View Full Version : GMP

Bean Counter
6th Sep 2006, 20:58
Apart from the fact that a clearance is being issued (for which I'm sure a suitable clause to an R/T licence could be concocted) is there any reason why GMP cannot be operated by a non-ATCO?

Stands back to await call of "incoming"


6th Sep 2006, 21:17
I think it depends on the exact function you're talking about. Ground Movement Planner is a control position, therefore requires an ATCO. A purely Clearance Delivery position could be operated by an ATCO, as I believe was the case in the past with Manchester.

6th Sep 2006, 21:54
As GONZO has stated, Manch had a CDP [Clearance Delivery Position] manned [sorry Ladies] by an ATSA3. Due to "Personell" changes, it was thought that an ATCO could,
a. Plan [Monitor engine starts, so not to overload "Ground"]
b. Be an "Active ATCO" in case of an Emegency, IF the Tower Sup/Watch Manager is not avble.
Now, the GMP and Ground ATSA [in the case of LVPs/Heavy Slot Delays] certainly earn their corn :ok:
That's me at 7am tomorrow :uhoh: