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View Full Version : CRMI in word and deed!

21st Sep 2006, 14:14
CRMIs are expected to role model good CRM at all times, well that is what it says in the CAP 737.
Part of that role modeling is to avoid participating in company bashing or slagging off the management, that is quite understandable and I don't have a particular problem with it.
Does that mean however, that I can not discuss with my colleagues, my dissatisfaction with the latest pay offer, or support any union action, and still remain within the spirit of the CAP 737?

5th Oct 2006, 18:24
The best thing i have found is for you to stay neutral. If you have a burning desire for the group to discuss certain company issues, just facilitate them to get it off their chest constructively. Let them get it out in the open, chances are they will have the same view points as you, but its probably better if they say it rather than you. I saw a CRMI really compromise themself once by getting over-involved in a fairly heated debate about company/union issues. Good Luck:ok: