel from Sweden again just for an hour long sim session, must be worth it though :ok:

5th May 2008, 14:09
Kerosine - P4 is a blast! The instructor I had was so funny...told us to call him Egg (his name was Egelan...don't quote me on the spelling). Best of luck!

5th May 2008, 14:23
Egg is a good guy, definitely makes you feel at ease.

5th May 2008, 14:28
Yeah I agree! The one thing he said that really put me at ease was:

"Don't worry if it takes a while to get the hang of it, its been years since I flew the 737 so it takes me time too!"

5th May 2008, 14:43
Hi all, hope ur all well! Has anyone got their phase 4 on thursday 8th May? I am in at 7am. Can't wait! Any tips or prep I can do? Is it a full motion sim or fixed base?


5th May 2008, 15:26
I'm pretty sure it's a fixed base 737-400.

5th May 2008, 15:41
Its actually a 737-300, not that it makes a lot of difference! And yes it is fixed base, although mine (as I believe others have been) was in the full motion sim, just without the 'motion' unfortunately :sad:

In terms of prep there's not an awful lot you can do. The instructor does a very good job of explaining everything you have to do and everything that is expected of you, as well as giving you a full break down of the instruments and controls you'll be using.

5th May 2008, 16:11
Great thanks for the help! Are the fixed base sims and the full motion sims the same? ie. are they EXACTLY like the real aircraft? Might be able to familiarise myself with the flight deck before hand.

5th May 2008, 17:01
Lucky people get to go up to the full motion ones, I believe most people go into the proper fixed base one as dave and myself did.

5th May 2008, 17:25

I managed a small smile when Egg said "unfortunately the fixed base sims are booked up today, we're going to have to use the full motion sim, anybody got any complaints about that?!" He said that if it wasn't for the fact that one moves and the other doesn't, there's virtually no difference between the two. Shame he didn't turn the motion on though...:sad:

5th May 2008, 18:15
DJ - I assume doing P4 with the full motion going would distract you from the task in hand. Personally I'd be concentrating more on how fun it was rather than watching the dreaded VSI!

5th May 2008, 18:21
Sounds awesome, can't wait! Slightly nervous as I don't want to get this far and fail! Just have to cross my fingers I suppose!


5th May 2008, 21:38
Full motion would make it a bit easier. The only way you can tell if you're climbing in fixed base is to check the VSI. In full motion, you'll be able to feel the G force of initiating a climb. Either way, sounds great fun.

6th May 2008, 08:44
Mine is the same, 8am start. Do you know if any of the other guys passed? Jim, Iain etc?

I'm really looking forward to P4, supposed to be really good fun. I can imagine it's a pain having to travel from Sweden again just for an hour long sim session, must be worth it though :ok:


Unfortunately I havent heard anything from the other guys... hope they got through.
It is in fact quite a long journey from Sweden with a flight and 2 coaches to pick but it's definetely worth it!:)
Have you booked any accomodation for P4 yet? Im thinking about Dibden Manor /45£ B&B....not so cheap though:uhoh:

6th May 2008, 11:06
Unfortunately I havent heard anything from the other guys... hope they got through.
It is in fact quite a long journey from Sweden with a flight and 2 coaches to pick but it's definetely worth it!:)
Have you booked any accomodation for P4 yet? Im thinking about Dibden Manor /45£ B&B....not so cheap though

Well I haven't booked any accommodation yet, to be honest I haven't even looked! I'll let you know if I find anything good. Check your PMs too :cool:
Are we of the consensus that with motion on we would find it easier due to being able to feel changes in pitch and therefore gaining/losing height? Any large pitch change will be obvious on the AH and would be felt, however I wouldn't have thought very small pitch changes when trimming for level flight would be felt on a motion sim, therefore not really making it any easier. In other words, losing or gaining 500 feet will not be 'felt' on a motion sim as the pitch change would be tiiiny.

That's my guess anyway!

In full motion, you'll be able to feel the G force of initiating a climb

Rememeber, it's not a Eurofighter :}

Al W
8th May 2008, 13:45
I passed my phase 3 on Tuesday :) I'm now doing my phase 4 on the 15th. It says on the email to be there for 11- so I even get a lie in too :p

I don't suppose anybody else has theirs on the 15th at all do they?

8th May 2008, 14:27
These are from the CTC wings thread...



10th May 2008, 16:27
Phase 2 anyone next Wednesday (14th)?
If so pm me if you like

10th May 2008, 19:16
Hi all,

I'm new the PPRuNe Network, I've just finished my CTC selection process and am pleased to say that I passed the 4 selection phases!:ok: I'm due to start the Wings course on September 3rd. I took my phase 4 simulator assesment on the 8th of May, with two others... Toby and Gary (Get in touch to let me know how you got on).

I'm sure i'll have loads of questions and hopefully have some answers on anything related to the selection process, but for now i just wanted to introduce myself!

Thanks Stu

10th May 2008, 21:15
Well done Stu! Get yourself on the facebook group for CP65 :ok:

12th May 2008, 09:50
Hi everyone:)

Will be in Bournemouth for stage 2 & 3 on the 8th of July. Any others out there coming down at the same time?



15th May 2008, 11:18
Anyone going for phase 2/3 on the 21st May? I'm getting the train to Bournemouth on the 20th and going back on the 21st at 7pm. Not booked anywhere to stay yet, does anyone have any suggestions that are reasonable on price? (I'm sure someone will have asked this earlier on in the thread).

Anyone else going for assessments on the 21st feel free to get in contact :)


15th May 2008, 15:11
Hurn Court Farm was an interesting stay and at £40 for B&B was quite reasonable too.
Dont say yes to super or drinks though
you could see you bill nearer the £100 mark if you do!
Also there is an Avon something or other hotel which is even nearer to CTC may be good if you want a more traditional stay


15th May 2008, 16:24
I stayed at the Avon Causeway when I had my Phase 2 assessment. Very nice place, good food and beer too. £60 a night if I remember rightly, but its right on the doorstep of the airport.

15th May 2008, 19:12
Hey Barry how have you done? i didn't pass, i failed the concentration test so i can reapply and do half of the test again, so i'm very happy!!
They reassured me about my age and the idea of becoming a pilot...

Very nice the B&B, go there guys! there are two Ryanair hostess living there!

Al W
15th May 2008, 19:38
I just passed my Phase 4 today and am on CP65. I really enjoyed it despite getting the stall warner ticking furiously at me on take-off :sad:

I went in there excited to play in a simulator, kept that attitude throughout and even though I have no idea what made them pass me, just enjoyed the whole experience.

15th May 2008, 19:48
Congratulations on passing Al W, but leave some space for me, I've already found out CP64 is fully booked! :}

Found this that may be useful for those about to attend Stage 4:


If this link becomes distorted email [email protected].


15th May 2008, 21:40
Congrats Al, good to have another one on CP65! :ok:

16th May 2008, 07:18
RIK.... Whats the concentration test?? Is that stage 4??

16th May 2008, 08:31
The concentration test is the one you did at stage 2. 6x6 grid with colours and numbers where the random shapes pop up. We've definitely done that one :ok:

16th May 2008, 08:48
Hey Rik
Lyn was good fun at the B&B sorry we missed each other i guess we didnt realise you were on the tue and i was in the wed:)

I passed too and have my sim assessment on the 29th May so if you get your concentration test done and are around we can meet up then - did you meet the ryan air hostesses?

I came down in the morn to find Lyn in the living room absolutely out for the count :):):)

Made my own breakfast and left my cash on the table:)
By the way Lyn said 'you were lovely' and that she really hoped you passed buddy!


16th May 2008, 08:50

Thanks for that link :ok::ok:


16th May 2008, 12:02
I have to wait until november, then i can reapply and do the rest of the assessment. i missed the f... one where you have to find a shape in a panel....really couldn't see any!! but i'm happy because did well the other ones and also i have a lot of time to prepare the interwiev properly!
The lady at the b&b was really funny..she wanted me to get drunk....
Good luck to you all ppruners!

16th May 2008, 19:07
Yeah she wanted me to get drunk with her too - it thought i was going to be in for one of those memorable evenings - it was all quite hippy:)

I found that the 1st four 'find the sahpe questions' i couldnt see any - i thought my brain was blind to this type of test. Luckily i started seeing some after this and so maybe this is just how the questions worked out

Good luck with it all though

17th May 2008, 14:19
I think quite a few people have trouble with that shapes one. It is a pain.

19th May 2008, 08:44
The shapes test I thought was ok. The key in that test is to look for an easily identifiable corner or edge. For example, if the shape you're looking for looks like this.. (Ignore full stops, these were needed to keep the formatting)
......l ..\........
____l... \.......
l.......... /......
l ......../........
..identify a feature such as...
Then look for this first. There may only be one or two points where a horizontal and vertical line intersect like this so it instantly makes it easier to find the full shape.

This seemed to work quite well for me!

19th May 2008, 08:51
Yeahp thats the approach i took too

19th May 2008, 10:59
Passed my phase 4 on thurs 15th May and I am heading out on CP66 in October

The sim session was brilliant !!!:)

19th May 2008, 11:26
A female?? Christ you don't find many in this here CTC. Fantastic well done btw Jenny! Does anyone know the actual ratio of M:F? Looks like you'll be alright when you're out there anyway Jenny, you can pick and choose!

Makes me wonder why I didn't get into fashion design or something...

19th May 2008, 11:43
Current ratio is something in the order of 10:1 I'd say. I think at present there are about 12 young ladies out here on the UK courses plus maybe another 4 on the Kiwi courses which is as many as there have ever been as I understand it. Some claim this is because CTC felt that a morale boost for cadets was in order, hence some oestrogen was shipped out here! :}

19th May 2008, 12:50
"All you youngsters"?? Put your walking stick away DJ! You're only 24! :}

Hm makes me wonder how many good looking girls out there... Someone at CTC (one of the cadets doing there IR in Bournemouth) said a lot of the locals were inbred hillbillies, oh dear :bored:. Obviously take this with a pinch of salt, I certainly hope it's not true!

Al W
19th May 2008, 12:52
"All you youngsters"?? Put your walking stick away DJ! You're only 24! :}

Hm makes me wonder how many good looking girls out there... Someone at CTC (one of the cadets doing there IR in Bournemouth) said a lot of the locals were inbred hillbillies, oh dear :bored:. Obviously take this with a pinch of salt, I certainly hope it's not true!

I heard that too :suspect:. It's quite reassuring for my girlfriend though.

19th May 2008, 13:10
Haha Daves just trying to not seem like he's interested in seeing what ladies are out there.... I know your game lol.

19th May 2008, 13:37
Ladies of New Zealand and the rest of the world alike, you have been warned of the DJ ;)

19th May 2008, 13:54
God damn i'm 34 and married - i suspect i'll be cooking for you lot and telling you when to go to bed:)

19th May 2008, 14:16
How very kind of you! Seein' as you've offered...;)

Don't like nuts or cream, apart from that I'm fine. Bed time is normally 11, maybe later if there's a film on. I'm sure we can negotiate the details at a later stage.

19th May 2008, 14:54
No negotiation son - bed time is bed time! :ok:

19th May 2008, 16:32
No negotiation son - bed time is bed time!
LMAO.... How familiar that sounds! :p

Do you have kids btw Belongins? Is your missus moving to NZ when (not if!) you go? I take it for granted that I have no real ties so could move across the world in a flash if needed, suppose it's much more difficult for you.

19th May 2008, 16:43
No she will stay here in the UK and work (Borat style:))
We plan to break the time away up with a combo of my leave and her coming out for holidays. We have decided to do this after speaking to a couple of NZ CTC'res in simialr situations - one couple are actually from the small town were are from - how odd? Apparently it makes more financial sense and we can have more meaningful time together by planning my leave. I think otherwise it would be a pretty dull time for her in NZ. Working is an option too but she doesnt want to loose all her public sector benefits which she has built up over the years and make effectively two new starts - God how dull can lifes little problems be:)

I am hoping that with my previous flying experience i may be able to take some leave and not fall behind but we shall see - got to get past phase 4 yet oh and the JAA class 1


19th May 2008, 20:30
see you there I am going out on cp66 too!!:)

19th May 2008, 21:38
Hehe i'm sorry mate, I know your not really a femalaholic.
Kell... what beer goggles were you wearing when you were looking in the mirror? Neah just joking. Not ugly at all, infact quite the eye candy - aren't I oh so charming?
Dave I think we should deffer back to October... :ok:

19th May 2008, 21:43
Hmm... I thought you'd already gotten some laced underwear for christmas?

20th May 2008, 00:13
Oh... it isnt lingerie - it's a metaphor for "relations". hahaha. Sorry Dave, doing it again :(.

20th May 2008, 07:31
The plot thickens....

Not sure what I may be getting myself into here with Dave banding his lingerie about :ooh:

20th May 2008, 08:31
Twang! Snap! :)

Incidentaly and chucking a bucket of water over the lot of you (see this is my caring parental side:)) has anyone caught this thread:



20th May 2008, 09:29
Thankfully I was wearing my wetsuit.....:}

I saw it, it's a thread that every once in a while pops up. Basically people have gone the modular route or intergrated through a training organisation like Oxford or Cabair thinking that once its all done they will be picked up by an airline and them fund the T/R, they then realise, after all of their hard work that it doesn't actually happen like that. It's these flight schools faults as they advertise as if your definitely garanteed a job. Aviation is a dirty game to get into, finding that first job is difficult. We are very lucky that we are on an airline specific course and that at the end of it all we have a very good chance of been picked up by one of the partner airlines. A lot of wannabes would kill for a chance like ours.
Another point would be the insecurity of the job, recently I have heard of around 14 LCC going out of business, 1 or 2 from the UK but mostly in America. Those pilots are all jobless and who do you think recruiting airlines are going to choose to pilot their aircraft? Those captains and senior F/O's that have many thousands of hours on type or fresh cadets that require a T/R with only 250ish hours.
It's a cruel game but as said CTC offer a unique oppertunity, they do exactly what is said on the tin, as long as you pull your weight and do well.

20th May 2008, 10:01
I thought that was the case but nice to double check etc

Just a thought!

Is anyone in comms with any CTC Wings graduates. I would be really nice to get the low down on how things have panned out for them post CTC etc.

(Maybe i should post that as a new thread topic...i1ll see what response i get 1st)

20th May 2008, 12:05
A thread is already made on that subject somewhere in the professional and ground studies forum.
check your PMs belongins

20th May 2008, 17:44
not a very impartial source though is it seen as it is thier business to attrcat 60k a go fee payers through the door.
All in all though son i think your right re: outlook :0

20th May 2008, 20:58
Yeah shame keep looking buddy :)
I think it all sounds wonderbra to me anyway better than flying my current desk....in my mind...in my mind hehehehe :)

22nd May 2008, 08:42
Hi all,

Just a quick shout to all that attended phase 2/3 selection on Tues 20th. How did we all get on? I got through to phase 4, should have it either next Friday 30th May or Thursday 5th June.

Stuart from Aberdeen (the short guy with specs!)

23rd May 2008, 06:48
Stage 4 went very well! Anyone here on Cp67? I fly out in November, feels like I'm one of the first on this intake! :ok:

23rd May 2008, 09:44
Im on CP69 so I'll see you out there on the 2nd jan!



23rd May 2008, 10:07
Congratulations fellas! Just out of curiosity, were they the first dates available to you? I'm on CP65 and as far as I'm aware there's only nine of us...according to Facebook anyway haha.

23rd May 2008, 10:14
Well, thats it confirmed, phase 4 on 5th June. Cannot wait! Anyone else got theirs on the same day? Anyone else from the phase 2/3 on the 20th May at Bournemouth got their phase 4 dates?

23rd May 2008, 11:34
Just out of curiosity, were they the first dates available to you?
Cp 67 was the first available yes, although I really wanted to get on CP64/65!

On that note, if anyone on CP 64/65 has a change of circumstances and needs to delay their departure, I would be more than happy to do a swap (I have confirmed this can be done). Don't get me wrong I'm so happy to be on the course start date is not tremendously important, but given the choice I would like to get started sooner.

I'll definately be seeing you out there either way though!;)

24th May 2008, 09:39
Smooth DJ, very smooth :):):)

24th May 2008, 18:23
Hi Guys

I passed CTC phase 1,2 and 3 few months ago and I'm about to take my phase 4 soon. One of my mate is really inerested about the scheme and I really want to help him passing the different phases but apparently the selection process is now slightly different.
Phase 2 and 3 are the same day!!

Is one of you, who recently passed the "new phase2-3" could tell me if the pilapt test and team exercises are the same or not?
I've heard that the team exercises were now different... If so, is someone could detail the new type of exercise?



25th May 2008, 19:53
For all those on CP67 a Facebook group has been created! If you are on the November intake, get on it sharpish! :ok:

It feels like I haven't been on Pprune for ages (a whole 3 days!) as my laptop was attacked by a picture frame:{

26th May 2008, 13:30
Hello people :),

I will be flying soon to Bournermouth for phase 2/3. I am looking for some decent hotel near the airport, any suggestions? I have been checking for older posts about it but didn't find any.


26th May 2008, 19:08
Hi all
I am going to attend phase 4 at Nursling on the 29th May.
Anyone else going?


29th May 2008, 20:41
Hi all,

I am off to phase 2/3 selection on Wednesday June 11th staying at Hurn Court Farmhouse the night before. If you are going to this selection day pm me! Also if anyone happens to be staying at Hurn Court and would like a ride to CTC on the 11th just let me know.


30th May 2008, 10:46
CP67 buddy :)
4 Phase selection process passed, Facebook - done (in the style of Gordon Ramsey:))


6th Jun 2008, 10:43
Hi all,

Stuart from yesterdays phase 4 here. I am the newest member of CP69, departing the UK Dec 31st. New Year, New Zealand huh?! Can't beleive it!

Just wondering how you guys from yesterday got on....

6th Jun 2008, 17:05
Hey Stuart, congratulations! I got through as well, hasn't really sunk in yet! Have u heard anything from Mark? I take it we'll be on the same course then - Phil

6th Jun 2008, 17:39
Hey bud,

Nice one on getting through! Once you're up and running in PPRUNE you can PM me and tell me all about your sim session! Intrigued to know how it went! (Particularly your ILS approach and whether you looked up or not!)

Which course will you be on? I was on the phone to CTC today and there was 67,68 and 69 being November December and January respectively. I opted for latest one to give more time for saving some cash, the January course, CP69, leaving UK Dec 31st. (tho the lady at CTC said this might get pushed back a few days...fingers crossed huh?!)

Havent heard from Mark, expected that out of three of us he'd be first to post since he probably would have been at home by 4pm yesterday. We'll see.

Anyways, anybody else out there on CP69 so far?

7th Jun 2008, 21:34
Yep Im on CP69, cant wait just need to see out my contract here in the UK!



8th Jun 2008, 19:37
Hi guys , off the track a bit but does anyone have any info on the Icp programme. I narrowly missed out on the Cadet programme, but have been accepted onto the Icp. Any thoughts on this i.e. employment stats etc.
Have also conditionally been accepted onto Oxford APP programme, would this be a better option?

9th Jun 2008, 14:12
Any idea where to find this thread, searched for ctc wings icp, but no joy?

9th Jun 2008, 16:44
hello folks:)

i´ll be in bournemouth on the 8th of july for the 2nd/3rd stage. anyone else going down at the same time?
if so, pm me if you like


10th Jun 2008, 02:03
Thanks dj and chelche,

always appreciate a bit of guidance when it comes to what is ultimatley a massive financial commitment, with no guarantee of a job at the end.... a prospect made even more scary in the current economic climate!

With regard to the Icp programme, I couln't help getting the feeling after the assessment as if it 'was up to you'........ like they were happy to take the cadet rejects, so long as they were prepared to pay.... Perhaps this was just me, i mean I guess I reached some sort of minimum standard. I just wonder if this distiction would be bourne out during training too?

In contrast, I scored relatively highly in the Oxford APP training assessment (32/42) Compass and 7/10 group exercises....have to return for sim check, but the entry standard seems higher? Is this just me?

I have also heard that at CTC the ground school is self study? does this explain in part the difference in cost?

Also, Oxford includes MCC and JOC training, whereas CTC makes you apply for the ATP programme. Im guessing this course is ultra competitive: im totally dedicated to the cause,and have no doubt i'll perform well at training, but what chance realistically do I have if I failed to make the CTC cadet grade (allbeit marginally) at assessment stage?

It seems like the Icp programme is in its infancy, and I would be most greatful for any feedback from any current students, either cadets or Icp'ers as to how it all works....CTC is my first choice, with Oxford a close second....I guess the choice is down to a more expensive, proven track with Oxford APP, or into the unknown with CTC?...........................

sorry if im off the track here, I really should be on another thread......One of the links chelche was actually mine, but yet to have any responses! But any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.....



10th Jun 2008, 12:58
I would hazard a guess that the Wings cadets 'might', and I use the term loosely, pick up the flying skills a little quicker due to possibly doing better in the aptitude testing?


A iCP cadet could have done far better than you in the assessment tests, far better than you in the maths test, far better than you in the group tasks but the assessors could have felt that he / she didn't show a strong motivation, volition or determination to fly. Therefore, it's best not to think of someone who isn't selected as less capable, however "slight" or "loose" you think it is especially when looking at one area out of many!

10th Jun 2008, 14:04
Thanks dj, some good advice there.....
Have already tried to re-apply for wings cadets, but no joy i afraid. Just checking the CTC website, and the ATP programme is currently closed?!! hope this is not a sign of things to come....

was thinking of taking the Icp route, then perhaps transfering to Oxford to complete my MCC and JOC? A good idea? Would airlines look poorly on this change of course providers i.e. do they prefer integrated students with all training completed at a single school?

The only other benifit I can see to the APP programme, is the skills protection, guaranteeing some of your money back if all does not go to plan.

Come on all you Icp'ers......get typing and tell all!!!!

10th Jun 2008, 14:13
Hi all,

Passed my stage 3 on 27th May and have got my phase 4 on the 12th (this thursday!!) Just wondering if anyone else is going down on that day in the morning, ive heard we have all been booked in the same hotel!

Also can anyone confirm that the sim check is in the B737?


10th Jun 2008, 15:02
Stuzzy, CTC's ATP scheme is only open for a matter of days at a time - they get so many applicants that it fills up quickly. I think it has only been open once this year - could be wrong but it hasn't been open for applications long.

Going from the CTC iCP scheme to the OAA MCC and JOC is great in theory but very expensive on practice, considering you are paying for two packages with lots of added value, to two different providers. I know a few OAA graduates have done the opposite; completed the OAA APPFO course and looked at the CTC ATP course but as said, you could be waiting months for it to re-open.

As for CTC iCP cadets getting preferential treatment into the ATP scheme - there is no fact either way as far as I'm aware. However, looking at the facts, you have been with CTC's instructors, have had your progress followed and if you are of a high standard, you are of great asset to CTC so there is no reason why they wouldn't use you.

As with everything, it comes down to risk. Wings cadet scheme is a risk, simply because the cadets they are recruiting haven't flown with CTC, haven't passed the ATPLs and haven't been known for long by CTC. The high failure rate is attributable to their high risk. As a qualified pilot on the iCP route, that risk is far removed - after all, you have completed the training so you are in good stead (providing you have performed) for further association with CTC. Bear in mind that this is speculation at the moment because no iCPers have finished the course.

As for resitting Wings assessment, I think they leave two years in between re-applications if not told otherwise.


I read your post in its entirety - the only thing I didn't agree with and questioned was what I had quoted, hence why I quoted it. There was no attempt to crucify what you had said - why you think you are being crucified instead of challenged is odd.

You suggested, however loosely you want to put it, that "Wings cadets 'might', and I use the term loosely, pick up the flying skills a little quicker due to possibly doing better in the aptitude testing" whichI challenged, as it sounded a bit naive for many reasons. Nothing to get irate about :ok:

10th Jun 2008, 15:14
[As with everything, it comes down to risk. Wings cadet scheme is a risk, simply because the cadets they are recruiting haven't flown with CTC, haven't passed the ATPLs and haven't been known for long by CTC. The high failure rate is attributable to their high risk.Unless I have misinterpreted this ambiguous paragraph, you are saying CTC cadets have high failure rates? In fact CTC wings have very low failure rates, I'm sure someone can state the correct figures (< or ~ 1%?)

As for resitting Wings assessment, I think they leave two years in between re-applications if not told otherwise.

This is done on an individual basis, some are 6 months, some are a year (not heard of 2 years though).

As to the labelling iCP cadets as less able than the Wings Cadets, I think we all agree there's nothing in it. I don't reckon anyone (inc DJ) meant any offence, it's just some are quick to notice (myself included!:eek:) if a post seems to indicate this.

10th Jun 2008, 15:24

Sorry, no, I was saying that the scheme in itself is high risk to CTC. If they don't select the right person, they are at financial risk, and reputational risk which is why the failure rate in their selection process is so high and the pass rate in training is so high. And it's less than 1% failure rate in training I believe.

I think two years is when the data on each applicant is wiped from their system which is why I said "if not told otherwise" shortly after you fail the assessment. After this two years, I think you can apply again. If you are told otherwise, it is likely to be 6 months or 12 months.

11th Jun 2008, 13:10
Thanks for all the help and advice guys and girls, it really does help. It's also really great to hear from you Cadets, makes me think the distinction between cadets & icp might not be so great......I guess ultimatley we are all in the same boat! If you hear from any Icp'ers, give me a pm.



15th Jun 2008, 02:12
Hi guys, looking forward to my phase 2/(possibly 3) selection day at Bournemouth on the 17th of June. Is anyone else going down on the same day?

15th Jun 2008, 15:37
Hey is there anyone else on cp68, going out start of december, would be good to see who else is on this course, cheers - Phil

15th Jun 2008, 15:51
Hi Phil

I'm on CP68 - I've started a Facebook group, get yourself on there mate.


27th Jun 2008, 16:31
hello everyone

i´ll be in bournemouth on the 8th of july for the 2nd/3rd stage. anyone else going down at the same time?
if so, pm me if you like


9th Jul 2008, 18:21
Is anyone heading to Bournemouth next Wednesday (16th July)? Drop me a PM if so :ok:

9th Jul 2008, 21:13
I've passed Stage1 as well. Now waiting for Stage2/3 on 19th or 20th of August. Anyone else? I'm talking about CityJet, is it the same selection? I've heard that only about 30-40% of applicants pass Stage 1, is that true?

I'm only 17(18 in 3 months) do you think that I have any possibility or they just want me to pay the selection fee? Do you know anyone who has been selected at 18 with A-levels although excelent grades?

Best Regards,


26th Jul 2008, 15:32
Hi everyone,

Is there anyone else booked to do Phase 4 on August 7th?


28th Jul 2008, 20:16

Anyone else booked up for Bournemouth on Wed 30th July?


3rd Aug 2008, 15:53

Any one going down to Dibden for 21st Aug???

What questions are expected for the interview? Any ideas. Just scoping out if there are any changes...

4th Aug 2008, 10:41

Anyone going to Dibden for 20th August?

Has anyone tips regarding numerical tests? Only long addition and substraction?

4th Aug 2008, 10:52
Mlowe, in the interview they are looking to see your passion for flying and how you can work in a team and lead a team, have examples to back everything up if you can...ideally a few examples to show a range of things. They also ask questions on the 4 email questions you send back just before you go down and pick out things you've put in your answers, for example I was asked Why should a pilot be a good communicator? Why are there high standards required of pilots? etc etc There are also semi-technical based questions on stuff like what can a first officer do to make a flight more efficient for an airline and what can they do in day to day flying for passengers etc.

Basically, its 45 minutes where the interviewer(s) want to see you for yourself and see that you are the person that they think will one day suit an airline career. It's not too stressful, they do put you at ease so just relax and stay calm! All the best!

Markos, the numerical test was a lot harder than I was expecting it to be, and I've just finished a degree in aeronautical engineering...so I don't think I prepared for it as well as I could. The maths isn't particularly difficult, in fact its very straight forward, but the steps take time if you want to make sure you do it right. Its mostly conversions of units like money, lengths, speeds etc, a few speed distance time problems too and some where you are given an equation to rearrange and solve for another quantity, when you are given the others. 15 questions in 15 minutes, think I finished it with 3 seconds left or something like that, so its quite tough. Best advice is to practice long multiplication, division, taking averages of sets of data, doing speed distance time problems, and you should be fine! All the best when you go down to Dibden!

5th Aug 2008, 21:37
For anyone going through selection just make it clear that you are wanting a career as a pilot more than anything else. Don't forget to smile and also use a bit of well placed humour. Try to think of plently life examples before you attend for subjects such as teamwork and leadership and put across the fact that you have other interests such as sport or music.

For those heading out to NZ in the near future, it's an awesome experience and when you've been back for a year and flying for an airline you'll miss the fun times you've had out there with your course mates. Enjoy.

6th Aug 2008, 16:55
Hey there. I'm new so take it easy on me guys.

Is there anybody going to the Bournemouth on the 2nd September? I've got some revision material that was sent to me by FTE Jererz and it seems like it is a combination of gcse and A level math. I found a really good website www.mathcentre.ac.uk (http://www.mathcentre.ac.uk) for revision. Due to the ac.uk part i think it is a univeristy based website. It is very helpful. Anyway I am getting really excited/nervous about the selection day. There are 51pages here, starting from 2006 so I haven't exactly gone through the whole thread, but other than Phase 2 and 3 being on the same day what can I expect to happen during the day? and how do they present your results from Phase 2? How many people are on the panel for Phase 3?


6th Aug 2008, 20:17
Hi guys,

Has anyone heard from some cadets who recently finished the training??? IS there any jobs at the end, I know easyJet doesn't take anybody at the moment... What about the other partners?
For those who don't know yet, the unsecure loan is no longer available to everybody.. You have to be living in England for at least 3 years and have a good credit history... Things are changing, I will personnaly (if I pass my phase 4) borrow around 100 000 euros as I would have done for OAT without any assissstance from CTC (I'm not english)..

Simply wondered if the scheme is still such a good deal...
Thanks for your responses.

6th Aug 2008, 20:47
There is a bit of a queue building for those finishing the programme. Apparently, a few from 7 months ago still don't have an airline to go to. EZY are hopefully taking a group in October but I don't know if it'll be all of them.

7th Aug 2008, 17:44
djfingerscrossed has got it in one bonalste. Here here. You've got to smile, stay relaxed and try not to come across as someone who wouldn't lighten the atmosphere in a stressful flight deck when the time comes without reducing flight safety. I don't recommend giving the selection team and stand up evening but if they interview someone who sits there stoney faced, then had a very similar interview with someone who occassionaly smiled and also made the interviewers smile....who are they going to remember when the review comes around?

8th Aug 2008, 09:19
Hey all,

Any one going to Dibden on 27th Aug for phase 2 and 3?

9th Aug 2008, 19:35
can you guys leave some info about your selection process from dibden on the 27th? I'll be heading down the week after you guys. Good luck to you.

14th Aug 2008, 09:19

Anyone going to Dibden for 20th August?

14th Aug 2008, 14:04
Had my Phase 4 resit today. I'm off to New Zealand in March, pending references. I hope that you did well Alban and Tom, let me know if you're joining me :-)

14th Aug 2008, 14:15
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS STEVEN... We're on the same course
Can't believe it happened

We passed, we did it
See you soon, I'm the happiest man in the world