View Full Version : FAO Flowman (or other CFMU bods)

21st Aug 2006, 21:29
Just wondering if you could answer a query....

If we ever contact flow regarding an a/c that's taxying out that will miss its slot time, the answer some of the time is: "Let it go, and log it."

So we enter the details in our ATC Log. Does that information ever get back to you?

22nd Aug 2006, 07:34
Could it be forming part of a 'Paper Trail' if that particuar aircraft was deemed to have caused an overload due to it not complying with it's slot.

choclit runway
22nd Aug 2006, 11:04
Overloads... You guys need to have word in the ear of the powers that be in the middle-east... "...we do not have slot delays...".

I know eurocontrol buffers it a bit for you but couldnt believe it when I got here and realised aircraft are just released. Funny how they implement inbound flow if their own controllers are gonna see an overload though. Muscat does implement flow but not to the extent that slots help the arrival sectors. It's more to ease their own work load.

Not seen a departure slot yet!!!!

22nd Aug 2006, 17:47
SH, if they really want to they can track it back very simply without any paper!

22nd Aug 2006, 18:08
It appears to just give us a record that we had permission to depart the aircraft outside of it's CTOT.