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View Full Version : NON-JAR/FAA Flight time limitations

16th Sep 2006, 17:21
I work for an airline in the Far East. This airline's work practise has the effect that, for the local pilots, maximum time away/hours flown also maximises income. Another factor is that on long-range sectors, 'time in the bunk' does not count as duty time. The result is that the local pilots accrue huge monthly hours, whilst flying with no adjustment time between Europe, Asia and Australia.They frequently fall asleep without notice, at any time, during a flying sector. I know that many other eastern operators work to the same standard.

My question is, apart from the obvious air safety aspect, do we want these airlines, with their lax rostering environments, operating into highly regulated USA,EU and AUS airspace? Surely they should be required to conform to the 'International standard' as far as flight time limitations are concerned? Does anyone from the FAA/UKCAA have a view on this?

From my own experience, there is pressure to operate an 'open ended' duty day when there is a technical delay or weather diversion, with an airline high-level local 'dispensation' given to press on, since there is usually no alternative crew back up at the extremities of the operation. 30 hour duty days are possible.

I see this as unsafe and conferring an unfair commercial advantage. I would welcome discussion on this subject, particularly from anyone in the regulatory authorities.

18th Sep 2006, 07:18
What was the regulatory authorities reply when you approached them prior to posting this? 'Far East Airline' does a good job of tarring everybody East of Kunming with a big brush.......:cool:

18th Sep 2006, 13:17
This post was simply to sound out opinion. Maybe I should have said 'several', instead of 'many' airlines, there was no intention to condemn everyone East of Muscat. I have not approached any regulatory body on this subject, as yet, but will do so when I have finally retired (soon). I am simply interested in any reaction/opinion on this subject, if any.