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View Full Version : Notams - EGXX?

16th Aug 2006, 11:29
If one asks for an area brief for a specific FIR (for example 'EGTT'), one also gets Notams for a FIR called 'EGXX'. I've looked around but can't find any reference to what EGXX is. Is it a a kind of catch-all perhaps, or one that covers multiple FIRs?

Edited to say:

Maybe it is only for EGTT - I've tried a couple of other FIRs on their own and don't get any EGXX notams???

Mike Cross
16th Aug 2006, 16:17
The answer's in Annex15 Appendix 6, 3 1) for which I sent you a link.

Country indicator followed by XX if more than one FIR in the State is affected, in which case the FIR indicators appear in Item A). It's not specific to EGTT, it's universal.


16th Aug 2006, 16:18
Thanks. I had that hunch.