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20th Dec 2006, 14:11
A brief look at the schedules for QF/JQ/DJ into Cooly will reveal that for all three carriers there are flights that do not depart/arrive in the so called "twlight zone".

Similar for Ballina Byron ... a bit of research shows the same results for DJ/ZL/JQ.

20th Dec 2006, 15:23
Posting on here is like trying to have a conversation with Helen Keller.
I have my flights with JQ at precisely the time I want them and at a reasonable price.
It is not however unreasonable to expect a degree of cleanliness regarding the A/C.
This has absolutely nothing to do with social standing.
Cleanliness is cleanliness wherever you come from.

20th Dec 2006, 19:45
Quoting misshostie:" Unfortunatley with low cost carriers these days, they tend to attract this type of clientele..."
A bit of generalisation there,many people who fly LCC's do so because they have to,eg pensioners travelling to see family,attend interstate funerals etc.
I agree that some people need to be taught commom manners etc and even if you are travelling on a cheap fare I believe it is reasonable to expect a clean aircraft.
I have made over 60 domestic flights this year on all carriers including Qantas,V Blue,Jet* and I choose the airline that can get me where I need to be at the time I need to be there,if Jet* can get me there on time at a good price I will fly with them,the same applies to the others.I would not swap my job for that of a F/A but please don't assume all customers (that is what a passenger is ) who fly LCC's are low life ,some are,but you will see them everywhere,try Fountain Gate Shopping Centre on any weekend and you will see them.
Merry Christmas .

labia vortex
20th Dec 2006, 21:27
Pacific Fair on the Gold Coast......a sub species!

20th Dec 2006, 22:26
I think we all know that LCC pax are not all lowlifers.....I have seen my fair share of high - profile pax, diaamond wearing pax on JQ BUT

The reality is that people have a superiority complex about anything low cost......

Do you run into work and say "oh I just bought this fabulous top from Best and Less for $6 as it suits my skin tone"... Um no
We run into work "I just spent $300 on a pair of Gucci sunglasses"

When people fly the JQ most say, and trust me I am there most days, that they were surprised and had a great flight...Low expectation because they paid $49 for a flight,,, When thay can have an educated conversation with a flight attendant they are even more surprised..... Pay low prices get a low price Flight attendant, Thats what most people think...:=

Case and point, we all, myself included, love bragging about our business class flight rather than our middle seat low cost carrier flight.... Hardly xmas lunch conversation...

Lets not bring Helen Keller into it,,, She has enough to deal with

21st Dec 2006, 00:32
thankyou JetstarFA - my sentiments exactly.
Although we do on some routes attract a 'cheaper' clientele - generally our passenger 'type' is exactly the same as you would find in a QF Y class cabin.
i have flown all number of politicians, rock stars, so called tv 'celebrities' around.. hell.. we even had princess Mary on a flight.
Generally its the passengers who ASSUME that we provide a nasty, unbearable low cost experience and are suprised at the level of professionalism that they see in the cabin. People comment on this to me almost every day - they expected much much worse.
A quick browse through some of the pilot forums on here you will see what the mainline QF pilots think about flying JQ (putting aside their piloting 'morals' of course) - i think they are the ones that need to experience a flight with us and step off their high horses to say 'it wasnt that bad after all.. we survived quite nicely!' As they are the ones who make out like we are a flying garbage can, with 18 year old giggly FAs who cant arm a door and the airline has no idea whats going on. Those are the things i have picked up from reading through those forums over the years.

We have a laugh about those 'uneducated' and 'nasty' passengers on here purely because we would never dare to in the cabin. its just not done.
Those FAs with BA, QF, AA, everyone would be able to say the same thing.
Every airline has passengers who change babies on seats, tray tables and leaves the nappys everywhere. We had this when we were a full service airline too.. the only difference now is that on some routes its more common.
Yes, we dont get vaccumed every turnaround, and it took me a good 2 years to get over that fact but we also find that generally, unless a messy child has sat in a row, the floor CAN stay clean for four or so sectors.

Flying for Jetstar with all honesty has not been as bad as we were expecting.
I remember before we started up we were drinking in some bar on an overnight with a DJ crew and they were telling us what sort of passengers to expect, the roast BBQ chicken and chips on the tray table kind of thing.. thankfully we assumed the worst and its nice to come to work and have a normal cabin each day, with just a few oddballs thrown in for added value.

21st Dec 2006, 03:39
Labia (the funniest name on PPrune by far)

I think you can add a 10 km circumference around Pacific fair and still be on the mark! I heard it's the best shop(lifting) centre on the GOLD Coast.!

Merry Christmas to you all.

21st Dec 2006, 05:55
Biggest problem with Pacific fair is all the Victorians - if only you'd all go back home to your little bogan enclaves and stop coming up here and taking our water and clogging our roads, and take that ridiculous game you call football back with you!! :} :ugh: :mad:

You know you want to - you keep saying how good it is in Melbourne whilst moving up here like the sheep that flow in from across the Tasman - goes for you New south welshy people while we are at it AND I would like to see the original QLD / NSW border reinstated, with back pay!! :} :hmm: :ugh:

Freak orf back home :D :ok:

Ha Ha - That feels better

(Dons an armour plated Bundy T shirt :} )

21st Dec 2006, 09:31
(Dons an armour plated Bundy T shirt :} )

Complete with white shoes........

Pass my regards on to Pauline H and the Corbys. :ok:

21st Dec 2006, 23:42
Will do SBH & white shoes are considered de riguer (?)

22nd Dec 2006, 18:12
Surfside6 who are you??

Are you in the airline industry?

I feel your comments regarding our workplace are a little rude. I appreciate that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to keep going on about having no choice, twilight hours, bringing cleaning products...... Helen Keller- please! :ugh:

For the record I can assure you that your flight to Ballina wont be that bad. :eek: Less than an hour!

This is a forum for JQ crew to let off some steam occasionally and have a bit of a laugh. ;)

23rd Dec 2006, 08:35
My goodness what a few days away will throw your way.

jestarFA I actually don't live on cloud nine so I won't be joining you anywhere for a spot of St Johns wort and some tree hugging. I live in a place you may never find. It's a place where people don't give a cr@p how much your sunnies cost or where you bought them. In fact if you told me they were $300 I'd be wondering how you pay your rent and if JQ really is your employer.

In answer to your post yes you do have to be responsible for others inabilities if you are at work, it's your job, and hopefully outside of it as the world would be a better place for it.

I wish you a Merry Xmas and a New Year that brings you all your wishes.:)

23rd Dec 2006, 11:58
Iguanahead -

As JQ has been around for not even 3 years yet.... I believe that most of us had a life before Jetstar,,,,, Qantas, Ansett, Qantaslink, Gulf, Lauda, Virgin, Emirates.....Pharmacist, Lawyer, Corporate world,,, Some Target, Best and Less , Mcdonalds but we welcome all and are welcomed by all....

Some of us even come from money...... Married well, wise stock choices the list could go on......And I think that maybe 1 or 2 people might own a house and not rent... Or own more than 1 house and receive rent from people in return for housing... If your still renting I can arrange a deal for you thru a few people at JQ

I might suggest you go back to cloud 9 because you appear to be a fool and have an inability to correctly grasp and read posts in a manner befitting a human being.....:=

VINCE1 was correct - this is a chance for JQ crew to let off steam and have a laugh...... A close knit group that don't appreciate having certain people passing judgement without actually knowing the company, background and great team that work there....

Should you wish to continue attacking I am more than willing for you to PM me...

Merry Xmas to you too:rolleyes:

23rd Dec 2006, 14:10
JetstarFA: have you married into money.. or are you from money?
are you male? if so i think we would make a beautiful couple!

23rd Dec 2006, 22:56
jetstarFA you are being defensive. I have'nt attacked you nor have I stooped to calling names. I did read and understand your posts, if nothing else you are very direct about what your opinion is, and I don't believe it leaves anyone guessing. I do have the right to reply when you infer I am a fool that hugs trees and lives on cloud nine. Perhaps you need to reread my posts to understand a little better.

The great thing about this forum is the freedom to have your opinion and be anonymous. I don't know your financial status, it's none of my business, it doesn't matter to me if you own or rent. If it matters to you then I apologise for inferring that you rent. I didn't mean it as a slight against you.

If wanting a world of equality, where people are not belittled for their lack of education, is living on cloud nine, then I guess you are right afterall.

And my wish for your Merry Xmas is genuine.

Back to topic surfside6, JQ is a great product and I hope you are on one of my flights one day. The a/c do get cleaned every night, and if you are on a flight in the morning you'll have a nice clean a/c. As the day progresses things tend to deteriorate, but on the whole if the crew have time they will make it as tidy as they can. If after your flight you're not happy please write to JQ and let them know ( it's the address right at the bottom of your terms and conditions leaflet ). If the pax don't tell them they don't go looking for complaints.

Safe and happy flying everybody.:ok:

23rd Dec 2006, 23:11
Iguanahead QUOTE "In fact if you told me they were $300 I'd be wondering how you pay your rent and if JQ really is your employer."

My fault as I would take the above comment as an attack hence I (as all human being) became defensive ????:hmm: :hmm:

Rent, buy, lease, wet lease dry lease - at the end of the day we all put our pants on 1 leg at a time.....:D

Case dismissed

27th Dec 2006, 01:03
After flying more than a few times on Jetstar I thought it funny when someone else commented that a lot of the people who fly jetstar are the same ones who used to catch the bus or train.

This is not a disparaging comment just an observation.

27th Dec 2006, 01:29
Lowerlobe I beg to differ,

Most JQ pax have never left the confines of their suburb or even entertained the thought of bus or train travel.....

27th Dec 2006, 22:39
lowerlobe you are right. JQ has opened up air travel to alot of people who could not afford to fly previously. I did hear somewhere that of all the pax we carried in the last year 10% were first time flyers. That's a bonus for JQ in that there is a market there that they have tapped in to. It does open your eyes as to how much we take for granted in the sky. All the things we think are normal such as turbulence, air suction toilets, confined public areas etc are all foreign to some.

The thing I love is that we have a wide selection of the public demographic, a whole box of assorted licorice if you like, and there is always a story and someone new to meet. Last week I had a family of 4 generations on board together to have a family trip to HTI, complete with great grand nan and eight week old baby. At the end of the day the pax are the reason I still love to fly. I am guaranteed a laugh everyday, I get back double what I put in to it, and there's no better office than one 35000 feet in the air.:ok:

28th Dec 2006, 01:50
Anyone have info on when JQ International will be recruiting again??

30th Dec 2006, 06:21
Great start for Jetsar Int. As reported in the press flight was cancelled and rescheduled for this morning due to a mechanical . As usual punters were complaining re lack of accurate info given.

What an absolute cock up !! You would think that , being an inaugural flight this aircraft would have been most thoroughly checked well before it went on line - a preflight check prior to the pre flight check so to speak.

To think Q.F mainline is being eroded and replaced with this rubbish. No wonder G.D and M.J were grinning like fat spiders when they arranged the sale of Q.F - rats deserting a sinking ship.

Interesting to hear on the radio last night during the delay a Jetstar spin doctor spruiking the " minor delay due to a mechanical and the expected boarding in an hour " . Poor girl - I guess she drew the short straw. From what I gather from the assembled media covering this momentus event everyone else was ducking for cover.

Not good enough .

I know there are a few of you who will say that you get what you pay for- but a quick look at JQ's website shows that they aren't that cheap when food etc is factored in. Anyway , price shouldn't matter - whatever price it offers it should deliver .

30th Dec 2006, 11:45
Priapism, Thank you for your comments regarding JQ international. I am sure some valid points.

However, this thread is used by alot of JQ crew and other staff. Like it has been said before this thread is a chance for us to chat and talk about our day to day issues.

Please don't let off steam here because you are unhappy with Qantas & GD.

Alot of us are also unhappy with many issues involving the Qantas group.


30th Dec 2006, 19:35
Agreed - J* comments on this thread please - no more hijacks

30th Dec 2006, 22:46
No problems . Sorry if I gave the impression that I was a Q.F employee. I am not.
Just no fan of the management style of this once magnificent airline.

Happy New Year to you all.

30th Dec 2006, 22:54
priapism, it appears you have changed your last post, it did refer to J* being run like a bus service. As a J* employee its bad enough putting up with managements crap, but to have someone who is not even an employee of the group passing judgement and criticism on this forum is even worse. I don't jump on a forum and start criticising your workplace. Please don't do it here!!

30th Dec 2006, 23:06
He had the grace to apologise - now why not exercise the same adult judgement and move on?

Pretty Please.

30th Dec 2006, 23:15
Yeah fair point, he did. There is only so much crap you can keep taking from the uninformed before you feel the need to comment.
However, to apologise isn't all that easy so thanks priapism.

Happy New Years

1st Jan 2007, 03:40
Bloke hostie ,

I spent 20 years as cabin crew operating domestically and internationally.
In fact I was amongst the first 4 male cabin crew employed by Ansett in the era where customer service and innovation was paramount.
Uninformed I am not as I still have many friends still working in various airlines around the world , including your own .

However, time to move on as tightslot says - Happy New Year to you all.

8th Jan 2007, 19:25
Got to love it! :p Not written by me!!!!

Nothing against Jetstar cabin crew, but am I the only one who doesn't see the logic in Jetstar crew progressing to Qantas?
Jetstar is taking over Qantas routes and aircraft, they are growing (some would say at our expense), yet their cabin crew progress to Qantas. I'd rather see the jobs go to people who are desperately trying to get full time work as flight attendants.

8th Jan 2007, 19:57
Vince1 -
Nothing against Jetstar cabin crew...

Aren't you a long serving Jetstar crew member? :rolleyes:

As one of the whole *24* (wow!) cabin crew that have progressed since Career Progression was placed into our EBA five years ago I take great exception to your comment.

We, Impulse, were an airline purchased by Qantas to operate a regional, non-trunk, fleet of jets. Just like every other wholly owned regional we fought hard for and were granted Career Progression. Certainly not a 'right' by any means but it placed us on the same level as all other QF Regional FAs. Give me a reason we should not have had access to this program. Especially given the 717 was the most efficient aircraft in the Qantas fleet (quote Financial Report 2003?).

Jetstar and Qantas chose to start the JQ operation using the existing Impulse/QantasLink award - that includes Career Progression. That was The Big Q's decision. Certainly not that of the crew themselves or the FAAA.

The most junior Impulse/Jetstar FA to get Career Progression had just under four year's service at the time of progression. Until recently this was the usual time it took to progress. With the ever increasing use of 'casuals' (term used loosely - how 'casual' is Contract C?!) Career Progression has slowed dramatically. Therefore WHO IS TAKING POSITIONS FROM WHO? We were certainly part of QF Group long before the vast majority of MAM crew. And even before MAM?

No flight attendant with purely Jetstar service has even come close to progression. Infact only 8 months ago would have been the first time a Jetstar FA was even eligible to join the list!

That last lot of MAM to permanent SH in July '05 contained many crew with far less years of service contributing to the success of QF Group than any Regional/Jetstar(Impulse) FA. I am not suggesting they do not deserve the opportunity to become permenant. But they hadn't even been direct employees of the Group. 32 of them were made permenant and this was matched by 32 Career Progression slots.

I think the whole situation is quite even and fair, given the above. Perhaps it should be accelerated for all concerned. The level of permenant crew is thousands less than it should be. I believe a certain percentage of the current MAM population should be made permanent periodically. And this shoudl be matched by an equal number of Career Progression.

But as long as you have people willing to be 'casual' FAs bound by arduous rosters and very little by way of rights in regards to rostering (pre and post operation) you will find Career Progression and MAM becoming permanent will take a back seat. What incentive does Qantas have when so many people accept these conditions? The conditions they 'put up' with are the same ones that dangle the Career Progression/permanent carrot further and further away.

Ex 'Link crew generally have an excellent reputation out on the line. Some would say their years of (quality) hard work under lesser conditions (particularily Dash 8 crew) somewhat deserves them of a Career Progression slot.

You make it sound like poor old casuals are missing out and Short Haul are being robbed of flying. What about the need for more and more casuals due to Short Haul getting more and more Long Haul flying? Explain the logic there!

Believe me there is VERY few Short Haul crew complaining about the loss of domestic flying. Jetstar has taken very little Short Haul flying as much of it was 'Link for years. OOL, HBA, HTI and MCY for three years and ROK, MKY, LST for many more. The vaste majority of Short Haul flying was lost to Tasmans (traditional Long Haul flying) to Jetconnect and Jumbos going to Perth twice daily from SYD and MEL. That's the equivalent of 11-12 737-800s, daily! Again few complain as it is Long Haul who are unfortunately falling victim to QF's evil game plan.

It would pay for you to gain some knowledge before making such statements. Knowledge is power, Mate. Your statement was as offensive as it was uniformed.

8th Jan 2007, 21:05
Ditzyboy, I think you have missed read me. I got the above post from the Qantas thread. I thought it was amusing thats why I put it there. Sorry if I offended you or anyone else. It was not the intension.

I agree the person who actually posted this comment on the Qantas thread has no knowledge of career progression or Jetstar.
I didn't feel comfortable making a comment on the Qantas thread, so cut and pasted the comment for all to read and laugh at because I thought the comment was so ridiculous.

9th Jan 2007, 11:45
Hey Man I humbly apologise. I must be forgiven though. Your post was very unclear!

9th Jan 2007, 20:03
Thanks ditzyboy, apology accepted. We all know I didn't write it,lets move on....... Next hot topic. :) :)

9th Jan 2007, 21:50
i love you both! xxx

but on the same note.. i am not going to accept career progression unless its sydney base - and even then will require lots of thought.
i think regardless of how much i love or hate jetstar, i am in a better position here.

9th Jan 2007, 22:53

Really Darls? You'd love it! I am loving the pay, that is for sure. Jetstar pay is totally liveable. That's been discussed to death. But you can earn very good money at SH if you work hard. It's great.

I definately(!) had more fun at work at The Star though. I miss you guys :sad:

Bolty McBolt
11th Jan 2007, 08:52
To all the Jet star CC.
AS a curious bystander

What ports do you slip in?
I was recently in DPS and surprised to see the CC (and tech crew) do the return trip back to SYD/MEL on the A330.
Long day ? Manageable? or to long and rooted when you get home?

Bolty :ok:

11th Jan 2007, 09:12
Hi guys,

Was wondering if you could help me....I have a Jet* international interview next week and want to know a few things...How much is the base salary? What destinations do you overnight at? Is the pay good? I have several years flying experiance and work for a really good airline at the moment earning good money, so I dont want to leave unless It's going to be better conditons and money....Any info to help me would be reallly appreciated...Thanks in advance guys

Anne X

14th Jan 2007, 11:22
I have several years flying experiance and work for a really good airline at the moment earning good money, so I dont want to leave unless It's going to be better conditons and money....

if you are happy where you are.. DONT LEAVE!

Jetstar international conditions ARE the lowest in the australian industry at the moment. the money is okay.. but not when compared to the conditions. I would only recommend JQI to someone who is desperate to fly, who has no other option and dosent know what they are missing out on with other airlines.
if you are happy where you are, dont give it up, 99% chance you will regret it.

14th Jan 2007, 20:59
I agree with shesgreat, I have a few friends at JQinternational who have experience at other airlines and they think it's the pitts!

In answer to Bolty's question, the crew slip in all their destinations in keeping with the schedule. I think the HNL trips are SYD/HNL/MEL and vice versa to get them home faster. And yes Bali is a return. Ouch! No incentives such as lots of overtime and extra days off like when ansett domestic crews were doing Bali returns.

14th Jan 2007, 23:46
As terrible as this may sound I would never be that desperate to work for them. The bad pay, the cleaning the aircraft after, the blah uniform. I don't find it appealing at all, maybe there is career progression but it's a long long long way away and too work for peanuts, for pax that pay peanuts. Not for me. In saying that though goodluck to anyone who is pursuing a flying career with them. :ouch:

Was just curious after reading this, what kind of salary you can expect as a Jetstar crew?

15th Jan 2007, 00:13
what exactly are your patterns for the HNL trips.
It will be interesting to see exactly how management are extracting every ounce of energy you have.
If you find the duty patterns too exhausting you must call in sick, flying fatigued is dangerous.
I have done a few HNL trips in QF long haul and I find them and the passengers exhausting, my last trip up there was horrendous really cheap Aussies from the West and the Sylvania waters type!
I couldnt care less if we lost that destination its not worth it.

15th Jan 2007, 00:54
flying fatigued is dangerous.

Not to mention illegal if you so fatigued that you are unable to carry out your safety related duties.

Please make use of the CASA safety incident reports to report incidents of severe fatigue, nausea, fainting, falling asleep on taxi etc.......

Unless you do so nothing is likely to improve given [what I understand] is your lack of Union participation amongst crew.

Longhaul had a couple of Thai crew hospitalised after collapsing towards the end of one of their more inhumane trips.......

You are human beings.
Don't let the bastards treat you worse than animals.

15th Jan 2007, 07:07
hehe although i agree and encourage this kind of CASA reporting to those who are fatigued..
from the words of one of our fearless managers

"there's no such word as fatigued in this airline so dont even try to use it as an excuse."

15th Jan 2007, 21:45
I had a JQI crew member on my flight last night from the Gold Coast.
She told me that she was on the first Mel/HNL flight .... the one with mechanical problems and left the next day.
That crew had minimum rest in HNL get this.... 12 HOURS!!!! I was totally blown away. She said the hotel - well motel is in the suburbs and by far the worst out of the ports.
I totally agree with reporting fatigue.... at least give it a go use your voice.

And for the record ... yet again we actually don't work (domestic) for peanuts. Yes our salary maybe lower than QF but we a certainly not on the poverty line.

PS; we don't sell peanuts either he he

15th Jan 2007, 22:00
Any idea of what the motel is and it's location in HNL.?

15th Jan 2007, 22:12

We discussed in great detail a few months ago, the JQ domestic wages, so if you refer back to my post you will see the wages the the crew get on average...

Contrary to popular belief its not $4.48 and a box of half price Pringles..:\

PM if you want any further details

15th Jan 2007, 22:31
what exactly are your patterns for the HNL trips.

Hi cart

I'm not sure of the exact detail as i'm not JQ but my friend works for them and she did a SYD/HNL, following day HNL/MEL/paxSYD. Rather than have the MEL base just do the MEL flights and the SYD base do just the SYD flights it looks like they are doing a "triangle" so that the crew don't spend too much time away. But any JQ crew please correct me if i'm wrong.

16th Jan 2007, 00:08

Would anyone be able to tell me the kind of salary and allowance you get at Jetstar?


16th Jan 2007, 05:02

the eba download is on here.

this should answer all questions that you cant find by using the search function.

16th Jan 2007, 11:51
WHere will u be based flyperth

16th Jan 2007, 18:59

17th Jan 2007, 11:02

No idea where HNL hotel/motel is. All the crew member told me it was in the suburbs and about 15-20 min walk to the beach. Hope this helps lowerlobe.

Congrats Flyperth on being successful. I have asked in previous posts and others too. What base? I have a feeling you are international, am I right? There is a ground school starting in Feb.
All the best where ever you go.;)

18th Jan 2007, 05:48
congrats flyperth ... welcome to the fam :) :) :)

18th Jan 2007, 06:03
Congratulations flyperth, Adelaide base are an alright bunch of people.


19th Jan 2007, 01:32
Looks like Jetstar International have started their marketing campaign.

Was in Osaka, downtown at one of the major train stations and every pillar, billboard and advertising space and more was plastered with Jetstar International material.

Could not turn without seeing a monster poster with a Japanese guy or girl in a snorkel,holding a koala, standing with a kangaroo or hitch hiking along an outback road decked out in Australian style get up!

The ads seem very heavily geared towards the youth / backpacker market.

Not a market I thought was very strong in Japan.

Time will tell if their massive marketing budget pays off.

Raverflaver :)

19th Jan 2007, 08:18
RF, couldn't agree more on the targeted demography, not a suitable one for Japanese. Besides, with all the negative feedbacks from the general public, see http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=259539, I doubt if it's going to be successful. Heard quite a few Japanese inbound tour groups cancelled their bookings with their tour operators in CNS, due to flights operated by JQI, they will come to AUS, but through other ports to avoid flying with JQI. Not a good start at all. Good luck to them. On the other note, marketing in QF is not better either, CX announced doubling frequencies between HKG-CNS 2 weeks ago, AO could have stayed flying that route, but now the market share has been taken over. Shame!!!

19th Jan 2007, 08:41
AO skippy:

I agree with you that the marketing is off.. and the international operation isnt as rosy as it sounds, but at same time its not that bad either.
I no longer read the Jetstar related posts in the D&G reporting points etc as it seems to be less focussed on discussion and more on QF pilots and others bagging out JQ... some of the stuff i have read lately is totally ridiculous and so hate related... i have lots of friends who are QF pilots but the guys posting on those threads need to grow up and get over it.. such is life!

(AO Skippy that wasnt directed at you personally either, just a rant at how painful it is to read of grown men behaving like children and nitpicking everything.. always trying to stir a fight. )

20th Jan 2007, 21:56
No worries, no offense taken. I understand exactly what you mean. I have nothing against JQ/JQI, I just hope QF management makes wise decisions instead of making costly and incorrectable mistakes then cry over spillt milk.

21st Jan 2007, 04:59
Yes i agree.. however i think its not just QF mainline making these decisions.. Jetstar Mgmt (stemming down from QF mgmt) are just as tainted... so frustrating when its sometimes just LITTLE things that could be changed for the good of everyone. so stubborn and with blinkers on!

The entire QF group is mad. i dont know how they operate the way they do...

22nd Jan 2007, 21:53
Maybe I am the last to know everything....... But JQI is going to KL from September.
I just went through the web site as if I was purchasing a ticket. Fares from $89. I put in that I wanted a meal, comfort pack and Video player, came to $561.14 in total for return airfares.

I thought it was interesting :hmm:

On another note.......

In Sydney we are losing a FAAA rep! :{

Come on people there must be someone from Sydney who reads this thread who would like a go at the job. We are need good representation!

22nd Jan 2007, 22:49
Well Vince you should become the rep - All that extra time now being part time and all.....:8 Just joking...

We need strong representation but at the end of the day the MAC BANK buy out and QF execs will want to see the days of strong union representation a thing of the past...

YES, unions protects our rights and ensure fantastic working conditions,,, But companies these days want to get the plane from A to Z via the rest of the alphabet without hindurance from Unions reps and with "yes men" employess down the back with their mouths shut......:O

22nd Jan 2007, 23:05
But companies these days want to get the plane from A to Z via the rest of the alphabet without hindurance from Unions reps and with "yes men" employess down the back with their mouths shut......:O

No buts.

Management HAVE ALWAYS wanted yes men and a compliant workforce that they can bully, intimidate and exploit at will.

Ten years of the Howard government have eroded the power of the union movement to the point where this situation is now the norm.

Wage earners have the ability to reverse this trend and return fairness and balance to the Australian workforce.

It's called, the vote.

23rd Jan 2007, 11:12
I would have confidence if current union reps didn't say " Oh , you don't need payment for that dispensation" as they themselves are company yes men....and allow JQ to do duties which are supposed to be a 1 off and now become the norm

I grow tired of yes men and reps that roll over and lift their tail everytime a manager walks past....(not all reps - Just generalising) and crew.

I have said in previous posts we need a unified workforce yet day after day we all bend over and take our pants off :*...

FACT - We as a nation put Johnny Boy in power,,, but time and time again we lift our tails and allow the organisation to screw us....

23rd Jan 2007, 21:52
i would become a union rep if TEN other syd basers did with me. build up the numbers, i say.

24th Jan 2007, 01:48
Sorry JetstarFA no union rep for me.

I don't think I could handle giving out the dispos - that are handed out all too often!

I would be too emotive!

Yes, my part time has arrived- after 2 1/2 years!:eek: I am going to enjoy it.;) Sorry.

I agree about the 'Yes men'. It happens all too often.

We need to band together even more.


Mr Seatback 2
24th Jan 2007, 03:06
Woh woh woh...hold it right there, people...

"I would have confidence if current union reps didn't say " Oh , you don't need payment for that dispensation" as they themselves are company yes men....and allow JQ to do duties which are supposed to be a 1 off and now become the norm

I grow tired of yes men and reps that roll over and lift their tail everytime a manager walks past....(not all reps - Just generalising) and crew."

And you would know just how many dispo's are knocked back then, jetstarFA? You know, if there's one thing that annoys me more than anything else about my workplace, is crew like yourself jetstarFA who see fit to call people names and generalise amongst the reps...'Yes men'? Oh really...obviously haven't been on the end of one our phone calls to management then! I know all the reps really enjoy having to debate dispensations, etc. with certain management staff in their time off, whilst at the gym, or with their family, or whilst they're trying to get some sleep at 6 in the morning before a late shift....:ugh:

Would you care to discuss which specific recent instances have occurred where dispo's have been granted with no additional payment? Bearing in mind that not every dispo is about MONETARY payment...sometimes it's an SDO, or additional rest instead.

Sorry, but as a rep I take the 'yes men' tag as a personal affront to everything I, and other reps like JK, have worked so much to achieve. But there will always be knockers not willing to take over, won't there?! The effort and time the role of being a rep takes up outside of the workplace is enormous...some people just won't ever get it.

You know - it's a funny thing - but despite the number of years I've been here, people still think I - and the other reps - get paid extra.

News flash people - it's all voluntary, free of charge, no glory, nothing extra. Doesn't matter if our rest is interrupted by phone calls from members being pulled into disciplinaries, crew stuck in the middle of nowhere, and so on...we're on call, and we do it to help out others.
"We need to band together even more."

Really? Is that before or after crew do their own side deals with the company and crewing?

It's all fair and well blaming the reps and the FAAA for this, that and other...but sometimes we are our own worst enemy by doing our own deals with crewing. It happens more often than I care to think about, and does more harm to our group than any dispensation ever could.

The key to our future is educating the new, (and not always young) ones to adhere to, and know, our EBA. The complacency that crew have towards their own EBA is the problem.

You know...out of spite, I could very well give up my rep position too...I don't need this crap. I don't know anyone who gives up their free time and days off to help out other work colleagues for nothing.

If I did, though...who would take over?

...the silence is deafening...

24th Jan 2007, 03:17
Well Mr Seatback I did say in my original post that I was generalising...

"Yes Men" is a generalising and not directed at an "ACTUAL" man or men....Sorry you took it personally but I would assume that as a Union rep that you would be a little more thick skinned...

Remember not to fire the proverbial gun at the poster.... Consider it constructive feedback.....

Once again the previous post stated

"YES, unions protects our rights and ensure fantastic working conditions,,, But companies these days want to get the plane from A to Z via the rest of the alphabet without hindurance from Unions reps and with "yes men" employess down the back with their mouths shut......"

24th Jan 2007, 03:38
They are lucking to have you and your ilk Mr Seatback2 but sadly it seems some of your own just don't get it:ugh:

24th Jan 2007, 04:01
MR seatback
Loved your post.
Unfortunately the side deals are also being done with QF long haul, the amount of our crew doing the same is quite high.
On my last trip there was a FA that made up his own "deal" with his CCTM and Operations.
I agree that this action is the real problem

Mr Seatback 2
24th Jan 2007, 04:10
The previous post as stated?...

"" Oh , you don't need payment for that dispensation" as they themselves are company yes men"

Then which reps would you be talking about, since you make it clear in THAT post you are talking about reps? Splitting hairs? It's a matter of honour at stake (yeah, I know, honour...)

""Yes Men" is a generalising and not directed at an "ACTUAL" man or men....Sorry you took it personally but I would assume that as a Union rep that you would be a little more thick skinned...

Remember not to fire the proverbial gun at the poster.... Consider it constructive feedback....."

If it's not directed at anyone, then why use it? Thick skinned? I'd need to have the skin of Lisa Curry Kenny not to let this slide past!

Personally? Yes...I consider my work very personal, since it's linked to my personal attributes to help out others, support other crew, and so on. When a generalising term is used to degrade my work, I'm sorry, but that's when it becomes personal.

As for constructive feedback...what...calling people 'yes men' is constructive?

Oy vey...:ouch:

24th Jan 2007, 06:06
What a great read.:mad::mad::eek:

24th Jan 2007, 06:37
Why is it that the frustrations of the workplace are targeted at the union? Why isn't the same rage and contempt shown equally towards the employer? Or the people that work beside you on a day to day basis who continue to rort the system openly for their own benefit?

Reps are no more thick skinned than the average crew member, why would they be? Why is it reasonable to expect that they should be able to cop on the chin the daily bagging they get for doing the work NOBODY else wants to do. And even more disgusting are the people that reap the benfits of working in an industry that has been built on representation but don't actually contribute to currently. Funny how they are always the ones with the loudest mouths down the back galley. :ugh:

Crew are their own worst enemies, they do what suits them best at the expense of others, and the only time they whinge is if it affects them personally. Where's all the enthiusiastic opinions when a forum's on? Oh thats right, they're not paid to be there so they don't bother showing up. How nice to have the luxury of someone else sticking their neck out on a daily basis, nothing like having someone else take care of the dirty laundry and taking out the trash for you is there?

Generally speaking of course..........:rolleyes:

24th Jan 2007, 10:15
Mr Seatback 2.........as always......well said!!!!

JetstarFA.......money where your mouth is......or zip it!!!

Just my thoughts

24th Jan 2007, 10:55
OMG...... sorry for opening the can of worms Seatback ,,, I guess my original post that was personally directed at you touched a raw nerve.....

I guess I need to get my post's checked in future so as not to dare have an opinion and to bow and avert my eyes everytime an almighty walks past......

If anyone takes a post on hear as a personal attack then you really should get a life - AND NO seatback that wasn't directed at you or a union rep , although the last bit where I mentioned you annon username , was.

Blokehostie - This is directed at you - "Put my money where my mouth is" here's $3. Go jetshop:}

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

24th Jan 2007, 11:20
Long time reader first time poster:
I know we are all devastated with the death of Sally Spectra but this forum is getting a little to heated even for The Bold.
Can we all agree to disagree and move on. I am a lover not a fighter and although I have given up the vino I am sure that we can all have a drink and be friends.
The unions do a lot for all airlines in the country but times are changing and we all need to have a kiss and cuddle and get through the rough times and come out the other side.
The union helped me when I was stuck down south and I appreciate your time and effort.

24th Jan 2007, 11:30

I read the same post as a slight against Mr Seatback and his team.....

Personally, I have never met a group of people with more integrity in the JQ business.

Your time has always been selfless, your observations and thoughts cherished.

Please save the intelligent comments for those that were raised by wolves....I kindly refer to JQ Management.


25th Jan 2007, 00:50
j j j j e e e e e e e e e e t t t s h o p! :}

I flew 'The Star' MEL-NTL the other day for the first time since leaving. I forgot about how lovely and sincere the crew are and how much (light years!) more comfortable the 320s are over QF 737s. And what a difference having a seat number made to boarding and how relaxed customers were from the get go. I was surprsied at how much a difference it made. The people around me couldn't sing enough praise about Jetstar.

If only Jetstar management deserved the praise... My hat goes off to the frontline staff at Jetstar for making it work. Management there really do not deserve such loyal and hardworking employees.

25th Jan 2007, 01:39
Mr Seatback2,

You do a great job as a union rep!

None of my posts were intended as a personal attack.

When I wrote we were down a union rep it was meant for a general discussion. Nothing else.

When I said we need to band together it was in reference to the crew getting along as we used to. Not fighting against each other.

For the record I have never made a deal at the Star/Qlink with crewing!!! Never! I always encourage new and senior crew to join the union.

The agreement with the 'yes men' comment was in no way directed at you Mr Seatback2. In general yes I do get p:mad: with dispos sometimes, come on who doesn't? But I also know Mr Seatback2 tries to be fair.


25th Jan 2007, 01:44
Like you Ditzy, I am ex JQ...actually ex IMP/LINK as well. Resigned in the early days of JQ, just wasnt for me.. I have such great memories of those days before JQ came along..Especially in the days when P.B was manager. What a fantastic bunch to work with, the best job I ever had. The great raport with the tech crew, the wonderfully easy fun filled 3 day ROK-MKY trips. Cant imagine I will ever enjoy going to work that much again... O the memories!!!

Mr Seatback 2
25th Jan 2007, 02:30
Thanks for the kind words of support guys - most appreciated.

Apologies to those who may have felt my response was heated - but given the fuel thrown in my general direction, can you blame me?

Vince1 - thank you for clarifying your original post. Loving your work evermore.

I now retire into my quarters with the EBA in one hand, and stiff drink in the other! Cheers!

25th Jan 2007, 07:45
look i think we are all frustrated over management and the constant sniping at ways to 'cut costs' at the expense of crew etc... fact of the matter is, its like this over the entire QF network, it just seemed to start with us.
We couldnt be without the union.. and unless people start joining the union and giving them their full support.. we are going to stay on the same course we are now.
If all of a sudden, the entire (or majorityof the) JQ team decided to 'give it a shot' and be behind the union, we might see great things. until then, union reps are simply swimming upstream, battling to keep their heads above water.
Something has to happen. I am behind them 100% if something does. I just hope that all other crew realise that change cant take place without the support of the crew.
Ditzyboy: great you flew with us again! Yes, its is fantastic with allocated seating, and a real joy to do a 'normal' flight again. My flights are usually fuss free, quiet affairs, where passengers get a normal service (they have to pay but thats the only difference) and really can relax and enjoy their flight. i take enormous pride when pax leave and tell me how much they enjoyed the flight, or 'its jsut like qantas' or 'its nothing like i thought, i will fly jetstar again!' because its all about the CREW. we are lucky that most of our crew really do seem to enjoy their jobs and generally want to be there.
(most and generally being added because of some of the older crew who should just leave if they are unhappy and some of the younger crew who seem to think this would of been a cruisy job that wouldnt intefere with their social lives.. another story altogether)
PattyStacker: welcome darling. about time! LOVE YOUR WORK *mwah*

30th Jan 2007, 12:16
One of the past ADL training schools were bundled into a caravan park near the airport under the same premise.

This was at their own expense too after being told to relocate for training purposes I might add.

A polite phone call to the FAAA corrected this dirty affair in little time a few days later.

Madam Janine flagged as many objections as her Gucci heeled knock-offs could support her.

From memory I think their was a little compensation money added for good measure!

30th Jan 2007, 15:43
Hey Leane,

Depends on how close you want to stay to the airport. The cheapest you'll probably find in close proximity is the Motel Formula 1 which is located at the airport. Otherwise the CBD would be your next best option. I'm sure there would be some fairly resonably priced backpackers with decent facilities & private rooms. I know of a few places close to central railway station which would provide the link to the airport.

A quick search on google would be a good place to start. Let us know how you go.


30th Jan 2007, 19:30
Hi Leane,

So sorry to hear of your friend's dilemma. Its really sad that this is what it has become.

Will have a think of what accommodation is in the area.

T2- loving the accurate description of JG got a great mental pic when I read that line! :p

30th Jan 2007, 21:26
Girls in my training school split an apartment for six weeks. Search around on the net, possibly in Mascot there are some..Get a group of you together and its relatively cheap.

Ground schoolers are paid base salary from the moment they begin training.

31st Jan 2007, 05:40
Yes, agree with pinklemonae. Serviced apartments would be a much cheaper option than paying per night at a hotel. I e-mailed Leane7 with some info on serviced apartments in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs and near the airport.

Hope she got the info, let me know Leane.


3rd Feb 2007, 15:45
Hi all

I had an interview with JetStar on the 20th of November 2006 and I still haven't heard anything, should i just move on? or is there someone i can call to find out how the prosess is going?

Cheers katiekayt

4th Feb 2007, 05:14
just as a matter of interest KK, where was the interview and for which base ?

4th Feb 2007, 08:38
Hi there,

I had the interview in Sydney for the Sydney base,

Did you attend bunchucker?


9th Feb 2007, 07:45
bumping up.

9th Feb 2007, 22:52
Just curious...

I don't ever see much written about the JQ International environment.

Regarding the ex JQ domestic, AO, Eastern or other experienced crew that joined just wanted hear their thoughts.

Do any consider the role a long term proposition and have any left since start up and for what reasons?

Any interesting experiences so far and would you recommend the job to anyone?



21st Feb 2007, 02:57
all the international CSMs seem to love it... the crew seem to really enjoy it too. A few more JQ domestic crew have decided to go over.. apparently now the service issues have been ironed out its quite good.

21st Feb 2007, 03:31
Not all, I know a few that hate it with a passion. As for some of the other airline staff that left to take up positions with JQ International some have already left and others are back in ground school again with their previous airlines.

21st Feb 2007, 03:51
I've been invited to an assessment day next week, still trying to decide if I should go or not, has anyone got anymore new information about what they're like?

I just did my panel interviews with Eastern and Rex, I feel exhausted, I need a break!:zzz:

21st Feb 2007, 04:10
exmax: for international A330 or domestic A320?
you should go anyway... you never know!
Domestic wise.. alot of crew who have never flown before or even worked in a 9-5 job before find it a little challenging.. but some of them are very young and want weekends free for socialising etc.
If you are ex crew and have done a full service, or been on a LCC before you will appreciate the fact that the cabin service is super quick and workload not bad at all.. its just the rostering which isnt as good as some other airlines, but isnt as bad as others either - i personally think things are getting better and we are on our way back up the hill, after being in a ditch for the last two years.. it wont get worse now.
Most ex-crew fliers enjoy working with us, esp. the ex emirates girls, as they all say that its much easier and more relaxed.
we have great crew flying with us, thats one super positive thing about the company!!
*edited to add: compared to eastern and rex.. jetstar is a breeze workload wise.Only one, possibly two eastern girls came across and left again soon after ground school, but that was purely because they were able to control their rosters a little more at eastern - and thats only a very very tiny percentage that preferred regional flying. all other regional fliers say they prefer JQ purely due to the fact that they are not working as hard.

21st Feb 2007, 06:37
Hi - ShesGreatintheGalley
I've been invited to attend the A330 international assessment centre. Thanks for your comments, I'll take them on board so to speak, still got a few days to decide.
I'm ex-crew from the UK, so parts of the recruitment process here are different and I'm getting my head round that also. Having said that I'm sure if it's meant to be, then it's meant to be. No matter what, at least I made it to 2 panel interviews in a day:)

21st Feb 2007, 09:59
exactly. what harm will it do you? try it out... if you hate it, then at least you will know. you might love it.
good luck!

21st Feb 2007, 22:44
I had read previous posts about min rests in HNL, DPS returns and cleaning the aircraft after a long sector. I just visions of how complicated the service would be with the pre-paid meals, charging for blankets & pillows etc. To me, that's not my idea of having fun.

There's also a $40 fee for having a personality test at the assessment centre! I'd love to hear from any Jet* Int'l crew who can verify the above or at least have SOMETHING positive to add:ooh:

22nd Feb 2007, 11:53
It's been a long time between posts. I have final got an interview with JQI on Tuesday 27/2/07 @ 9am.
Can any one offer me any tips / hints on what to expect. I've been told that there is gen knowledge test? Does anyone know how many q’s? How many q's on the personality test?
Have the conditions gotten better? Is it a good airline to work for?
I am currently employed with QF in hr administration and am on 43k gross p/a. Full staff travel. Have been employed with QF for 5yrs now. Do yrs of svc with QF carry over to JQ for staff travel???
Would I be making more as JQI f/a?
Any info or help would be greatly appreciated...
Anyone else going to the assessment on Tue @ 9, let me know..
Thanks better get to sleep...

22nd Feb 2007, 13:27
I've been invited for the same date/time as you flightbunny. I don't know about what to expect, still not sure I'm actually going to attend, but in relation to conditions etc, perhaps just perform a search on here, there's bound to be some info.

22nd Feb 2007, 23:57
Hey guys,
This is my first post not only on this site but anything like this so please go easy on me.
I was wondering I have been sent an invitation for the Tuesday interview for jet-star international. I was wondering my father is a long-haul CSM for Qantas and my Aunt is short haul, they have both herd rumors that if you things don’t work out for you at jet-star and you leave before your three years is up you have to pay back your training cost (apparently five grand), is this true? Also I live in Melbourne so I will be flying up to Sydney on the day, I can’t leave Melbourne for a lot of reasons so if I am successful is the ground school in Syd my aunt claims she has seen jetstar crew being trained out at Mel but is this training or just EPs? Just trying to work out if I should bother going even with staff travel it’s still expensive and a bit of a pain at times.

Thanks for any help and sorry if I’m repeating stuff

23rd Feb 2007, 00:02
Whatever you do Scott don't tell the interviewer that your dad is a CSM or that you have family connections at the rat.

Not if you want the job, anyway.

23rd Feb 2007, 00:59

In regards to the interview process with JQI, it is like any Airline,,, Luck of the draw but best of luck to you.

I know of other people who worked for Qantas and QFlink (check in and flying) that have come accross to JQ as cabin Crew and the did not keep years of service relating to stafftravel,,, BUT the had staff travel from day 1 and didn't have to wait the 6 month waiting period.

I don't know how much JQI f/a earn but have heard that it is less than Domestic. Its one of those things where some crew LOVE it and others loath it. It depends on the individual. I know that as Cabin Crew you can earn upwards of $50k and with little effort and overtime.

I know that under the new rules with JQ for both DOM and INT that if you call it quits before 6 months (i think) that you do have to pay back training pay which is about $6000.

Flying with JQ is not that bad as what people may perceive. Like any job you make the best out of what you have. Whether you are at a desk or in the air in this day and age a job is a job and flying is no longer first class hotels and bucket loads of cash in exotic out ports. We are paid on time and get full staff travel which is better than what some in Australia have

Flying when I started about 8 years ago is COMPLETELY different and people need to change with it and move with the times otherwise you will just be in a bad mood or the time.

Long gone are the days of employees considered an asset and if you want to feel the love from management, best get a bottle of wine instead. I am not negative toward JQ management but I am mature enough to know that I won't be getting a hug and xmas presents and I am ok with that.

Best of luck to all who apply. Hang in there, we have great crew who really are the ones that make the job worthwhile.

23rd Feb 2007, 01:06
Whatever you do Scott don't tell the interviewer that your dad is a CSM or that you have family connections at the rat.

Not if you want the job, anyway.

absolute rubbish.. wont make an inch of difference.. plenty of JQ staff are related to QF employees, half of us ARE ex QF employees. If anything it shows that you are aware of shiftwork and what the job entails.

having a connection to QF does not go against you..not at all.

23rd Feb 2007, 01:08
True SGITG,,,,

You don't go to a job and say my Dad's a garbage truck driver.... Shouldn't make a difference

23rd Feb 2007, 22:51
Hi Scott

JQ international have a base in Melbourne, so even though they are interviewing you in Sydney, i'm sure they will require crew in Melbourne too. Goodluck.

24th Feb 2007, 05:34
Oh K thanks guys for the info
yeah initially I emailed back saying I couldn’t come to the assessment center as I had to be Melbourne based and someone (singed off as jetstar dunno who seemed odd to me but hey) emailed back saying they were hiring on the day for Sydney Cairns and Melbourne bases,

Is wide body training done in Melbourne I presume they have the A330 doors down here as the Qantas crew do their Eps down here but I’m not sure about the rest of the training, I really would like the job but simply can’t afford four weeks in Sydney I need to do trainning here, I have no intentions of leaving before six months so that’s okay, three years on the other hand….
Thanks guys though you've been a great help

air doris
24th Feb 2007, 07:59
Never ever in my working life at interviews, flying or not have they asked me what my Father, Aunty etc does. I wouldn't even bring it up. The interviewers are there to assess you and determine your ability for the job. Regardless of whether your family fly's or not should not have anything to do with your chances of employment. Just present yourself, be yourself. It's all about you, do the best and shine on the day. Good luck.

24th Feb 2007, 09:30
The bonding period is 6 months and its basically 1k per month, so if you left after 5 months its 1k that you will owe. I was chatting to the union rep about it and there are ways around it, the best one being a medical certificate.

Its only if you are choosing not to fly because "you dont like it" or to stop people applying to heaps of airlines and taking a job whilst an application is pending. Common practise in the UK due to the ammount of airlines available! :ok:

24th Feb 2007, 09:47

Can anyone explain what all this bond stuff is? Am I correct in thinking that if you leave within a certain amount of time, you have to pay the company?

24th Feb 2007, 10:22
Correct, not sure if it applies for domestic but i believe it is in the international contract. Only six months, really does go quickly and as I said if it were for a medical or a reason beyond your control it can be negotiated and probably overidden.

24th Feb 2007, 10:32
Thanks sebby:)

Anyone else around from JQI? I'm looking for more information about what they're really like i.e any information different form previous threads about the minimum rest and DPS turnaround etc.

25th Feb 2007, 01:15
Just to clarify I had no intentions of telling anyone at the interviews of my family relations I only mentioned it so that I had a source for my rumors and nobody thought I was making up crap, I don’t believe in that kinda thing this is my job I will get it for myself. Lol I’ve decided to go to the interview,
Anyone know any where out near the airport that is cheap for just one night?

25th Feb 2007, 01:38
There is a Formula 1 and an Ibis right near the airport. Very basic but very cheap!:ok:

25th Feb 2007, 01:42
smi006 - Please do not take offence to this. But if you can't afford to find somewhere to stay in training and can't even find somewhere on the internet that is cheap to stay for ONE night for your interview without assistance, do you really think that you are ready to face the world as an international flight attendant ? Especially at the ripe old age of 18 ?

If you can't find a cheap hotel for yourself on the net, then how on earth will you get your way back to the hotel in Ho Chi Minh city before pick up ?

Is this your first job ? Have you thought about flying domestic first ?

You seem like you want to be babysitted through the process - that will not happen before the interview...and certainly not out online. The age of 18 is a very young age to start flying international, I really hope you have a lot of life experience already before you embark on this journey.

I am not trying to be mean, but just some food for thought. It may help you in your interview also, as you appear to want someone to hold your hand.

Good Day

25th Feb 2007, 02:08
thank you Sonique for those less than helpful comments

the rest of us on this thread will try to help smi006 with his quest.

you say you're "trying not to be mean" - well that sounded pretty negative to me.

25th Feb 2007, 02:24
No Sonique I don’t take offense to that at all,

I asked for advice as I have often found (especially when it comes to accommodation) that word of mouth is much more effective in finding good deals than the internet I personally feel that people over use the net expecting it to bring all their answers through google when asking people is more engaging and at times brings up possibilities that are out of the box I suppose. I had a few places book marked and was curious to see if anyone else’s recommendations were different.
And also I have done a very large amount of traveling and a fair bit of it by my self. Ho Chi Minh and similar places, would be interesting and perhaps a challenge but Ive managed by my self in the past I’m confident I will manage into the future. And I would also say that yes I have had a lot of life experience a few of them very unique which has made me very independent I know it may appear to you that I have just come here asking all these questions expecting you to walk me through the process but that’s not the case I was simply looking for help its nice that I received it but I could have managed fine with out it. Oh and also being baby sat through the process would drive me nuts I was only looking for answers after exhausting a couple of other sources, answers that are nice to have but not essential.
Have a good one

25th Feb 2007, 02:31
Nice response:D

Sounds like you have your head screwed on the right way and you'll do very well.:ok:

26th Feb 2007, 00:48
Good luck with the JQI, let us know how it goes:)

26th Feb 2007, 21:02
:D Yes good luck to all.

26th Feb 2007, 21:32
I turned down my interview with JQI, I didn't read or hear anything positive about it and I went with my instincts, but for those it would work for, good luck:)

On the flip side, I got offered Rex:D

28th Feb 2007, 19:34
A close friend of mine is a ground instructor and line check FA for REX. Has been with the compnay for four years.

Yes, I would agree that she seems to work hard. But from what she has told me REX it is a great company.
REX has overseas investors (Singapore owned) it is about to under go a huge expansion.

To me REX sounds like what Jetstar/Qlink was like when I first joined the company. I think if you took a position with REX you wouldn't be doing too bad.

I have been reading about the bond thing.....

Yes, I am aware its true. I think its $5000. If you leave the company for medical reasons then you don't have to pay it back.

2nd Mar 2007, 02:00
...and now I'm through to the next stage for Eastern (medical etc):D

Did anyone go to the JQI interview on tuesday?

5th Mar 2007, 04:48
Hey All,

First time poster, so i'll try and keep this as brief as possible. OKAY! Now first of all, Congrats to all the newies, and good luck with your flying careers. Hope you all enjoy and have fun!

Re: Jetstar conditions, I have to agree with an earlier post. It really aint that bad! Okay it was when it fiirst started with free seating and those hideous orange straps (ewwwww!). Probably the best thing about this airline, I have to say, is the people. The crew that I work with from day to day are just fantastic! And its true, it is what you make of it. People are always looking to the 'other side' where supposedly the grass is greener.... But is it really? I got quite a few F/A friends that work with various airlines. You wouldn't believe the stories I hear. :eek: Not saying we are the best but we still do have it pretty good. We work hard in some areas and we get it easy in others. Just got to take the good with the bad.

And, so ok, management don't give us a bottle of wine as a token of their staff appreciation. But I do recall getting $1000 in my pay when QANTAS posted their financial results. Yeah take out tax and all that, but still better than a couple of bottles of wine.

We don't get overnights, yeah ok, overnights would be good. Who knows, they might be back and they might not. But make use of what you have. A lot of our crew bond out of work hours. Whether its nights out to clubs, pubs or even house parties. And Imagine if our Jetstar had O/nites???? BE THE ABSOLUTE BEST BY FAR!

And may I just state again, That our crew ROCKS! :ok: Second to none! I mean, its quite evident when you do a BOC and the whole crew is awake chatting away for the whole shift, then going for breakfast afterwards.

So, there it is, had to get that off my chest. PHEW!

:) x

13th Mar 2007, 11:17
Hi guys!
I'm actually a chef but am so sick of my job that I'm considering a hop to the airlines as it has always been something I wanted to do. I've thought about jumping over to the likes of EK but since I have zero flying experience and I love it here in Oz, I'm thinking to start a flying career here.
In your opinions, which do you think is better for a first timer, JDI or JQD?? I would personally like JQI however I've heard the domestic is much better! And if possible could you also please provide a rough ballpark figure of the salaries I can expect as I have no clue what the industry averages are.
I'm looking for a full time position so that's why I'm not considering MAM...haven't really thought about DJ cos I seem to like JQ!
Any help will be great!

13th Mar 2007, 12:16
Hey FutureFlier,

To be quite honest, JQD would be a great start as opposed to JQI. Mainly because you will be hired full time with all the fringe benefits. 6 weeks annual leave, 10 days off a month, Fantastic sick leave and Exceptional crew. Hey there are some days that can be quite tiring, but nothing compared to what JQI already do. But look, go for whatever you can get into and make the most of it. Just to let you know there are no overnights with JQD except on the odd occasion, but who knows, all that could change or could not. With all the allowances in tow you can expect an annual pay of about 49-53k as Cabin Crew. Like I said before, I would strongly recommend domestic, especially now with the whole QANTAS take-over, as things are really starting to get interesting. Having said that, please ,by no means, not take international into consideration. I will be honest and say that their conditions are not as good as Domestic's. But should you have get the oppurtunity to work for JQI, have fun with it.

Hope this helps you with your query.


CheekyFly :ok:

14th Mar 2007, 09:03
What is it REALLY like at JQI, no one is saying very much about that:)

14th Mar 2007, 11:42
Can't give you specifics however reports suggest that the conditions are not conductive to long term employment.

The terms and conditions have been designed to this end.

"Churn and burn" is the rather charming HR term I believe.

19th Mar 2007, 07:25
Has anyone else got the email from JQI about setting up a long-haul base in Cairns for July/August? Wondered what your thoughts were with regards to routes etc. Thanks

19th Mar 2007, 08:07
What type of money do the Japanese Language speakers get? That is the one's hired in Australia. I heard that the Japanese Cabin Crew that are going to be hired have to move to Australia and will get a salary well above the normal flight attendant wage. Anyone know the difference between all of them?

19th Mar 2007, 22:50
This is the e-mail regarding recruitment for Cairns base.... I have copied and pasted this e-mail I received yesterday. Any thoughts on what this means for the AO crew up there. I really feel for them.


Jetstar Long Haul will be taking to skies from sunny Cairns!

With more exciting expansion plans ahead, Australia's newest dynamic low fares airline is seeking individuals who posses a friendly and energetic personality to join our Long Haul Cabin Crew team in our Cairns base commencing in July/August this year.

Japanese language skills are highly valued by Jetstar and an additional allowance will be paid to successful candidates possessing suitable levels of Japanese language skills

If you would like to be considered for the position of Long Haul Cabin Crew based in Cairns then click here to be taken directly to the Long Haul Cabin Crew Expression of Interest on our website where you will need to update your base preference to Cairns.

Previously unsuccessful applicants need not apply.

Please note that these positions are for Cabin Crew, we are currently not accepting any expressions of interest for Customer Service Manager positions.

Kind Regards,

Jetstar Cabin Crew Recruitment

21st Mar 2007, 11:34
CheekyFly> Thanks so much for the reply! You definitely gave me something to think about! Honestly, I never thought they paid that much! And you're right this whole Qantas takeover thing is making it all that much more interesting! Will have to see what happens! You're a crew I take it?

The Japanese crew part sounds interesting! I knew I should've finished my Japanese course ages ago! ..

Was reading in previous pages that JQI utilises BKK based crew for its flights...how is it that they can do this for flights other than from Thailand to Australia???

Lewis AAC
21st Mar 2007, 12:25
Does anyone know if JQ will be recruiting for ADL base anytime soon?

21st Mar 2007, 13:12
same as Qantas - The Bangkok based crew fly to Australia, overnight, then crew to other ports on the network.

6th Apr 2007, 01:21
Anyone else been invited to interviews for CC in Cairns next week? Just wondering if anyone has any idea what to expect??? Would appreciate any feedback!

6th Apr 2007, 02:09
It's not Jetstar Asia - they are only based in Singapore. Your interview will be for either Jetstar Domestic or for the soon to be established Jetstar International Cairns base.

7th Apr 2007, 02:26
hi there guys,
I have an interview with J* Int coming up soon and for those of u that r currently flying ( with J* Dom or J* Int ) I have a simple question:
Q: Since J* insnt a corporate airline, and its uniform doesnt have a tie, what to wear to the interview? A full suit , corporate look ? A suit without tie ? Or just long sleeves shirt no jacket ?
Not sure what to wear cause I have been through interviews before where I had to wear a full suit due to the airlines image, but, when comes to a leisure/budget airline, is that necessary ? Dont wanna be to dressed up for the ocasion.....
Thanks in advance .

7th Apr 2007, 03:49
mate as you probably know im a mammy but my advice would be a suit n tie "dress to impress".cheers gigs

7th Apr 2007, 07:19
thks for ur reply. a friend that currently flies J* dom. said that he did not wear a tie at his interview... and he got in. he said do not wear one, but, like urself, i kinda like the idea of " dress to impress ". when u went did u have all the boys wearing ties, or a bit mixed ?
many thks.
im a bit unsure to be honest, would that really make a difference ? tie or no tie ?

7th Apr 2007, 12:46
:rolleyes: I've never seen Alan Joyce wear a tie - there's a clue

7th Apr 2007, 23:09
I work for JQ domestic and I would recommend wearing a tie and suit.

There is no harm in it.

7th Apr 2007, 23:51
thanks for all the advice guys.
have made up my mind now, I'll wear a full suit.

galley girl
9th Apr 2007, 12:41
Hi guys, I would love to fly again, I miss it, but have a child now and would find 140hrs just too much. Are there any reduced flying lines available or would my child be a teenager before that would happen !! ?? Thanks

10th Apr 2007, 12:55
galleygirl - it wont happen.. no matter what they tell you. the PT list is years long and is not looking great for the future anyway. i suggest MAM casual if you need less hours

bla_bla - go the full suit. they wont think any less of you, trust me and if you dress 'down' then have someone interviewing you who thinks its more respectful to wear a suit you will lose points. JQ is not like virgin in the way that they like a more casual approach, most of the management and crew alike prefer a more professional grooming level that you would adhere to if interviewing for a mainline QF job.

10th Apr 2007, 14:17
"most of the management and crew alike prefer a more professional grooming level that you would adhere to if interviewing for a mainline QF job."


Recruitment standards at mainline are a long gone concept. So desperate are QF for cut price flight attendants in AKL that front teeth are now, optional.........:} :} :}

I kid you not!!!!

12th Apr 2007, 09:11
^^ oh thats just sad. and what about the new VRs... they are trying to turn mainline into JQ.

Anyway.. i still stand on my ultra professional grooming approach for Jetstar. They would look at you more strangely if you were 'casually attired'

14th Apr 2007, 06:45
thanks for all the help guys in regards to " what to wear to a Jet* interview ".

Are there any JQI FA's out there that wouldnt mind give me some info in regards to the pay and conditions?
I know a fair bit about the conditions and that, but would like to know more about the $$$ . As I am currently flying as a casual for MAM, and I know quite a bit about the game, Id like to suss out a bit about the MONEY, put the figures down, and decide if its worth or not, u know, as a casual the money is really not all that bad, but no holidays versus less money and holidays??? and also less of all the crap thats been happening at work atm, u know, it seems like the company must be laughing at all the politics thats going on lately, A versus B versus C versus FT...

I have figured that theres no comparisson between JQD and JQI. The JQD FA's are far better off than their counterparts... EBA versus AWA, but anyway.. my interview is for JQI.
So anyone out there that is weeling to help ?

RUMOUR: a friend that flies out of CNS JQD base, heard that they have not yet decided if they are going to overnight the JQI CNS crew in Japan, meaning they r gonna do a rtn trip CNS-NRT-CNS. Anyone heard anything about that? Considering that JQI FA's can be rostered for up to 18 hour duties and 21 hours with a delay that wouldnt surprise me...

Thanks in advance.

14th Apr 2007, 08:43
before any more rumours begin, JQ will not operate CNS/NRT. They will fly from CNS to KIX and NGO.

If the duty limitation fo JQI cabin crew is 18 hours, then they could roster a return duty but it would be tight. The duty would probably be around 17 hours. Doesn't leave much room for delays. It will be interesting!!

14th Apr 2007, 13:34
Bla Bla you know this and you stll want to have an interview with them?

14th Apr 2007, 14:33
Who would want to go to work for 17 or 18 hours anyway? Maybe if they payed you well, but I don't think JQI is dangling that carrot... Is it true there is no overtime?

Aren't there laws which prevent this type of thing happening? Could you imagine the JQ or QF executives sitting in their offices for 18 hours? I don't think so...

To all those applying make sure you weigh up the pros and cons. Is it really worth missing half your life for the measly amount of money and conditions JQI are offering. Do JQ domestic! At least you can see your family every day and there is not that much difference in pay...

14th Apr 2007, 23:29
having said that though.. all the JQI ex JQD crew i know who are there really love it and say they wont come back. The AWA has some bad points.. but i think for alot of people its the 'word' thats scary rather than the actual contract. But yes, the hours are very long.
In terms of lifestyle, you still get to apply for your rostered days off per month (something new that has just been implemented to bring it alongside JQD) and your leave/days off etc.
as a FA you can expect to bring home after tax per fortnight about $1400 - you get paid monthly though.
I am quite sure that with overtime and other allowances that can go up.

And when your plane breaks down in Honolulu you get an extra weeks holiday for free...you just have to deal with the pax on the flight home. fancy that!

15th Apr 2007, 08:09
Planes go tech resulting in extra days at outstations in pretty much every airline. I am pretty sure they do not list that as part of their package though.....

16th Apr 2007, 08:39
Hey Bla,

JQI isn't for eveyone - its go go all the way to Hawaii. The crew are great though. I am CM/CSM JQD and have lost a few mates to JQI but they all love it. Slips are short, cash ain't the greatest, but let's be honest - who does this job for the money really? Once you try it you're sucked in! Many of us at JQ have flown for other carriers and its same s different outfit after a while....:hmm:

Go for it! Good luck! :ok:
BTW grooming guide is identical to QF, so even thought carrier is budget, they want us to look as professional as possible and with the orange jacket and T-shirt we need all the help we can get. Best to frock up for the interview love!

16th Apr 2007, 13:04
thanks for the tips !!!

17th Apr 2007, 00:07
Just wondering if there's any rumours of JQ recruiting for ADL base anytime soon?

Someone asked this a few weeks ago, but can't seen to find a response. I've been invited to a few recruitment days interstate lately & I know I shouldn't be picky, but would really love to stay here in Adelaide :8. JQ seems to be the only ones with an ADL base?

Any news?

18th Apr 2007, 14:57
The assessment days for cabin crew for JQI CNS base are currently underway 18th and 19th... If anyone from AO went I would be curious to know how many AO crew attended.


19th Apr 2007, 11:27
Hey guys and girls!
Just a general question.

I was reading through the JQ recruitment procedure on their website and I have a question.
If for example I manage to score an interview with them and they're satisfied and what not, the next step would be for them to check with my references. Now, I wont be leaving my current job until it's sure that I can get a job with them so do I tell my current employers that I'll be using them as references and that they would be expecting a call (and this'll let them know that I would probably resign soon if I get offered the job) or should I just not tell them and let the airline call them up. What's the courtesy, I guess, in this kind of situation? As much as I would want to tell them that I would be using them as references, I don't want them to know that I might be resigning soon just in case I don't get the new job cos that would be a bit embarrassing!

another question, in JQ are there a lot of crew that worked in totally different careers before or are they mainly freshies from college/uni or first jobs? In case you're wondering I'm a chef and thinking of making the jump!

In terms of pay, can someone give me a rough ballpark figure of what you get in your pocket every fortnight? Base salary plus allowances and what not and after tax has been deducted - just money in your bank basically. I'm currently earning 1200 every fortnight and its not very easy to live on in Sydney so I'm just wondering what's it like being a crew on JQ, whether JQI/D - livable or not!

Thanks in advanced for all answers!

19th Apr 2007, 12:05

It is courtesy to inform your employer, and inparticular the individual you nominate, about the possible call from Jetstar. This will also have the benefit of allowing your employer the time to prepare a response rather than receiving an unexpected phone call. Therefore your employer is more likely to give a good reference.

19th Apr 2007, 12:12
I agree with flight girl. It's never a good look to have a referee get called up and be on the spot with questions about you. good to be prepared. Just tell them that your not deffinately leaving.

19th Apr 2007, 23:52
I'm not crew...but everytime i have ever flown with JQ domestic, i've always been really impressed with the diversity of crew they have. They seem to have a real mix of ages, genders, ethnicities, etc. It's actually pretty refreshing.

Hope that helps.

23rd Apr 2007, 07:31
Hi, Has anyone else made it to the medical stage for JS Domestic Cabin Crew? Have you heard anything yet?? They said it would be a few weeks... its only been one, but im desperate for any news!!!

24th Apr 2007, 00:04
When did you have your morning tea and everything? Was this recently??

24th Apr 2007, 10:58
Too many Redbulls might give you wings but will stuff your medical everytime Metro!

25th Apr 2007, 10:38
I recently saw a JQ add on seek.com for CNS base for long haul. I think they were mainly looking for language speakers?

25th Apr 2007, 10:45
oops disregard that post peeps, didn't read previous posts... Sorry. :oh:

26th Apr 2007, 09:04
hi guys..

can some one post the recruit ment process , how it went in cairns plz ?

thanks guys

3rd May 2007, 13:42
Given the recent announcement of 220 AO crew going over to QF Short Haul in permanent positions ... is career progression on the very near horizon again?

16th May 2007, 21:16
I attended interviews over a month ago in Cairns....and since Ive had my medical....anyone else in the same boat??? Have you heard anything?

Hobart RockStarr
27th May 2007, 00:00
Hi All, I need some advice- I've been offered a job with JetStar Int hopefully in the Melb base. I currently fly with Emirates in Dubai and have been here for about 2years. I'm quite ready to move back to Aus, but wanna know if it's the right move. I'm not going to fly forever, but i dont want to leave for less money, crap conditions, and lousy layovers. I can deal with one of the three but not all of the above. Currently I'm working 70-80Hours a month for maybe $500Aus a week, plus allowances. i dont pay rent, electricity, insurance, traansport etc. So I'm on a decent package
I DO want to come home to Aus tho- Am I crazy!?
Any crew in melb base or other if you can give me an idea of Pay and rosters etc would appreciate- thanks

Mr Seatback 2
27th May 2007, 01:21
Hi HobartRockStarr...

I don't work for JQI (I work in domestic), but here's a short answer: DON'T!

MEL JQI has less destinations than SYD base, the layovers are less and the pay isn't the best. You're probably better off at EK - at least the pay you get is without any expenses. First year FA at JQ is about $32K + allowances. Of the crew that were in domestic that transferred across, I'm not hearing any positive news from any of them *both CSM's and FA's*

If you want to return back to Oz, try for Virgin Blue or even JQ Domestic - you'll make more money, be home more often and not have as much jet lag.


CP is meant to occur sometime this year, according to my sources. When and how many is anybody's guess.

28th May 2007, 07:21
Hey everyone
I was just reading through the forum and thought id use this opportuunity to get some feedabck. I am a little frustrated that i cannot get any interviews :ugh:, not only with jetstar but other airlines too. I meet all the requirements so i dont know why that is.
Im not sure whether its my age or my lack of experince but i applied for JQ in december and have not heard anything back from them.
Im 19 years old, studying psychology at university and speak french. I have only ever had one job since i was 16 at Subway (fast food). Although this may not be very impressive, it is very much customer service as i serve customers all day long.
My application is obvious quite weak according to airlines. I would like to know if anything stands out and if there is anything i can change to make myself get more interviews.
Any feedback will be much appreciated
thanks Daniel

28th May 2007, 10:01
Im with Mr Seatback..Have a few friends flying with JQI...One who resigned after a month...Feadback seems to be very negative... Virgin appear to be recruiting crew at the moment for MEL and BNE. I would give them a go!!

30th May 2007, 00:13

Just my opinions and to be quite honest with you, 19 is definitely a bit too young, and one job reference is certainly not a stand-out quality that would score you interviews. Being able to speak French is excellent, however it's not a priority language for any airlines in AUS any more. My suggestions to you:
1. Finish your degree, having a profession to fall back on is always a good idea, don't give it up. I've seen too many people don't want to fly any more but can't leave the job due to lack of professional skills.
2. Get other service industry jobs other than fast food, more experiences from elsewhere will make your resume look much better.
3. Be patient, all airlines have loads of applicants waiting to be interviewed and recruited; I know it's not easy, but your time will come. It took me 10 long years to become a cabin crew, but when I got my dream job, I was ready for it, because I knew I really wanted it and I got tons of flying bugs in me.
Hope you've done your research and know what's involved in being a crew, fatigue, odd hours, not much of a social/family life, missing out on your 20th birthday party, X'mas and NYE, the list goes on. Anyway, good luck with your endeavours and all the best for future interviews. :)

30th May 2007, 01:49
flugbegleiter68 - Well said! Sometimes even tho you feel like its just not happening quickly enough, its happening for a reason! Life experience is a wonderful thing to have and is also important. Try not to worry too much Daniel, its what they look for on the day - and its constantly changing! All you can do is keep applying, stay positive and wait for it to happen, bc if u want it bad enough it will happen! :ok:

HobartRockStarr - You are on a very attractove deal over there! It will be a big change coming home to the tough conditions we are facing here in Aus. Luckily there are a few choices, however i do DEFINATLY think JQI is not a place you should be heading. Domestic is tough but has much better conditions (as it started from Impulse), you get some time at home and the money is quite reasonable from what im told. The friends i have working at JQI are all CSMs and they say its a nightmare, they wish they never left what we had! Virgin could also be a good deal.. or MAM if you choose to work hard for casual conditions! Best of luck with your choice.:)

Mr Seatback 2 are you domestic JQ?

Mr Seatback 2
30th May 2007, 01:53
Yes I am Lucy Lou - very much Domestic (it's where the BIG money is!) :}

30th May 2007, 06:12
Thanks flugbegleiter68 and Lucy Lou
What you have said makes sense, lol just really frustrating because i want it to happen asap.:sad:
I will definately try to get a better job, im sick of subway anyway. As with my degree, i will do my best to finish but if a job with an airline comes along 1st i think it will be too hard to pass cuz i want it so much.
Theres nothing i can do about my age, guess ill just have to blow them away at the interview:D lol
Staying patient...Daniel

Hobart RockStarr
30th May 2007, 21:40
Hi and thanks to everyone that offered advice.
I THINK I will prob just stay here till the end of the year and see what happens- It's just that I've spent lotsa money to get the job and now It all seems a bit stupid of me. Besides I've got a great roster this month!

Hobart RockStarr
2nd Jun 2007, 07:35
Guys&Girls I also heard along the grape vine that Hobart JQ is strugling to find crew to work out of that base? I've applied online for domestic with Hobart as my base preference but have never ever had an email? Does anyone know whether they advertise externally (the Mercury Newspaper) or take all applications via the site? I'd be pretty happy to come back to Tas and do Domestic for a bit while I study.

2nd Jun 2007, 11:04
Where'd you hear that from that JQ are shortstaffed in Hobart?

4th Jun 2007, 00:52
i heard they were going to shut the base down!
(this is a rumor network after all!)

5th Jun 2007, 02:21
Hi Guys

I'm a newbie to this. I have a question for you all. What is the interview process like for the Jetstar Customer Service Manager (In-Flight) role like? I have an interview with them next week and really not sure what to expect. I have flown for about 5 years, but never been interviewed by JQ.

Also, does anyone have a grooming guide on JQ for hair standards?

Thanks heaps

6th Jun 2007, 03:33
This is only a rumour but I have heard that most AO crew who were successfull were offered CM positions, Cairns base. However due to the offer at QF most have turned JQI down, so you never know your luck, get onto them now. I heard start up in Cairns could be delayed.

Re hairstyles I would assume the same standards apply to JQ as QF so this should give you a good benchmark. From the QF grooming guide (I assume you are male)....


"Well cut hair is essential for a great appearance and should be short and clean, with sideburns kept short and trim.

-Invest in a good haircut and aim to have a trim every six weeks to keep your cut in shape.
-Use good quality shampoo and conditioner.
-Number 1' all-overs permitted, but all hair must be the same length.
-Use natural-look hair products.
-If you colour your hair, avoid unnatural colours by staying with shades which enhance your own colour.


-Hair length that falls onto eyebrows or shirt collar or has a "ducktail".
-Excessively slicked, "wet look" or spiky "Beckham" hair styles.
-Obvious toupees.
-Wedged or pageboy cuts, or closely shaved sides with long length on top.
-Wild colours, severe bleaching, obvious re-growth or exaggerated highlights.


-Ensure eyebrow hair is neat and tidy
-For excess nose or ear hair use nose clippers or a small electric nose shaver to trim protruding hairs.

Hope this helps, good luck.

6th Jun 2007, 03:58
hello everyone...newbie here...:)

ive got an interview for the jetstar long haul position in sydney on the 21st. anyone going to this??

never been for a jetstar interview before...im excited and nervous, as you would be for any interview really hehe :) but would anyone like to share any interview tips? would appreciate it alot!! :ok:thanks!!


6th Jun 2007, 05:50
Hiya MissLeadFoot

Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.

If anyone else has info on the assessment days, like whats involved, questions asked, please post here or pm me.

Cheers heaps

6th Jun 2007, 13:03
missleadfoot you're right. Only 1 person form AO has accepted a job with JQ since the decision to redeploy all AO crew to Qantas SH.

1st Jul 2007, 05:50
Hey to all you crew who are based in SYD, how do you go back and forth the airport?
Everything from parking to the trains and taxis are rather expensive, do you get any transport allowance or anything of that sort?
Just the train from the city to the airport is 12 bucks one way! It'll be a bit pricey if its done everyday I reckon...

1st Jul 2007, 08:25
We have free parking at the long term carpark. Shuttle bus takes us to the terminal. Most crew drive in but there are a couple who take public transport. Must be a nightmare for them trying to get in for an 0515 sign-on! :{

1st Jul 2007, 14:12
futureflier -
Parking is provided free as per Jetstar's EBA.

Regarding the trains you can purchase a weekly GatePass for $13 inconjunction with using a suburban ticket.

Train staff at the Airport stations only will sell you a weekly Gate Pass. This is not good for travel but merely opens the gates at AirportLink Stations. For travel you can you single, return, weekly or TravelPass tickets purchased separately from anywhere. Say you live in Rockdale you would by a suburban ticket to Central. If you lived in North Sydney or Newtown you would buy a suburban ticket to Wolli Creek. Bascially buy a ticket to wherever is on the other side of the aiport to where you are - Central or Wolli Creek.

If you only worked three time in one week then the above process is cheaper than a weekly. If you did a day trip you would buy a return to Wolli Creek or Central from where you live. If you did a overnight you would buy a single. Or if you alreay use a TravelPass to get around then use that with the GatePass.

This arrangement is only for airport staff. They will only sell you a GatePass if you present your suburban ticket or TravelPass or buy one at that time.

It sounds incredibly confusing but it works out MUCH cheaper, especially if you do overnights or you start after 9am (offpeak return). Get the AirportLink staff to explain it to you. They are really friendly and helpful. Alternately give me a PM with your email and I can answer any questions you have.

2nd Jul 2007, 12:59
thanks ditzyboy and A_B_P!

I'm asking cos I had a flight last week and thought I'd do a cheapie by taking the train to the airport and back, but it wasn't as cheap as I thought it would be!

Ditzyboy, you seem to know the system inside out! thanks heaps! I roughly get what you mean. I'm at circular quay (no i'm not at one of those $700/week apartments!) so I buy the ticket to Wolli Creek and get the Gate Pass at the airport station right?

You mentioned something bout overnights, do you have any of them on JQ Domestic?

I'm all ready to apply for the job, just my visa is taking its time to get approved! Had a flight with JQ last week, it was great!

5th Jul 2007, 01:17
Hey all,
I'm interested in knowing what Jetstar Pay ?
Whats there training process like and how long is it?
Are they currently recruiting ?

anyone started on domestic and then gone long haul ?

any info would be great.


13th Jul 2007, 03:56
Hey guys, Well this is the 2nd thing i have posted, the first being really helpful... I have just been accepted by jetstar for long haul, sooo excited!! Does anyone know what the training is like? I am super nervous.. Have no idea what to expect... Can anyone give me a heads up?? Hope so.. Thanks :)

31st Jul 2007, 07:54
ok so ive been to an assessment day... waiting to hear if i got through to the morning tea. but was just interested what the morning tea is all about? a meet and greet or more like a second interview? if you get through to the morning tea is that a good sign or not mean much at all?

31st Jul 2007, 23:45
The morning tea is a meet and greet and also their chance to check you out in a group situation. There may be a one on one afterwards. You will meet some management, maybe some crew as well, and you will need to interact with everyone including your fellow applicants. Keep the conversations light and don't forget to show interest in the others with some questions. Brush up on whats happening at JQ, you can check out the news on the JQ site. Don't forget to breathe and smile. ;)

Basically it's to see if you can hold yourself in public and are genuinely interested in the job. Yes, it's a good sign if you are invited to the morning tea, not everyone gets the chance.
Good luck if you get through and let us know how you go. :ok:

1st Aug 2007, 02:55
thanks for the advice! hopefully I will find out by the end of next week (fingers crossed!). while your being so helpful, do you have any idea of the time line from the morning tea to ground school dates? ... im getting a bit ahead of myself I know!

1st Aug 2007, 03:06
oooh jet star grubs

1st Aug 2007, 03:15
smileyface, sorry no idea about dates for ground schools. Nothing's ever set in stone with aviation, it happens when it happens you just have to be ready for the ride.

blackbandit what do you mean? :hmm:

1st Aug 2007, 03:52
I already work for an airline so I know the wonderful rides we get taken on... ! just hate waiting around not knowing whats going to happen, but im sure that will never change much!
thanks for your help :)

1st Aug 2007, 04:25
blackbandit after reading all of your 14 posts here on pprune it is obvious you have issues. Why you would spend time posting on this forum when you have such disdain for it's subject matter is beyond comprehension.:ugh:

Mr Seatback 2
1st Aug 2007, 04:59
I can hear TightSlot stirring from their slumber, with a cricket bat in hand...

Bye bye black dingbat.

1st Aug 2007, 06:13
I wonder why blackbandit has such a bad attitude? Now he's resorting to swearing at me in pm's, it's quite comedic. :}

It would lead me to believe he was rejected by the airline or the crew that work for them, either way he's an angry little person that needs some medication. Nurse..........

1st Aug 2007, 07:25
Good Morning. Sadly, somebody else got there first - somebody much more senior than me in PPRuNe (One of thee Dark Lords of Mordor) - and now blackbandit is no more, banished to the black bowels of the salt mines of Daarg.
We'll miss him...

2nd Aug 2007, 06:40
Does anyone know how long it takes for JQ-dom to get back to you (wether you're success or not) in terms of progression to the next round?

Thanks in advance.

2nd Aug 2007, 08:23
When I started 3 years ago... I had my 1st interview and all the rounds after that and had the job within 9 days....

3rd Aug 2007, 08:13
Congrats to all the Jetstar team for their awards from Skytrax this week.

World's Best Low Cost Airline

Best Low Cost Airline Australia/Pacific

Best Cabin Crew Australia/Pacific (low cost and full service)

It's a fantastic achievement and you should all be very proud.


6th Aug 2007, 09:42
G'day everyone! I'm new to this website. Great stuff!
I've just been accepted to Jetstar domestic afternoon tea!!!
Has anyone here been to one and what do I expect? Would really appreciate any help!
Thanks heaps!!!!!!!!!!!

6th Aug 2007, 10:13
I've just been asked to go to a JQ-dom afternoon tea aswell... where is yours? Mines in NTL.

6th Aug 2007, 20:52
Mines in NTL as well!!!! Do you have any idea what to expect? Congrats!:D:D:D:D

7th Aug 2007, 01:36
The morning tea is a meet and greet and also their chance to check you out in a group situation. There may be a one on one afterwards. You will meet some management, maybe some crew as well, and you will need to interact with everyone including your fellow applicants. Keep the conversations light and don't forget to show interest in the others with some questions. Brush up on whats happening at JQ, you can check out the news on the JQ site. Don't forget to breathe and smile. ;)

Basically it's to see if you can hold yourself in public and are genuinely interested in the job. Yes, it's a good sign if you are invited to the morning tea, not everyone gets the chance.
Good luck if you get through and let us know how you go. :ok:

I will be at the 'afternoon' tea in NTL aswell!

Does anyone know the ratio of how many they invite to the afternoon tea and how many positions they are offering??

A320 galleybitch
7th Aug 2007, 12:46
All you fresh newies!!!!!!!!!! You's are all asking too many speculative questions. Who knows anything about the workings of the recruitment process in the airline business. Go along, have some fun, be yourself. If you are what they are looking for then your in. If your not, then too bad. The main thing I do know what is looked at, is how you will be able to get on with Crew and Pax. If you cant get on with the crew then you got no chance of getting on with pax, hence you will not be any good to the company.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

7th Aug 2007, 21:32
Cheers Galleybitch!!!!:):)

8th Aug 2007, 07:48
To all those going to the NTL afternoon tea on 17/8...

Were any of you people at the NTL assessment centre back in late July? Anyone in the morning group? If so which table were you at? There were only 22 of us in the morning group, so I'm sure we would have seen each other there. I was at table one.

PM me please.

Btw Regionalgirl, if you're who I think you are you were at my table (table 1).


8th Aug 2007, 07:50
I get the feeling we will be seeing more of A320_galleybitch... especially as his/her profile says their in NTL.

Two of my references were contacted yesterday btw.

8th Aug 2007, 09:19

1 August 2007

Jetstar announced in FSO 163/07 on 30 July that CASA has granted the airline approval to commence 4 Cabin Crew Operations on A320 aircraft, effective 6 August 2007.

It is matter of considerable concern to the FAAA that changes as significant as these are being introduced by Jetstar without a single word of consultation with your union – despite Jetstar’s commitment to do so.
Whilst the FSO explains that “Jetstar will initially continue to plan and roster 5 Cabin Crew” on all flights, it also advises that 5 crew operations may be reduced to 4 to meet operational requirements.

In these circumstances Jetstar is no longer guaranteeing that passenger numbers will be automatically reduced to 144 to adjust for the reduction in crew complement. It appears 4 crew operations will now be required to depart with a full passenger complement of 177.

Despite categorical assurances given by Jetstar that it would consult and with the FAAA before introducing any such change it appears Jetstar plans to introduce reduced crew operations without any trials or consideration of how cabin crew will cope with service delivery.

Under the heading Turnaround Management, the FSO proposes that turnaround requirements will be met by performing some existing turnaround duties in flight. Five crew operations currently struggle to meet service delivery on many flights. It is unrealistic to assume that a reduced crew operation will now be able to provide a full service as well as perform additional duties in flight.

At a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting on 18 July in Melbourne the FAAA raised this issue and requested full consultation and ongoing discussions. The FAAA identified a number of key concerns that needed to be fully resolved before cabin crew could be fairly expected to perform new duties or changed arrangements.

The issues identified by the FAAA are:
• OH&S considerations in relation to cabin safety (procedures for emergency evacuation etc)
• Workload and service delivery
• Industrial issues (relevant rates of pay etc)
• Turnaround requirements

Jetstar gave an unequivocal commitment to the FAAA representatives at the meeting that no change would be introduced until these issues were discussed.

Your Union has requested an urgent meeting with Jetstar to discuss and resolve these important issues.

We want to assure FAAA members that we will do everything within our power to protect your interests, and will now demand that the proposed cabin crew complement changes are delayed to allow proper discussions to occur.

I am sorry you folks are copping this too, at Virgin Blue it was brought in earlier this year on our B738's. Suffice to say service standards have been affected, even though the company has made some concessions - the biggest being that the caterers put our catering away for us now. This unfortunately is of no assistance inflight, particularly for the allocation of crew breaks, which on a 4 sector day with 4 crew will usually mean no one gets a break - and its rare the CS will actually get a chance to eat food properly (inhaling a cheese & biscuits whilst counting the money does not count) - at least the rear based crew get a few minutes of quiet time after securing the cabin before the "double ding". Lets hope the FAAA fights this for you - unfortunately they happily accepted it for us :*

8th Aug 2007, 11:47
It was bound to happen sooner or later in fact I am suprised it has taken this long for JQ to get rid of the 5th crew member.

Have fun boys and girls.

9th Aug 2007, 01:50
Oh well.... Bring on the rest break forms
more money in my pocket. More sick days to use

A320 galleybitch
9th Aug 2007, 14:07
I'm sorry to say this smartalec888 (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=174117), but you will never know who I am. If you become CC you will never ever find out who I really am, you might work with me everyday, but a smart Galleybitch never tells:).

As for the min crew saga. We are still being rostered 5 crew per flight. Crewing will use up all avail and live day crew to cover any shortages, but will not call in crew from days off. This straight from horses (crewing) mouth.

9th Aug 2007, 21:04
Best Cabin Crew Australia/Pacific (low cost and full service)


Mr Seatback 2
10th Aug 2007, 00:31
Says a lot, doesn't it?

10th Aug 2007, 23:42
roamingwolf, sorry probably should have typed lowcost OR full service.

As in JQ cabin crew were voted to be the best against Qantas, Virgin, Air New Zealand etc.

Hope this clarifies.:)

11th Aug 2007, 00:58
low cost and full service/lowcost OR full service.

sorry mate but whats the diff.what flights do jetstar do that are full service

11th Aug 2007, 07:38
Jetstar do not do full service but the airlines that they were up against for "Best Cabin Crew" are. The award was given to the best cabin staff in the Australia/Pacific region which includes all low cost AND full service carriers.

Is this not making sense? :confused:

11th Aug 2007, 07:47
Is this not making sense?

Yes, it is - The thread is being sniped at, that's all - shall we move on?

A320 galleybitch
11th Aug 2007, 13:01
I'll simplify things. 1 minute we are Australia's WORST airline. Now we are Australia's BEST.

Too easy.

Are there any other issues which anyone needs me to simplify???????????

12th Aug 2007, 01:46
Your right A320 galleybitch..It was too easy

12th Aug 2007, 07:13
tightslot.not sniping mate just trying to show that the result is comparing apples and oranges thats all.

12th Aug 2007, 08:16
Thanks Mr. Wolf - However, I would now like this thread to move on and away from here...