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View Full Version : Safety budget as a % of revenue

10th Aug 2006, 08:12
I'm after some information regarding what % of revenue an airline would allocate to its safety department.

I don't need the airline's name, just the indicative %.

Any help, much appreciated.

10th Aug 2006, 13:44
What might you desire the information for?

10th Aug 2006, 22:53
I manage a safety department for an organisation that is involved in a number different types of operations, including RPT, CHTR, Freight and other activities.

I'm attempting to get an idea of how my budget aligns with best practice. I'm not interested in the name's of organisation's, just indicative %'s.

I'm surprised a moderator would ask why with what appears to be some suspicion.

I'm happy to be more specific via PM.

11th Aug 2006, 03:02
Any appearance of suspicion was unintentional surfnsun. It was likely poor wording on my part.

Was trying to help flesh out the question as it didn't seem to be generating any answers for you.

11th Aug 2006, 08:58
Ok, then in that case, thanks.

I don't seem to be able to find any references to any indicative amounts (%)allocated for safety related budets.

Given that we are approximately 1200 employees, what would be reasonable? 1%? 5%?

Any well founded ideas appreciated.

11th Aug 2006, 09:31
I believe this is a subjective question in as much as safety may well cost more in one company than another where are differences in organisational structure, complexity, differences in existing safety culture etc.

Parhaps it would be better to start with the question " safety costs xxx$, what is the percentage of revenue left?"

It would therefore be more useful to know how much safety costs, or in other words how much will you need to spend on error toleration, prevention and capture.

Most shrewd companies would evaluate the cost of error and consider a risk benefit analysis appropriate to speculate on safety budget size. If for example you already have a large training budget with effective training than you are less likely to find your revenue being spent on quality issues.

I have PM'd an error cost calculator airlines are finding increasingly useful. Its on page 2.

Oh that's super!
11th Aug 2006, 11:22
Darkbarly, sorry to butt in, but could I have this calculator PMed to me as well, please? Thank you!