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View Full Version : Flying in South of Spain

20th Aug 2006, 09:22
Hi Everyone,

I'd like to take a few days to go to South of Spain (Andalucia) in November to do some flying. Has anyone done that already ? any recommendation as of good flying(rental) clubs and excursions ?

Information welcome


20th Aug 2006, 11:29
sottens, there are quite a few threads re this here, suggest you check the archives (go to 'advanced search' to search for threads that are more than a month old), if these don't answer your questions come back and I (and a few others) can and will sort you out :ok:

20th Aug 2006, 15:48

Agreed. MODERATORS, will you please, please, please set the default search period to "any date" and not just the "last month". This way we will have fewer and more comprehensive threads with less repetition.


When logged in, you can click on search, advanced search and then specify "spain ppl hire" or something similar. To save you some searching in this case, here's my thread from earlier this year:


20th Aug 2006, 16:07
Hi BritishPPL. I am not sure if the software can be defaulted like that but I will ask the boss though, he knows about these things.... :)