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8th Dec 2006, 13:23
I still think East Nottinghamshire East Midlands Airport would be better suited, or ENEMA for short ;)

paul atkins
8th Dec 2006, 13:49
hey all i also noticed ban on training aircraft not normally operating into ema
does this mean the end of virgin training at ema and also a ban on saturdays

8th Dec 2006, 13:53
The benefit to reverting back to "East Midlands Airport" is clearly that this is already the name that most local people refer to the airport as (I've never heard people in the pub, bus drivers, friends etc. call it "Nottingham East Midlands for example)
WTF has what local people call it got to do with it - by and large, they know where it is and they appreciate its going to remain in roughly the same geographic location and provide broadly the same services irrespective of its name. Its visitors from afar being able to place it that's important, and in that respect I think its a mistake for the airport's management to have pandered to the egos of some local council(or)s and de-emphasise its location by going back to a generic name not widely understood even throughout the UK let alone abroad. Anyone who thinks airports and airlines will show the full "East Midlands Airport - Nottingham, Derby and Leicester" name on websites and departure screens are just decieving themselves. Whatever, this grubby little airport deserves whatever comes to it - even the current MD comes from "pile 'em high sell 'em cheap" Asda which says a lot about how the airport is now run.

8th Dec 2006, 14:11
...and actually ask people who do not live in the East Midlands what counties are in the East Midlands and I bet they would have no idea.

I DO live in the East Midlands and I haven't a clue what counties are in it. It should be named after the local large town or city for the benefit of foreign travellers. We mostly know where our airports are but they don't.

8th Dec 2006, 16:32
Another U-turn in the life in EMA!
Agree with Maddog- Personally would have kept the Notts bit - (although I not really that bothered or as passionate as you seem about it)
gives the airport some sort of location and Identity for the travelling public - especially those overseas- surely thats Important -
(and no I don't live in Notts!)
For the locals it will always be East Midlands Airport - I too have never heard it called Nema in my local pub either - but that's because we're all '3 sheets to the wind' to care - as long as it delivers what we want-
Am sure prople did not boycott the airport just because the airport wasn't called Derby-Leicester- or Skegness International!!
But as egnxema states- (btw - were you not tempted to change your name to egnxNema!) - the important issue is WHO? will be providing the much needed continued future investment.:ok:
In my Honest opinion

8th Dec 2006, 16:40
Lets just drop the name thing ay?

At the end of the day - the airport finds itself right in the middle of possibly the 3 most fiercely competitive (for no real reason) cities in the UK. Plus - each of the 3 counties and each of the 3 cities have Councillors that are too stuck up their own ar**s to know anything about commercial aviation.

The name change is a result of external pressure. It is sad that the airport crumbled to the pressure from the ex WW MD, and now has crumbled to pressure from biased councils.

For an example of what I mean - read the BBC link above - some duffer from Nottingham City Council complaining that the change was made without consulting him or anyone in the city!!

It seems to be a reflection of the airport pandering to local voices rather than getting on with developing an strong busy UK regional airport.

8th Dec 2006, 16:47
I can appreciate the lack of enthusiasm for a further name change, however I think that in a time when aviation is seen as an easy target for critics, buttering up a couple of local councillors for good local publicity is always a good thing. Let's not forget that it is Leicestershire who provide the police force, and not just people in Nottingham, rather people in all three counties which make up the "East Midlands" who have to live under the flightpaths of flights operating into the airport. On the more positive note, this new name gives the three major cities as well as the region as a whole a sense of ownership in the airport.

Whilst I can imagine the name will be marketed as just "East Midlands" I really don't think this has ever caused problems in the past, and most airlines will use the full name for information about the airport when people click to find out more on their websites. Let's not forget the large number of people who speak English abroad who could probably decipher that East Midlands is in the middle of the country to the east roughly. Ryanair who have a large number of incoming passengers to the region have never called the airport Nottingham East Midlands on their website or promotional literature, and still manage to bring people to the area.

I'm pleased to see that the master plan has been revealed with some real targets for expansion and for targeting this growth whilst seriously looking at keeping the airport site as environmentally friendly as possible. It will be a shame to lose a lot of the training flights, but they are a real noise nuisance to local people, and will do a lot to create further goodwill in local communtiies.

8th Dec 2006, 17:37
Official announcement and masterplan now online including new logo.

Masterplan - good song by Oasis that!!!:E

8th Dec 2006, 17:46
Lets just drop the name thing ay?

The name change is a result of external pressure. It is sad that the airport crumbled to the pressure from the ex WW MD, and now has crumbled to pressure from biased councils.

quite right egnxema - lets drop the name thing ay!:E

Little Blue
8th Dec 2006, 17:49
I've got a pretty good idea why MADDOG RED isn't too happy 'bout the new name change ! And it's nowt to do with Aircraft !
Although, I agree it's been a total of waste of money from 1st to last.
Who is going to pay for this farce, cos that's what it is.
The airport is a circus and we're the clowns !


8th Dec 2006, 18:44
Had they done this first time around it would have been ok - just adding the city names in the small print beneath EMA - like Basel Mulhouse Freiburg. It's because they clearly made a mistake 2-3 years ago that loses them credibility, and to compound it they lost the brand of Robin Hood back then too.

nema/robin hood
8th Dec 2006, 18:59
Oh well - That's my username just b*ggered up!!!

As for the name, I LIKED the addition of 'Nottingham' but then again plain old 'East Mids' it will now be..............Now how do I go about changing my username without re-registering?

8th Dec 2006, 19:04
Bizarre!. Every other airport's flight info board will read 'East Midlands', the 'Nottingham, Leicester, Derby' bit will get left out and forgot beacuse its too much bother to say or type.

Mr Angry from Purley
8th Dec 2006, 19:20
No Training unless the airline is "based". No more Virgin A340's, that makes me so angry i could throw the phone down :\ :\ :\

8th Dec 2006, 19:56
So, to compete with DSA, my names longer than your name.
Where will it all end ?:\

8th Dec 2006, 21:11
No Training unless the airline is "based". No more Virgin A340's, that makes me so angry i could throw the phone down :\ :\ :\

I wonder what drove that decision

the cynic in me wonders if another "based" airline has been applying pressure on EMA management

9th Dec 2006, 09:27
More likely is the pressure would be from the Derby and Leicester councils and not the airlines

9th Dec 2006, 09:33

Suasagehead -

apparently the "No more Virgin A340 training" is a result of management pressure from the East Midlands Flying school - probably the longest based operator at Castle Donington aerodrome after Bm!!!

9th Dec 2006, 12:20
No Training unless the airline is "based"
The actual wording is on page 6 of this section of the master plan:

It says no jet training by airlines that don't undertake regular operations from the airport from April 2007 (and no jet training on Saturday, as well as the existing ban on Sunday/Bank Holidays). Of the regular trainees that would seem to put a stop to the likes of Virgin and Spotty-M, but allows Baby, SleasyJet and the Tinkers etc to continue training in the week at least.

If anyone thinks that it was East Midlands Flying School that were responsible for stopping Virgin A340 training (when in fact there are relatively few occasions when those turn up anyway), then... :rolleyes:

9th Dec 2006, 12:38
I think you will find the none based training was dropped simply due to complaints from the villages around the airport about the amount of training going on at the airport.....

After all a lot of the locals would start to wonder what the heck is a Virgin A340 doing flying round and round over your head disturbing your pimms and lemonade as you sit in the back garden when they do not operate from East Mids....

Also I would imagine most operators at the airport block book landings per quarter or similar, imagine the scenario of one of these airlines etc wanting to do circuit training and use some of their prepaid landings up to be told you cannot fly in the the circuit because an aircraft that does not operate from the airfield will be here doing circuits at that time..... no doubt that would also add to it.

Local Variation
9th Dec 2006, 17:53
The problem with Virgin in the circuit was due to the noise of the 4 engined jets doing orbits at both ends of the downwind leg on 27.

The EFATOs were also causing angst amongst drivers on the A453.:}

Now, how do we get rid of those pesky airlines..............

10th Dec 2006, 09:24
Will the RAF be affected by the no circuit bashing for non EMA based aircraft?

almost professional
10th Dec 2006, 10:55
RAF do not tend to circuit bash-just instrument apps-but think it says restrictions on civil training

10th Dec 2006, 17:30
I was at the airport today, my first day working under the new title, and have been surprised at how quickly the new signage has gone up. The sign at the front of the terminal as well as the entrance sign has all changed with the "East Midlands Airport" name in big titles, with the three cities mentioned in smaller titles, then the slogan "Three Cities. One Airport." underneath. I know there has been criticism from those saying it is too much of an added expense, as well as Nottingham residents for "losing" their name from the airport, but the city's name is still there and I think it's a real boost for the residents of the East Midlands as a whole.

I heard that all other signage such as inside the terminal, all vehicles operating on site as well as public transport buses are all expected to have the new name used on them by February. Not sure how realistic that is, but I heard that that was the target, presumably to tie in with the new Ryanair flights.

I totally agree that it will be sad to stop seeing the virgin atlantic Airbus aircraft at the airport, though these low flying training flights are a real noise nuisance to those living or working under their routes, and think it's a small measure which will really go a long way in helping to improve community relations. As the airport becomes busier with based aircraft traffic, it doesn't seem unreasonable to want to minimise noise impact to local people, but also as previously mentioned to keep the runway and airspace free for this based traffic.

almost professional
10th Dec 2006, 18:28
Level of training both circuit and I/R is assesed daily by the Watch Sup to ensure that it does not impact on normal ops-and at present levels is unlikely to do so unless something else-such as taxyway closures-is thrown into the mix

10th Dec 2006, 18:54
I was at the airport today, my first day working under the new title, and have been surprised at how quickly the new signage has gone up. The sign at the front of the terminal as well as the entrance sign has all changed with the "East Midlands Airport" name in big titles, with the three cities mentioned in smaller titles, then the slogan "Three Cities. One Airport." underneath. I heard that all other signage such as inside the terminal, all vehicles operating on site as well as public transport buses are all expected to have the new name used on them by February. Not sure how realistic that is, but I heard that that was the target, presumably to tie in with the new Ryanair flights.

I too was quite surprised at the speed in which the airport managed to change some of the signage, though it's true what you say in that the airport is wanting to move over to the new title as soon as possible, especially considering that the name change has been made effective immediately. I think it's asking quite a lot though for all branding to be EMA by February - given how much there is (with some things are still EMA branded anyway) but also the cost for external companies like KinchBus and NCT. They also have to consider changing all of the information at bus stops etc. serving routes for the airport - it's a hefty task for two months!

10th Dec 2006, 21:05
I didn't think much about the effects on the bus companies actually, but when you think about it, both the interior and exterior of the buses (at least on the airline shuttle and the Skylink services) are full of signage for "Nottingham East Midlands Airport" and then you have to change all promotional literature and timetables. Clearly a sudden change of airport name was well intentioned, but I must wonder how quickly this name change can be taken into effect for public transport providers.

As mentioned, any idea when we can see some firmed up plans for the terminal works? Everything at the moment appears to be well-founded speculation but little in the way of an official comment from the airport management themselves. From what I can decipher, it's a major overhaul of where Central Search will be and expanding the departure lounge, as well as working on the arrivals area and more landside shopping.

11th Dec 2006, 08:32
if Virgin want to use the airport for training purposes then all we need them to do is offer a 3 times weekly service to MCO or even daily / 6 times weekly to Dubai


11th Dec 2006, 09:21
Almost professional I have heard that JS has been mentioned as one of the ex MDs and I would guess the other one as GK (although he seems to be doing well for himself in the middle east somewhere). Would be very interesting if we went on our own away from MAG.

12th Dec 2006, 14:34
has the application gone in for the runway extension????



almost professional
12th Dec 2006, 14:40
I stand to be corrected but didn't the application go in some years back, but has been stalled ever since?
not much new to be seen on the building site-just the foundations and first level of brickwork, will leave it a few days and post some more photos

13th Dec 2006, 12:06
is there anything new on the Cargo front. when i left UPS there was word that there was a possible Louisville flight starting soon.

Also about if DHL are going to expand anymore or not



14th Dec 2006, 17:47
Things progressing at a steady pace for the new boarding pier, though this is only one part of a lot of work going on around the airport. There are to be massive works going on in arrivals, extra baggage belt being put in alongside - I've heard - baggage offices for the handling agents. Then there is the planned shopping mall being moved out to where the National Express car park used to be. I've seen it all cordoned off, but no plans for it, ie what it will look like, what will definitely be in there.

14th Dec 2006, 19:30
I have seen an artists image of the new developments. It is stuck on a wall inside the landside part of the terminal. I don't know if it is still there though. All I know really is that the departure door is coming to the new aviation hobby shop, it will house the queing area and an extended central search, with part of a new shopping area along with arrivals being extended outwards into the old coach park. Could someone correct me if I am wrong please? Thanks


14th Dec 2006, 21:16
Pretty much. My understanding, and the airport's plans seem to change on a weekly basis, is basically that the entrance where people see off their loved ones before they pass into departures will be next to where the temporary location of the aviation hobby shop is (formerly Ilkeston Co-Op Travel.) This unit will eventually be used as a Securicor office I've been told. After people have passed through this entrance, they will join a queue to have their boarding pass and passport scanned then a further queue for central search. After that, it will be more airside shops and seating. Arrivals will be extended with an additional baggage belt being put where the current Servisair stand and carpark payment machines are, though I haven't heard anything about offices for the handling agents, though I know bmibaby wants a similar facility to the one they used to have, so this might be factored in as part of the extension. The new shopping area is going to be built into the old coach park, which passengers and their meeters-and-greeters will have to walk through before leaving the terminal. They're currently finalising what is going into this shopping mall, though I'd heard it was the information desk, Costa Coffee, Spar, Boots and maybe one or two more.

15th Dec 2006, 05:03
Re the new arrivals baggage belt, It'll be interesting to see where the 'airside' part of the belt will be, ie where the bags will get loaded onto the belt. Currently the ROI, Channel Islands entrance is there and the 'airside' part of belt 3 (behind the Servisair Desk), and there wouldn't be room for another belt there even if they took out that entrance anyway. At least not enough room so the belt could be used independently, the problem the other belts have at the moment. If one flight is being loaded onto belt 2 say, you need to wait for that flight to finish until they can access belt 1. Same with 3 and 4. They could do with re designing the whole arrivals area from scratch, this would save time people spent in the hall, and therefore reduce the queues!!

15th Dec 2006, 21:24
All sounds very good-thanks for posting. Has anyone got any up to date pictures of the pier please.

PLUS: I have read on the Bournemouth thread that the FR route to Madrid is doing really well and they are planning to increase to daily. Does anyone know the loads on the EMA flights ? and maybe a possible increase from here too.


15th Dec 2006, 23:20

The November CAA stats are now out (provisional) and they show 818
for the month!

I trust it started late in November but if you know the number of rotations
you should get a good idea of load factor - I think you can almost certainly write yield off for the first month.

I only checked to compare to the BHX's BA flight (it was down a bit), as FR's French routes last summer really hit flybe's French routes - it was no co-incidence.


Mr Angry from Purley
16th Dec 2006, 12:25
Nothing on the DHL front, if anything flights have dropped for DHL although there are a a few extra flights thru EMA for the BA World Charter flights whilst LTN is being worked on I believe.
Heard UPS were moving to DSA?, where are you now?? :\

16th Dec 2006, 20:19
I hope that UPS don't move to DSA, that would be a great loss if they did.


16th Dec 2006, 20:39
Heard UPS were moving to DSA?, where are you now?? :\
Heard a few months ago that UPS were talking to other airports as they weren't happy about costs at the 'Don, although whether this was serious or a negotiating tool...:E

17th Dec 2006, 11:20
Re the new arrivals baggage belt, It'll be interesting to see where the 'airside' part of the belt will be, ie where the bags will get loaded onto the belt. Currently the ROI, Channel Islands entrance is there and the 'airside' part of belt 3 (behind the Servisair Desk), and there wouldn't be room for another belt there even if they took out that entrance anyway. At least not enough room so the belt could be used independently, the problem the other belts have at the moment. If one flight is being loaded onto belt 2 say, you need to wait for that flight to finish until they can access belt 1. Same with 3 and 4. They could do with re designing the whole arrivals area from scratch, this would save time people spent in the hall, and therefore reduce the queues!!

I wondered how they were going to do this, but I'm only going by something I heard from our dispatch team, that the airport wants an overhaul of the arrivals area for next summer which will include an additional baggage belt and more handling agent presence. Interesting what you say about airside handling though.

17th Dec 2006, 17:17
To make free space to open new CIA-MAD route, from end of february CIA-EMA start to be operated by EMA based plane with this new timetable:
EMA-CIA 6:30-10:05 daily
CIA-EMA 10:30-12:10 daily
What route will be close at EMA to make space for this?

This could possibly be the replacement if Salzburg and Grenoble are finished at the end of the winter season. Correct me if I am wrong.


18th Dec 2006, 02:17
See we have a new Little Owl now based at the Airport........... and it should fit in well, note it appears to be boss eyed LOL
