View Full Version : Oceanic Controller Training

21st Sep 2006, 01:31
Hi folks,
Caught wind of a bit of gossip on the grape vine just wanted to see if there was any truth to it.
I have heard that there may be some training scheme being set up in house at Prestwick for people who have failed to gain a student radar quailification but have passed all the relavent introduction courses and book work at the College. I take it the idea being that Oceanic is procedural control and no radar experieance would be needed. If true I would be interested in finding out what the guys doing the job think of this good/bad.
This is not something that will effect me but I do know of some people who would be very interested in finding out more if this were true.

21st Sep 2006, 12:50
Cant see that being true,sorry to burst your bubble! You have to pass the full approved course at an approved training establishment in order to be eligible to train at a unit to obtain a licence.

Unless the rules are being changed by the CAA, which I cannot see happening, then its still business as usual..... as for it being a good idea - of course it isnt! Oceanic controllers do a different but equally important job to their radar counterparts and Im sure they dont want to become a dumping ground for college "fails". Plus the press and public would just love that!

21st Sep 2006, 16:21
Pretty much what I thought, was not so sure about the leagal stuff though.

Cheers for clearing that up.