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31st Oct 2001, 03:12
The rumour goes that there is a big meeting tomorrow (31/10/01),at which the afore mentioned axe will be falling anyone shed any light?

blended winglet
31st Oct 2001, 19:51
time to get the old tin hat out,
I'll come out when its safe,


PPRuNe Pop
1st Nov 2001, 03:09
Sadly the axe has fallen! TC have shed 1500 jobs and have CX 100 flights. All the remaining staff are being asked to accept a 10% cut in pay.

There will be more! :(

le loup garou
1st Nov 2001, 04:55
Good Luck to all that this may affect. Every day it seems there is more bad news, but hopefully we will all come through it eventually.

1st Nov 2001, 22:58
Does anyone know if any Pilots will be affected ? Demoted?
How many a/c being laid up? :eek:

2nd Nov 2001, 18:07
at the moment its 6 or 7 airbus a320 going and around 55 pilots :mad:

2nd Nov 2001, 20:58
If they send us the punters (Sorry.."Guests")we will "Delight" them.Trouble is TC and JMC have retreated into the shell since Sep11 and have singularly failed to do ANY promotion.An atmosphere of "Its all your fault"towards the staff is now being introduced.If the pilots refuse the pay cut we will conveniently become the villains.Divide and conquer.One thing which is almost certain is that there will be substantialy the same amount of Brits on the beach next summer as ther was last.Pax figures at Gla for example are UP on last Sep!!.The trouble is JMC have not MANAGED to entice punters through the doors as well as our competitors.Lets find out if this is about making a huge loss, or as is starting to look more likely,about NOT making huge profits before we sacrifice hard won pay and benefits. :mad:

2nd Nov 2001, 21:11
well put , i too belive that the company is not doing enough selling. ski hols for example are well up at the moment in europe cos fewer people r going to north america, but its not jmc benefiting. the downsizing of the fleets is not good because when the markets recover we wont be in a postion to capitalise and either sub lease(exspensive) or lose market share. all that matters at the moment is maintaining profit margins and protecting the german end of the business in addition to mel b bonus

3rd Nov 2001, 01:46
If it's any consolation gentlemen, the story is just the same at First Choice/Air 2000.

We pay, the directors win!

cabin lad
3rd Nov 2001, 03:02
What's happenning for the NCL and BRS base will they remain open??

3rd Nov 2001, 03:47
Geordies will continue to holiday come hell or high water there's no doubt about that. It looks like this will be a case of who blinks first : the punters or the airlines. Most savvy punters will be holding back now on making their inevitable booking decisions until late booking bargains begin to appear. They may not have to wait too long. It's going to be a game of cat and mouse and, as I've just said will be a case of who loses their nerve first. I can't speak for Bristolians. They may not be as hard as Geordies or Mackems or Smoggies and may be more easily intimidated into not taking a holiday next year.

3rd Nov 2001, 15:37
What i hijacker would try and hijack a plane full of (pissed up) geordies and mackems ?

Not very many methinks ! :D

3rd Nov 2001, 20:42
I'm sure Wino is reading this thread with as much interest as I am. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Your management sucks as usual.

3rd Nov 2001, 20:54

What kind of useless post was that? We know they suck.

However, in times when people including me may be about to lose my livelihood, a little less smugness should be expressed.

So, take the chip off your shoulder and shut up.

Coincidentally, for what it is worth I hope that whoever you work for is waterproof. Dick.

[ 03 November 2001: Message edited by: PPRuNe Towers ]

3rd Nov 2001, 21:21
We know who ia1166 is buddy boy

3rd Nov 2001, 21:35
Actually tailscrape, i'm expecting to be offed too, but the charter market will bounce back next year, and if you downsize now you won't be in any fit state to take up the slack. the average british holiday traffic will have forgotten about it after chrissy and be looking for a bargain. me, i'm pracising my will that be super size? By the way, who are you beardy? i think i have a handle on you but not 100% sure just yet.

4th Nov 2001, 02:27
Now, now children!!

I have heard that BRS, CWL and LTN bases are to go. Does this mean for good or just the winter while all (or most) of the aircraft are out of the country? :confused: :eek:

Just remember, be nice to each other, there's enough fighting going on in this world without you joining in! :p

4th Nov 2001, 03:03

Your original post stank, and if you are genuine about losing your job, I am surprised that you have such a crass mentality towards others.

I do hope you survive, but perhaps you may be better advised looking after your own house rather than looking at mine.

I prefer to work for burger king than mcdonalds anyhow. they pay more.


[ 03 November 2001: Message edited by: PPRuNe Towers ]